Official UKC Conformation Rulebook - United Kennel Club · numerical weekend date of the year. This is based upon a 52-week calendar. If a club offers an event on the 4th weekend - [PDF Document] (2024)


Effective January 1, 2011

Table of ContentsRegulations Governing UKC® Licensed

Conformation Shows ..............................................3Jurisdiction .................................................................3Who May Offer Conformation Events .......................3Definitions...................................................................3General Rules.............................................................6Dog Temperament and Behavior...............................8Use of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs at Events ...............9Misconduct and Discipline.......................................10Entering a UKC Event ..............................................17Judging Schedule ....................................................20Judge Changes........................................................20United Kennel Club Policy on Show Site

Changes and Canceled Events............................21Regular Licensed Classes........................................23Dogs That May Compete in Altered

Licensed Classes..................................................30Junior Showmanship ...............................................35Awards, Trophies and Ribbons................................37UKC Recognized Breeds Eligible

for Conformation Competition..............................39Rules Applying to Exhibitors and Spectators..........46Exhibitor Guidelines .................................................50UKC Special Exhibition and Judging Procedures

for Belgian Shepherd Dogs Only .........................51Conformation Titles ..................................................55Non-Licensed Conformation Classes ......................60Top Ten Competition ................................................65Judges’ Code of Ethics and Rules for Judges........65Dogs That May Not Be Entered

Under a Judge ......................................................67Exhibitors Who May Not Enter

Under a Judge ......................................................67Judging Procedures.................................................68Scheduling UKC Events ...........................................71Planning UKC Events ...............................................77Inherent Rights & Powers of UKC............................82UKC Policy Regarding Persons

Associated With Fighting Dogs ............................83UKC Conformation Point Schedules

Regular Classes ...........................................86 & 87Altered Classes ............................................88 & 89

UNITED KENNEL CLUB, INC.100 E Kilgore Rd • Kalamazoo MI 49002-5584

(269) 343-9020 • www.ukcdogs.comMonday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Regulations GoverningUKC® Licensed

Conformation Shows *Effective January 1, 2011

UKC is the trademark of theUnited Kennel Club, Inc.located in Kalamazoo, MI.The use of the initials UKC inassociation with any otherregistry would be in violation

of the registered trademark. Notify the United KennelClub, 100 E Kilgore Rd, Kalamazoo MI 49002-5584,should you become aware of such a violation.

I. Jurisdiction. The following rules and regula-tions governing UKC licensed conformation showsand the awarding of UKC Championship points andtitles issued by United Kennel Club, Inc., are uniformand are not given on a local or geographical basis.All UKC licensed conformation shows shall be gov-erned by the rules herein.

II. Who may offer conformation events. AnyUKC single or all-breed club that is eligible to offerconformation shows may be licensed to offer singlebreed, multiple breed, or all-breed events. UKCreserves the right to grant, withhold or revoke eventlicenses at its own discretion.

III. Definitions.A. All-breed show. A conformation show thatoffers classes for all breeds eligible for UKC con-formation privileges.*B. Altered. A dog made sterile by castrationor spaying.*C. Blind. A dog is blind if it has no useful sight. D. Breeder of record. The owner of the damon the date of breeding is the breeder of recordof all dogs whelped in the resulting litter.*E. Class Dogs. Conformation classes forintact dogs that have not attained their Championor Grand Champion title.F. Conformation show. A show hosted by aUKC licensed club at which the physical attributesand temperament of purebred dogs are evaluatedby Judges in accordance with these rules and theUKC standards for each breed. In the absence ofa UKC standard, the FCI standard applies.*G. Corresponding date. UKC does notschedule events by which weekend an event fallswithin a month but rather by a corresponding

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numerical weekend date of the year. This isbased upon a 52-week calendar. If a club offersan event on the 4th weekend of this year, thenthat club’s corresponding numerical date in allsubsequent years is also the 4th weekend.Approximately every five years (or so) the actualdate of the event may be up to five days different.H. Customary Exhibition Procedure.Standard conformation procedure, i.e., handlerposes dog for examination and gaits the dog in aprescribed pattern as directed by the judge.Eligible handler exhibits the entry without assis-tance from a third party. I. Day-of-show entry. Most UKC clubs allowentries to be taken on the day of a show or trial.The start and finish time for taking these entriesis published in BLOODLINES magazine and onthe UKC website. Shows that do not offer day ofshow entries are designated as “PE (pre-entry)ONLY” in the “Upcoming Event” listings.J. Determining a dog’s age. In determininga dog’s age for entry purposes, a month-to-monthcalendar day system shall be used. For example,a dog born on January 1 shall turn six months oldon July 1 of the same year.K. Disqualified. Dog is deemed ineligible forcompetition. This can be the result of a conditionprohibited in the rules, such as an alteration to thedog’s natural state, an undesirable trait as listed ina breed standard, or a condition of or action by adog that is prohibited under the rules of theUnited Kennel Club. A dog that has been disqual-ified from a conformation show or performanceevent pursuant to Section V may not participate inany further events unless reinstated by UKC.*L. Eliminating Fault. This is a fault seriousenough that it eliminates the dog from obtainingany awards in a conformation event. Dogs witheliminating faults are not disqualified and maycontinue to compete at future shows, but theyare not to be awarded a placement.*M. Entry Form. An official UKC documentrequired for entry into a UKC licensed event. Theentry form provides all of the necessary informa-tion regarding the dog being entered into theevent as well as the owner information for the dog.N. Excused. A dog that has been excused bya Judge in any event may not participate in anyother events of the same type in the same showor trial, except that in Obedience and Agility, anexcused dog may compete in another class atthe same trial. A dog excused from a conforma-tion class in show 1 may be shown again on the

same day in show 2. It is also eligible for any per-formance events on the same day. O. Guideline. An indication or outline of rec-ommended policy or conduct.P. Immediate family. The spouse, parent, step-parent, child, step-child, brother or sister of a per-son are considered immediate family members.*Q. Intact. Dogs (males/females) that have fullreproductive organs present, including for males,two normal descended testicl*s.R. Licensed classes. Classes that arerequired to be offered at a UKC conformationshow or performance event.*S. Limited Privilege Program. This pro-gram is open to the following, provided they arespayed/neutered: mixed breed dogs, purebreddogs of unknown pedigree, and purebred dogswith disqualifying faults as described in their UKCbreed standard. All Limited Privilege dogs are eli-gible for Junior Showmanship, Agility, DockJumping, Obedience, Rally Obedience, WeightPull, and other performance events (Note: LP reg-istered dogs are not eligible for Altered conforma-tion events). Eligibility for future events will bedetermined and published in UKC publicationsand on the UKC website.T. Multi-Breed show. A conformation showthat offers classes for more than one breed butfewer than all the breeds eligible for UKC confor-mation privileges.U. Non-Licensed classes. Optional classesthat may be offered at a UKC conformation showor performance event.*V. Performance event. Events where a dogis judged on the basis of performance rather thanconformation. Agility, obedience, rally obedience,terrier racing, weight pull, are typical performanceevents. W. Pre-Entry. Some UKC clubs offer advanceentry in addition to day-of-show entry. Advanceentries must be submitted by a specific date(published in BLOODLINES and on the UKC web-site), and are normally lower in price than day-of-show entries.X. Pre-Entry Only. Some UKC clubs do notallow day-of-show entries and require that allentries be submitted by a specific date (publishedin BLOODLINES and on the UKC website). Theseevents are described as "PRE-ENTRY ONLY” (PE).*Y. Regular Classes. Licensed conformationclasses for intact dogs.Z. Single breed show. A conformation showthat offers classes for a single breed. This is alsosometimes referred to as a “specialty” show.

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AA. Sportsmanship. Conduct and attitudeconsidered as befitting participants in sports,especially fair play, courtesy and grace in losing.BB. Temporary Listing (TL) number. ATemporary Listing is a number issued to an eligi-ble dog that is not permanently registered withUKC, prior to the start of any licensed events. ATL number allows that dog to be entered andshown as a valid entry, receive wins and havethose wins converted onto its record once per-manently registered. (Some restrictions apply.) *CC. Types of licensed Conformationclasses:1. Regular Classes. Classes for all intact dogs.2. Altered Classes. Classes for altered dogs.3. Junior Showmanship Classes. Evaluation ofa Junior Handler’s ability to present his/herdog, his/her general dog knowledge, andhis/her specific knowledge of the dog andbreed of dog he/she is presenting.

DD. Wicket. A measuring device that is used toaccurately determine a dog’s height. Height isdetermined by drawing a straight line from thetop of the withers perpendicular to the ground. EE. Withers. The high part of the back of adog, located between the shoulder blades.

IV. General Rules.A. Licenses. All licenses for UKC licensedevents shall be granted or withheld at the solediscretion of the United Kennel Club.*B. Regulation and recording of eventresults. The UKC Dog Events Department regu-lates and records the results of conformationshows, agility trials, dock jumping events, lurecoursing meets, obedience trials, rally obediencetrials, terrier races, weight pulls and issuesawards for levels of achievement at these events.Additional events may be added at the sole dis-cretion of United Kennel Club. C. Governing rules. UKC licensed events aregoverned by UKC rules, classifications, and pointsystems. D. Suspended/Barred Individuals. A list ofindividuals who have been suspended or barredby UKC will be published in each issue ofBLOODLINES magazine. A person who is sus-pended or barred is prohibited from participatingin any UKC Licensed event, including, but notlimited to owner, co-owner, handler, back-up han-dler, Judge, guide, vendor, spectator, Master ofHounds, Bench Show Judge, Judge or Directorfor any Conformation or Performance event.*E. Eligibility for licensed classes. Entry

in licensed classes is limited to: 1. Dogs that are permanently registered withUKC as of the day of the event.2. Dogs that have a valid Temporary Listing (TL)number as of the day of the event.3. Dogs that have a Limited Privilege (LP) listingnumber (performance events only) as of theday of the event. 4. At a Pre-Entry only show, the dog must bePermanently Registered, have a valid TL or avalid LP number by the closing date of the event.5. Dogs that are at least six months of age onthe day of the event.

F. Eligibility for non-licensed classes.Entry in non-licensed conformation classes islimited as described in Section XXII.*G. Ineligible for entry in a UKCLicensed event. Dogs that have been dis-qualified pursuant to Section V, may not partici-pate in any event unless reinstated by UKC.*H. Females in Season. Females in seasonmust not be entered or shown in the JuniorShowmanship classes. Females in season maybe shown in the Regular classes.I. Show Grounds Restrictions. No dog lessthan 8 weeks of age may be present on the groundsof a UKC licensed event. Any other dog not enteredinto the event is at the discretion of the club.J. Finality of Judges’ decisions. By enter-ing any class, the owner and handler of any dogagree to accept the decision of the Judge as final.The decision of a Judge is the responsibility of theJudge and not that of United Kennel Club.K. When points or legs are awarded. Pointsor legs earned toward UKC titles are awarded afterUnited Kennel Club has received and processedthe official event report from the host club.L. Title Certificate. UKC will mail the appro-priate Title Certificate to the owner on record,once a title has been verified. M. Responsibility of Owner to adviseUKC of address changes. It is the responsi-bility of the owner on record to notify UKC ofaddress changes for any UKC registered dogswho may have pending titles. N. UKC right to review and correct event-related documents. UKC has the right toinspect all reports, score sheets, and other docu-ments related to UKC licensed events and toreview those documents for any reason. UKCreserves the right to correct any mistakes found.Pursuant to the Inherent Rights and Powers, UKCemployees may make corrections, additions ordeletions to any documents related to UKC

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licensed events, regardless of whether or not thosedocuments are signed by a Judge or club officer.O. UKC right to change rules, policies andfees. UKC reserves the right to change rules, poli-cies, and fees at any time without notice.P. Required inoculations. All dogs sixmonths of age or older must have inoculations forRabies, Canine Distemper and Canine Parvovirusto be eligible to compete at UKC events. Dogsunder six months of age present on the groundsof any UKC event must have current inoculationsfor Canine Distemper and Canine Parvovirus.Failure to comply with this paragraph will result indisciplinary action.

V. Dog Temperament and Behavior. Owners of*ckC Registered dogs are responsible for the behaviorof their dogs at UKC events. Dogs participating in UKCevents are expected to have stable temperamentsappropriate to their breeds and to be sufficiently welltrained so that no dog’s behavior interferes with theJudge’s ability to evaluate the dog or its performance.Owners or designated handlers are expected toensure at all times that their dogs present no threat topersons or other dogs attending the event.

A. Excusing a dog for temperament orbehavior in the ring. A Judge may excuse adog when the dog’s behavior significantly inter-feres with the Judge’s ability to evaluate the dogor with the ability of other exhibitors to show theirdogs. This includes, but is not limited to, suchbehavior as not standing for examination or refus-ing to walk. A Judge must excuse a dog when thedog’s demeanor gives the Judge reason tobelieve that the dog may not safely be examinedby the Judge. In such cases, the Judge mustmark the dog “Excused” in the Judge’s book andstate the reason for the excusal. The Judge’sdecision in such matters is final. B. Disqualifying a dog for temperamentor behavior.*1. When the bite or attack occurs in thering. (For the purpose of defining the ring area,it is construed to include all areas in which thejudge is officiating including but not limited to;the chute area, on deck area, weigh-in area,staging/holding area, catch/release area.) AJudge must disqualify a dog that bites orattempts to bite a person, or that bites or attacksanother dog. The term “attack” shall be con-strued to include unprovoked physical contactbetween the two dogs. If the bite, attempted biteor attack occurs in the ring, the Judge must markthe dog “disqualified” in the Judge’s book and

state the reason for the disqualification. TheJudge’s decision in such matters is final. TheJudge must complete the UKC “Disqualified forAttacking” report form and report any such inci-dent to the Event Committee immediately. 2. When the bite or attack occurs else-where. Any person who witnesses a dog bitingor attempting to bite a person, or biting or attack-ing another dog anywhere on the event groundsother than in the ring must report it immediatelyto a member of the Event Committee or the hostclub. The host club must investigate the allegedbite, attempted bite or attack and the club mustfile a complaint using the procedure outlined inSection VII of this rulebook. Once the complaintis complete, the Event Committee must send thecomplaint to UKC with their Event Report. Thedog is considered disqualified in this situationand must not enter or exhibit at any UKCLicensed event until reinstated by UKC, and theEvent Committee must immediately notify allconcerned parties of same.*3. UKC procedures for dogs disqualifiedunder this section. When UKC is notified thata dog has been disqualified under this section, theowner of the dog will be notified by certified mailof the Judge’s report (disqualified in the ring) orthe disciplinary committee’s findings. The ownerof the dog shall have 14 days from receipt of thisnotification to show cause why the dog should notbe barred from participating in future UKC eventsand from all registration privileges. After reviewingany mitigating or extenuating evidence submittedby the owner, a Disciplinary Committee com-posed of UKC staff members shall make a findingof facts and determine the penalty, and this rulingshall be final. The owner of the dog shall be noti-fied of the outcome within 30 days of receipt of theowner’s response. Owners of dogs that arebarred from registration privileges are required toreturn the dog’s UKC registration certificate within14 days of notice that the dog is barred. Failure topromptly return the registration certificate canresult in loss of UKC privileges. Dogs barred fromregistration privileges may not be transferred. Thename, breed and owner of a dog barred from reg-istration privileges shall be published once in thefirst issue of BLOODLINES magazine after theowner is notified.

VI. Use of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs atEvents. The use of alcohol and illegal drugs at UKCevents is prohibited. Violators may be excused fromthe ring by the Judge and from the show or event

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grounds by the Event Committee or any officer of thehost club. The decisions of these officials are final. TheEvent Secretary is to file a Misconduct and Disciplineform notifying UKC in writing of any Judge who isexcused by the host club for violation of this rule.

VII. Misconduct and Discipline.A. Standard of conduct at a UKC event.United Kennel Club events are intended to befamily-oriented recreation for dog lovers and theirUKC Registered dogs. Accordingly, UKC expectsthe highest standard of conduct at events.B. Misconduct. Misconduct may be definedas conduct by a person that is prejudicial to theinterests of the sport of purebred dogs. There arethree general categories of misconduct: 1. Wrongdoing at a UKC event. This mayinclude, but is not limited to, threatening, assault-ing or battering another individual; falsifying anyevent-related document; cheating or conspiringto cheat in order to improve the standing of anydog competing at an event; abusing or neglect-ing a dog; throwing bait in the ring; littering thering with bait; using bait or a squeaker in the ringwhen a Judge has prohibited their use.2. Wrongdoing not associated with a UKCevent. This may include, but is not limited to, fal-sification of UKC registration papers; misidenti-fication of a dog or the parentage of a dog;abuse or neglect of dogs; or continued failureto keep proper registration records.3. Uttering a payment with non-sufficient funds.This category refers to paying entry fees via acheck with non-sufficient funds in the account,the use of a debit or credit card that is declined,forged or invalid money orders, or other forms ofpayment where an exhibitor’s entry fees remainunpaid after competing. Refer to Section VII. E.Procedures for handling an uttering a paymentwith non-sufficient funds.

C. Jurisdiction. All persons present on thegrounds of a UKC event during the event hoursare subject to the jurisdiction of the UKC. In addi-tion, UKC has jurisdiction over any misconductthat may occur off the grounds of the event or out-side event hours, provided that the misconduct isreasonably related to the event. This paragraphshall be interpreted as broadly as is necessary toregulate such off-grounds misconduct as abuseof motel rooms by persons attending the events.D. Procedures for handling misconductduring or associated with an event. 1. The complaint.

a. Who must file a complaint. Any per-son or persons who become aware of an act ofmisconduct during the hours of a UKC event,must notify either the Event Chairperson or theEvent Secretary at any time during the hours ofthe event. (1) When a Judge observes miscon-duct in the chute or on-deck area. AnyJudge who observes misconduct by anexhibitor in the Judge’s ring must excuse theexhibitor from the ring and file a complaint withthe Event Chairperson or Event Secretary assoon as practicable. The Judge must note thereason for excusal in his/her Judge’s book.(2) When a person is excused for mis-conduct in the chute or on-deckarea. A person excused by the Judge formisconduct in the ring may not show in anyother class or event until after his/her hearing.The club shall not refund any entry feesunless the Hearing Committee makes a find-ing that the alleged misconduct did not occur,that the misconduct was not prejudicial to theinterests of the sport of purebred dogs, or thatthe misconduct did not occur in conjunctionwith a UKC event. No dog owned or co-owned by the excused person may continuein further competition until the matter hasbeen resolved by a hearing. If the excusedperson is handling a dog that he/she does notown or co-own, that dog may be returned tocompetition with another handler.(3) When a person observes miscon-duct by a member of the EventCommittee or a Judge at an event.Any person who becomes aware of an act ofmisconduct by a member of the EventCommittee or a Judge during the hours ofan event must file a complaint in accordancewith this Section. Complaints about aJudge’s placements must be dealt with inaccordance with Section XV, Paragraph A.

b. Upon receipt of a complaint. Uponreceipt of a complaint, the Event Chairpersonshall provide the complainant with a UKCMisconduct Report and Hearing Form. Thecomplainant must enter the name of the sub-ject of the complaint (hereinafter referred to asthe “respondent”) in Section 3, and completeall of Sections 1 and 2, providing the following: (1) Section 1. The club name, location ofthe event, the date of the incident, and thename of the Event Chairperson.

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(2) Section 2. The complainant’s name,address, daytime and evening phone num-bers, and the facts and circ*mstances of thealleged misconduct, including the specificsections of the pertinent UKC rulebookwhich have allegedly been violated.The Event Chairperson shall then appoint fromthe officers and directors of the host club, twopersons who shall serve, with the EventChairperson, as the Hearing Committee,except that no officer or director who wit-nessed the alleged misconduct shall serve onthe Hearing Committee. Additionally, no per-son who is related to or living in the samehousehold as either the complainant or anyaccused person shall serve on the hearingcommittee. If no officer or director is eligible toserve, then other club members may beappointed. The Event Chairperson shall serveas Chairperson of the Hearing Committee andshall set a time and place for the hearing. If theEvent Chairperson witnessed the alleged mis-conduct, he/she shall appoint, from the officersand directors of the host club, three personswho shall serve as the Hearing Committee andshall also designate one to serve asChairperson of the Hearing Committee. TheChairperson of the Hearing Committee shallappoint a member to record the notes of thehearing. The place for the hearing shall be onthe event grounds and the hearing time shallbe set so as to give the respondent adequatetime to prepare for the hearing.

2. Notice. As soon as possible after receivingthe complaint, the Hearing Chairperson shalladvise the respondent of: a. The specific conduct that is the subject ofthe complaint and the time and place at whichthe alleged misconduct occurred; b. The name of the complainant; c. The names of witnesses against him/her;and, d. The time and place of the hearing. The Hearing Chairperson must enter therespondent’s address and daytime and eveningphone numbers in Section 3 of the complaint.He/she may obtain this information directly fromthe respondent or from respondent’s UKC offi-cial entry form, if the respondent is an exhibitor.If the respondent cannot be located on thegrounds, the Hearing Chairperson shall select adate, time and place for the hearing and notifythe respondent in writing by certified mail(return receipt requested) at the mailing

address on the UKC official entry form or therespondent’s last known address, whichever isapplicable. Every reasonable effort shall bemade to locate and notify the respondent of thecomplaint and hearing. Hearings not held onthe day of the event must be held no more than28 calendar days from the date of the event.

3. If the respondent fails to appear atthe hearing. If, after having been advised ofthe complaint and the date, time and place ofthe hearing, the respondent fails to appear, thehearing shall proceed without the respondent.4. The Hearing. a. Advisem*nt of respondent’s rights.The Hearing Committee Chairperson shalladvise the respondent of the following rights: (1) The right to be present during the testi-mony of all witnesses; (2) The right to cross-examine all witnesses;(3) The right to present witnesses on his/herown behalf; and,(4) The right to testify in his/her own behalf.

b. Witnesses. All witnesses who comebefore the Hearing Committee shall testifyunder oath administered by the HearingChairperson. Witnesses who are unable toattend in person may testify by telephone.c. Order of testimony. The complainantshall present his/her evidence first, followedby the respondent’s evidence. d. Cross-examination. Each party shall beallowed to cross-examine the other’s witness-es. Members of the Hearing Committee shallalso be allowed to question the witnesses.e. Spectators. Spectators shall not beallowed at Hearing Committee hearingsexcept for UKC Field Representatives appoint-ed to attend the hearing on behalf of UKC orUKC staff. f. Attorneys. No party shall be entitled tohave an attorney present at the hearing.

5. Findings. At the conclusion of the hearing,the complainant, respondent and all witnessesshall be excused. The Hearing Committee shalldeliberate and make their findings based on apreponderance of the evidence. A two-thirdsmajority is sufficient to make findings. The find-ings shall be reported as follows: a. Whether the alleged misconduct wasproven to have occurred;b. Whether the alleged misconduct was prejudi-cial to the interests of the sport of purebred dogs;c. Whether the alleged misconduct occurred

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in connection with a UKC event.In reaching its decision, the Hearing Committeemay not consider the respondent’s general rep-utation or status in the sport of purebred dogs,prior acts of misconduct, nor the extent of therespondent’s investment in dogs. The sole con-sideration must be the specific instance of mis-conduct with which the respondent is charged.

6. Completing The UKC® MisconductReport And Hearing Form. The HearingCommittee Chairperson shall complete Sections4, 5 and 6 of the Misconduct Report and HearingForm as follows: a. Section 4: The name, address and phonenumber of each witness and a summary ofeach witness’s testimony. This summary shallinclude all pertinent facts provided by the wit-ness. If the space on the form is insufficient,additional sheets of paper may be used torecord the summary.b. Section 5: The date and time that respon-dent was notified of the hearing and the names,addresses and daytime and evening phonenumbers of the Hearing Committee members.c. Section 6: The Hearing Committee’s find-ings and recommendations shall be enteredin this section. In addition, each member ofthe Hearing Committee shall then sign theform in the space provided and enter his/heraddress, daytime and evening phone num-bers and e-mail. Within 10 calendar days of the hearing, theHearing Chairperson shall forward one copy ofthe UKC Misconduct Report and Hearing Formto United Kennel Club. The club hosting theevent shall also keep a copy of the completedUKC Misconduct Report and Hearing Form.

E. Procedures for handling an uttering apayment with non-sufficient funds. 1. When the club or Event Manager becomesaware of an act of uttering in the amount of$100.00 or more, the Treasurer must make awritten notification along with proof the violationand a copy of the dog’s entry form(s) to UKCwithin 21 days of the event.2. The appropriate UKC Department Head shallreview all such cases. If the findings of prejudicialmisconduct are upheld, the UKC DepartmentHead or Disciplinary Committee shall imposeone or more of the following penalties: a. Invalid Entry. The dog’s record for theevent will be treated as an invalid entry whenrecording the Event Results.

b. The exhibitor must contact the club immedi-ately upon notification from their financial insti-tution that the payment was insufficient andresolve the insufficient funds entry payment tothe club. Additionally, the club must make everyreasonable attempt to collect sufficient funds.c. The club may collect a reasonable amountof fees in addition to the entry amount fromthe exhibitor.d. When the outstanding debt has been suc-cessfully paid by the exhibitor, which mayinclude additional charges assessed to theclub by their financial institution, the club mustnotify UKC within 7 days.

3. Appeal. After UKC has been notified by theclub or Event Manager that the uttering hasbeen successfully paid, the exhibitor may makean appeal to re-instate the dog’s points to theDisciplinary Committee. An appeal must befiled not later than 30 days from the date theuttering has been successfully paid to the club.The Decision of the Disciplinary Committeeshall be final.4. Habitual uttering. The UKC DisciplinaryCommittee may place on Probation, Suspensionor Barring any exhibitor or owner for repeatedinstances of uttering as described in thePenalties section below.

F. Misconduct by an Event-giving club.When any person or persons become aware of anact of misconduct by an event-giving club, itsevent officials, any person acting in an officialcapacity or acting event manager during thehours of a UKC event must make written notifica-tion of the violation by the club to UKC within 7days of the event.G. Penalties. The appropriate UKC DepartmentHead shall review all Hearing Committee findingsand staff investigation results with the UKCDisciplinary Committee. If a Hearing Committee’sfindings of prejudicial misconduct are upheld, theDisciplinary Committee shall impose one or moreof the following penalties: 1. Probation. Probation can last for a periodup to three years. During the period of proba-tion, the individual shall be closely monitored byUKC. Any further instances of misconduct mayresult in an immediate suspension or barring ofthe individual at the discretion of the DisciplinaryCommittee and without further due process. 2. Suspension. The Disciplinary Committeeshall impose a minimum three hundred dollar fineand a minimum one-year suspension for proba-

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tion violations and for most serious acts of mis-conduct. The suspension will begin immediatelyupon notification by certified mail (return receiptrequested) but the fine must be paid before thetime counts toward the sentence. For example, aperson may be notified on January 1 that hispenalty will be a one-year suspension and a fineof three hundred dollars. This individual will besuspended as soon as he is notified of the penal-ty but the one-year suspension does not startuntil the date the fine is paid. If the suspendedindividual waits until March 1 to pay his fine, hissuspension will actually run fourteen months untilmidnight of February 28 the following year.3. Barring. The Disciplinary Committee shallbar an individual for an indefinite period of timefor repeat instances of misconduct or for themost serious forms of misconduct, includingcruelty to dogs. The period of barring shallbegin upon notification of the respondent bycertified mail (return receipt requested).4. Privileges lost during suspension orbarring. The following rules apply to personswho are barred or suspended: a. A suspended/barred person may not regis-ter any dogs in his/her name (joint or individ-ual ownership). b. No dog registered in the name of a sus-pended/barred person (joint or individual own-ership) may be used for breeding and no off-spring of such a dog is eligible for registrationwith UKC.c. A suspended/barred person may transferany dogs currently registered in his/her name(joint or individual ownership), except that nodog registered in the name of a suspended/barred person, regardless of co-ownershipstatus, may be transferred to any member ofthat person’s family.d. A suspended/barred person may not regis-ter any litters or sign any litter registrations inany capacity.e. A suspended/barred person may not enteror participate in any way in any UKC licensedevent.f. No dog registered in the name of a suspend-ed/barred person (joint or individual owner-ship) may be entered or participate in any wayin any UKC licensed event nor may such a dogreceive points or legs toward any UKC title.g. Appeals. Any person placed on probation,suspended or barred may appeal directly, inwriting, to the UKC President. An appeal must

be filed not later than 30 days from the date aperson is notified of the probation, suspensionor barring. The decision of the President is final.h. UKC Inherent Rights and Powers.Notwithstanding anything herein and regard-less of whether these procedures are fol-lowed, under the Inherent Rights and Powers,UKC reserves the right to itself and its solejudgment and discretion, to investigate anymisconduct and to impose such sanctionsand penalties as deemed appropriate.

VIII. Entering a UKC® Event. Dogs must be per-manently registered, have a Limited Privilege number(performance events & Junior Showmanship), or havea valid Temporary Listing Number.

A. Official UKC® Entry Form. Entries to allevents for both licensed and non-licensed classesmust be submitted using the most current officialUKC entry form. Entry forms must be completewhen submitted to the Event Secretary, includinga valid UKC Permanent Registration number, UKCLimited Privilege number or UKC TemporaryListing number. Incomplete or unsigned entryforms, or entries unaccompanied by entry fees,are invalid and are to be refused by the EventSecretary/Event Manager. See Section XII.B. Entry procedures and deadlines. 1. Entry procedures for licensed class-es. UKC clubs must use the following proce-dures for taking entries for licensed classes:a. Day-of-show entries. Clubs acceptingday-of-show entries must set a specific timeperiod during which the Event Secretary willtake entries for the event. This information willbe published with the other event informationin BLOODLINES magazine and on No entries will be taken at the eventexcept during the specified time period. In thecase of extreme weather or other emergencyconditions, the Event Committee may decideto extend the taking of entries or delay the startof all judging by a reasonable period of time,or both. In such cases, the extension of entry-taking or delay of judging must be explained inwriting by the Event Secretary when submit-ting the Event report. b. Pre-entry. Clubs accepting pre-entriesmust establish a pre-entry deadline after whichno further pre-entries will be accepted. The pre-entry deadline must be published with the otherevent information in BLOODLINES magazineand on Clubs may offer a

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discounted entry fee for pre-entries. In suchcases, exhibitors whose entries fail to arrive bythe deadline date must pay the full entry fee.c. Pre-entry only. Clubs may elect not totake day of show entries. In such a case, theclub must include this information on its “EventApplication for a Scheduled Weekend”. Suchevents will be designated “PE ONLY” at the topof their listing in BLOODLINESmagazine and

2. Entry procedures for non-licensedclasses. Entries for non-licensed classes maybe taken at any time up to the start of judgingfor these classes.*3. Conditional entries. An entry whichspecifies any condition as to its acceptancemust not be made and must not be acceptedby a club/Event Secretary.*4. Refusing an entry. Host clubs may refusethe entry of an otherwise eligible dog. While aclub’s decision is subject to review by UKC, it willnot be overturned except where there is strongevidence that the club’s decision is based on pro-hibited categories of discrimination (race, reli-gion, national origin, etc.) or personal disputes.Clubs who choose not to accept any entry of anotherwise eligible dog and/or exhibitor must noti-fy the owner/exhibitor in writing with the reasonwhy their entry(s) will not be accepted by the cluband must send a copy to UKC. 5. Refund or Cancellation of Entry. Thehost club shall be responsible for their ownrefund and/or cancellation of entry policy. It issuggested that the policy be posted. *6. Entry numbers and armbands. Eachdog shall be assigned an entry number and thehost club must provide armbands displaying theentry number to the person exhibiting the dog.Each exhibitor must wear the armband (normal-ly worn on the left arm) with the number visibleto the judge when in the ring.7. Substitution of an Entered Dog.Substitution of an entered dog may be allowed atthe club's discretion, so long as the requirementsoutlined in "Entering a UKC Event" are followedand the new dog meets the eligibility require-ments to be entered. Substitution of a dog is pro-hibited when the dog is ineligible to compete.Owners that are substituting a dog for an entereddog must submit a completed Official UKC Entryform along with Correction/Class change formoutlining the details of the substitution.8. Entering a dog into a class divided

into varieties. The person completing the entryform when entering a dog of one of the breedsdivided into varieties (see Section XIV) must enterthe variety in the space provided. When enteringa dog of one of the breeds divided into varieties byheight or weight, the owner or exhibitor must enterthe dog’s height on the entry form.9. Corrections to entry form. An exhibitoror owner may make corrections on an entryform anytime prior to the judging of the class inwhich the dog is entered. An exhibitor or ownermay change the dog’s name or the dog’s reg-istration number on an individual entry, buthe/she may not change both on the same entry.The exhibitor must complete a Correction/Class Change Form as provided by the club.The Event Secretary must attach the form to theoriginal entry.

C. Dogs not permanently registered. Dogsthat are not permanently registered or have a UKCLimited Privilege number must have a TemporaryListing number to enter into licensed events. Rules applying to Temporary Listing(TL) Numbers. TL numbers are only valid at events licensed bythe Dog Events Department and the PointingDog events program. TL numbers may be pur-chased and issued at events listing availabilityin BLOODLINES and on Listing numbers may also be pur-chased and issued on the same day by callingthe Dog Events Department at UKC during reg-ular business hours. All Temporary ListingNumbers are nonrefundable, non-transferable,and do not apply to the cost of permanent reg-istration or Limited Privilege numbers. Pleaserefer to the complete TL rules and restrictionsthat can be found at: Temporary Listing numbers may not beavailable for purchase for all UKC Registeredbreeds. Before purchasing a TL number besure to check if there are any restrictionsapplicable to your breed. 2. Temporary Listing numbers are not valid forevents held under the rules that governlicensed Coonhound or Beagle events.3. American Pit Bull Terriers are ineligible tobe issued a Temporary Listing number. 4. No Top Ten points, All Star points or newtitles will be awarded until a dog with a TLnumber has been permanently registered.

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IX. Judging Schedule.A. Start time for licensed classes. At pre-entry only shows, judging must start at the adver-tised start time. At all other shows, judging muststart at the advertised start time or as soon as pos-sible thereafter if there are a large number of day-of-show entries. No dogs are to be judged prior tothe start time as published on the UpcomingEvents listing at Dogs shouldbe present at their ring at time of judging. Judgesare not required to wait for dogs.B. Non-licensed classes start time. Non-licensed classes must be scheduled so that theydo not interfere in any way with the judging oflicensed classes, except that:1. At the discretion of the Event Committee,breed specific non-licensed classes may bescheduled immediately following Best of Breedjudging for that breed.2. Groups may be judged in any order.Group competition may commence immediate-ly after all breeds for that group have beenjudged, except that the judging of the HerdingGroup shall not be delayed if Belgian ShepherdDog judging is not completed by the time allother Groups have been judged. 3. Best In Show or Best In Multi-Breed Showjudging shall start after all Group judging iscompleted.

C. Scheduling performance and confor-mation events when there is only onering available. When the show site onlyaccommodates a single ring, and a club is offer-ing both conformation and a performance event,conformation shall be judged last so that the per-formance dogs are not distracted by the scent offemale dogs in season.

*X. Judge ChangesA. Change of Judge after event has beenpublished in BLOODLINES. All Judge changesoccurring prior to the last weekday before anevent must be approved by UKC during regularbusiness hours. Clubs must provide UKC withJudge change requests in writing and include thereason for the requested change. The club may berequired to submit contractual agreements uponrequest and to reimburse the scheduled Judgesfor all expenses incurred on behalf of the club fortheir cancellation of their contractual agreement.Changes made too late for publication in BLOOD-LINES will be posted on the UKC website. Thehost club must make every reasonable effort tonotify exhibitors of the change and offer refunds to

all pre-entered exhibitors who submit a writtenrequest for refund of their entry fee(s). Judgechanges must be posted in plain view at the eventsite during event hours.B. Appointing an emergency replacementJudge. If, on the day of the event, a Judge isunable to start or complete his/her assignment, theEvent Chairperson must appoint an emergencyreplacement Judge. Priority in finding a replace-ment judge should be given in the following order:1. First priority should be given to anotherJudge licensed for the events assigned to theoriginal Judge.2. Next priority should be given to a UKCApprentice Judge.3. If no licensed or Apprentice Judge is avail-able, the club may appoint the available personbest qualified to take the assignment.

All official event report forms must show thename, address and phone number of the emer-gency replacement Judge. The Event Secretarymust include a written explanation for all assign-ment changes when submitting the event reportto UKC and include the credentials of any emer-gency replacement Judge who is not a licensedor Apprentice Judge. Points or legs earned byexhibitors under emergency replacement Judgesshall be considered as if they were earned underthe original Judge for the purpose of calculatingrequired wins under different Judges.

XI. United Kennel Club policy on Show SiteChanges and Canceled events.

*A. United Kennel Club policy on ShowSite Changes. When a club has to changetheir location after it has been published in theUpcoming Events Listing of BLOODLINES, thefollowing procedures must be followed to assureadequate notice of the changes is given to allexhibitors that may attend the event.1. Notification. The club must notify UKC ofthe event site change and provide the following:a. Reason for the event site change;b. The City and State location of the new eventsite location;c. Driving directions to the new event sitelocation; andd. The distance in travel time from the oldlocation to the new location.

2. New Show Site. As soon as a new showsite is procured, the United Kennel Club DogEvents Department must be notified andapproval of the new site granted. The club must

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provide UKC with the new site location (includ-ing address, City, State, Zip code and drivingdirections) so the appropriate change can bemade to the Upcoming Events listing.3. Exhibitor Notification.a. The club must notify all exhibitors who havepre-entered the event of the change of locationand include directions to the new show site. b. Clubs must send out notification of theevent site change to all exhibitors who weremailed a Premium List for the event.

4. Postings. The club may be required tohave signs posted at the old show site directingexhibitors to the new location. Additionally, theclub should, if at all possible, provide someoneat the old show site to direct exhibitors to thenew location.5. Extension of Entry and Show Times.Because of the change of location, it is possiblethat exhibitors might miss the Day of Show entrydeadline time. To accommodate these exhibitors,the club must be prepared to extend the Day ofShow entry deadline and the show start time.Driving time between the old and new locationsshould be used as a guideline in setting the newentry deadlines and show start times. The clubmust post a sign with the extended entry timesand start of show times at the site.6. Refunds. Clubs must refund any pre-entryfee(s), upon the exhibitor’s written request,made prior to or at the show, for any dog thatwas not exhibited due to the change in location.

B. United Kennel Club policy onCanceled events.Clubs wishing to cancel an approved/publishedevent must submit the reason why the event isbeing cancelled. The cancellation request mustbe submitted in writing and the letter of cancella-tion must contain the signatures of two officers ofthe club that is canceling the event. Permission tocancel an event must be received from UKCbefore the club sends notification to the judgesand exhibitors that the event has been cancelled.The decision to refund license fees in whole or inpart shall be based on the following criteria:1. A club that cancels its event before the appli-cation deadline date and before the applicationhas been processed by UKC will receive a fullrefund.2. A club that cancels its event before the appli-cation deadline date but after the application hasbeen processed by UKC will receive a refundequal to the license fees less $20 per application. 2. A club that cancels its event after the event

information has been published in BLOOD-LINES magazine shall receive no refund oflicense fees.4. In addition to the above rules regardinglicensing fees, and depending on the individualcirc*mstances, UKC may also require the clubto take the following action(s):a. The club must reimburse scheduledJudges for all expenses incurred on behalf ofthe club for the canceled event.b. An Event Committee member must stay atthe event site during the previously-scheduledevent hours to inform all exhibitors or specta-tors that the event was canceled.c. The club must return all Pre-Entry fees.d. The club must mail an event cancellation let-ter to each person that was mailed a PremiumList or other advertisem*nt of the event.e. The club will be assessed additional fees forexpenses incurred as a result of late changesto BLOODLINES magazine.

5. A club that cancels their event without UKCapproval will be subject to disciplinary action,which may result in the loss of privileges. 6. A club that shows a pattern of scheduling andcanceling events may lose its status as a UKCLicensed club.

XII. Licensed classes.A. Rules applying to licensed classes. 1. No dog may be entered in more than onelicensed conformation class at the same event. 2. No dog may be entered or shown in a licensedevent that has been previously disqualified,except as noted. A dog that has been excused bya judge may be shown in subsequent events. Adog that has been disqualified by a judge underits breed standard (for a reason other than attack-ing or attempting to attack) may be shown in sub-sequent events. A dog that has been disqualifiedunder its breed standard three times is ineligibleto compete at UKC events. A dog that is disqual-ified for attacking or attempting to attack (bite)may not be shown at subsequent events untilsuch time as it has been reinstated by UKC. 2. Once in the ring, dogs may not leave untilthe class is over or unless excused or disquali-fied by the Judge.4. If a dog is found to have been exhibited in thewrong class, the class shall not be re-judged. 5. If a dog is not present for the judging of theclass in which it is entered, said dog shall bemarked absent. No class once judged shall bere-judged.

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6. Class winners must compete in the next levelof competition through Best of Breed unlessdefeated, excused, disqualified, or if the dogbecomes ill or lame. Dogs withdrawn from com-petition for health reasons may be required bythe Event Committee to present the dog to theshow veterinarian to verify the dog’s condition. 7. Invalid entries.a. Any dog shown in a licensed class andwhose entry is subsequently determined to beinvalid shall receive no points but shall countas having competed.b. No points or awards shall be given to thesecond place dog in any regular licensedclass when the entry of a class winner is sub-sequently determined to be invalid.c. When the entry of a dog is subsequentlydetermined to be invalid, and that dog haswon the licensed class for which there is aReserve award (Best Male/Female of Variety,Best Male/Female, and Champion classes)given, all points may be given to the Reservewinner from that class. The reserve win may ormay not include the competition win. Best ofWinners, Best of Breed and Top Ten Pointsearned by the invalid entry will not be award-ed to the Reserve winner.

8. Class changes.a. Lateral class changes. A lateral Classchange moving from an age regulated classto the Breeder/Handler class is prohibited.However a dog may be moved from theBreeder/Handler class to the appropriate ageregulated class if the Breeder of record isunable to exhibit the dog.b. Class Changes and Posting ofclass change policy. Class changes mustbe completed no later than one-half hour priorto the start of any regular judging on the dayof the show. In the case of a club running twoshows simultaneously, the club must post itsclass change policy at the entry table and theEvent Secretary’s table on the day of theshow, or publish the class change policy inthe Judging Schedule.c. Official UKC Class Change/EntryCorrection form. Class change requestsor corrections to any entry form must be donein writing using an Official UKC ClassChange/Entry Correction Form as provided bythe club. The Event Secretary must attach theform to the original entry.*d. Moving up or moving to a lowerlevel of competition. Any dog that has,

according to the owner’s records, completedthe requirements for a UKC title may be shownat the next level of competition at the first eventfollowing the completion of requirements forthe title. At UKC licensed conformation showsand performance trials where two events areheld concurrently, any dog completing therequirements for a title at Show/Trial 2 cannotbe moved up to the next level of competition forShow/Trial 1. In this case, if an exhibitor choos-es to compete in Show/Trial 1, he/she must doso in the lower class. Dogs completing titlerequirements at show/Trial 1 may transfer to thenext level of competition for Show/Trial 2, pro-vided they follow the club’s move up policy andthat their breed/class has not begun and maycompete at the higher level of competition.*1. Moving a dog to the next level ofcompetition prior to UKC notifica-tion; Owners who move their dog to thenext level of competition prior to being noti-fied by UKC that their dog has met the titlerequirement do so at their own risk. a. Once a dog has been shown at the nextlevel of competition, it may not be returnedto a lower level unless the owner has beennotified by UKC that the dog is ineligible forthe higher level.b. When the owner’s records are incorrect,all wins earned while showing at the higherlevel of competition shall be invalid.

*2. Moving a dog up to the next levelof competition after UKC notifica-tion. Once UKC has been notified an ownerthat their dog has earned the Champion orGrand Champion title, that dog is ineligiblefor the Regular Classes and must thereafterbe shown in the class appropriate to its title.*3. Deemed Notified. Once deemed noti-fied (title certificate issued) by UKC, exhibitorswho exhibit a dog in a class they are ineligibleto compete shall have those wins invalidated.Owners/exhibitors who continually exhibit adog in a class they are ineligible to competerun the risk of being disciplined by UKC.

B. Determining height and weight ofentered dogs. *1. General rules.a. A Judge may require that any dog be mea-sured.b. Exhibitors in the ring have the right torequire that a dog competing in the ring bemeasured or weighed for those breeds with aheight or weight disqualification or eliminating

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fault, except that Toy Fox Terriers are onlyrequired to be weighed in accordance withparagraph 2 below. The Judge will complywith an exhibitor’s request if it is made beforethe class judging is complete. The Judge’sdetermination of the dog’s height or weight isfinal. The judge must note in the Judge’s bookthe height or weight of any dog disqualified asa result of measuring. Height is determined bydrawing a straight line from the top of the with-ers perpendicular to the ground.c. Judges cannot disqualify dogs shown inthe Puppy class for being under height orweight minimums.d. A wicket must be available and provided bythe club for use in measuring dogs’ heights.e. A weight scale with the capacity to weighall dogs that may be required to be weighedmust be available and provided by the club foruse in weighing dogs.

*2. Weight rules for Toy Fox Terriers. AllToy Fox Terriers must be weighed once perweekend per hosting club, before being exhibit-ed. Once a dog has been weighed in, it is con-sidered weighed in for those shows hosted onconsecutive days by that club on that weekendand it cannot be required to be weighed again.Clubs hosting Toy Fox Terriers must provide ascale on the day of the show to weigh Toy FoxTerrier entrants. Dogs may be weighed by theJudge, Event Committee members, or officersof the host club. No person who is exhibiting aToy Fox Terrier in a show may weigh a competi-tor’s dog prior to that show. Dogs entered on theday of the show may be weighed at the time ofentry. Dogs entered prior to the day of the showmust be weighed prior to check-in at the entrytable. Individual dog weights must be noted onthe entry form by the Event Secretary. Toy FoxTerriers that are six months of age or olderweighing less than three-and-one-half pounds,or dogs of any age over seven pounds, must notbe shown in a conformation event or shown inanother conformation event unless they haveofficially weighed within the specifications.

*C. Dogs that may compete in regularlicensed classes. The following dogs are eligibleto compete in UKC regular licensed conformationclasses, provided that they are intact and neitherblind nor deaf. A dog is blind if it has no useful sight.

1. Purebred dogs that are permanently regis-tered with UKC as of the day of the show or,2. Purebred dogs eligible for single registration

that have a valid Temporary Listing (TL) numberas of the day of the show.

*D. Regular Licensed Classes - pleaserefer to charts on pages 86 & 87.

1. Class dogs. These classes are for dogsthat have not attained their Champion or GrandChampion title. Classes shall be divided by sexand by variety, for those breeds that have vari-eties. The Judge shall give up to four place-ments, where possible, in these classes. Whereclasses are divided by sex, all male classes shallbe judged before female classes.a. Puppy Male or Puppy Female. Fordogs 6 months of age and under one year ofa*ge, that have not attained their Champion orGrand Champion title.b. Junior Male or Junior Female. Fordogs one year of age and under two years ofa*ge that have not attained their Champion orGrand Champion title.*c. Intermediate (Senior) Male orIntermediate (Senior) Female. Fordogs two years of age and under three yearsof age that have not attained their Championor Grand Champion title.d. Adult Male or Adult Female. For dogsthree years of age and older that have notattained their Champion or Grand Championtitle.e. Breeder/Handler Male or Breeder/Handler Female. For dogs six months of ageor older that have not attained their Championor Grand Champion title, and that are handledin this class by a breeder of record at UKC, orby a member of the immediate family of abreeder of record.

*2. Best Male of Variety (for breeds withvarieties). This class shall consist of the firstplace winners of the Puppy Male of Variety,Junior Male of Variety, Intermediate (Senior)Male of Variety, Adult Male of Variety, andBreeder/Handler Male of Variety. This class shallbe offered for each variety within the breed. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class.3. Reserve Best Male of Variety (forbreeds with varieties). This class shallconsist of the second place winner (if there isone) in the class from which the Best Male ofVariety was selected, and the remaining firstplace class winners that competed for BestMale of Variety. This class shall be offered foreach variety within the breed. The judge shallselect a single winner in this class.

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4. Best Male class. The Judge shall selecta single winner in this class.*a. For breeds without varieties. Thisclass shall consist of the first place winners ofthe Puppy Male, Junior Male, Intermediate(Senior) Male, Adult Male and Breeder/Handler Male classes.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the winners of each Best Maleof Variety class.

5. Reserve Best Male. The Judge shallselect a single winner in this class.a. For breeds without varieties. This classshall consist of the second place winner (if thereis one) from the class from which the Best Malewas selected, and the remaining first place classwinners that competed for Best Male.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the Reserve Best Male of Varietyfrom the same variety class from which the BestMale was selected, and the remaining BestMales of Variety that competed for Best Male.

*6. Best Female of Variety (for breedswith varieties). This class shall consist of thefirst place winners of the Puppy Female ofVariety, Junior Female of Variety, Intermediate(Senior) Female of Variety, Adult Female ofVariety, and Breeder/Handler Female of Varietyfor each variety within a breed. This class shallbe offered for each variety within the breed. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class.7. Reserve Best Female of Variety. Thisclass shall consist of the second place winner(if there is one) in the class from which the BestFemale of Variety was selected, and the remain-ing first place class winners that competed forBest Female of Variety. This class shall beoffered for each variety within the breed. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class.8. Best Female class. The Judge shallselect a single winner in this class.*a. For breeds without varieties. Thisclass shall consist of the first place winners of thePuppy Female, Junior Female, Intermediate(Senior) Female, Adult Female and Breeder/Handler Female classes.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the winners of each BestFemale of Variety class.

9. Reserve Best Female. The Judge shallselect a single winner in this class.a. For breeds without varieties. Thisclass shall consist of the second place winner(if there is one) from the class from which the

Best Female was selected, and the remainingfirst place class winners that competed forBest Female.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the Reserve Best Female ofVariety from the same variety class from whichthe Best Female was selected, and theremaining Best Females of Variety that com-peted for Best Female.

10. Best of Winners. This class shall consistof the winner of the Best Male class and thewinner of the Best Female class. This class shallnot be held unless both Best Male and BestFemale are awarded.*11. Champion. This class shall consist ofdogs of both sexes that have earned their UKCChampion title. The Judge shall select aChampion class winner and a ReserveChampion class winner in this class. (Note: Thisclass shall NOT be divided by Varieties.)*12. Grand Champion. This class shall con-sist of dogs of both sexes that have earned theirUKC Grand Champion title. The Judge shallselect a single winner in this class. (Note: Thisclass shall NOT be divided by Varieties.)13. Best of Breed. This class may consist ofthe winner of the Grand Champion class, thewinner of the Champion class, and the winner ofthe Best of Winners class. If the Best of Winnersclass is not held due to lack of competition, theBest Male or Best Female that is present shallcompete in the Best of Breed class. The Judgeshall select a single winner in this class. AtNational Specialties only, the host club mayrequest permission to have this class judged bya three-Judge panel, consisting of at least twoSenior Judges licensed for that breed. Suchrequests must be made in writing at the time theclub applies to host the event. The names of theJudges shall not be made public until immedi-ately prior to the start of judging for this class.*a. Order of judging.i. Breeds without varieties. Classes forbreeds without varieties shall be judge in thefollowing order:(a) Puppy Male, Junior Male, Intermed -iate (Senior) Male, Adult Male, Breeder/Handler Male(b) Best Male(c) Reserve Best Male(d) Puppy Female, Junior Female, Inter -mediate (Senior) Female, Adult Female,Breeder/Handler Female

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(e) Best Female(f) Reserve Best Female(g) Best of Winners(h) Champion(i) Reserve Champion(j) Grand Champion(k) Best of Breed

ii. Breeds with varieties. Classes forbreeds with varieties (Section XIV) shall bejudged in the following order:(a) Puppy Male of Variety, Junior Male ofVariety, Intermediate (Senior) Male ofVariety, Adult Male of Variety, Breeder/Handler Male of Variety(b) Best Male of Variety(c) Reserve Best Male of Variety(d) Remaining regular class males of eachvariety will be judged as above.(e) Best Male(f) Reserve Best Male(g) Puppy Female of Variety, Junior Femaleof Variety, Intermediate (Senior) Femaleof Variety, Adult Female of Variety, Breeder/Handler Female of Variety(h) Best Female of Variety(i) Reserve Best Female of Variety(j) Remaining regular class females ofeach variety will be judged as above.(k) Best Female(l) Reserve Best Female(m) Best of Winners(n) Champion(o) Reserve Champion(p) Grand Champion(q) Best of Breed

*E. Dogs that may compete in alteredlicensed classes. Essentially the altered class-es and point system is the same as the classes forintact dogs. The Altered classes are licensed con-formation classes and may be offered at the optionof the hosting club as indicated on the club’sApplication For a Scheduled Weekend and indi-cated in the Upcoming Events as “ALT”.

1. Eligible to compete in UKC LicensedAltered conformation classes. The fol-lowing dogs are eligible to compete in UKCaltered licensed conformation classes, provid-ed that they are altered.a. Purebred dogs that are permanently regis-tered with UKC as of the day of the show or,b. Purebred dogs eligible for single registra-tion that have a valid Temporary Listing (TL)number as of the day of the show.

c. At a Pre-Entry only show, the dog must bePermanently Registered, have a valid TL num-ber by the closing date of the event.d. Dogs that are at least six months of age onthe day of the event and have been castratedor spayed.

2. Ineligible to compete in UKCLicensed Altered conformation classes.Dogs with Limited Privilege registration are ineli-gible to compete in altered licensed classes.3. Altered Licensed classes. The pur-pose of these classes is to enable owners ofspayed and neutered dogs to get an evaluationof their dog’s conformation and to enablebreeders to see a wider range of dogs resultingfrom the breeding programs. Equivalent titlesfrom the other organizations must not be sub-stituted for UKC Altered Champion and AlteredGrand Champion titles. When a dog is alteredafter earning points/legs towards a UKC title ofChampion or Grand Champion, the points/legsearned may be transferred from the regular titlerequirements to the altered title requirements.Altered classes will follow the completion of thejudging of the breed’s regular classes andbefore the non-licensed classes. 4. Altered Class Dogs. These classes arefor dogs that have not attained a UKC title ofAltered Champion, Altered Grand Champion,Champion (CH) or Grand Champion (GRCH)degree. Classes shall be divided by sex and byvariety, for those breeds that have varieties. TheJudge shall give up to four placements, wherepossible, in these classes. Where classes aredivided by sex, all altered male classes shall bejudged before altered female classes. a. Altered Puppy Male or AlteredPuppy Female. For dogs 6 months of ageand under one year of age that have beenspayed or neutered and have not attainedtheir Altered Champion (ALCH), Altered GrandChampion (ALGRCH), Champion (CH) orGrand Champion (GRCH) titles.b. Altered Junior Male or AlteredJunior Female. For dogs one year of ageand under two years of age have been spayedor neutered and that have not attained theirAltered Champion (ALCH), Altered GrandChampion (ALGRCH), Champion (CH) orGrand Champion (GRCH) titles.c. Altered Intermediate (Senior) Male orAltered Intermediate (Senior) Female.For dogs two years of age and under three years

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of age that have been spayed or neutered andhave not attained their Altered Champion(ALCH), Altered Grand Champion (ALGRCH),Champion (CH) or Grand Champion (GRCH)titles.d. Altered Adult Male or Altered AdultFemale. For dogs three years of age and olderthat have been spayed or neutered and have notattained their Altered Champion (ALCH), AlteredGrand Champion (ALGRCH), Champion (CH) orGrand Champion (GRCH) titles.e. Altered Breeder/Handler Male orAltered Breeder/Handler Female. Fordogs six months of age or older that havebeen spayed or neutered and have not attainedtheir Altered Champion (ALCH), Altered GrandChampion (ALGRCH), Champion (CH) or GrandChampion (GRCH) titles, and that are handledin this class by a breeder of record at UKC, orby a member of the immediate family of abreeder of record.

5. Altered Best Male of Variety (forbreeds with varieties). This class shall con-sist of the first place winners of the Altered PuppyMale of Variety, Altered Junior Male of Variety,Altered Intermediate (Senior) Male ofVariety, Altered Adult Male of Variety and AlteredBreeder/Handler Male of Variety. This class shallbe offered for each variety within the breed. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class.6. Altered Reserve Best Male of Variety(for breeds with varieties). This class shallconsist of the second place winner (if there isone) in the class from which the Altered BestMale of Variety was selected, and the remainingfirst place class winners that competed forAltered Best Male of Variety. This class shall beoffered for each variety within the breed. Thejudge shall select a single winner in this class.7. Altered Best Male class. The Judgeshall select a single winner in this class. a. For breeds without varieties. Thisclass shall consist of the first place winners ofthe Altered Puppy Male, Altered Junior Male,Altered Intermediate (Senior) Male,Altered Adult Male and Altered Breeder/Handler Male of Variety.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the winners of each AlteredBest Male of Variety class.

8. Altered Reserve Best Male. The Judgeshall select a single winner in this class. a. For breeds without varieties. This

class shall consist of the second place winner(if there is one) from the class from which theAltered Best Male was selected, and theremaining first place class winners that com-peted for Altered Best Male.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the Altered Reserve Best Maleof Variety from the same variety class fromwhich the Altered Best Male was selected, andthe remaining Altered Best Males of Varietythat competed for Altered Best Male.

9. Altered Best Female of Variety (forbreeds with varieties). This class shall con-sist of the first place winners of the Altered PuppyFemale of Variety, Altered Junior Female ofVariety, Altered Intermediate (Senior)Female of Variety, Altered Adult Female of Varietyand Altered Breeder/Handler Female of Varietyfor each variety within a breed. This class shallbe offered for each variety within the breed. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class.10. Altered Reserve Best Female ofVariety. This class shall consist of the secondplace winner (if there is one) in the class fromwhich the Altered Best Female of Variety wasselected, and the remaining first place classwinners that competed for Altered Best Femaleof Variety. This class shall be offered for eachvariety within the breed. The Judge shall selecta single winner in this class.11. Altered Best Female class. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class. a. For breeds without varieties. Thisclass shall consist of the first place winners ofthe Altered Puppy Female, Altered JuniorFemale, Altered Intermediate (Senior)Female, Altered Adult Female and AlteredBreeder/Handler Female of Variety.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the winners of each AlteredBest Female of Variety class.

12. Altered Reserve Best Female. TheJudge shall select a single winner in this class. a. For breeds without varieties. Thisclass shall consist of the second place winner(if there is one) from the class from which theAltered Best Female was selected, and theremaining first place class winners that com-peted for Altered Best Female.b. For breeds with varieties. This classshall consist of the Altered Reserve BestFemale of Variety from the same variety classfrom which the Altered Best Female was

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selected, and the remaining Altered BestFemales of Variety that competed for AlteredBest Female.

13. Altered Best of Winners. This classshall consist of the winner of the Best Maleclass and the winner of the Best Female class.This class shall not be held unless both BestMale and Best Female are awarded.14. Altered Champion. This class shall con-sist of dogs of both sexes that have earned theirUKC Altered Champion or UKC Champion title.The Judge shall select an Altered Championclass winner and an Altered Reserve Championclass winner in this class.15. Altered Grand Champion. This classshall consist of dogs of both sexes that haveearned their UKC Altered Grand Champion orGrand Champion title. The Judge shall select asingle winner in this class.16. Altered Best of Breed. This class mayconsist of the winner of the Altered GrandChampion class, the winner of the AlteredChampion class, and the winner of the AlteredBest of Winners class. If the Altered Best ofWinners class is n ot held due to lack of com-petition, the Altered Best Male or Altered BestFemale that is present shall compete in theAltered Best of Breed class.

F. Altered Non-Licensed Classes. At theclub’s discretion Altered Groups and Altered BestIn Show/Altered Best In Multi-Breed show may beoffered. The judging format will be identical to thenon-altered classes.

1. Altered Group, Altered Best In Multi-Breed Show and Altered Best In Showclasses. The club is responsible for preparingan individual group Judge’s book for eachaltered group offered and a separate Judge’sbook for Altered Best In Show or Altered Best InMulti-Breed Show. 2. Altered Group Classes. Each UKC-rec-ognized breed belongs to one of eight Groups.Each Altered Group class shall consist of theAltered Best of Breed winners from thosebreeds belonging to that specific Group as list-ed in Section XIV. Altered Groups shall bejudged by a single Judge who shall give up tofour placements, where possible, in this class. a. Altered Group classes at All-Breedshows. Altered Group classes may beoffered by clubs hosting all-breed shows.b. Altered Group classes at Multi-Breed shows. A club may only hold Altered

Group class when it offers classes for five ormore Altered breeds in that Group.

3. Altered Best In Multi-Breed Show. Aclub must host a minimum of ten breeds inorder to offer this class. a. If no Altered Group classes are offered, thisclass consists of the Altered Best of Breedwinners from all altered breeds offered at theshow. When one or more Altered Group classis offered, the Altered Best In Multi-BreedShow class shall consist of the first place win-ners of each Altered Group and those remain-ing Altered Best of Breed winners who werenot defeated in any Group class.b. This class must be judged by a singlelicensed UKC Judge.c. The name of the Judge shall not be madepublic until immediately prior to the start ofjudging for this class.d. The Judge shall select a Altered Best InMulti-Breed Show winner and a AlteredReserve Best In Multi-Breed Show winner.

4. Altered Best In Show. A club must hostall breeds eligible for UKC conformation privi-leges in order to offer this class. a. This class consists of the first-place win-ners of each Altered Group class.b. The Altered Best In Show class may bejudged by a single licensed UKC Judge or bya panel of three licensed UKC Judges at thediscretion of the Event Committee.c. The name(s) of the Judge(s) shall not bemade public until immediately prior to the startof judging for this class.d. The Judge(s) shall select an Altered Best InShow winner and an Altered Reserve Best InShow winner.

*G. Junior Showmanship. Junior Showmanship classes are mandatory andmust be offered by all UKC Licensed clubs offer-ing conformation events with the exception ofspecialty clubs holding events in conjunction withPremier. Clubs licensed to offer UKC conforma-tion shows must use UKC Licensed JuniorShowmanship Judges and follow UKC JuniorShowmanship Rules. The purpose of these class-es is to evaluate each Junior Handler’s ability topresent his/her dog, his/her general dog knowl-edge, and his/her specific knowledge of the dogand breed of dog he/she is presenting. 1. Eligible dogs.a. Dogs must be six months of age or olderon the day of the event.

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b. Dogs must be permanently registered,have a Limited Privilege number or a validTemporary Listing number.c. Dogs may be purebred or an altered mixedbreed.d. Purebred dogs may be intact, spayed orneutered.e. Females in Season must not beentered or shown in Junior Show -manship. If a female dog that is beingshown comes into season, and the juniorwishes to change dogs, they may do so witha dog that meets all other requirements. Insuch cases, if the dog is not already enteredinto the event, an entry form must be com-pleted and submitted with an entry correctionform by the Junior and given to the EventSecretary before exhibiting.

2. Determining Junior’s age class cat-egory. The age of the junior as of January 1stof each year shall determine the division inwhich the junior competes for that entire year. Ifa junior reaches an age that advances them tothe next age division, they will not move up tothe higher class until the following calendaryear. An exception to this rule is made for theSub-Junior that turn 8 years of age inside theJunior year. On the Juniors 8th birthday thejunior may move from the Sub-Junior class tothe Novice Junior Class. Once this move hadbeen made the junior may not move back downto the Sub-Junior Class. No Junior Memberwho has competed in the Open Junior classmay subsequently compete in the NoviceSenior Class. 3. Classes. Classes are divided by the age ofthe Junior Handler and not by the breed of dog.a. Pee-Wee. This class is for children twoyears and under four years of age. A par-ent/guardian/adult must be present in the ringand are allowed to assist children in the pre-sentation of their dog to ensure that dogs areunder control at all times. No placements willbe made in this class. Clubs must offer anaward or ribbon to each participant.b. Sub-Junior. This class is for children fouryears and under eight years of age. Aparent/guardian/adult must be present in thering and are allowed to assist children in thepresentation of their dog to ensure that dogsare under control at all times. No placementswill be made in this class. Clubs must offer anaward or ribbon to each participant.

c. Junior Classes. This class is for children8 years and under 13 years of age.1) Novice Junior. This class is for anyJunior Member who has never earned a BestJunior Handler award with competition orwho has not earned three first place winsfrom the Novice Junior class. The Judgeshall give up to four placements, where pos-sible, in this class.2) Open Junior. This class is for anyJunior Member who has earned a BestJunior Handler award with competition fromthe Novice Junior class or who has earnedthree first place wins from the Novice Juniorclass with competition. The Judge shall giveup to four placements, where possible, inthis class.

d. Senior Classes. This class is for chil-dren 13 years of age and under 19 years ofa*ge.1) Novice Senior. This class is for anySenior member who has never earned a BestJunior Handler award with competition or whohas not earned three first place wins from theNovice Junior class with competition. TheJudge shall give up to four placements, wherepossible, in this class.2) Open Senior. This class is for any JuniorMember who has earned a Best JuniorHandler award with competition from theNovice Junior class or Novice Senior classwho has earned three first place wins from theNovice Junior or Novice Senior class withcompetition. The Judge shall give up to fourplacements, where possible, in this class.

e. Best Junior Handler: Best JuniorHandler class shall consist of the first placewinner from the Novice Junior class, the OpenJunior Class, the Novice Senior Class and theOpen Senior Class. The Judge shall select asingle winner in this class.

XIII. Awards, trophies and ribbons.A. Cash prizes. UKC clubs may not offer cashprizes, which includes but is not limited to: cashawards, gift cards, and gift certificates, withoutprior written authorization from UKC.B. Awards and trophies. Clubs may givesuch awards and trophies as they choose. Clubsmay accept trophies donated by individuals orother organizations. These trophies may be des-ignated for specific breeds or specific accom-plishments.

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Best Junior Handler - purple and gold –one (1) streamer rosette with an overall min-imum length of ten (10) inches.Total Dog Qualifier - red, black andwhite – three (3) streamer rosette with anoverall minimum length of ten (10) inches.

4. Optional Ribbons and/or Rosettes.Ribbons and/or rosettes for any award not indi-cated above (for example other non-licensedclasses such a Novice Puppy) may be offeredat the discretion of the hosting club and may beof any color or color combination not stipulatedunder Rosettes above.

XIV. UKC® recognized breeds eligible forconformation competition. Each breed is assigned to a Group based on its pastand present function, historical origins, and region ofdevelopment. Breeds that are judged in the varietyformat will have each variety listed next to it in paren-thesis. Varieties will be judged in the order listed.

Group 1. Guardian DogAidiAkbash DogAlentejo MastiffAmerican BulldogAnatolian ShepherdAppenzellerBernese Mountain DogBlack Russian TerrierBoxerBullmastiffCane Corso ItalianoCao de Castro LaboreiroCaucasian OvcharkaCentral Asian Shepherd DogCimarron UruguayoDanish BroholmerDoberman PinscherDogo ArgentinoDogue de BordeauxEntlebucherEstrela Mountain DogGiant SchnauzerGreat DaneGreat PyreneesGreater Swiss Mountain DogHovawartKangal DogKarst Shepherd DogKomondorKuvaszLeonberger

*C. Ribbons and rosettes.1. All ribbons and rosettes must include theUKC Seal of Merit and the name of the eventhosting organization. The date and location ofthe event are optional.2. Certificates or other types of awards mustnot be substituted for required ribbon androsette awards.3. Required Ribbons and Rosettes. Allclubs must offer ribbons and rosettes for place-ments as described below:*a. Ribbons. Clubs are required to offer rib-bon awards for all regular classes, alteredclasses, and non-licensed group placements.Clubs may choose to offer rosettes in place ofribbons at their discretion. Ribbon awards areto be the following colors and measure a min-imum of two (2) inches in width by six (6) inch-es in length:1st place – blue2nd place – red3rd place – green4th place – yellowBest Male/Female of Variety – any colorReserve Best Male/Female of Variety– any colorBest Male/Female – any colorReserve Best Male/Female – any colorBest of Winners – any colorChampion – any colorReserve Champion – any colorGrand Champion – any colorBest of Breed – any colorGroup First – any colorGroup Second – any colorGroup Third – any colorGroup Fourth – any color

*b. Rosettes. Clubs may choose to offerrosettes that exceed the minimum set below.Placement rosettes that the club is required tooffer are to be the following colors and criteria: Best In Multi-Breed Show – purple, pinkand white, three (3) streamer rosette with anoverall minimum length of twelve (12) inches.Reserve Best In Multi-Breed Show -purple and pink, two (2) streamer rosette, withan overall minimum length of ten (10) inches.Best In Show - purple, gold and white,three (3) streamer rosette with an overallminimum length of twelve (12) inches.Reserve Best in Show - purple andgold, two (2) streamer rosette with an overallminimum length of ten (10) inches.

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Grand Gascon-SaintongeoisGrand Griffon VendeenGreat Anglo-Francais Tricolor HoundGreat Anglo-Francais White and Black HoundGreat Anglo-Francais White and Orange HoundGriffon Bleu de GascogneGriffon Fauve de BretegneGriffon NivernaisHaldenstoverHamiltonstovareHanoverian HoundHarrierHellenic HoundHygen HoundIstrian Coarse-Haired HoundIstrian Short-Haired HoundItalian HoundMontenegrin Mountain HoundMountain CurOtterhound•Petit Basset Griffon VendeenPetit Bleu de GascognePetit Gascon-SaintongeoisPlott HoundPoitevinPolish HoundPorcelainePosavaz HoundRedbone CoonhoundSchiller HoundSerbian HoundSerbian Tricolor HoundSmaland HoundSmall Swiss HoundSpanish HoundStephens’ CurStyrian Coarse-Haired HoundSwiss HoundTransylvanian HoundTreeing CurTreeing Walker CoonhoundTyrolean HoundWelsh HoundWestphalian Dachsbracke

Group 3. Sighthound and Pariah DogAfghan HoundAzawakh•BasenjiBorzoiCanaan DogCarolina DogChart PolskiCirneco dell’EtnaGreyhound

Majorca MastiffMaremma SheepdogMastiffNeapolitan MastiffNewfoundland*Olde English Bulldogge - Effective January 1, 2014Owczarek PodalanskiPerro de Presa CanarioPyrenean MastiffRottweilerSaint BernardSarplaninacSlovac CuvacSpanish MastiffStandard SchnauzerTibetan MastiffTornjakTosa Ken

Group 2. ScenthoundAlpine DachsbrackeAmerican Black & Tan CoonhoundAmerican FoxhoundAmerican Leopard HoundAnglo-Francais de Petit VenerieAriegeoisAustrian Black and Tan HoundBarakBasset Artesian NormandBasset Bleu de GascogneBasset Fauve De BretagneBasset HoundBavarian Mountain Hound•BeagleBeagle HarrierBillyBlack Forest HoundBlack Mouth CurBloodhoundBluetick CoonhoundBriquet Griffon VendeenChien D’ArtoisChien Francais Blanc et NoirChien Francais Tricolore•Dachshund (Miniature, Standard.All coat types show together.)Deutsche BrackeDreverDunkerEnglish CoonhoundEnglish FoxhoundFinnish HoundFrancais Blanc et OrangeGrand Basset Griffon VendeenGrand Bleu de Gascogne

42Conformation Rules

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German Wirehaired PointerGolden RetrieverGordon SetterHungarian Wire-Haired VizslaIrish Red & White SetterIrish SetterIrish Water SpanielKooikerhondjeLabrador RetrieverLagotto RomagnoloLarge MunsterlanderMulti-Colored Standard PoodleNova Scotia Duck Tolling RetrieverOld Danish Bird DogPerdiguero de BurgosPortuguese PointerPortuguese Water DogPudelpointerSlovakian Wire-Haired Pointing DogSmall MunsterlanderSpinone ItalianoStabyhounStandard PoodleSussex SpanielVizslaWeimaranerWelsh Springer SpanielWirehaired Pointing Griffon

Group 5. Northern BreedAkitaAlaskan Klee Kai (•Toy, Miniature, Standard)Alaskan MalamuteAmerican Eskimo (•Miniature, Standard)Canadian Eskimo DogChinese Shar-PeiChinookChow ChowEast Siberian LaikaEurasianFinnish LapphundFinnish Spitz•German Spitz (Klein, Mittel) Greenland DogHokkaido*Japanese Akita - Effective January 1, 2013•Japanese SpitzJindoKaiKarelian Bear DogKeeshondKishu•LundehundNorbottenspetz

Hungarian GreyhoundIbizan HoundIrish Wolfhound•Peruvian Inca OrchidPharaoh HoundPodenco Canario Podengo Portugueso (Grande Smooth, Grande Wire,

Medio Smooth, Medio Wire, *Pequeno Smooth,•Pequeno Wire)

Rhodesian RidgebackSalukiScottish DeerhoundSilken WindhoundSloughiSpanish GreyhoundThai Ridgeback••WhippetXoloitzcuintli (•Toy, Miniature, Standard)

Group 4. Gun DogAmerican Water SpanielBarbetBoykin SpanielBracco ItalianoBraque D’AuvergneBraque de l’AriegeBraque du BourbonnaisBraque Francais, de Grande TailleBraque Francais, de Petite TailleBraque Saint-GermainBrittanyCesky FousekChesapeake Bay RetrieverClumber Spanielco*cker SpanielCurly-Coated RetrieverDeutscher WachtelhundDrentse Patrijshond•English co*cker SpanielEnglish PointerEnglish SetterEnglish Springer SpanielEpagneul Blue de PicardieEpagneul Breton (Orange and White, All Other

Colors)Epagneul PicardEpagneul Pont-AudemerField SpanielFlat-Coated RetrieverFrench SpanielFrisian Water DogGerman Longhaired PointerGerman Rough-Haired PointerGerman Shorthaired Pointer

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Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog•Swedish VallhundWhite Shepherd

Group 7. TerrierAiredale Terrier•American Hairless Terrier (Coated, Hairless)American Pit Bull Terrier•Australian Terrier•Austrian Pinscher•Bedlington Terrier•Border TerrierBull Terrier•Cairn Terrier•Cesky Terrier•Dandie Dinmont•Danish-Swedish FarmdogDutch SmoushondGerman Pinscher•Glen Of Imaal TerrierIrish Terrier•Jack Russell Terrier•Jagdterrier•Japanese TerrierKerry Blue Terrier•Lakeland Terrier•Manchester Terrier (Toy, Standard)••Miniature Bull Terrier•Miniature Schnauzer•Mountain Feist - Effective February 5, 2015•Norfolk Terrier•Norwich Terrier•Parson Russell Terrier (10-12½ inches; Over 12½-

15 inches)•Patterdale TerrierRat Terrier (•Miniature, Standard)•Scottish Terrier•Sealyham Terrier•Silky Terrier•Skye Terrier•Smooth Fox TerrierSoft-Coated Wheaten Terrier•Sporting Lucas TerrierStaffordshire Bull Terrier•Teddy Roosevelt Terrier•Toy Fox TerrierTreeing FeistWelsh Terrier•West Highland White Terrier•Wire Fox Terrier

Group 8. Companion Dog•Affenpinscher*American Bully - Effective July 15, 2013•Bichon Frise•Bolognese

Norwegian BuhundNorwegian ElkhoundRusso-European LaikaSamoyed•ShibaShikokuSiberian HuskySwedish ElkhoundSwedish Lapphund•Volpino ItalianoWest Siberian Laika

Group 6. Herding DogAustralian Cattle DogAustralian KelpieAustralian ShepherdBearded CollieBeauceronBelgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael, Laekenois,

Malinois, Tervueren)BergamascoBerger de Pyrenees (Rough-faced, Smooth-faced)Berger PicardBorder CollieBouvier des ArdennesBouvier des FlandresBriardCa de Bestier•Cardigan Welsh CorgiCatalonian SheepdogCiobanesc Romanesc CarpatinCiobanesc Romanesc MiroticCollie (Rough, Smooth)Croatian SheepdogCzechoslovakian VlcakDutch ShepherdEnglish ShepherdGerman Shepherd DogIcelandic SheepdogLancashire HeelerLapinporokoiraLouisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog••Miniature American Shepherd

- Effective January 1, 2015MudiOld English Sheepdog•Pembroke Welsh CorgiPolski Owczarek NizinnyPortuguese Sheepdog•PuliPumiSaarloosewolfdogSchapendoes•Shetland SheepdogSouth Russian Shepherd Dog*Spanish Water Dog - Effective July 1, 2013

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has violated a specific UKC rule. Complaints abouta Judge’s knowledge of the breed may be filed withUKC but must address specific deficiencies.Electronic audio or video recordings will not be con-sidered by UKC when reviewing a Judge’s compe-tency to judge a breed. B. Interfering with the Judge. No person mayinterfere with the Judge in any way while he/she isjudging a class. C. Double handling. Persons outside the ringare prohibited from any intentional actions designedto affect the performance of a dog being judged inthe ring. This prohibition shall apply equally to per-sons attempting to improve or to impair a perfor-mance. The Event Committee may expel from theshow grounds any person they reasonably believeis double handling. Judges may excuse exhibitorswhose dogs they reasonably believe are benefitingfrom “double handling.” D. Control of the dog. Exhibitors are expected tokeep their dogs under control at all times. The EventCommittee may expel from the show grounds anyperson whose failure to control a dog interferes withjudging or with the ability of other exhibitors to pre-sent their dogs. E. Baiting in the ring. The United Kennel Clubbelieves that dogs should be exhibited in a naturalstate. We believe that a dog’s temperament, tractabil-ity and conformation are best evaluated when a dogis exhibited without any aids used to change thedog’s natural behavior. Accordingly, baiting withsqueakers or food is strongly discouraged. However,if a Judge determines a breed (or breeds) would bebetter evaluated with bait, the Judge may allow bait-ing for all exhibits in that breed (or breeds) at their dis-cretion (in Conformation events ONLY). If such adetermination is made by the Judge, food bait andsqueakers must both be allowed; Judges may notallow one type of bait and not another. Bait of ANYkind must NEVER be tossed or thrown and mustNEVER litter the ring surface. Any exhibitor found tobe throwing bait or littering the ring surface with baitshall be subject to disciplinary action. The Judge willmake the determination if an exhibitor is throwing baitor littering the ring surface with bait and, if it is thedecision of the Judge that the exhibitor did throw baitor litter the ring surface with bait, the Judge mustexcuse the exhibitor and dog from the ring. TheJudge shall mark the Judge’s book “Excused. Threwbait in the ring” or “Excused. Littered ring with bait.”The Judge’s decision on this matter is final. *F. Judge’s evaluation of dentition. At thediscretion of the judge they may either look at thebite on his/her own, or ask the exhibitor to show the

•Boston Terrier•Brussels Griffon•Cavalier King Charles Spaniel•Chihuahua•Chinese Crested•Coton de TulearDalmatianEnglish Bulldog•English Toy Spaniel•French Bulldog•Havanese•Italian Greyhound•Japanese Chin*Kromfohrlander - Effective June 1, 2013•Lhasa Apso•Lowchen•Maltese•Miniature PinscherMulti-Colored Poodle (•Toy, Miniature)•Papillon•Pekingese•PomeranianPoodle (•Toy, Miniature)•Pug•Russkiy Toy•Schipperke•Shih Tzu•Tibetan Spaniel•Tibetan Terrier•Yorkshire Terrier

•Indicates breeds that should be tabled for judging.••Indicates breeds for which table-judging is optional.

*XV. Rules applying to exhibitors and spectators. Rules applying to exhibitors and spectators; UKCexhibitors and spectators are expected to displaygood behavior and good sportsmanship in and outof the ring. Judges may excuse exhibitors from theirring for violations of these rules or conduct that inter-feres with the event and event participants. EventCommittee members and host club officers mayexcuse exhibitors or spectators from the showgrounds for violations of these rules or conduct thatinterferes with the event and event participants.A. Complaints about the Judge’s place-ments. By entering in a UKC event, the exhibitor isinviting the opinion of the Judge and must acceptthe Judge’s decision as final. Exhibitors are encour-aged to discuss placements with Judges but maynot argue about the Judge’s final placements.Complaints about the Judge may only be lodgedwith the host club if the exhibitor believes the Judge

bite. Judges may make that decision based uponbreed, individual dog, and circ*mstances and willnot necessarily use the same method for examiningthe individual bite of each dog or for each breed. Ifan exhibitor in the ring has strong feelings aboutshowing the bite to the judge rather than having thejudge open the mouth, then the judge should honorthat exhibitor’s request to show the bite.G. Grooming. UKC encourages exhibitors toemphasize the conditioning and training of their dogsand to avoid extreme grooming practices. A dogshould be sufficiently clean and well groomed toenable a Judge to properly evaluate the dog. Breedswith traditional trimming patterns may be presented inthose patterns. Except as allowed by a dog’s UKCbreed standard,

1. Grooming in the ring. Exhibitors are pro-hibited from grooming in the ring and from pos-session of grooming tools in the ring. Judges mustexcuse any exhibitor that violates this rule. TheJudge’s book must be marked accordingly. TheJudge’s decision on this matter is final. Exhibitorswho violate this rule may also be subject to disci-plinary action by the host club and UKC.2. Prohibited grooming practices.Prohibited grooming practices are defined inSection XXIV, paragraph F, subparagraph 3.Exhibitors found in violation of this rule may besubject to disciplinary action by the host cluband UKC.

H. Collars. Harnesses, pinch collars and hangingcollar tags are prohibited in show rings.I. Ring and event grounds clean-up.Exhibitors are required to clean up behind their dogif it fouls the ring or the event grounds. The ringsteward may bring cleaning supplies to the exhibitorand may hold the dog while the owner cleans thering. Any exhibitor who fails to clean up after his dogmay be directed by the Event Committee to leavethe event grounds.J. Prohibition against professional han-dlers in conformation shows. United KennelClub events are intended to be family-orientedrecreation for owners of UKC Registered dogs.Accordingly, UKC encourages the promotion of theowner/breeder handler and prohibits the use of pro-fessional handlers in conformation.

1. Construction of this rule. The prohibitionagainst professional handlers is one of the cor-nerstones of UKC philosophy. Therefore, this ruleis to be construed as broadly as necessary toachieve that goal. Each UKC Official Entry Formincludes the following statement that must be

signed by the owner/handler of each dogentered at a UKC event: “I swear that this dog isnot being handled by a professional handler inconformation.” Dog owners and professionalhandlers who look for technical ways to circum-vent this rule run a grave risk of losing their UKCprivileges if caught.2. Persons allowed to handle dogs inUKC conformation events. The followingcategories of handlers are allowed:a. Owner or co-owner. The owner or co-owner of a UKC Registered dog may enter andexhibit his/her own dog in UKC events. In addi-tion, the following immediate family members ofan owner or co-owner may enter and exhibit thedog: spouse, parent, step-parent, child, step-child, brother or sister, provided that they arenot a professional handler as defined in para-graph 3 below.b. Breeder. The breeder of a UKC Registereddog may enter and exhibit that dog in UKCevents, even if the breeder is not an owner or co-owner of that dog, provided that the breeder-handler is not a professional handler as definedin paragraph 3 below. The following immediatefamily members of a breeder may also enter andexhibit that dog: spouse, parent, step-parent,child, step-child, brother or sister. c. Designated handler. Any individual whohas been given permission to do so by a regis-tered owner or co-owner of a UKC Registereddog may enter and exhibit that dog in UKCevents, provided that the designated handler isnot a professional handler as defined in para-graph 3 below.

*3. Professional Handler. A professionalhandler is a person who exhibits dogs for com-pensation. This category includes any personwho accepts any pay, gift, or remuneration of anysort in return for exhibiting a dog.a. Remuneration. Remuneration includes,but is not limited to:i. Payment for exhibiting a dog in a UKClicensed event, or any other organization;ii. Reimbursem*nt for lodging, mileage, trav-el, meals, other travel expenses, or any otherexpenses incurred at or traveling to or from aUKC licensed event.iii. Payment of entry fees by another exhibitorfor dogs owned by the professional handler inreturn for handling services.

b. Factors that may be considered indetermining whether a handler is a

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professional. An individual may be a profes-sional handler regardless of whether or not han-dling dogs is his/her primary source of income.Among the factors that may be considered indetermining whether a handler is a profession-al handler are:i. Business cards indicating that the person inquestion is a professional handler;ii. Advertising professional handling serviceson a vehicle, in a publication, or in any otherdog-related venue;iii. Offering professional handling servicesthrough a training facility;iv. Acting as a professional handler at eventsoffered by other organizations;v. Exhibiting multiple dogs, particularly thosethat the handler neither owns nor co-owns;vi. Exhibiting multiple breeds of dogs, partic-ularly those that the handler neither owns norco-owns.

*4. Lodging a Complaint about a Handler.A. At the event. Complaints about a Profess -ional Handler may only be lodged with the hostclub through the Misconduct and Discipline sec-tion of these rules when a complainant believesthe handler has violated this specific UKC rule andcan provide proof of remuneration and/or one ormore factors that may be considered in determin-ing whether a handler is a professional.B. After the event. If no proof can be madeavailable at the event for the filing of a Misconduct,then the complaint should be filed with UKC with-in a reasonable amount of time after the event,and must address a specific event date accom-panied by proof of remuneration and/or one ormore factors that may be considered in determin-ing whether a handler is a professional.

*K. Exhibitors in the ring have the right torequire that a dog competing in the ring be mea-sured or weighed for those breeds with a height orweight disqualification, except that Toy Fox Terriersare only required to be weighed in accordance theoutlined procedures under ‘Determining Height AndWeight Of Entered Dogs’. The Judge will complywith an exhibitor’s request if it is made before theclass judging is complete. The Judge’s determina-tion of the dog’s height or weight is final. The judgemust note in the Judge’s book the height or weightof any dog disqualified as a result of measuring.Height is determined by drawing a straight line fromthe top of the withers perpendicular to the ground.Judges cannot disqualify dogs shown in the PuppyClass for being under height or weight minimums.

*XVI. Exhibitor Guidelines. A dog show is an evaluation of breeding stock, andmany breeders have made a lifelong commitment totheir breed. Judges have spent years studying dogsbefore stepping into the ring to judge. They are seri-ous about the sport, and exhibitors should be aswell. Exhibitors’ behavior and deportment speak tothe degree of commitment they have to their dogsand to the sport. The following are suggested guide-lines for UKC Exhibitors:

• Exhibitors should accept the decisionof the Judge gracefully. There should beno snatching of ribbons, loud comments orderision of the Judge or their decisions, eitherin the ring or out.

• Exhibitors’ clothing should be neat andclean. Their apparel speaks to the respect theyhave for the sport, the show and its proceedings.

• Exhibitors’ dogs should be clean and trimmed/groomed in a manner consistent with the UKCrules and breed standards.

• Exhibitors should take care when discussing thejudging with the Judge to not appear confronta-tional. The judging was the Judge’s opinion thatday, and poor behavior on the part of theexhibitor will not change the outcome.

• Exhibitors should make an effort to help newexhibitors. We were all new to dog shows at onetime and we appreciated when someonehelped us.

• Exhibitors should always leave a show site inthe condition they found it. Help the show com-mittee and clean up your area.

• Exhibitors should take care not to promoterumors and negative comments about dogs,other exhibitors or judges.

• Exhibitors should remember they are at theshow at the invitation of the show-giving club.In order to ensure being invited back,exhibitors should do whatever they can toassist the host club and promote the family fla-vor of UKC events.

XVII. UKC® Special Exhibition and JudgingProcedures for Belgian Shepherd DogsOnly. (Instituted January 1, 1996) UKC provides Belgian Shepherd Dogs the opportu-nity to be shown one of three ways at UKC LicensedConformation Shows. This is in keeping with the tra-ditional exhibition procedure in the breed’s countryof origin. The United Belgian Shepherd DogAssociation may specify to clubs hosting their breed,which method they prefer to be used for their breed.

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While use of the preferred method is not mandatory,UKC hopes that UBSDA’s wishes will be considered.However, the manner in which they are shown isdetermined by the host club.

A. Types of exhibition.1. Customary Exhibition procedure.2. Assisted Animation/Critique Procedure(AA/CP), Long Form.3. Assisted Animation/Critique Procedure(AA/CP) Short Form.

B. Customary Exhibition Procedure.Standard conformation procedure, i.e., handlerposes dog for examination and gaits the dog in aprescribed pattern as directed by the judge.Eligible handler exhibits the entry without assis-tance from a third party.C. Assisted Animation and CritiqueProcedure.1. Judges will utilize “assisted animation” (forno more than three minutes per dog) to assessexpression, carriage, etc., at some time duringthe judging of each dog in each class.2. “Assisted Animation” is defined as follows:Assisted Animation involves two people. One isa designated handler, who holds the dog’s leadand makes no attempt to stack or animate thedog. The other being the person who standsaway from the dog, but does not leave the ring,and attempts to animate the dog by calling to itor making noises. During the Judge’s individualappraisal of each dog, the dog will be held bythe designated handler.3. The designated handler may be:a. The primary handler of the dog (i.e. - theperson noted on the official UKC entry form asthe handler of the dog); orb. An alternate - a person other than the pri-mary handler. This could be the steward orany other capable person designated by theprimary handler.

4. While the dog is being held by the designat-ed handler, the other person performs theassisted animation, and the Judge appraises it.This allows the Judge to see the expression,carriage, and natural stance of the dog moreclearly. The designated handler is to use discre-tion and common sense during the procedure. 5. All regular UKC Official Dog Show Rulesapply to this portion of the judging. Baiting withsqueakers, toys or food is entirely at the Judge’sdiscretion.6. The actual hands-on examination and gait-ing of the dog are to be done only while the pri-mary handler is in control of the dog, not during

the assisted animation portion of the judging.Exhibitors and spectators outside the ring arenot, under any circ*mstances, to engage in ani-mation activities. This is considered “double-handling” and is forbidden under the UKCRules and Regulations.7. A suggested procedural guideline follows:a. The dogs for each class are brought intothe ring. This may be in catalog order, or analternate order, at the Judge’s discretion.b. The Judge will examine each dog in line forbite, dentition, temperament, etc.c. One at a time, each dog is brought out ofline for its assisted animation evaluation. At notime during the assisted animation portion ofthe judging should the Judge attempt to phys-ically examine (touch, hands-on) or evaluatethe dog’s gait. d. When the Judge is ready to proceed to themovement evaluation portion, the primaryhandler will return to the dog, if a designatedhandler has been used. If not, the person whowas performing the assisted animation willleave the ring. The primary handler will thenmove the dog as directed by the Judge. e. When the individual evaluations are com-plete, the Judge may choose to see some orall of the class animated in order to finalizetheir decisions regarding placements. At thistime, the Judge may choose to animate thedog themselves or ask a steward to do so.They may ask for individual dogs to be ani-mated again using the assisted animation for-mat, but this is not encouraged because of theamount of time involved.

D. Rating System/Critiques.1. Judges will use a rating system and provideindividual written critiques on each dog. Therating system includes: Excellent (EX), VeryGood (VG), Acceptable (AC), and Non-Rated(NR). United Kennel Club will provide uniformcritique forms for a nominal fee.2. Ratings are separate from the usual UKCplacements and point allotments. The ratingsmay be published by the Host Clubs in theirindividual newsletters.3. Ratings are purely the Judge’s opinion of thedog on that day. The rating is given to each ani-mal as it is assessed against the idealdescribed in the breed standards, not againstthe other dogs in its class.4. Any or all of the ratings may be given in anyone class. For example, one class may consistentirely of dogs rated Very Good or Acceptable.

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Another class may have two Excellents, oneVery Good, and one Acceptable. Another classmay have every dog rated Excellent.5. While awarding placements, the Judge mayprovide verbal explanations for the order ofplacement to the exhibitor and/or public, but isnot required to do so. At Multi-Breed shows, thispractice should only occur if time permits.

E. Definition of Ratings. Each rating may be modified by a plus (+) orminus (-) to further indicate the relative quality ofthe dogs.1. Excellent (EX). While recognizing that nodog is without faults or weaknesses, dogsreceiving this rating should be of utmost qualityoverall and possess many fine attributesaccording to the UKC breed standard.2. Very Good (VG). Dogs receiving this ratingmay be:a. Otherwise Excellent dogs in poor condition;b. Dogs with some fine attributes, but lackingin quality in some area(s);c. Dogs of good type, construction, and char-acter, but not outstanding; or,d. Dogs with a major fault which mars an oth-erwise Excellent specimen.

Dogs rated Very Good may receive a firstplace award in their class, but it should benoted that this will award the dog class pointsfor this win. In general only dogs that arerated excellent should receive Championshippoints at that show. If the Judge withholds thepoints, the ribbons, and any award/trophy,are not to be given.

3. Acceptable (AC). Dogs receiving thisrating may be:a. Dogs that are adequate, marred by faults,and/or lacking in quality;b. Dogs that are of incorrect/inadequate type.Dogs rated Acceptable should not receive afirst place ribbon and should not earn pointsat that show. The ribbon and points should bewithheld if it is the only rating given in theclass. The Judge may give a single entry in aclass second place in a class of one, or with-hold all ribbons.

4. Not Rated (NR). Dogs receiving thisrating may be:a. So lacking in breed type that they appearto be of mixed-breed heritage, and shouldreceive no rating and class placement;b. Dogs that are excused or disqualified.

5. A dog rated lower than others in its classcannot place above them. For example, a dog

rated Very Good may not receive a third placewhen a dog rated Excellent is placed fourth inthe same class.6. While awarding placements, the Judge mayprovide verbal explanations for the order of theplacements to the exhibitors and/or public, butis not required or expected to do so.

F. Written Critiques.1. The Judge is encouraged to comment on allportions of the form, but due to time constraintsand large entries, they may elect to summarizeportions. (Examples: “An exceptional dog inbody, angulation and character, whose roundeyes detract from an otherwise excellent headpiece.” -or- “A dog of lovely color and characterthat is otherwise terribly lacking in breed type,particularly in that is long in body, short on leg,and heavy in head.”)2. Judges must not be too general to the extentthat they provide little information to the exhibitorfor educational purposes, nor information abouttheir own judging. (Example: “Dog has good typeand character, with a nice head.”)3. Whenever possible, the Judge should attemptto explain the best and worst features of eachdog. For example, under “Head” on the form,one might write “excellent.” but it would beadvisable to include additional details such as“correct planes, well-chiseled, nice length ofmuzzle.” Or, instead of just listing “ears” as “OK,”it would be better stated as “well set, too long.”4. The Judge must indicate the rating given toeach dog on the area indicated on the CritiqueForm.

*XVIII. Conformation Titles - refer to charton pages 86 & 87. For additional informa-tion, see pages 88 & 89.

A. Requirements for Champion title.Championship points are awarded in accor-dance with the Point Schedule found elsewherein this rulebook. To earn a UKC Champion title, adog must1. Earn a minimum of 100 championship points,2. Earn points under at least three differentUKC licensed Judges, and3. Win three Best Male/Female (or higher)classes with competition at three different showsunder three different UKC licensed Judges.

*B. Competition for the Champion title.Competition is defined as more than onemale/female entered and shown in any one of theregular classes (Puppy, Junior, Intermediate(Senior), Adult, or Breeder/Handler classes). If a

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judge withholds a first-place ribbon and awards adog a second, third or fourth place ribbon in a classof one, this dog will count as having competed andshall count as competition. If a judge withholds allawards from the dog, then it shall not count as com-petition. Dogs that are excused or disqualified donot count as competition. A dog that is judged in aclass, but whose entry is subsequently determinedto be invalid, shall count as competition.1. Earning a competition win by goingBest of Winners. If only one male/female dog isentered in the regular classes, that dog may earnchampionship points, but such wins do not countas wins with competition. However, if a Best Maleand a Female is selected the dog that is awardedBest of Winners, will earn a win with competition.2. Earning a competition win by goingBest of Breed. A Best Male/Best Female whohas no competition of the same or opposite sexin the regular classes may still earn a win withcompetition by defeating a Champion or GrandChampion of either sex for Best of Breed.3. Earning a competition win by placingin the Group. At shows where Group competi-tion is offered, a Best Male/Best Female with nocompetition in its breed may still earn a win withcompetition by winning a Group placement. AGroup 4 win only counts as a win with competitionif there are five or more breeds in the Group class.4. Earning a competition win by win-ning Best in Multi-Breed Show, ReserveBest in Multi-Breed Show, Best in Showor Reserve Best in Show. At shows whereBest in Multi-Breed Show or Best in Show com-petition is offered, a Best Male/Best Female withno competition in its breed may still earn a winwith competition by winning Best In Multi-BreedShow, Reserve Best In Multi-Breed Show, BestIn Show or Reserve Best In Show.

C. Requirements for Grand Championtitle. To earn a UKC Grand Champion title, a dogmust:1. Win the Champion class at least five timeswith competition, and2. Win the Champion class under at least threedifferent UKC licensed Judges.

D. Competition for the Grand Championtitle. Competition is defined as at least threedogs correctly entered and shown in theChampion class. When awards are withheld fromother dogs entered in the Champion class (i.e.,Reserve Champion) and a dog is declared thewinner of the Champion class, the other dogs shallnot count as competition. A Champion wining

Best of Breed may count the number ofChampions defeated as well as any GrandChampions defeated by winning Best of Breed tofulfill the requirements of a competition wintowards the Grand Champion title.E. Requirements for a ConformationChampion and Conformation GrandChampion title. The following breeds whoparticipate in Conformation Events administeredby the UKC Dog Events Department and heldunder these Conformation Rules may earn theirConformation Champion (CCH) or ConformationGrand Champion (CGRCH) titles following thesame requirements as outlined in Section XVIII.The breeds eligible to obtain a CCH and aCGRCH are:

• American Black & Tan Coonhound• American Leopard Hound• Beagle• Black Mouth Cur• Bluetick Coonhound• English Coonhound• Mountain Cur• Plott Hound• Redbone Coonhound• Stephens’ Cur• Treeing Cur• Treeing Feist• Treeing Walker Coonhound

*F. Requirements for the AlteredChampion, Altered Grand Champion,Altered Conformation Champion andAltered Conformation Grand Championtitles. Essentially the altered classes and pointsystem is the same as the classes for regularintact dogs.3. Altered Conformation Titles.Championship points earned by a dog in theRegular class, may be transferred to AlteredChampionship points when a dog is altered.Additionally, a title(s) earned before a dog wasaltered will make the dog eligible to compete inthe next appropriate highest class. For examplea dog that earned a Championship (CH) in theregular class, is then altered will be eligible tocompete in the Altered Champion class. a. Requirements for Altered Championtitle (ALCH). Altered Championship pointsare awarded in accordance with the AlteredPoint Schedule found elsewhere in this rule-book. To earn a UKC Altered Champion (ALCH)title, a dog must 1) Earn a minimum of 100 altered champi-onship points.

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2) Earn points under at least three differentUKC licensed Judges, and3) Win three Altered Best Male/Altered BestFemale (or higher) classes with competitionat three different shows under three differentUKC licensed Judges.

b. Competition for the AlteredChampion title. Competition is defined asmore than one altered male/altered femaleentered and shown in any one of the alteredregular classes (Altered Puppy, Altered Junior,Altered Intermediate (Senior), Altered Adult, orAltered Breeder/Handler). If a judge withholdsa first place ribbon and awards a dog a sec-ond, third or fourth place ribbon in a class ofone, this dog will count as having competedand shall count as competition. If a judge with-holds all awards from the dog, then it shall notcount as competition. Dogs that are excusedor disqualified do not count as competition. Adog that is judged in a class, but whose entryis subsequently determined to be invalid, shallcount as competition.1) Earning a competition win bygoing Altered Best of Winners. If onlyone male/female dog is entered in the alteredregular classes, that dog may earn champi-onship points, but such wins do not count aswins with competition. However, if an AlteredBest Male and an Altered Best Female isselected the dog that is awarded Best ofWinners, will earn a win with competition.2) Earning a competition win bygoing Altered Best of Breed. AnAltered Best Male/Altered Best Female whohas no competition of the same or oppositesex in the regular classes may still earn a winwith competition by defeating a AlteredChampion or Altered Grand Champion ofeither sex for Altered Best of Breed.3) Earning a competition win by plac-ing in the Altered Group. At shows whereAltered Group competition is offered, anAltered Best Male/Altered Best Female with nocompetition in its breed may still earn a winwith competition by winning an Altered Groupplacement. An Altered Group 4 win onlycounts as a win with competition if there arefive or more breeds in the Altered Group class.4) Earning a competition win by win-ning Altered Best In Multi-BreedShow, Altered Reserve Best In Multi-Breed Show, Altered Best In Show orAltered Reserve Best in Show. At

shows where Altered Best in Multi-BreedShow or Altered Best in Show competition isoffered, a Altered Best Male/Altered BestFemale with no competition in its breed maystill earn a win with competition by winningAltered Best In Multi-Breed Show, AlteredReserve Best In Multi-Breed Show, AlteredBest In Show or Altered Reserve Best In Show.

c. Requirements for Altered GrandChampion title (ALGRCH). To earn a UKCAltered Grand Champion (ALGRCH) title, adog must: 1) Win the Altered Champion class at leastfive times with competition, and2) Win the Altered Champion class under atleast three different UKC licensed Judges.

d. Competition for the Altered GrandChampion title. Competition is defined as atleast three dogs correctly entered and shown inthe Altered Champion class. When awards arewithheld from other dogs entered in the AlteredChampion class (i.e., Altered ReserveChampion) and a dog is declared the winner ofthe Altered Champion class, the other dogsshall not count as competition. An AlteredChampion winning Altered Best of Breed maycount the number of Altered Champions defeat-ed as well as any Altered Grand Championsdefeated by winning Altered Best of Breed tofulfill the requirements of a competition wintowards the Altered Grand Champion title.e. Requirements for an AlteredConformation Champion and AlteredConformation Grand Champion title.The following breeds who participate inConformation Events administered by the UKCDog Events Department and held under theseConformation Rules may earn their AlteredConformation Champion (ALCCH) or AlteredConformation Grand Champion (ALCGRCH)titles following the same requirements as out-lined in Section XVIII. The breeds eligible toobtain a ALCCH and a ALCGRCH are:

• American Black & Tan Coonhound• American Leopard Hound• Beagle• Black Mouth Cur• Bluetick Coonhound• English Coonhound• Mountain Cur• Plott Hound• Redbone Coonhound• Stephens’ Cur

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• Treeing Cur• Treeing Feist• Treeing Walker Coonhound

G. National Grand Champion. EffectiveAugust 31, 1989, the National American EskimoAssociation, the National American Pit Bull TerrierAssociation and the National Toy Fox TerrierAssociation may designate the Grand Championclass at their national specialty as the “NationalGrand Champion” class. Provided that at leastfive dogs of either sex are exhibited in the class,the winner of this class shall earn the title“National Grand Champion.” UKC will issue aspecial certificate recognizing the win and thedesignation “NGRCH” will appear before thedog’s name in all UKC records. The host clubmay request permission to have this class judgedby a three Judge panel, consisting of at least twoSenior Judges licensed for that breed. Suchrequests must be made in writing at the time theclub applies to host the event. The names of theJudges shall not be made public until immediate-ly prior to the start of judging for this class.H. National Best Of Breed (NBOB). Thishonorary title (retroactive to January 1, 2004) wascreated in honor of all those dogs that win Best ofBreed at recognized designated UKC NationalSpecialties. The NBOB title will be added to thedog’s permanent record. The NBOB title is inaddition to, and does not replace, the NationalGrand Champion title that is given to the winner ofthe Grand Champion class at the AmericanEskimo, American Pit Bull Terrier and Toy FoxTerrier national specialties.

XIX. Non-licensed Conformation Classes. A. Rules applying to non-licensed con-formation classes.1. Non-licensed classes may be offered at allUKC conformation shows, except that Group,Best in Multi-Breed Show and Best In Showclasses may only be offered in accordance withthe rules in this Section, paragraph B, subpara-graph 5 below. A host club must request non-licensed classes when submitting its “EventApplication for a Scheduled Weekend”. Notice ofthe non-licensed classes will be published inBLOODLINES magazine with the notice of theclub’s licensed event. Non-licensed classes mayonly be offered for breeds for which licensedclasses are offered.2. At the discretion of the Event Committee,breed specific non-licensed classes may be

scheduled immediately following Best of Breedjudging for that breed. Group competition maycommence immediately after all breeds for thatgroup have been judged.3. Group, Best in Multi-breed Show and Best inShow must be judged by licensed Judges. Allother non-licensed classes may be judged bynon-licensed Judges or licensed Judges.4. No Championship points or Top Ten pointsshall be awarded as a result of winning a non-licensed class.

B. Non-licensed conformation classes. 1. Novice Puppy Classes. All Puppy class-es shall be divided individually by breed and bysex. An individual judge’s book shall be pre-pared for each breed, consisting of the follow-ing classes:a. Novice Male and Novice Femaleclasses. For intact dogs 3 months of age andunder 6 months of age that are permanentlyregistered with UKC as of the day of the show,or that have a valid Temporary Listing (TL) num-ber as of the day of the show, or that are not yetpermanently registered but that are from littersregistered with UKC as of the day of the show.The Judge shall give up to four placements,where possible, in these classes.b. Best of Breed Novice Puppy. Thisclass shall consist of the winners of the NoviceMale class and the Novice Female class. Thejudge shall select a single winner in this class.

2. Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Classes.Classes shall be divided by breed and judgedseparately by sex. These classes shall be judgedon the quality of the progeny and not the individ-ual stud dogs and brood bitches. Stud dogs andbrood bitches must be permanently registeredwith UKC as of the day of the show to be eligiblefor this class. Progeny may compete if they arepermanently registered with UKC, are out of UKCRegistered litters, or have a valid TemporaryListing number on the day of the show. Spayedbitches and neutered dogs are eligible to com-pete in these classes but not as progeny. TheJudge shall give up to four placements, wherepossible, in these classes. Only the exhibitors ofthe stud dogs and brood bitches are required towear armbands in these classes.a. Stud Dog. Each entry in this class shallconsist of a stud dog and at least two but notmore than four dogs sired by that dog. Theprogeny must be at least three months of ageand may include both sexes. At least two ofthe progeny must be entered in the licensed

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classes. Stud dogs entered in this class maynot be counted as progeny for their sires inthe same class. Entries shall be made in thename of the stud dog.b. Brood Bitch. Each entry in this classshall consist of a brood bitch and at least twobut not more than four dogs produced by thatbitch. The progeny must be at least threemonths of age and may include both sexes. Atleast two of the progeny must be entered inthe licensed classes. Brood bitches entered inthis class may not be counted as progeny fortheir dams in the same class. Entries shall bemade in the name of the brood bitch.

3. Miscellaneous Classes. These classesshall be divided by breed.a. Brace Class. Each entry in this classconsists of two dogs of the same breed han-dled by a single handler. This class shall bejudged on the basis of the overall quality of theentry and the similarity of the two dogs in type,size, and markings. The purpose of this classis to reward high quality within consistent type.The Judge shall give up to four placements,where possible, in this class. Dogs must be sixmonths of age or older, intact and permanent-ly registered with UKC or have a validTemporary Listing number on the day of theshow in order to be eligible for this class. b. Veteran Class. This class consists ofdogs seven years of age, or older and shall bedivided by sex. The purpose of this class is toreward dogs that maintain good breed typeand good condition as they age, and to giveother breeders an opportunity to see the topdogs of the past. The Judge shall give up tofour placements, where possible, in this class.The Best Veteran Male shall compete with theBest Veteran Female for Best Veteran of Breed.Dogs must be permanently registered withUKC or have a valid Temporary Listing numberon the day of the show in order to be eligiblefor this class. Spayed and neutered dogs areeligible for this class.

4. Group, Best in Multi-Breed Show andBest in Show classes. The club is respon-sible for preparing an individual group Judge’sbook for each group offered and a separateJudge’s book for Best in Show or Best in Multi-Breed show. a. Group Classes. Each UKC-recognizedbreed belongs to one of eight Groups. EachGroup class shall consist of the Best of Breedwinners from those breeds belonging to that

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specific Group as listed in Section XVI.Groups shall be judged by a single Judgewho shall give up to four placements, wherepossible, in this class. i. Group classes at All-Breed shows.Group classes must be offered by clubshosting all-breed shows.ii. Group classes at Multi-Breedshows. A club may only hold a Group classwhen it offers classes for five or more breedsin that Group.

b. Best In Multi-Breed Show. A clubmust host a minimum of ten breeds in order tooffer this class. i. If no Group classes are offered, this classconsists of the Best of Breed winners from allbreeds offered at the show. When one ormore Group class is offered, the Best inMulti-breed Show class shall consist of thefirst-place winners of each Group and thoseremaining Best of Breed winners who werenot defeated in any Group class.ii. This class must be judged by a singlelicensed UKC Judge.iii. The name of the Judge shall not bemade public until immediately prior to thestart of judging for this class.iv. The Judge shall select a Best in Multi-breed Show winner and a Reserve Best inMulti-breed Show winner.

c. Best In Show. A club must host allbreeds eligible for UKC conformation privi-leges in order to offer this class. i. This class consists of the first-place win-ners of each Group class.ii. The Best in Show class may be judged bya single licensed UKC Judge or by a panel ofthree licensed UKC Judges at the discretionof the Event Committee.iii. The name(s) of the Judge(s) shall not bemade public until immediately prior to thestart of judging for this class.iv. The Judge(s) shall select a Best in Showwinner and a Reserve Best in Show winner.

5. Special Exhibitions. Clubs may offer anexhibition only class. Each club may establishthe requirements for entry in this class and isencouraged to include conformation and perfor-mance dogs. A club may call the class by what-ever name it chooses but the name shouldreflect the requirements for entry. Each dog willbe given the opportunity to enter the ring andhave a commentator read the dog’s accom-plishments. Clubs may offer rosettes, ribbons,

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or trophies to each participant.6. Total Dog Award. A club (or with specialwritten approval by UKC, a combination of clubsholding events in conjunction with each other)offering conformation and at least one eligibleperformance event may apply to offer the TotalDog Award when submitting its “EventApplication for a Scheduled Weekend”. Clubshosting more then one conformation and/or per-formance event on the day Total Dog awards areoffered may have all events considered eligiblewhen determining Total Dog qualifiers. a. Eligible dogs. Dogs that are permanentlyregistered with UKC as of the day of the showand dogs that have a valid Temporary Listing(TL) number as of the day of the show are eli-gible to compete for the Total Dog Award.b. Requirements for Total Dog Award.To be eligible for this award, a dog must meetthe requirements listed below.i. Compete in conformation with competitionand win one of the following classes:(a) Best Male/Female of Variety(b) Best Male/Female(c) Best of Winners(d) Champion(e) Grand Champion(f) Best of Breed(g) Group 1 through 4 (Note: Group 4 winonly counts if there are five or more breedsin the Group class.)(h) Best In Multi-Breed Show(i) Reserve Best In Multi-Breed Show(j) Best In Show(k) Reserve Best In Show

ii. Earn a qualifying score in a licensed classat a UKC Performance Event (Agility,Obedience, Rally Obedience, Weight Pull,Terrier Race or UKC licensed Hunt events).

c. For the purpose of this award, competitionthrough Best of Breed is defined as defeatinganother dog of the same breed. If there is nocompetition of the same breed, a Best of Breedwinner who defeats another dog of a differentbreed by placing in the Group, by winning Bestor Reserve Best In Multi-Breed Show, or by win-ning Best or Reserve Best In Show shall be con-sidered to have a win with competition.

XX. Top Ten Competition.*A. Top Ten points. Top Ten points are auto-matically awarded at all UKC regular licensedconformation events to each Best of Breed win-ner (with the exception of Coonhounds), who

receives one point for each dog defeated inbreed competition, provided that there are atleast two dogs of any sex correctly entered andshown in that breed. Dogs that are disqualified orexcused from competition do not count, andshall be deducted from the total number of dogsshown in the breed when calculating the numberof Top Ten points earned. Top Ten points are cal-culated by UKC based on the official event reportsubmitted by the Event Secretary.B. Top Ten competition year. Top Ten pointsare calculated from January 1 to December 31 ofeach year. C. Publication of Top Ten standings.Regularly updated Top Ten standings will be D. Corrections to Top Ten standings.Corrections in Top Ten points or standings forany competition year must be promptly reportedto UKC. Corrections to the Top Ten Standingsreceived after January 31 of the following yearshall not be considered.E. Top Ten Invitational. The ten top-rankeddogs in each breed may be invited to participatein a Top Ten Invitational competition held in theyear following the competition year.F. Coonhound Top Ten. Rankings points mayonly be earned at UKC Licensed Hunting/BenchShow events. They cannot be earned at any All-Breed or Multi-Breed shows.

XXI. Judges Code of Ethics and Rules forJudges.

A. UKC Judges are approved on the basis of theirknowledge of dogs, their understanding of theUKC rules, their dedication to the sport of purebreddogs, and their integrity. Judges are the role mod-els for our sport and, as such, are expected toadhere to the highest standards of conduct, both inand out of the ring. Judges should adhere to thefollowing guidelines when judging:1. Judges’ decisions play a key role in deter-mining future breeding stock. Conformationdecisions must be based strictly on the UKCstandard and performance placements on theUKC rules. 2. Judges should dress appropriately for theevent and the weather. A Judge’s appearanceshould always be neat and professional.3. Judges should not only avoid improprietybut also the appearance of impropriety. In asport where Judges are bound to have numer-ous friends among the exhibitors, it is importantwhen judging to keep socializing at events to a

their dog in any performance and/or compan-ion event over the same weekend.b) May enter and exhibit in any performanceand/or companion event the day(s) prior toand/or the day(s) following their judgingassignment.

XXII. Dogs that may not be entered undera Judge. Exhibitors may not enter the following dogs under alicensed Judge. These dogs may, however, show inother types of events, including Junior Showmanship,on the same day. For example, a dog owned by a per-son judging a conformation event, may participate ina performance event and/or Junior Showmanshiphosted by same club on the same day, provided thedog is not handled by or shown to the Judge.

A. A dog that is owned or co-owned by thatJudge (except as noted);B. A dog that is owned or co-owned by a mem-ber of that Judge’s immediate family;C. A dog that is owned or co-owned by a personliving in the same household as that Judge.D. A dog that has been owned or trained by saidJudge or that has lived in said Judge’s house-hold, regardless of ownership, within threemonths of the date of the event; E. A dog that has been owned or trained by amember of said Judge’s immediate family or thathas lived in the household of a member of theJudge’s immediate family within three months ofthe date of the event.F. No member of said Judge's immediate familyor member of said Judge's household mayexhibit a dog under that Judge. *G. No member of a Judge’s immediate family orhousehold may enter or exhibit a dog, regardlessof ownership, under that member who is officiat-ing or in the same type of activity where thatmember is officiating. H. An exhibitor who co-owns a dog with an offi-ciating Judge or with a member of an officiatingJudge's immediate family may enter and exhibitother dogs as long as they do not meet any otherrestrictions outlined in this section.

XXIII. Exhibitors who may not enter under aJudge.

1. No member of a Judge's immediate family orhousehold may enter or exhibit a dog, regardlessof ownership, under that member who is officiat-ing or in the same type of activity where thatmember is officiating. 2. Exhibitors may, however, show in other types

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minimum, both in and out of the ring. Judgesshould be cordial to all exhibitors while main-taining a professional distance.4. When not judging, Judges are encouragedto participate in UKC events as spectators,exhibitors, workers, and club members. In suchsituations, however, Judges must be mindfulthat people give extra attention to their words.Judges should refrain from gossip and be cau-tious about discussing dogs they have judged. 5. Judges should not exhibit on the sameweekend at companion shows as a show thatthey are judging.6. If a Judge is judging at an event held by aclub of which the Judge is a member, the clubofficers and members of the show committeeshould not exhibit dogs under that Judge, norshould a third party exhibit dogs owned or co-owned by officers of the club or members of theshow committee under that Judge.

*B. Conformation Judge Rules. Judges arethe subject of scrutiny, both for the job they do inthe ring judging dogs and how they conductthemselves in other roles, whether as spectators,club members or exhibitors. Becoming a judgebrings with it an extra set of responsibilities, anobligation to conduct oneself in a manner that isabove reproach. Integrity is part of the persona ofthe judge and there should never be an instancewhere a judge’s integrity is in question. The judgeshould avoid improper actions and situations aswell as those situations and actions that couldgive the appearance of impropriety. These sortsof actions and situations, whether real or per-ceived, will quickly erode the judge’s image.

For these reasons, the United Kennel Clubhas adopted the following rules in regard to itsConformation Judges and Exhibiting:1. Judges must not steward for a Judge duringtheir judging of the same breeds they will bejudging the same weekend.2. No judge may enter a dog owned by anotherperson on a weekend they are judging.3. No Judge may pass judgment on a dog ofwhich they are listed as a breeder or co-breed-er in any conformation class.4. A Conformation Judge may not exhibit dogsin any event (conformation and/or performanceand/or companion) on the same day they arejudging nor may they exhibit in any conforma-tion event held prior to the day of their assign-ment. However they;a) May have someone else enter and exhibit

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of events on the same day. For example, if theexhibitor is ineligible to show in a conformationevent due to the Judge, they may participate in aperformance event hosted by same club on thesame day.

XXIV. Judging Procedures.*A. Judge’s authority in the ring. TheJudge may use whatever reasonable procedureshe/she deems necessary to evaluate the dogs inan effective and efficient manner. All dogs withina breed will be examined in the same mannerexcept as outlined in paragraph B below, and allexhibitors will be given an equal opportunity topresent their dogs. Judges have the sole discre-tion to authorize the use of squeaky toys and baitin their rings (See Section XV, Paragraph E).*B. Mandatory evaluations. All conforma-tion judges will gait each dog using the samepattern and examine each dog’s bite as part ofthe judging process. At the discretion of thejudge they may either look at the bite on his/herown, or ask the exhibitor to show the bite.Judges may make that decision based uponbreed, individual dog, and circ*mstances andwill not necessarily use the same method forexamining the individual bite of each dog or foreach breed. If an exhibitor in the ring has strongfeelings about showing the bite to the judgerather than having the judge open the mouth,then the judge should honor that exhibitor’srequest to show the bite. C. Discussion of placements withexhibitors. UKC Judges are encouraged todiscuss placements with exhibitors and to give ashort oral critique after Best of Breed judging. *D. Judge’s book. Judges are responsible forthe accuracy of the information in their Judges’books. Each Judge must sign his/her Judge’s bookupon the completion of a judging assignment andreturn it to the Event Secretary. The Event Secretarymust provide the Judge with a copy of his/hersigned Judge’s book prior to the judge leaving theshow/trial grounds on the day of their last assign-ment; which the Judge is required to keep on file fora period of one year after the judging assignment.*E. Prohibitions. 1. Judges may not ask an exhibitor any ques-tions regarding the dog being evaluated otherthan age.2. Judges may not judge the licensed classes ofthe same breed more than once in a four-dayperiod, or within a 1,000 mile distance between

shows if the judge officiates for more than oneclub over the same weekend. This prohibitionmay be waived upon written request to UKC forSenior Judges assigned to judge a NationalGrand Champion or National Best of Breed class.3. Judges may not judge a conformation showand a performance event on the same day.

F. Disqualifying faults, prohibited alter-ations, mandatory excusals and with-holding placements.1. Universal disqualifying faults.Viciousness, extreme shyness, unilateral* orbilateral* cryptorchidism, and albinism are dis-qualifications for all breeds of dog recognizedby United Kennel Club. Judges must disqualifyany dog that exhibits these faults, immediatelydismiss the exhibitor and dog from the ring andmark the Judge’s Book accordingly. Judgesmust write an explanation of what behaviors thedog exhibited to enable the Judge to make adetermination that the dog was vicious orextremely shy in the comment section of theJudge’s book. *In Regular Classes2. Breed-specific disqualifying faults.a. Judges must disqualify any AmericanLeopard Hound that is overshot or undershot.Overshot or undershot is defined in thesebreeds as a dog having a visible gap betweenthe upper and lower teeth. The Judge must dis-qualify the dog and immediately dismiss theexhibitor and dog from the ring. The Judge is tomark the Judge’s book accordingly and namethe specific disqualifying fault.b. Judges must disqualify any dog thatexhibits a disqualifying fault as defined in itsUKC breed standard. The Judge must dis-qualify the dog and immediately dismiss theexhibitor and dog from the ring. The Judge isto mark the Judge’s book accordingly andname the specific disqualifying fault. i. When a dog has been disqualified for abreed specific fault, it is ineligible to continuecompeting at that show. However the dogmay continue to be shown at future shows.ii. Any dog that has been disqualified for thesame fault under three different judges shallbe ineligible for entry in any UKCConformation event unless and until notifiedby UKC that the dog’s show eligibility hasbeen reinstated.

3. Prohibited alterations. UKC encouragesexhibitors to emphasize the conditioning andtraining of their dogs and to avoid extreme

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grooming practices. A dog should be sufficientlyclean and well groomed to enable a Judge toproperly evaluate the dog. Breeds with tradition-al trimming patterns may be presented in thosepatterns. Except as allowed by a dog’s UKCbreed standard, exhibitors are prohibited fromaltering coat color, coat texture, pigment color,ear carriage, tail carriage or any other essentialelement of the dog’s conformation by any exter-nal means, including artificial color, foreign sub-stances, or surgical means. Dogs are to be dis-qualified from conformation events when anyphysical fault has been corrected by surgery orother medical procedure. This prohibition doesnot apply to any necessary medical procedurerequired to restore a dog to its previous normalcondition, provided such procedure does not:a. Correct, alter or obscure a condition thatwould render a dog ineligible for competition, orb. Improve an existing condition to the benefitof the dog’s appearance, gait or temperament. c. When a dog has been disqualified for aphysical fault, it is ineligible to continue com-peting for that show. However, the dog maycontinue to be shown at future shows. d. Any dog that has been disqualified for thesame fault, under three different judges, shallbe ineligible for entry in any UKC Conformationevent unless and until notified by UKC that thedog’s show eligibility has been reinstated.

4. Notice of Disqualification. When UKChas received notice that a dog has been dis-qualified under this section for the third time, theowner of the dog will be notified by certified mail.The owner of the dog shall have 14 days fromreceipt of this notification to show why the dogshould not be barred from all registration privi-leges. After reviewing any mitigating or extenuat-ing evidence submitted by the owner, UKC staffshall make a finding of facts and determine thepenalty, and this ruling shall be final. The ownerof the dog shall be notified of the outcome with-in 30 days of receipt of the owner’s response.Owners of dogs that are barred from registrationprivileges are required to return the dog’s UKCregistration certificate within 14 days of noticethat the dog is barred. Failure to promptly returnthe registration certificate can result in loss of*ckC privileges. Dogs barred from registrationprivileges may not be transferred nor may littersproduced by these dogs be registered.5. Mandatory Excusals. When a dog isexcused for any reason, the Judge must imme-diately dismiss the exhibitor and dog from the

ring. The Judge’s Book must be marked accord-ingly and the Judge must write an explanation ofthe reason the dog was excused in the com-ment section of the Judge’s Book. The Judge’sdecision on these matters is final. Owners andexhibitors are presumed to know the conditionof their dogs and risk disciplinary action forexhibiting dogs with prohibited alterations.a. Judges must excuse any dog being exhibit-ed with sutures, bandages, adhesive or anyother material that is indicative of or related toany surgical or medical procedure. b. Lameness or illness. Judges must excuseany dog that is lame or appears to be ill. TheJudge’s Book must be marked accordinglyand include the reason the dog was excused.The Judge’s decision on these matters is final.c. Deafness or blindness. A Judge mayexcuse any dog he/she suspects is blind ordeaf and mark the Judge’s Book accordingly.The Judge’s decision is final.

6. Withholding placements. Judges play animportant role in the selection of future breedingstock. For that reason, UKC Judges must notreward any dog that lacks sufficient quality to bea champion. In very large classes, such dogs areusually left out of the placements. In small class-es, however, it is important that Judges denyplacements to dogs that are so lacking in breedtype and soundness that they should neverachieve a champion title. Judges withholdingplacements for lack of quality must note this inthe Judge’s Book and specifically address theelements where the dog fails to meet the stan-dard. Judges must always take the time to dis-cuss withheld placements with the exhibitor,either at the end of judging the class or the breed.

Information on becoming a licensed UKC Judge canbe found in the UKC Judges Handbook or go

*XXV. Scheduling UKC Events A. Number of events in a year. UKC Clubsmay host as many events per year as the clubmay properly support. However, UKC has theright to limit the number of events held by anyclub or Event Manager at its sole discretion.B. Number of activities and events perday. A club may apply to host more than onetype of event on the same day, for example aconformation event, an obedience trial and a ter-rier race. UKC reserves the right to limit the num-ber and types of activities/events a club may hold

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per day at their sole discretion. C. Number of activities allowed per day.A club may apply to host the following number ofactivities on the same day:1. Agility. Each agility trial is considered is con-sidered as an activity. A UKC club may apply tohold no more than two agility activities per day.2. Conformation. A UKC club may apply tohold no more than two like activities per day. Forconformation each breed is considered an activity.3. Dock Jumping (Air Dog). A UKC clubmay apply to hold no more than one event perday. Note: multiple splashes are generallyoffered at the event and one event is generallyspread over more than one day.4. Lure Coursing Meet. Each meet is con-sidered as an activity. A UKC club may apply tohold no more than one meet per day. (A meetmay hold a Coursing Aptitude Test, CoursingTest and Regular Stakes.)5. Obedience. Each obedience trial is con-sidered is considered as an activity. A UKC clubmay apply to hold no more than two obedienceactivities per day.6. Rally Obedience. Each rally obediencetrial is considered is considered as an activity AUKC club may apply to hold no more than tworally obedience activities per day.7. Terrier Races. Each Terrier Race is con-sidered as an activity. A UKC club may apply tohold two of each type of Terrier Race - Flat,Steeple per day.8. Weight Pull. A UKC club may apply tohold one weight pull per day.

D. Multiple Clubs using same location/same date: Two or more clubs may not holdUKC licensed events of the same activity at thesame location on the same day without specialpermission from UKC. Any such request must besubmitted directly to UKC by the new club, alongwith a permission letter from the historical dateholding club. The date holding club has the rightto approve or deny the request at their discretion.E. Mileage conflicts. UKC will not licenseevents of the same activity or type on the sameday to be held by different clubs within 100 milesof each other, except that conformation showsmay be scheduled within that distance if there areno common breeds being offered by the hostclubs or by special permission granted by UKC.Distance shall be calculated using the closest dri-ving route and not air miles.

F. Applying for a licensed event.1. Corresponding weekend datedefined. UKC does not schedule events bywhich weekend an event falls within a month butrather by a corresponding weekend date of theyear. This means that the date(s) of your club’sscheduled event may vary each year andapproximately every five years (or so) the actualdate of the event may be up to five days different.2. Clubs with reserved correspondingdates.a. A club that has offered an event in any oneyear shall have the first right to hold an eventon the corresponding date in the followingyear. A club that fails to confirm an event byreturning its application by the applicationdeadline date or that fails to request that itsdate be reserved shall lose the right to claimthat corresponding date the following year.Event dates may only be held for one year. b. Mailing of Event Application for areserved Scheduled Weekend to theclub. Approximately nine months before aclub’s reserved corresponding date, UKC willmail an “Event Application for a ScheduledWeekend” to the club’s Secretary or designat-ed Club Officer on file at UKC.1) Application Forms. The application willbe for the same number and type of events aswere offered the previous year. Any changes oradditions must be approved in writing or by e-mail by UKC before submitting the EventApplication for a Scheduled Weekend.2) Order Form For Event Paperwork.The Application package from UKC will alsoinclude an Order Form for Event Paperwork.The Club Secretary/designated Club Officerreceiving the Application package is respon-sible for ensuring that all forms are promptlysent to the appropriate Event Committeemembers. The Order Form for EventPaperwork must be sent to the EventSecretary. The remainder of the packagemust be sent to the Event Chairperson.

3. Applying for a new correspondingdate. The following procedure is in effect forexisting clubs or a new club ready to apply fortheir first event dates.a. Checking date availability. A clubmember may check on the availability of datesby phone, e-mail or written request. Include thedate, type of activity, and the event site location.UKC will notify the club if the date is available.

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b. Number of events in a year. Official request to schedule the newdate(s). Requests for new dates areprocessed in the order received. Requests fornew dates made after the application deadlinedue date may be denied. A date may beassigned to the club when an e-mail or writtenrequest from a club officer or event committeemember is received by the Dog EventsDepartment. The new date request mustinclude the following:1) Full name of club and club ID number.2) Date or dates of the event.3) Type of activities and how many to beheld per day.4) Site location including City and State.

4. Dispatching of Event Applications fora newly Scheduled Weekend. When a newdate request is granted, UKC will mail or e-mail an“Event Application for a newly ScheduledWeekend” to the club’s Secretary or designatedClub Officer on file at UKC. Event Applications forapproved dates will be sent by e-mail (unlessmailing via the USPS is requested) if all otherapplications for that period have already beenmailed, otherwise they will be sent during the reg-ular scheduled mailing period. Application Formsand Order Form For Event Paperwork are to behandled in the procedures as outlined above.

G. Deadline dates for the EventApplications for a Scheduled Weekendto be received at UKC. Completed applica-tions with any changes or additions must bereturned to UKC with appropriate fees by the fol-lowing deadlines:Month of event Application DeadlineJanuary August 1February September 1March October 1April November 1May December 1June January 1July February 1August March 1September April 1October May 1November June 1December July 1

H. Conformation Event License fees.License fees for an event will be based on thetype of activity offered as follows:

One Breed: $35 per show

Two through Five Breeds: $55 per showSix or More Breeds: $80 per show

I. Incomplete or Late applications orapplications sent without fees. Incompleteapplications or applications received after thedeadline date or without the correct license feeswill be assessed a penalty charge of $20 peractivity, with the exception of conformation(penalty will be calculated per show) for each cal-endar month the application is late.J. When club does not intend to usereserved corresponding date. If a clubdoes not intend to hold an event on its reservedcorresponding date, a club officer must notifyUKC in writing or by email not later than ten daysprior to the application deadline date. If a clubdoes not request that the date be held for the fol-lowing year, that date will become available toother clubs on a first-come, first-served basis.K. Special requests. Clubs requesting anyspecial requests, whether or not they are listedhere, should include such requests in writingwhen submitting their Event Application for aScheduled Weekend.1. All activity (event) types.a. Pre-entry only. The “Event Application fora Scheduled Weekend” may be used torequest that pre-entries only be accepted for anevent. The following rules apply to pre-entry-only events:1) By the closing date of the activity/eventtype, pre-entered dogs must be permanent-ly registered with UKC, have a LimitedPrivilege listing, or have a valid TemporaryListing number.2) The club must send each entrant a con-firmation of the entry and a judging sched-ule. The judging schedule must include theclub’s refund policy and its policy on substi-tution of dogs.3) No additional entries may be acceptedafter the Pre-Entry deadline date.4) No day-of-event entries may be takenbecause this is a pre-entry only event.

b. Special requirements for bringingdogs into state where event is beingheld. Clubs holding events in states with spe-cial requirements for bringing dogs into thestate must list those requirements in writingwhen submitting the Event Application for aScheduled Weekend.

2. Activity/Event type specificationsand variances.

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a. Conformation.1) Specifications that must beincluded on the Event Applicationfor a Scheduled weekend:a) Non-licensed classes. Clubs mustlist all non-licensed classes to be offered,except for Groups, Best In Multi-BreedShow and Best In Show, on the applicationand must conduct the classes in accor-dance with the rules in Section XIX of thecurrent Conformation Rulebook.b) Special procedures for BelgianShepherd Dogs. Effective January 1,1996, United Kennel Club authorized twospecial judging procedures for BelgianShepherd Dogs only: Assisted AnimationCritique Procedure, Long Form or ShortForm. Rules for these procedures can befound in Section XVII of the ConformationRulebook. Although UKC encourages clubsto choose one of these procedures becauseentries are likely to be larger, clubs maychoose to have all breeds evaluated usingcustomary exhibition procedures. The spe-cial procedures require additional time soshow-giving clubs must plan accordingly.

2.) Specifications that are suggestedto be included on the Application for aScheduled weekend. Variation in ringsize: Rings must be of suitable size for the sizeand numbers of dogs that will be exhibited. Aring size of 35' x 40' is recommended, however,35' x 35' is permissible. No conformation ringsmaller than 20' x 30' will be allowed.

L. Publication of upcoming events inBLOODLINES Dog Event News magazineand on the UKC website. Approved eventswill be published on the UKC website and whenapplicable in the first issue of BLOODLINES DogEvent News magazine following the approval ofan application. These publications shall consti-tute the official notice of the upcoming event.1. Publishing special requirements.Any special requirements for bringing dogs intoa state where an event is scheduled, such ashealth or rabies certificates, will be includedwith other event information.2. Late applications or changes madeafter the application deadline date.Late applications or changes made after theapplication deadline may be approved but notpublished if they arrive too late for the magazinedeadline. In such cases, the approved events

and changes will be posted on the UKC website.3. Advertising in BLOODLINES Dog EventNews magazine. Clubs may purchase dis-play ads featuring their upcoming events inBLOODLINES Dog Event News magazine.Upcoming event ads for events that have notyet been approved by UKC will be designatedas “pending UKC approval.”

*XXVI. Planning UKC Events.A. Appointing an Event Committee: Atleast one year prior to any event, the club shallappoint an Event Committee, consisting of one ofthe following:1. A minimum of two persons: one as the EventChairperson and one as the Event Secretary.The Event Chairperson may appoint additionalcommittee members to assist with event dutiesat his/her discretion. The Event Chairpersonand the Event Secretary, as well as any addi-tional Event Committee members must be ingood standing with UKC.2. Using an Event Manager. A LicensedUKC Event Manager may act in the capacity ofboth a Chairperson and Event Secretary and ful-fill all duties assigned to both positions, or at theclubs discretion may be assigned to only fulfillthe duties of the Event Secretary. The club mustcontract with the Event Manager and outlinehis/her duties of responsibilities of the club’sevent management. A copy of the signed EventManager’s contract must be included with theEvent Application for a Scheduled Weekend.The Club may appoint additional committeemembers to assist with event duties at their dis-cretion who must be in good standing with UKC.

B. Event Committee information on theEvent Application. Once the Event Committeehas been appointed by the host club, the names,addresses, telephones and e-mail addresses(when applicable) of the Event Chairperson andthe Event Secretary must be listed on the EventApplication for a Scheduled Weekend. When usingan Event Manager, the Event Manager’s informa-tion must be listed in place of the Event Secretary.C. Prohibition against Event Chairpersonand Event Secretary serving as Judge.1. No person may serve as a Judge for the hostclub at any UKC Licensed event held on thesame weekend when that person is serving asEvent Chairperson or Event Secretary.2. The Judge (or alternate Judge) for any par-ticular event may not be designated as the indi-

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vidual to accept pre-entries and day-of-showentries for that event.3. Entries should not be received at the judge’smailing address for any event in which they arejudging.4. An officiating Judge’s telephone number oremail address can not be used as contact infor-mation for club event information. Furthermore,an officiating Judge shall not prepare or handleany entries for any event hosted by a club onthe same weekend for which they are judging.

D. Presence of Event Chairperson andEvent Secretary at events. The EventChairperson and the Event Secretary must bepresent on site during the event hours at whichthey are serving in these capacities.E. Replacing Event Chairperson or EventSecretary. Once an application to hold an eventhas been approved by UKC, the club may notreplace the Event Chairperson or the EventSecretary unless the change has been requestedin writing to and approved by UKC. If circum-stances prevent the Event Chairperson or theEvent Secretary from serving on the day of theevent, the club President or other club officermust appoint a replacement. The Event Secretarymust include notice of the replacement with awritten explanation of the reasons for the changewhen submitting the event results to UKC.F. Event Chairperson Responsibilities.See UKC Event Manual for additional informationon event management. The Event Chairperson isresponsible for planning and conducting the eventin accordance with UKC rules. The duties of theEvent Chairperson include, but are not limited to:1. UKC paperwork. The Event Chairpersonis responsible for completing and submitting the"Event Application for a Scheduled Weekend"on time and with the required fees. 2. Show Committee. The Event Chairpersonmay appoint additional committee members toassist with such duties as he/she may delegate.3. Ring Stewards. The Event Chairperson isresponsible for ensuring that experienced ringstewards are assigned to assist each Judge.4. Event site/Equipment. The EventChairperson is responsible for procuring a suit-able show site. This includes but is not limited to: a. The responsibility for executing all con-tracts and acquiring all permits that may berequired by local jurisdictions. b. For ensuring that the grounds and eventequipment meet the requirements outlined in

the UKC Rules and Regulations for the type ofevent being offered. The judge is to report anysubstandard equipment directly to UKC.

5. Judges. The Event Chairperson is responsi-ble for hiring and sending written contract agree-ments to Judges who are properly licensed byUKC for the event and breeds they will be judg-ing. Judges must be hired sufficiently in advanceof the event so that their names and assignmentscan be included on the "Event Application for aScheduled Weekend". The Event Chairpersonmust keep the signed Judges' contracts on filefor at least one year after the event.6. Show veterinarian. A veterinarian must bein attendance or on call for each UKC event.Where local laws require that a veterinarian be inattendance, the Event Chairperson is responsiblefor ensuring that the club is in compliance. 7. Show photographer. Clubs are encour-aged to provide a photographer to take showphotos at events. 8. Motels. The Event Chairperson is respon-sible for appointing a member of the host clubto serve as a representative to the local motelmanagers and for notifying local motel man-agers how to contact this representative withcomplaints about exhibitors.

*G. Event Secretary Responsibilities. SeeUKC Event Manual for additional information onevent management. The Event Secretary is respon-sible for: 1. Ordering forms. Upon receipt of theEvent Report Order Form from the ClubSecretary, the Event Secretary must order fromUKC the type and number of forms required toreport results from the scheduled event(s).2. Event license. Approximately six weeksprior to an event, UKC will mail the EventLicense to the Event Secretary, who is respon-sible for bringing the license to the event. Anyexhibitor at the event who wishes to see thelicense must be allowed to do so.3. Rulebook and Breed Standards. TheEvent Secretary is responsible for bringing acopy of the current Official UKC ConformationRules and Regulations and current UKC breedstandards to the event.4. Catalogs. If the club elects to offer a cata-log of exhibitors, the Event Secretary is respon-sible for preparing the catalog. 5. Entry taking. The Event Secretary isresponsible for accepting only completed andsigned entry forms. The Event Secretary

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assigns an armband number to each entry,which shall be written on the entry form and inthe Judge's book. When applicable, the EventSecretary also enters the height and weight ofthe dog on the entry form.6. Armbands. The Event Secretary is respon-sible for ensuring that the club has an adequatesupply of numbered armbands for exhibitors towear while participating in conformation shows. *7. Preparing Judge’s Books, ScoreSheets and Weigh-In Sheet. The EventSecretary is responsible for overseeing thepreparation and the completion of the Judge’sBooks for each event.a. Judge’s Books and Judge’s (TrialResults) books. The Event Secretary isresponsible for preparing Judges’ books bywriting the armband number and registrationnumber of each dog in the class as indicatedon the exhibitor’s entry form. b. The Event Secretary is also responsible tooversee the preparation of additional paper-work that may be required for the event suchas non-licensed paperwork, score sheets,course sheets.c. Immediately following judging, each Judgewill return his/her signed Judge’s books to theEvent Secretary. The Event Secretary mustgive each Judge one copy of his/her Judge’sbook prior to leaving the event grounds on theday of their last assignment; The club retainsone copy in the club’s records for one year,and forwards the original (top copy) to UKCwith the event report.

*8. Weight rules for Toy Fox Terriers. AllToy Fox Terriers must be weighed once perweekend per hosting club, before being exhibit-ed. Once a dog has been weighed in, it is con-sidered weighed in for those shows hosted onconsecutive days by that club on that weekendand it cannot be required to be weighed again.Clubs hosting Toy Fox Terriers must provide ascale on the day of the show to weigh Toy FoxTerrier entrants. Dogs may be weighed by theJudge, Event Committee members, or officersof the host club. No person who is exhibiting aToy Fox Terrier in a show may weigh a competi-tor’s dog prior to that show. Dogs entered on theday of the show may be weighed at the time ofentry. Dogs entered prior to the day of the showmust be weighed prior to check-in at the entrytable. Individual dog weights must be noted onthe entry form by the Event Secretary. Toy Fox

Terriers that are six months of age or olderweighing less than three-and-one-half poundsor dogs of any age over seven pounds must notbe shown in a conformation event or shown inanother conformation event unless they haveofficially weighed within the specifications.9. Submitting event results. The EventSecretary is responsible for submitting all eventresults to UKC within 10 business days of theevent using the forms provided by UKC for eachevent. (The club will be granted one additionalbusiness day for National Holidays where theUnited States Postal System is closed for busi-ness as long as the event report has beenreceived by the USPS or is in transit to the UKCon the National Holiday.) Clubs shall be fined $20per month per licensed event for late eventreports. Refer to the appendix section of the man-ual for valuable instructions on how to organizeyour event paperwork for submission to UKC.*10. Submitting entry forms. The EventSecretary is responsible for making a copy ofeach entry form prior to sending the originalentry forms for each dog that is entered in theevent to UKC with the event results. a. All Official UKC Class Change/EntryCorrection Forms that have been submittedmust be attached to the original entry form andsubmitted with the event report(s). b. The Event Secretary must keep the copiesof all entry forms for one year after an event.

11. Recording fees.a. Submission of Recording Fee. TheEvent Secretary is responsible for ensuringthat the correct recording fees are paid whenthe event results are submitted to UKC.b. Recording Fee Amount. The recordingfee of $1.50 per entry must accompany theOfficial Report, except for the classes ofGroups, Best In Show, Best In Multi-BreedShow, Special Exhibition and Total Dog.

83Conformation Rules

82Conformation Rules


United Kennel Club holds and has reserved to itselfcertain inherent rights and powers in connection with con-ducting its business, registering litters, transferring regis-trations of dogs, licensing events, and awarding titles.These inherent rights and powers include but are not lim-ited to the following:

United Kennel Club has the right to inspect all reports,scorecards and documents related to UKC events. Some,but not all, of the items subject to inspection are:

a) scores; b) disqualifications of dogs for fighting or other reasons; c) errors by the recording person; and d) documentation excluded for any reason.UKC reserves the right to correct any mistakes found

during such inspection whether or not the document hasthe signature of a Judge or Club Officer. UKC reserves theright to itself and in its sole judgement and discretion, totake such actions and impose such sanctions as would:

a) Bar an individual from entering or participating inany way in any UKC licensed event.

b) Bar an individual from transferring or registering anypups or dogs in that person’s name (joint or full reg-istration) or to any member of that person’s family.

c) Bar an individual from receiving Championshippoints for any dog registered in that person’s name(joint or full registration).

By way of illustration, the following constitute some, butnot all, of the situations calling for the above sanctions:

a) Falsification or alteration of a UKC RegistrationCertificate, Pedigree, UKC Easy Entry™ Card orany other UKC document.

b) Falsification or alteration of any reports of winsissued to UKC

c) Falsification or alteration of receipts issued by UKCJudges.

d) Switching, wrongfully using or attempting to use aUKC Registration Certificate, Pedigree, UKC EasyEntry™ Card or any other UKC document.

e) Selling or attempting to sell a dog with false orincorrect UKC Registration Certificate or Pedigree.

f) Intimidating, threatening, or injuring a Judge,Club/Association member or official, event partici-pant or spectator, or UKC representative.

The six illustrations given above are only by way ofexample and UKC reserves to itself its inherent right andpower to impose such sanctions in any other circum-stances deemed appropriate by UKC.

Any individual who is found guilty by a court of law of

a crime involving dogs will be barred from United KennelClub for an indefinite period. A person shall be consideredguilty in a criminal proceeding if they are convicted by ajudge, jury, or if they enter a plea bargain or other arrange-ment to plea to a lesser offense, or if their case is dis-posed of by any form of deferred adjudication; a personshall be considered guilty in a civil proceeding if they areheld responsible or liable by a judge, jury, or if a compro-mised settlement is reached between the parties.


UKC to promote, support, raise dogs for fighting;knowingly sell, give or trade dogs that will be used infighting; condone or be associated with the facing off,game testing, rolling or pitting of dogs; or arrested forattending and/or participating in a dog fight, will havethe following actions taken against them by UnitedKennel Club and BLOODLINES Dog Event News:

1. All dog registration privileges will be revokedfor life.a. The person(s) will not be permitted to reg-

ister any litters of puppies.b. The person(s) will not be permitted to trans-

fer ownership of any puppies or adult dogsinto their name.

2. The person(s) will be barred for life from par-ticipating in or entering any UKC licensedevents. Their dogs will not be awarded anyUKC Championship points or titles even if han-dled by another person.

3. The person(s) will be barred for life from adver-tising in BLOODLINES or any other UKC publi-cations.

Anyone aware of any persons currently involvedin such activities as are listed above should reportthem to United Kennel Club.

85Conformation Rules

84Conformation Rules


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87Conformation Rules

86Conformation Rules

UKC® ConformationPoint Schedules -Regular Classes

Schedule 1. Breeds without varieties

Requirements for UKC Champion Title

• A minimum of 100 championship points

• Points must be earned under at least three differentUKC licensed Judges,

• Win three Best Male/Female (or higher) classes atthree different shows with competition under threedifferent UKC licensed Judges.

Order of judging.Regular class males are judgedbefore regular class females.

Regular class males:Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult, Breeder/Handler

Best Male

Reserve Best Male

Regular class females: Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Female

Reserve Best Female

Best of Winners


Grand Champion Best of Breed

Regular Class(Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult orBreeder/Handler) 10

Best Male 15

Reserve Best Male 0

Best Female 15

Reserve Best Female 0

Best of Winners 10

Regular class by variety(Puppy , Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult orBreeder/Handler) 5

Best Male of Variety 8

Reserve Best Male of Variety 0

Best Male 12

Reserve Best Male 0

Best Female of Variety 8

Reserve Best Female of Variety 0

Best Female 12

Reserve Best Female 0

Best of Winners 10

Requirements for UKC Grand Champion Title

• Win five Champion classes with competition at fivedifferent shows

• Wins must be earned under at least three differentUKC licensed Judges.

Order of judging.Regular class males are judgedbefore regular class females.

Class males by variety:Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Male of Variety

Reserve Best Male of Variety

Best Male

Reserve Best MaleClass females by variety:

Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Female of Variety

Reserve Best Female of Variety

Best Female

Reserve Best Female

Best of Winners


Grand Champion

Best of Breed

Schedule 2. Breeds with varieties

88Conformation Rules

UKC® ConformationPoint Schedules -Altered Classes

Schedule 1. Breeds without varieties

Requirements for UKC Altered Champion Title

• A minimum of 100 championship points

• Points must be earned under at least three differentUKC licensed Judges,

• Win three Best Male/Female (or higher) classes atthree different shows with competition under threedifferent UKC licensed Judges.

Order of judging.Altered class males are judgedbefore altered class females.

Altered class males:Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Male

Reserve Best Male

Altered class females:Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Female

Reserve Best Female

Best of Winners

Altered Champion

Altered Grand Champion

Altered Best of Breed

Altered Class(Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult or Breeder/Handler) 10

Best Male 15

Reserve Best Male 0

Best Female 15

Reserve Best Female 0

Best of Winners 10

Altered class by variety(Puppy , Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult orBreeder/Handler) 5

Best Male of Variety 8

Reserve Best Male of Variety 0

Best Male 12

Reserve Best Male 0

Best Female of Variety 8

Reserve Best Female of Variety 0

Best Female 12

Reserve Best Female 0

Best of Winners 10

Requirements for UKC Altered GrandChampion Title

• Win five Champion classes with competition at fivedifferent shows

• Wins must be earned under at least three differentUKC licensed Judges.

Order of judging.Altered class males are judgedbefore altered class females.

Altered class males by variety:Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Male of Variety

Reserve Best Male of Variety

Best Male

Reserve Best MaleAltered class females by variety:

Puppy, Junior, Intermediate (Senior), Adult,Breeder/Handler

Best Female of Variety

Reserve Best Female of Variety

Best Female

Reserve Best Female

Best of WinnersAltered ChampionAltered Grand ChampionAltered Best of Breed

Schedule 2. Breeds with varieties

89Conformation Rules

91Conformation Rules

90Conformation Rules

SENDING WORK TO UKCCorrespondence receives prompt attention at

UKC. You can speed up the process, however, bymailing your correspondence or requests for ser-vices to the proper departments (listed below) at100 E Kilgore Rd, Kalamazoo MI 49002-5584.

Mail Litter Applications to:Litter Department

Mail Transfer of Ownerships and inquiries on registration papers to:

Transfer DepartmentMail Applications for Duplicate RegistrationCertificates to:

Duplicate DepartmentMail requests and inquiries to:

Registration CorrespondentMail advertisem*nts and subscriptions to:


Mail Applications for Events, inquiries aboutChampionship points and Judges Applications to:

Dog Events Department


Kalamazoo MI 49002-5584(269) 343-9020

www.ukcdogs.comMonday through Friday

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time


Your Total Dog Registry

1Conformation Rules Revision

Revision to the Official UKC ConformationRulebook

Effective July 18, 2013This insert is issued as a supplement to the

Conformation Rulebookwith the effective date of January 1, 2011

Temporary Listing (TL) Numbers. TL numbers areonly valid at conformation, performance and PointingDog events. TL numbers may be purchased at anevent that has been approved to sell TL numbers. Ifa club is approved to sell TL numbers it will be listedwith the event information in BLOODLINES maga-zine, on the UKC website and in any officialannouncement of the club’s event. If the event isheld on a week day the Temporary Listing numbersmay also be purchased and issued on the same dayby contacting the UKC Dog Events Department with-in normal business hours. All Temporary ListingNumbers are non-refundable, non-transferable, anddo not apply to the cost of permanent registration orLimited Privilege numbers. Temporary Listing num-bers may not be available for purchase for all UKCRegistered breeds. Before purchasing a TL numberbe sure to check with UKC if there are any restric-tions applicable to the breed.

A Temporary Listing (TL) number may be issuedto approved breeds eligible for single registrationwith UKC, not all breeds are eligible. Contact theUKC registration department for the most currentinformation regarding which breeds are approved forsingle registration. Spayed or neutered purebreddogs, mixed-breed dogs and dogs that are eligiblefor a Limited Privilege number may be issued a TLnumber. Dogs that have previously been issued aUKC permanent registration or Limited Privilegenumber will not be issued a TL number.

Temporary Listing Numbers must be assigned onor before the show date. TL numbers that are issuedafter an event will not be valid for that event nor areTL numbers valid for any events that occurred priorto the purchase of the TL number.

There is no limit to the number of licensed eventsthat a dog with a TL number may be entered in beforethe dog is permanently registered/listed with UKC. TLnumbers are no longer valid once a dog is perma-nently registered/listed with UKC.

TL numbers included on the application for per-manent registration or the Limited Privilege applica-tion will automatically have any wins, titles earned,Top Ten points, and/or All-Star points applied to thedog’s permanent record. No wins, titles earned, TopTen Points and/or All-Star points will be awardeduntil a dog with TL number has been permanentlyregistered/listed. Temporary Listing numbers are notvalid for any event held under the rules that governlicensed Coonhound or Beagle events.

1Conformation Rules Revision

XXI. Judges Code of Ethics andRules for Judges. (page 65)

A. UKC Judges are approved on the basis of theirknowledge of dogs, their understanding of theUKC rules, their dedication to the sport of pure-bred dogs, and their integrity. Judges are the rolemod els for our sport and, as such, are expectedto adhere to the highest standards of conduct,both in and out of the ring. Judges should adhereto the following guidelines when judging:

1. Judges’ decisions play a key role in deter -mining future breeding stock. Conformationdecisions must be based strictly on the UKCstandard and performance placements on theUKC rules. 2. Judges should dress appropriately for theevent and the weather. A Judge’s appearanceshould always be neat and professional. 3. Judges should not only avoid impropriety butalso the appearance of impropriety. In a sportwhere Judges are bound to have numer ousfriends among the exhibitors, it is importantwhen judging to keep socializing at events to aminimum, both in and out of the ring. Judgesshould be cordial to all exhibitors while main -taining a professional distance. 4. When not judging, Judges are encouraged toparticipate in UKC events as spectators,exhibitors, workers, and club members. In suchsituations, however, Judges must be mindfulthat people give extra attention to their words.Judges should refrain from gossip and be cau -tious about discussing dogs they have judged. 5. If a Judge is judging at an event held by aclub of which the Judge is a member, the clubofficers and members of the show committeeshould not exhibit dogs under that Judge, norshould a third party exhibit dogs owned or co -owned by officers of the club or members of theshow committee under that Judge. *B. Conformation Judge Rules. Judges are thesubject of scrutiny, both for the job they do in thering judging dogs and how they conduct them-selves in other roles, whether as spectators, clubmembers or exhibitors. Becoming a judge bringswith it an extra set of responsibilities, an obliga-tion to conduct oneself in a manner that is above

Revision to the Official UKC ConformationRulebook

Effective January 1, 2014This insert is issued as a supplement to the

Conformation Rulebookwith the effective date of January 1, 2011

3Conformation Rules Revision

2Conformation Rules Revision

reproach. Integrity is part of the persona of thejudge and there should never be an instancewhere a judge’s integrity is in question. Thejudge should avoid improper actions and situa-tions as well as those situations and actions thatcould give the appearance of impropriety. Thesesorts of actions and situations, whether real orper ceived, will quickly erode the judge’s image.

For these reasons, the United Kennel Clubhas adopted the following rules in regard to itsConformation Judges and Exhibiting:

1. Judges must not steward for a Judge duringtheir judging of the same breeds they will bejudging the same weekend. 2. No judge may enter a dog owned by anoth-er person on a weekend they are judging. 3. No Judge may pass judgment on a dog ofwhich they are listed as owner, co-owner,breeder or co -breeder in any conformationclass. 4. Conformation judges may not exhibit anydog in conformation classes on any day pre-ceding their conformation judging assign-ment or the day of their conformation judg-ing assignment at the event in which theyhave been hired.5. No dog that is owned or co-owned by ajudge can be exhibited in conformation by any-one else on any day preceding the judge’sassignment or the day of the judge’s assign-ment at an event in which they have been hired. 6. Conformation judges may exhibit a dog orhave a dog that they own or co-own exhibit-ed in conformation classes any day aftertheir judging assignment at an event in whichthey were hired or in a scheduled weekend. 7. Conformation judges may exhibit a dog orhave a dog they own or co-own exhibited inany performance event preceding the day oftheir conformation judging assignment, theday of their conformation judging assignmentor the day after their conformation judgingassignment at any event in which they havebeen hired or in a scheduled weekend.8. For Junior Showmanship a Junior Handlermay handle an otherwise ineligible dog inthis category on any day at any show provid-ed that the junior does not exhibit the dogunder that judge.

No judge may interrupt, disrupt, delay orreschedule an event in which he/she hasentered a dog in, in order to fulfill or com-plete their judging assignment. Nor may a

judge interrupt, disrupt, delay or reschedulean event in which he/she is officiating inorder to facilitate exhibiting their dog.

Judges accepting assignments in whichthey are considering exhibiting a dog andclubs hiring judges who wish to exhibit a dogat that event must give utmost thought andcare to avoid conflicts of time. The judge’sprimary responsibility is to their assignmentto judge. Should a conflict of time arise at anevent on a scheduled weekend in which thejudge is forced to choose between exhibitingand judging, the judge must fulfill the assign-ment the club hired them to fulfill and will-ingly and knowingly withdraw any entries inany event that presents the conflict.

Should a judge find a handler for theentered dog if there is a conflict of time, thedog may still be exhibited in the event inwhich it is entered.

Judges exhibiting in any event on the sameday (other than the event they officiate) will beeligible for awards, placements, All-Star andChampionship points where applicable.

Judges reported and proven to have inter-rupted, disrupted, delayed or rescheduledan event to allow themselves to exhibit a dogor interrupted, disrupted, delayed orrescheduled an event in which they are offi-ciating, to exhibit a dog, will face disciplinaryaction which could include the suspensionof judging privileges for up to 1 year and afine up to $500.

Clubs reported and proven to have inter-rupted, disrupted, delayed or rescheduledan event to allow a judge to exhibit a dog orallowed a judge to interrupt, disrupt, delay orreschedule an event in which the judge isofficiating in order to exhibit a dog will facedisciplinary action which could include thesuspension of event privileges for up to 1year and a fine up to $500.

XXIII. Dogs and Exhibitors who maynot enter under a Judge.

No dog can be entered under a judge thathas been owned or trained by the Judge, thejudge’s immediate family or that has lived inthe Judge’s household or the household of amember of the judge’s immediate family,regardless of ownership, within three monthsof the date of the event

The immediate family members of a judge

5Conformation Rules

4Conformation Rules Revision

and members of a judge’s household mayexhibit any dog not owned or co-owned by thejudge in any event, on any day of a scheduledweekend in which the judge has been hired;provided that they do not enter or exhibit thedog in the same event-type that the judge isofficiating on the same day, with the exceptionof using the back-up judging system in theperformance events.

Immediate Family/household members mayenter any event without restriction on any otherday the judge is not scheduled to officiate.

An exhibitor who co owns a dog with an offi-ciating Judge or with a member of an officiat-ing Judge’s immediate family may enter andexhibit other dogs as long as they do not meetany other restrictions outlined in this sectionor section XXI. B.

Revision to the Official UKC ConformationRulebook

This insert is issued as a supplement to theConformation Rulebook

with the effective date of January 1, 2011

XIV. UKC® recognized breeds eligible forconformation competition.

Group 1. Guardian Dog*Olde English Bulldogge - Effective January 1, 2014*South African Boerboel - Effective January 1, 2016

Group 5. Northern Breed*Japanese Akita - Effective January 1, 2013

Group 6. Herding Dog••Miniature American Shepherd

- Effective January 1, 2015*Spanish Water Dog - Effective July 1, 2013

Group 7. Terrier•Mountain Feist - Effective February 5, 2015

Group 8. Companion Dog*American Bully - Effective July 15, 2013*Biewer Terrier - Effective January 1, 2016*Kromfohrlander - Effective June 1, 2013*Mi-Ki - Effective January 1, 2016

Official UKC Conformation Rulebook - United Kennel Club · numerical weekend date of the year. This is based upon a 52-week calendar. If a club offers an event on the 4th weekend - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.