Prologue: Wings of Light and Dark - FLou (2024)

Chapter 1: Nibelheim, 1999

Chapter Text

“You saw?” She asked, tightening her grip on the towel she had, moments ago, discarded and then rapidly fished when someone entered the showers.

“I saw.” Her expression almost crumbled from its stoic countenance seeing the mirth in those green cat-like eyes.

Moments passed with none of them moving or saying anything. It was a battle of wits, to see who would break the silence first. She was sure that it was a losing battle for her, she was at a disadvantage to begin with. However, she didn’t have to make it a disadvantage; she never thought she did something bad, anyway. It was not her fault everybody in Shinra’s Medical and Science Department were unable to figure out the person they had always been labeling as male was actually a female.

But of all people to discover her (not) secret…

“Then, what are you going to do, General Sephiroth, sir?” She asked with a bored expression. She tried not to shake in nerves while she pretended not to care about his gaze taking in her form after she dropped the towel, showing her naked body, and changed into her clothes.

“What would you like me to do, Third Class SOLDIER, Cloud Strife?” He asked in return with a nonchalant pose and voice. He was clearly trying to drive her between a rock and a hard place.

I would like for you to leave, you damn voyeur pig! You think just because I can change in front of you, you don’t need the decency to turn around!? All that Mako surely fried your brain! Gaia, just take him away! My Ma was right: men are just headache-inducing creatures! Dammit, with these thoughts, at this rate, I will remain single my whole life! And why hasn’t this guy left?!...’

And so, Cloud’s internal rant continued as she placidly defied her superior with her gaze alone. Bright blue against bright green.

But this is not where the story begins.

Nibelheim, 1999

Cloud has always been mistaken for a boy—and for a Chocobo, when the little town finally saw one as a travelling merchant arrived mounted on the feathery creature. Her body had never been delicate or voluptuous like the Mayor’s daughter, Tifa, or the other girls. Her face was genderless; hidden behind some baby fat at thirteen were sharp cheekbones, almond eyes that sat below thick yet shapely eyebrows, and an aquiline nose that distracted people from her small, plump and rosy lips.

Not pretty enough to be a girl, not handsome enough to be a boy.

Her old pants and faded T-shirts didn’t help either. But her Ma was right; what’s the point in looking good with pretty skirts if her ass is always exposed to the elements? But well, those girls had the chance to be the princesses of their houses. Cloud had no such privilege. With her Da gone when she was but a baby, her Ma became a single parent. Forced to do both the work of a man and a woman.

And when Cloud was old enough, she helped, too.

It wasn’t rare for her to carry stacks of dried wood on her brittle shoulders; her small and thin frame hidden under the haul. But if she didn’t do so, then her Ma and her would spend the night freezing in their house. Her chores never allowed her to socialize with the kids in town. If she wasn’t picking wild fruits and mushrooms in the mountains, then she was fixing any hole in the fence or roof in her house.

During her earlier years, the few times her Ma told her to go play when there weren’t many chores to do, the boys wouldn’t let her play with them saying she was too small. And the girls ignored her for dressing like a boy. After many times of being rejected, she had decided to create her own game.

Though, more than a game, she just threw herself to her own adventures.

The Nibel mountains were dangerous, lots of monsters roamed around. The outskirts were safe enough for the villagers to walk through, but they never went further the path that turned steep and less beaten—the one that takes you to Mt. Nibel. So, Cloud knew the limits of where she could go. Yet, she fearlessly indulged in her adventures even if her only weapon was a rusty knife that was no longer used at home.

With an old knapsack slung on her back containing a water sack, some fruit and even a change of clothes, she walked into the woods near the village for yet another expedition. After years traversing the mountains, she had found a way to avoid the monsters on Mt. Nibel’s main path and a cave that shone with little light crystals.

There was this time when Cloud was nine that she was scolded by the Mayor, Mr. Lockheart, who claimed it was her who led Tifa to the mountains when all Cloud did was rescue his daughter found unconscious in a ditch as she explored unused paths to climb Mt. Nibel. Her Ma scolded her for going too deep into the mountains but otherwise said nothing more. Her family situation was very precarious in town, so her Ma had no lost love for the people there.

Cloud recognized it was a bit cold for her Ma to not care about the then eight-year-old Tifa but noticing the rather contemptuous gazes from their neighbors after the incident, then Cloud no longer tried too hard to get along with any of them. All she had in Nibelheim was her Ma and her adventures.

Passing the ditch where she found Tifa so many years ago, Cloud hid behind some bushes when she sighted a Nibel Wolf; she forcefully calmed herself and tried not to make too much noise as she watched the wolf stop to sniff the air, look around, and then sprint towards a different direction with a howl. Cloud waited for another minute before standing up and continuing her journey.

Her pace was slow as she spent more time hiding behind bushes or rocks from monsters than advancing. However, by noon, she was able to find the cave. Sighing in relief, she slipped into the crevice on the mountain wall and rested where the cave widened. Munching on a fruit and taking a sip of water, her eyes roved the cave and the curious luminous crystals.

They looked like crystals but whenever she poked them, they easily crumbled against the pressure, leaving a tingling sensation in her fingers. Of course, the more she crumbled, the darker the cave became so she left the crystals alone and resumed her adventure, this time with cautious steps as she didn’t know the terrain. More than once, she stopped when the cave echoed with the sounds of monsters.

She soon found herself extremely alert as those echoes couldn’t let her know if the monster was near or not. And many times she considered turning back and returning home. However, her sense of adventure pulsed inside her, so she continued down the narrow, cavernous path. And that was where her first mistake laid: as a teenage girl with zero experience in battle, a cavern full of monsters was a hundred times more dangerous than the path to Mt. Nibel.

As she stopped, hearing the chirping much like that of an insect, she was bludgeoned from behind and her body flew a couple of meters forward. She fell on her shoulder, spraining it, and rolled two more meters, tearing her clothes and littering her body with scrapes. Although her battle experience was nil, her flight-or-fight senses were very honed. Well, her flight senses more so.

Gritting her teeth, she ignored her battered body that throbbed in pain and ran. She looked back to check on the monster and found it following her in its four quick feet. It was green and looked like an insect but it could really pack a punch; she experienced it. And that was her second mistake: looking back. As she ran, her feet faltered because it touched nothing but air.

Her stomach tightened knowing what was coming and she wouldn't be able to stop it. She slid down a tunnel, exacerbating her wounds and opening many more with the sharp protruding stones. Her instinct to survive quickly kicked in and her hand looked for the strapped knife on her leg that thankfully was still there and plunged it on the ground. However, she was rolling too fast and couldn’t stop her fall.

Her panic rose to exponential levels when she thought that maybe she would die there, and that allowed her to finally stab the ground and halt her descent. As she hung, she took in her position and could only cry in dismay; the tunnel’s only exit was below where an ominous green pool extended. It was more like a river. Though, Cloud knew that a green river was not good news.

Tightening her hold on the knife, the adrenaline running in her body gave her the strength to slowly lift herself. If she had to, she would crawled up the tunnel even if that meant leaving her nails in the dirt. However, a screech above her made her look up. And that was her last mistake: to stupidly stay there to identify what was coming. As it was, she has hit right in the face by the insect-like monster that had been chasing her.

Falling, her mind rapidly shot her thoughts, her thoughts that she never displayed unless she was alone with her Ma. Everybody in Nibelheim thought she was a boring child who spoke very little but, the thing was that if she spoke, the townspeople would antagonize them more than they already did.

Damn you, critter! Couldn’t you die alone! I am barely thirteen and about to meet my doom! Oh, Odin, Gaia, whoever, please take care of my Ma. Don’t let those people trouble her much, and more than that, let her know that although her daughter was damn stupid, she loved her very much…’

Her unwilling last words were cut off when she plunged into the ominous green river. Her wounds burned, all of her burned as she screamed. She just didn’t know if she was mentally or really screaming. Either way, after a moment of her whole being boiling, sweet darkness took her.





Back in town, Claudia Strife was busy exchanging her woven blankets for a few Gil from the travelling merchant. It was their only source of income; very much needed to buy many necessities, and even some vegetables the little backyard in their house couldn’t give them. If her little Cloud wasn’t adept at creating traps, then they wouldn’t even know the taste of meat. Even if it was always rabbit meat.

“Some families in North Corel are interested in your blankets, Mrs. Strife. Five of them, for the winter. It’s only summer, but they’re getting ready for it, especially when the last one was very harsh. Many died in the blizzards.” The merchant said packing the purchased blankets into a bag on one of the chocobo’s back.

“Five of them… Maybe two months for them to be ready.” Mrs. Strife replied. If her daughter spoke little with others, then it was due to her.

“Then, I’ll be back in two months.” The merchant nodded and the woman nodded back. As the man continued doing his business with other townspeople, Mrs. Strife returned to her house.

She just trespassed the door’s threshold before she halted in her steps. Her mind was suddenly full of her daughter, her daughter falling to a green river, her eyes spilling tears nonstop. Mrs. Strife blinked and another image surged, of her daughter laying on the dirt, bushes around and staring into the nothing. With a bad feeling, Mrs. Strife grabbed a small scythe she used to cut weeds and ran towards the mountains.

She didn’t know where she was going, if she would find her daughter, but it was as if her feet were being directed by a force. She didn’t notice and had no time to think about it as all she cared for was the well-being of her daughter. If Cloud was gone…

Her thoughts came to a stop when she glimpsed blonde hair behind thick, thorny bushes. She felt mildly relieved knowing she had a scythe in hand and lost no time in hacking the bushes to open a path towards her Cloud. When she finally did, the woman was panting and her body refused to move. Though that was more due to the shock at seeing the state her daughter was in.

She was drenched from head to toe, there were cuts on her face, her arms, and her legs, seen through her torn pants. But more importantly, Claudia Strife feared the slack expression on Cloud, her eyes were open, unseeing, not blinking, her mouth barely opened, and a very pale face.

“Cloud…” Mrs. Strife called out, her trembling hand touching her daughter’s cheek, it was a bit cold. “Sunshine, talk to me.” The hand grabbed a thin shoulder and gently shook it. “Cloud, it’s Mom… talk to me, baby!” Panic engulfed Mrs. Strife’s mind and her gentle shaking became stronger but the teen remained unresponsive.

Forgoing the scythe, Mrs. Strife picked up her daughter and ran back to the town. Even though she had no hope in the town’s doctor helping them, maybe the old coot could tell her what her Cloud had and then look for another alternatives.

It was the middle of the afternoon, so she knew the doctor would be at the bar in the Inn. Her staggering steps took her there.

“Doctor!” She yelled as she kicked the door of the Inn open. Many neighbors were in the bar, chattering, most men. They looked at the sweating and panting Mrs. Strife carrying Cloud on her back. “Help me check on Cloud, I can pay you!” She demanded.

The doctor, a greying man grumbled from his seat and approached the pair. “Lay the boy on the floor.”

Ignoring the way he addressed her daughter, Mrs. Strife carefully laid Cloud on the floor to let the old man do his job. A piss poor job since he only looked into her eyes, checked her mouth, and took her pulse before shaking his head. “There is nothing I can do.” He claimed when it was clear he didn't even try to do anything.

“Indeed.” Mrs. Strife sneered, turning away from his offended expression. Her eyes looked around and were greeted by the indifferent gazes of the townspeople until her gaze landed on a man that she knew could help her, so she stood up and walked up to him. “Please, help me take Cloud to a different town, one with a true doctor.”

The old doctor sputtered and flew into a rage, cursing at Mrs. Strife but was immediately cowed into silence by her withering gaze.

The travelling merchant, whose hand had paused when he was about to sip his drink, carefully took his surroundings in, the indifferent people, the determined woman in front of him, and the possibly catatonic teen by the door.

“We must leave now, then.” Mrs. Strife’s hard countenance softened a bit in relief at his words and nodded. “Go pack your things, I will take care of your son.”

Ignoring again the misunderstanding, Mrs. Strife bolted out of the Inn towards her house to pack a few changes of clothes, another pair of shoes, some rations in the form of cured meat, dried mushrooms, a pot and knives, all tied in a thick blanket and a few sheets.

It didn’t look like it, but Mrs. Strife had experience with travelling.

Her Husband and her used to be travelers, and only settled down in Nibelheim when she found out she was pregnant. If she had a choice, and her Husband was still alive, she would have already left the place.

But it was not the time to think of what-ifs. Her daughter was in a strange state and she needed a competent doctor to look at her. Wherever that competent doctor would be.

Coming out of the house, she found the merchant holding her daughter in his arms mounted in one Chocobo, and he signaled for her to take the other one. With no care of what the people in Nibelheim would say about her leaving with a strange man, she followed him out to the wild.

Chapter 2: Cosmo Canyon, 1999

Chapter Text

Claudia Strife kept a steady hand, and more so a steady heart, as she tried to feed Cloud.

It had been more than a week since she left Nibelheim in search of a doctor. Thanks to the travelling merchant, whose name he refused to give, she safely crossed the ring of mountains around Nibelheim, down many rickety bridges and even a stretch before she arrived at the south area of the continent.

Her destination was Cosmo Canyon.

Before leaving her and her daughter, claiming he was behind some deliveries to another town called Gongaga, the merchant suggested her to try Cosmo Canyon. She knew Cosmo Canyon was a very special place but had never gone there before, so she wasn’t sure why she had to go there. It had been a weird conversation, but Claudia Strife was willing to try anything to make her daughter return to normal.


Mrs. Strife’s hand trembled as she shoved spoon after spoon of soup down her daughter's throat. She was sure she was hurting her Cloud, but she was afraid the teen would lose weight and become sickly in her state. They had been traveling for two days and she felt completely exhausted. Not just physically but mentally, too.

At least, she didn’t have to fend for herself against monsters since the merchant looked very adept at fighting.

She was not one to pry on somebody else's secret, so she just took care of cooking for the two, mother and daughter, and for the merchant as thanks for the favor of taking them to another place.

“It is a very strange state.” The merchant suddenly said as he lounged by the fire he had lit. His orange hair looked as if it was burning due to the light of the bonfire.

Mrs. Strife did her best to relax her tensed shoulders. It hadn't been easy to face the situation Cloud was in. “It's not an illness.” She said. Though, she didn’t know if she was replying him or discarding options in her mind and speaking out loud.

“Never said it was.” The man countered. That earned her attention and she turned to look at him. He was intently looking at her with hooded eyes; his hair was orange, but his eyes were as dark as the night. It was a strange contrast, rather intimidating, but very attractive at the same time. Despite being a mother in her mid thirties, she could still appreciate a handsome face.

However, Mrs. Strife paid no more attention to the man who was actually very handsome under those rags he wore on his head for travelling and went directly to what concerned her. “What do you know?” She sharply asked.

She was a bit suspicious of him because he never looked bothered by the state Cloud was in; as if it was normal, as if he had seen it before.

“Not much actually.” He winsomely grinned at her. “Seen a few cases here and there; most of them from towns that have a Shinra Mako reactor.” He revealed. He had no love for Shinra, so he didn’t try to conceal the harm the supposed progress the company brought in the form of Mako reactors.

It was true that many had benefited from the energy the reactors brought; however, and thanks to his travelling, he had seen more harm done to those who couldn’t afford the technology or even went against the company. Shinra pretended to help those in need, yet what they were doing was swallowing the world whole and not even spit the bones back.

“Are you saying my Cloud ended up like that because of the reactor?” Since she wasn’t a native to Nibelheim, she didn’t care much about the reactor in Mt. Nibel.

It certainly had brought some commodities to the town even if the monsters around Mt. Nibel turned more ferocious. But if that was the reason why her daughter was in that catatonic state, then she would start to care and maybe do something about it, anything.

“Didn’t say that either.” The man replied leaning his head on a fist. He wanted to laugh as he noticed the irritated and frustrated expression on the woman’s face. He was starting with this ‘travelling merchant’ persona but he was able to meet such an interesting person thanks to it. Her stoic face was actually full of life when it came to the boy, her son. “I am just saying that there might be a relation. It’s not proven as most die after entering that state.”

Mrs. Strife jumped to her feet, startled, at being told that her daughter could die. She fiercely bit her inner cheek to stop herself from crying. “Is there really no way?” She tightly asked. However, opening her mouth gave her body permission to let itself loose—to spill that which she had been trying to lock. She quickly raised her hand to clean the tears that started to slid down her cheeks.

The man was not one to let a woman cry in front of him, so he beckoned at her. “Come here.” Yet, the strong-willed woman remained in her place, if a bit suspicious of his behavior. He sighed. “I’m not going to hurt you, come.” He beckoned again. Hesitating for a second, Mrs. Strife slowly approached the man and knelt when he signaled for her to do so.

“What-!” She cried out when he put his hands on her shoulders but he was stronger than he seemed and she wasn’t able to put some distance between them despite her struggle.

“Relax.” He chided as he gently kneaded her tense shoulders. He had seen the heartbroken care with which she tended to her son, her stressed countenance, and bitterness that started to appear in her face the more time the teen spent in that state. “I’m not sure if it will work, but there is a place. They say it’s a place connected to the Planet. I don’t know much about the details or if they can help, but it is worth a try. It’s called Cosmo Canyon; south from here. I can give you a lift past these mountains but then, you will be on your own. You think you can do it?”

“Of course I can!” She snapped and finally slapped his hands off her shoulders. Although he was good with his hands, she was already a mother; couldn’t let anybody take liberties with her.

He indulgently chuckled seeing that fire and determination in her face return even if her eyes were still red from her previous crying, like those of a rabbit. Although she drove herself with stubbornness, she still had her cute side, in his opinion.

But going back to topic, he wasn’t lying; he didn’t know if what he told her would help, but he also couldn’t let such a strong woman wilt under his watch. It would be a waste of that beautiful face. “It’s a deal, then.” He smirked.

True to his word, as soon as they were past the mountains and over the stretch, he practically kicked mother and daughter to the wilderness, and to their luck.

If Mrs. Strife was any other woman, she would have despaired and begged him to safely take them to Cosmo Canyon. But she didn’t even open her mouth more than to thank the man. She just accommodated her daughter on her back and tied her bundle of things in front of her and walked away.

“Such an interesting woman.” The merchant mumbled as he saw her getting farther and farther. “What would that old man and those brats say if they saw me like this?” He chuckled. “Right, they would just scold me. After all, I am supposed to be detained in Costa del Sol.” With those words whispered to the air, he made his way to the next town: Gongaga. That he was in disguise didn’t mean he wouldn’t take his job seriously.


After feeding her daughter, Mrs. Strife resumed her journey.

She had gotten haphazard directions of where she could find Cosmo Canyon from the man, so she hoped she wouldn't get lost. Sincerely, getting lost was not a problem for her, but for monsters to find them. Even if she could identify the tracks made by monsters and take detours to avoid them, she still feared being found and attacked.

It was like playing hide-and-seek against creatures that could easily kill her.

Her progress after she entered the canyon; she spent long hours hiding in crevices and caves. So, it wasn’t until a week later that she was able to see her destination. She almost cried in relief. Her rations were dwindling, most ending up in Cloud’s stomach. The woman was sure they both had lost weight in such a dire journey but she finally saw hope for themselves.

“Halt! Who are you?!” Mrs. Strife stopped and blinked looking at the red lion preventing her from moving forward. Has this lion talked?

“I… I need a doctor.” She replied while looking around. Perhaps there is someone else here who can help me.

The lion tilted its head and slowly approached Mrs. Strife who remained still. What if the creature attacked her? The lion walked around them and cautiously sniffed them. It paused and blinked at them. “She smells wrong. What happened to her?”

Mrs. Strife’s breath hitched. The lion talked! She stared at the now… curious(?) lion and opened her mouth. “I need a doctor.” She ended up repeating.

The lion paused and then nodded. “Follow me.” And it strode into the town built along the walls of the canyon.

Well, if a lion could talk, then Cosmo Canyon was magical enough to truly help her, she thought while following the lion.

Cosmo Canyon didn't look any special except for the strange building on the highest part of the canyon. The town was all rock and wood, not that luxurious but cozy in its own way. At least, they didn’t need to worry about blizzards like in Nibelheim, and its high location made it easy to defend against monsters.

Mrs. Strife brushed Cloud’s hair away from her face as the teen laid on a bed. They were at the inn, Shildra’s Inn. The lion had said it would call its Grandfather to check on Cloud, so Mrs. Strife was waiting. She was also given a meal after noticing her weary face. She ate half of it and gave the other half to Cloud, and then waited.

Thankfully, she didn’t wait for so long. And surprisingly, an old man entered the room.

“Nanaki said your daughter smells wrong.” The old man said as soon as he stepped (floated) into the room and checked on Cloud.

Mrs. Strife was a bit relieved noticing the old man did a thorough check, or at least more than what that old coot in Nibelheim did. He even took some blood with a needle and observed it. She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but his serious face convinced her that he knew his stuff.

“I’m not sure myself. Someone told me it might be because of Mako and suggested me to come here. I think it’s because of the reactor up in Nibelheim. I found her by Mt. Nibel, where the reactor is, in that state. It has been two weeks since she is like this. I… I don’t know much apart from that.” Mrs. Strife relayed everything she was aware of.

The old man hummed. He closed his eyes as he felt around the teen’s head. “It sure is Mako poisoning. Most die from it.” He said echoing the merchant’s words. Mrs. Strife was ready to crumble, but the old man kept speaking. “But she was lucky, to say the least. There are traces of the Lifestream in her. It will keep her alive; yet it will take time for her to return to normal. It is more about her will at this point.”

It was better than to hear that she would die. Mrs. Strife let herself fall on the other bed with great relief.

There was hope.

Giving hope is always easy, to keep it is the hard part.

After more than a month of the same, Mrs. Strife reached a numbing point. After assessing Cloud’s state, they were given a ‘house’ for themselves since Bugenhagen, the old man who checked on the teen, said he wanted to monitor the process in case it got more complicated. Mrs. Strife was very thankful for the help and decided to repay for it.

Remembering that cheeky merchant, she thought it would be fine if she kept her weaving task. With the Gil given by the sold blankets, she wanted to pay for the lodging and food. She had to insist to Bugenhagen as she didn’t feel right to be a free loader in this unknown place. So, she divided her time into taking care of Cloud, weaving, and helping around the town wherever it was needed.

Many travelers, adventurers, hunters and even suspicious people arrived at Cosmo Canyon, it was lively most of the time. That’s why Mrs. Strife couldn’t remain sitting before all that work.

Cloud’s condition hadn’t changed, not getting worse but not getting better either. The teen got thinner as the only meals Mrs. Strife could push down her throat were liquids. Anything thicker would make Cloud choke on it. And although she was catatonic, she didn't get sick with colds or fevers. It was a small relief, if Claudia Strife saw one.

And after almost two months of staying in Cosmo Canyon, the merchant arrived.

“You found help?” The man asked as he leaned on the door frame, seeing Mrs. Strife finish weaving the fourth blanket. One less from the promised ones but there was nothing she could do. The journey had taken too long and she had to cut her sleeping hours just to be able to make four.

“Yes and no.” Mrs. Strife replied, her hands not stopping their task, head bowed. A few locks of blonde hair escaped the messy bun she had tied her hair in. The man watched those locks softly caressing her face and neck and it made his hand itch. He wanted to brush them aside. But he was able to restrain himself hearing her steady voice. “Although she is not in danger, there is also a possibility of her never waking up. It all depends on her.”

The man paused. “She?”

Mrs. Strife cut the thread and checked on the stitches, making sure none of them were crooked or loose. Once she deemed it good, she looked up at the man who had taken off his head rags, showing his orange hair and was staring at her with those dark eyes. “I mean Cloud.” She said, folding the blanket and putting it atop the other three.

“Wait, wait,” The man threw away his lazy side and looked at the teen laying on the only bed in the small cave the two lived in. “You mean to tell me this bo-uh, this kid is a girl?” He stared hard at that face frozen in a sole expression, never changing.

Well, the teen looked very much like Mrs. Strife but there were some features that made the face not as feminine as the mother.

Huh, he had hugged this teen thinking she was a boy… Right, if he remembered correctly, he didn’t touch anything. More like, there was nothing to touch. Yeah, excuse him for his skepticism since girls her age should show something…

“Why are you looking at my Cloud like that?” …something like what just bounced up in his line of vision. He quickly diverted his eyes and looked at the angry woman who seemed ready to fight him if he had any ideas on her daughter.

The merchant could only throw aside his useless thoughts before the enraged mother. “I just thought your daughter is amazing. To enter a mountain full of monsters on her own, not even male adults are courageous enough to do that. That she made it out alive was very lucky of her, even if she ended up in that state.”

Mrs. Strife’s rage evaporated just like that. She sighed as she looked back at her Cloud. “I would be happier if she was less courageous.” The two remained silent for a moment until the door of the room was opened by a woman.

“Oh, I’m sorry if I interrupted your talk with your Husband, Claudia.” She apologized glancing between the two. “A group of adventurers just arrived and the bar is understaffed, come help us a bit, please.” Then, the woman quickly left.

Mrs. Strife was a reserved woman who barely spoke, so the inhabitants in Cosmo Canyon knew little of her. However, a woman as beautiful as her would surely not be single, specially with a daughter that big. Although many saw she had arrived alone, they also saw a man walking to her room with all the familiarity of the world, then they all assumed he was her Husband.

Seeing that he was a merchant, then it kind of explained why he had not been around when the daughter fell ill, and why Mrs. Strife had to arrive alone. Anyway, the inhabitant were not a gossipy bunch; once they set themselves with their own assumptions, they didn’t care about the matter anymore.

Oh, they wanted to explain? There was no such thing; it was already case closed.

The woman was unaware of the awkward situation she left behind.

In the silent room, Mrs. Strife occupied herself with checking and double checking the four blankets were ready, not facing the man. The man, in turn, was just helpless seeing her sudden distance. Why was this woman so uptight? But, well, if she was casual like other women, he wouldn't be that interested in her, or worried; he had noticed she was thinner than before. Maybe he should help her a bit.

But before that, he needed to finish his errands and tease her a bit. “I will carry that. Take care of our kid, I will return to you as soon as possible, darling.” And with inhuman speed, he grabbed the blankets and rushed out of the room, not wanting to face her rage.

Chapter 3: Cosmo Canyon, 0000

Chapter Text

Cloud felt herself floating.

She was very comfortable in there, wherever there was, though the silence was very oppressing.

How long had she been like that? She couldn’t feel the passage of time wherever she was; she couldn’t see anything anyway. Maybe she should worry about the state she found herself in, but there was this sort of peace she didn’t want to part from.

When was the last time she was this carefree?


Why did she have to go back? There was nothing worth going back for.



Ah, she remembered now. She still had her Ma. So, she must go back, right? But… she was at peace here, couldn’t her Ma come here?






The peaceful silence suddenly broke and Cloud was bombarded by thousands of voices telling her the same over and over, making her head painfully throb.

[Stop! You are hurting them!]

And with the introduction of a new voice, the loud voices suddenly vanished.

Although Cloud couldn’t see anything, she did feel her curled up self from when she tried to avoid the noise. She also felt there was someone else with her. Out of self-defense, she didn’t move and waited for the other person to do it, so she could appropriately react. But the person just stood there.

“Are you ok?” They asked. The voice was a bit distorted but Cloud thought it was a female voice.

Once Cloud ascertained the person, the woman, girl(?), wouldn’t hurt her, she replied, “I’m fine. Thank you.”

“They sometimes get loud but they don’t mean any harm.” The girl said—Cloud was convinced it was a girl. However, Cloud couldn’t share her opinion; the voices hurt her very much. “Are you like me?” Noticing Cloud wasn’t talking, the girl continued the conversation with a question.

“Like you?” Cloud frowned. She indeed was a girl..

“You can hear the voices and you are here, so, you must be like me… a Cetra.” The more the girl said, the more excited and hopeful she became, though it just made Cloud more confused. She had no idea what a Cetra was; she didn’t even know how she got there and why she was able to hear those voices.

“I…” What could Cloud say?

“Ah, I have to go. Will I see you again? Do you come here often? What’s your name? Are you a girl or a boy?”

Cloud felt dizzy by the onslaught of questions she couldn’t follow. It was the first time she had spoken so long with someone who wasn’t her Ma. Anyway, there was something she could easily answer. “My name’s Cloud.”

“Your name is so beautiful! I’m Aerith. Let’s meet again, Cloud!” Aerith joyfully replied and then left as Cloud no longer felt her presence nearby.

Cloud kept floating.

Her mind was completely blank.

Once again, she didn’t know how long she had been in that state, but thankfully the voices had not appeared. They were not hurrying her to leave, neither were they telling her to stay—if she was allowed to stay—and they never responded when she asked what a Cetra was.

Thoughts of her Ma were very fleeting, never taking root; so, she had no reason to go back.

Cloud wasn’t aware if she could sleep.

She never got tired, so she had no need to sleep. But she sometimes felt her mind just shut down and then reboot. So, she was sleeping, right? Everything about the place she was in was mysterious. Cloud needed no rest, didn’t feel cold or hot, didn’t feel hunger and by consequence didn’t need to go to the bathroom. However, how long would this state last?

Cloud subconsciously closed her eyes (if she was able to do it) and went back to rest.

[An Tri Numh]

Cloud ‘woke up’ hearing a familiar voice.

[A Chumhnadh]

Though, no matter how familiar, she couldn’t come up with the name of the person speaking. Who was that person?

[A Chomhnadh]

What she did remember was that the words were a prayer, and the familiar voice used to sing it to her.

[A Chomraig]



[An tula]

The singing voice suddenly mixed with the desperate cries of the voices Cloud hadn’t heard for a long time.



[An taighe]

“Cloud! Are you here?” Aerith once again came to visit, her voice mixing with the cacophony of noise that reverberated in Cloud’s mind. The blonde knew she was once again curled up on herself, and she knew this time the voices couldn’t be heard by Aerith.

“There you are!” She kept talking as if they were in separate worlds. But where was she? Where was Cloud?

“Today I saw a monster!”

[An teaglaich]

[An oidhche]



“Why aren’t you saying anything Cloud? I know you are here.” Aerith kept talking, unaware of her newfound friend’s suffering. “I guess you are just shy, but it doesn’t matter. You know, Cloud, I found a church and I was able to plant flowers there! Isn’t it nice? They say the Midgar Slums is just infertile land but I know now that is not the case.”

[An nochd]

[O! an oidhche]



“I am back again, Cloud!” What? In the middle of her pain, Cloud couldn’t understand anymore what was happening. Since when had Aerith left? Why was she back? How long has it been?

“Whenever I go to the church I feel there are people looking at me. I told my Mother about it and she told me to not go out again. But I am not afraid!” Cloud opened her mouth to reply but no sound came out and pain engulfed her again.

[An nochd]

[Agus Gach Oidhche]




“You know, Cloud, I think it is unfair if it is only me talking.” What time was this? The pain continued but Cloud had kept track of the times Aerith visited her. It was the eighth time.

She mostly told her about her life in Midgar; her time spent in a laboratory with her biological Mother, Ifalna; how her new Mother took care of her despite being total strangers at the beginning; that she hoped Cloud could visit her in Midgar.

Cloud opened her mouth again and struggled with all her might to speak. “A-aer-Aerith…”

“Cloud!” Aerith worriedly called out, finally noticing her friend was in pain but the connection suddenly broke off.

[Gach aon Oidhche]


The sung prayer ended and Cloud felt as if she was forcefully pulled upwards when she finally remembered the singing voice was her Ma. She was calling her. Mother was calling her.





“-hear me?! Cloud! Can you hear me?! Are you there?!” Aerith’s panicked voice reached her as a whisper. As if she was far away.

“Wait for me, Aerith.” Cloud said before she was torn away from where she had peacefully rested for however long. She opened her eyes and noticed an earthen ceiling above her before pain assaulted her again. “AAAAGHH!!” Tears slid down her face as her limbs flailed and her nails scratched her skin, trying to make the crawling feeling under her skin, in her muscles, in her bones, in her soul disappear.

“Cloud! Hang in there, baby! Everything is going to be fine!” Her Ma yelled. Cloud wanted to see her but her eyes couldn’t focus on anything but the ceiling.

“Step aside!” There was another voice, a male voice Cloud didn’t recognize. Her flailing limbs were then locked by strong legs and hands, and in Cloud’s line of sight appeared orange hair, dark eyes, a man. “Focus, Cloud. Look at me.” The man’s voice was very stern and Cloud could do nothing buy follow his commands. Her shaky eyes looked all over his face. “That’s right, focus on me. Don’t pay attention to the pain. Just listen to my voice.”

The pain didn’t subside but Cloud was able to ignore it a bit thanks to the man’s words. She was also able to hear the contained sobs of her Ma. Her head slowly moved to the sound and she found her Ma covering her mouth with her hands, tears sliding down her cheeks, her face the epitome of relief and happiness.

Cloud opened her mouth to speak but her tongue couldn’t form any words.

The man kept talking, soothingly but firmly; her Ma kept crying; and Cloud just gaped like a fish as she tried to say something. Her mind was a mess of pain, the remnants of the voices she heard before she was pulled away and of Aerith’s voice.

“Mi-Mid…” Cloud finally voiced out after who knows how long.

“What? What are you trying to say, sunshine?” Claudia quickly knelt in front of Cloud, brushing the sweaty blonde locks and tearfully smiling.

“Midgar… Mother… Calamity… Cetra… Flowers… Aerith… Midgar… Mother… Calamity… Cetra… Flowers… Aerith… Midgar… Mother… Calamity… Cetra… Flowers… Aerith…” Cloud repeated those words over and over until she finally closed her eyes.

Claudia Strife kept brushing her daughter’s hair, her tears still streaming down her face. She just looked at the peacefully sleeping Cloud. Her daughter finally came back, her creepy and slack face was gone.

After some time, Claudia finally looked up at the man who helped her restrain Cloud from hurting herself. But she immediately frowned at his position. “Get off my Cloud.” She coldly commanded.

The man wryly smiled but quickly complied. “I never thought she would suddenly wake up after hearing you sing.” He casually commented.

His mind, though, was preoccupied on the fact that Cloud’s eyes shone brightly when she started to scream. It was the same brightness he had seen in that little monster that was deployed to Wutai: Sephiroth.

He was aware Sephiroth’s bright eyes were the result of Mako and experimentation from that creep of Hojo; but to see it on a person who recovered from Mako poisoning…

That was information he needed to relay to the old man. Maybe he should appeal his punishment.

But that was after he settled things with Claudia.

Really, the woman was as cold as when he helped her one year ago; never lowering her guard no matter what small tricks he used that he was confident worked on other women. But they never worked on Claudia. He felt a bit of respect for the man Claudia had had Cloud with; what did that man do or say to Claudia to let her fall?

The only upside of all his coming back to woo Claudia was that everybody in Cosmo Canyon thought the two were married and that Cloud was their child. He was happy to hear that, Claudia not so much. But maybe he could make a breakthrough either from that angle... or from another one. His gaze turned towards the teen that was way skinnier than when she first arrived at Cosmo Canyon.

Well, it was normal if one spent a year in a coma induced by Mako poisoning and the only thing one could eat was liquids.

Yes, it had been a year since Cloud entered her catatonic state.

On the third day of the fifth month of the 0000 year, Cloud woke up.

Chapter 4: Cosmo Canyon-Midgar, 0000


To those who wondered who the man was, here is the answer. If you know Before Crisis and that more Turks exist, then you might know him. If not, you can search him up.

Chapter Text

“I’m worried about Cloud.”

“What are you worried about? That old man, Bugenhagen, said it was normal for her to space out from time to time as her brain assimilates the fact she had been in the Lifestream, what she saw there, and that she has lost one year of her life.”


Claudia slapped away the big hands that familiarly rested themselves on her shoulders.

She regretted that moment of weakness when Bugenhagen had checked on her Cloud and told the worried mother that the teen was out of danger and that she was back; all that was left was to let Cloud familiarize herself with her new environment and with what she went through.

Claudia had almost collapsed out of relief; she had felt as if a huge burden she had no idea she had been carrying was lifted from her shoulders. However, before she could fall to the floor, the man who had always been there—even if she wanted it or not—had caught her with his strong arms. Then, Claudia made the mistake of clinging to him and letting him hug her.

Now she had to deal with this man who took a mile after been given an inch.

“Aren’t you leaving?” She side-eyed him and disdainfully asked.

“Now, Claudia, dear, our Cloud is going through a hard time. How can I leave?” He roguishly smiled at her, ignoring her disdain. He knew it was her method to keep him away.

The woman fiercely turned to him and glared. “Who’s your Cloud?!” She hissed.

“I don’t think now’s the time to fight, Claudia. Here Cloud comes.” He whispered to the woman who turned back and saw her daughter had left the rock where she had perched herself to look out at the canyon and was walking towards them.

The teen had become even more silent after waking up; she had also cut her long hair, making it look even more like a Chocobo crest; her androgynous face remained stoic for the most part, but that was due to having spent a long time without using her facial muscles. Claudia had made her best to not let the limbs’ muscles become stunted as they remained inactive, but she forgot about Cloud’s facial muscles.

“What’s your name?” Cloud asked the man she had seen hanging around close to her Ma. She was aware what the man wanted, but she would not interfere with her Ma’s matter; if her Ma didn’t like him, then the woman would kick him away. If she hadn’t done so, it meant her Ma was indebted to him or was also interested in him.

The man looked at Cloud’s eyes that shimmered when sunlight hit them directly but otherwise looked the same as before.

He hadn’t gone back to Costa del Sol to inquire about the consequences of waking up from Mako poisoning, but there were things he had noticed that had resulted from said poisoning, like the shimmer in the blue eyes and another thing that he wanted to address with Cloud alone.

The teen was hiding it, too, so a conversation just the two of them was needed.

“You may call me Legend.” He replied. Either way, his real name was a thing of the past. He was happy with his code name given by his current Boss.

Cloud nodded. “Can you take me to Midgar?”

“Cloud!” Claudia quickly interjected but her words were stopped by her daughter’s gaze. It was the same as her Da when he wanted to do something and nothing would stop him from doing it. It’s just… her Cloud was just fourteen, too young to make such a long journey.

“What do you want to do in Midgar?” Legend was aware of Claudia’s concerns, so he didn’t easily accept the teen’s request.

Cloud frowned, it was a minuscule expression but the two adults noticed it. “There is this girl I met while I was… She could easily enter and exit the Lifestream, calling herself a Cetra. I want to see her.” This much she could tell her Ma and the man her Ma trusted in. She didn’t know much, anyway.

“A Cetra?” Legend repeated. He had heard this name but didn’t know a thing about it. He really needed to go back to Costa del Sol, and he guessed it wouldn’t be bad if Cloud came with him.

“You’re not going.” As if reading his mind, Claudia quickly rejected Cloud’s request. “You have just returned to me, and now you want to leave? You are not going, Cloud!” The woman said firmly.

The teen never thought her Ma would vehemently reject her. It was a first to Cloud. Granted, she had always obeyed what her Ma told her and knew her Ma would close an eye to whatever she did, so it felt strange to be said no.

“Allow me.” Legend piped up, grabbing Claudia and dragging her towards their new home.

Cloud was afraid he would do something to her Ma, so she followed them but was rudely left outside the cave-like room in the farthest side of the canyon. There were many rooms like theirs in this side, but everybody was in the front, tending to stores and the inn, so it was best to have a private conversation in the room than outside.

More so, because her Ma was hysterically screaming at Legend.

‘You cannot take her away!’

‘Calm down, Claudia!’

‘Don’t take her away from me. She’s just a girl!’

‘She’s not a girl anymore! You cannot hide her from the world after what she went through.’

‘I can and I will! You cannot stop me!’

‘People die from Mako poisoning, Claudia!’

Cloud’s heart stuttered when she heard that. Neither the old man who checked on her, nor her Ma, nor this Legend guy had told her she was Mako poisoned. They had just told her she had been in the Lifestream.

Looking down at her fist, she thought, no wonder I am like this now. She had once sneaked out of their room in the middle of the night to roam around the canyon and she confirmed her suspicions.

That’s why she needed to go to Midgar, to Aerith. Although Cloud didn’t know what a Cetra was, maybe Aerith could tell her why being in the Lifestream made her like that.

‘But she survived.’

Closing her eyes, Cloud leaned on the door. It was but a sobbed whisper coming out of her Ma’s mouth, but she was able to hear it. She was a bit afraid of her new abilities, she was afraid she could not control them and hurt her Ma. That’s why I have to go, she convinced herself.

‘That’s why she wants answers. I think she is afraid, Claudia, and by going to Midgar she will find peace of mind. Will you deny her that? Do you want your daughter to be tormented by this experience forever?’

Although she didn’t like how this man actually knew what she was feeling, Cloud couldn’t deny he had a way with words. It was obvious he wanted to take her to Midgar but her Ma was the biggest obstacle in the plan, coaxing the woman instead of coercing her was the best method. And sure enough, her Ma quickly bent to his persuasion. Or maybe her Ma was already weak to him.

‘Are you going to take care of her on the way?’

‘Even if it costs me my life.’

Yes, her Ma was already weak.

Cloud quickly walked away from the room as soon as she heard the amorous noises of kissing inside. Well, if her Ma was happy with this man, then there was nothing Cloud could do or say about it. Then again, it was time for her Ma to get someone to remain by her side. Cloud wasn’t so virtuous to say she was going to be by her Ma’s side her whole life, so Legend came at the right time.

The teen looked out at the vast canyon tinted with a reddish hue from the soil and the sunset; the roaring winds sounded like haunting voices when they crashed against the already scarred walls of the canyon; the wind ruffled her short blond hair and her baggy clothes that hid her not so feminine body, which became even less gracious due to her weight loss while she was in a coma.

Footsteps crept behind her and stopped. “We are leaving tomorrow, at dawn.”

“Ok.” Cloud nodded but didn’t turn around to look at the man with orange hair who was actually very far away; at a distance she wasn’t supposed to hear him.

Legend narrowed his eyes but said nothing and just left.

Cloud’s mind reverberated again with the voices from the Lifestream telling her about the ‘Calamity’ and to ‘Destroy’. She closed her eyes and allowed the wind to take away those voices.

Midgar. Inside a church in Sector 5 Slums.

“Aerith. It’s time to go home.” A woman gently called to the teen that had remained immobile for hours kneeling by the patch of soil that was spotted with the green and white of flowers.

The woman was worried about this behavior.

It had started a year ago when Aerith had excitedly told her she had found someone like her: a Cetra. Thanks to her discovery, the teen would come daily to the church to establish a connection with the Lifestream in order to speak with her friend. However, it seemed the Lifestream itself didn’t allow her to meet with the person.

Aerith believed it was because she lacked practice and her endeavor to improve herself was born. A couple of months later, the teen told the woman she was able to connect to the Lifestream every day even if it was for short periods of time.

Most importantly, that she had been able to speak with her friend, Cloud. The encounters were still far in between, but they made Aerith vow to herself to become an even better Cetra like her biological mother: Ifalna, had been.

The woman, Elmyra, who had taken care of Aerith since she lost her mother, didn’t have the heart to stop her, so she let her do whatever she wanted. She had been worried about the people who had been lurking around her house, but one of them had assured her they didn’t want to hurt Aerith.

Although Elmyra didn’t totally believe them, she was forced to when nothing happened to Aerith in this past year.

However, everything changed a few days ago when Aerith came back from the church with a pale face.

‘Cloud is gone.’ She had said.

Elmyra many times had tried to guess what this Cloud person was like. The name was a bit unusual and sounded very boy-like, making the woman believe that Cloud was a man. She used to be nervous about that conjecture but easily let go of that worry when Aerith always complained that Cloud never talked back to her. There wasn’t that worry about the man deceiving the teen anymore.

When Aerith had said Cloud was gone, Elmyra thought the man was truly gone, back in the Lifestream. Like that time the girl had said Elmyra’s Husband had returned to the Lifestream.

But then Aerith said that this Cloud was coming to Midgar. Elmyra’s worry surged again, especially when Aerith ran to the church from early in the morning and returned very late at night just so she could contact Cloud again.

The woman understood till a point the teen’s need to find someone like her, to not feel alone. But if that need became destructive, then it was best to uproot it.

“Aerith, if Cloud said he would come, then he will. Come back home this instant!” Elmyra had no choice but to turn stern towards the teen.

Aerith finally jerked from her trance when she heard the harsh words from Elmyra. The teen was very grateful she took her in when she was a child and she had just lost her Mom, but there were times Elmyra truly couldn’t understand her. She wasn’t having rebellious thoughts, it was just a fact.

Finding another Cetra was a very important matter to Aerith when she thought for so long that she was the last one.

Elmyra wasn’t aware of the fact that Aerith once used to hate being a Cetra. It was because of her abilities that she was locked up in a laboratory and became an experiment, it was also because of her nature that her Mom had died. So, for years, Aerith hated being a Cetra, she hated being different.

It wasn’t until she found Cloud that she had changed her mind. Cloud had become her mental pillar.

And to suddenly lose it…

But she guessed Elmyra was right, if Cloud had promised to come, then Aerith needed to believe in Cloud. Although Cloud hadn’t spoken to her that much, she trusted Cloud’s words.

Raising to her feet, Aerith dusted off her dress and smiled at the angry Elmyra. “You’re right. Let’s go home.” She saw how the woman’s face softened in relief. Aerith walked towards her adoptive Mother and clung to her arm as the two returned to their home.

Wind blew from inside the church carrying Cloud’s words. ‘Wait for me, Aerith.’

Silent yet firm footsteps resounded down the hallways of one of the buildings in Shinra Electric Power Company.

Clad in a navy blue suit, the man with shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes and a tilak in the middle of his forehead headed towards his Boss’ office. He had received his new mission and although he was not one to question his orders, there was something in his mission that irked him.

“You came.” The man, Tseng, hadn’t had the chance to open his mouth as he entered his Boss’ office when the latter had already spoken, guessing why Tseng was there.

“With all due respect, Sir, I see no reason why we should ask for help from this uncertain element.” Tseng directly voiced out his complaint.

The older man, sat behind a desk filled with all kind of files and housing a bulky computer, looked up at Tseng. Long gone was the rookie who failed that mission back in Costa del Sol and now stood a stern, stoic and inflexible yet capable man, the epitome of what means to be a Turk.

That’s why it was a bit surprising for Tseng to question his orders.

The older man sighed in relief, it seemed being in the Turks and in Shinra hadn’t erased the last bit of humanity in Tseng; unlike him… Veld looked down at his prosthetic arm and a deep feeling of guilt engulfed him for a second.

“The war in Wutai has reached its peak. Shinra is planning to launch the last offensive.” Veld repeated the details of the mission.

“That’s why they need a Turk, to make reconnaissance.” Tseng finished Veld’s words. “But why do we have to send Legend? There are other Turks able to do the job.”

“None moves solo.” Veld pointed out the main problem.

Tseng pursed his lips. It was true.

After that incident when Veld’s partner was sent solo to a mission in Nibelheim and never returned, Veld decided that Turks would always move in duos. More so when they moved towards places where there is conflict. Tseng himself was Veld’s partner when the Boss was sent to the field. The only exception was Legend, because the guy had requested so.

On Legend’s mission prior to his detainment, Tseng was his partner and the older man just did whatever he wanted. Tseng surprisingly wasn’t punished like Legend because the latter had taken full responsibility for the failed mission, yet that didn’t stop Tseng from thinking Legend was not a Turk, hence why he called him an uncertain element.

He wasn’t even sure if Legend would do a good job moving solo.

“Understood.” Even so, there was nothing Tseng could do but to follow orders.

Tseng’s mission consisted of revoking Legend’s punishment and relay the information on the new mission to the older man.

So, Tseng headed to Costa del Sol where Legend was detained.

Chapter 5: Corel Area-Costa del Sol, 0000

Chapter Text

“Huff… huff…”

Cloud’s eyes stung from the salty sweat that rolled down from her forehead.

Her body instinctively rolled to dodge the Thunder Kiss from the Needle Kiss, a bird-like monster common in the Corel Area. To make things worse, she also had to evade the six Grangalan’s Silver Wheel. The critter had multiplied before she could defeat it, and now she was facing six enemies on her own.

Her body was battered, full of bruises and scratches, and the fight seemed far from ending soon.

Where’s Legend you ask?

She threw a poisonous glare to the man who lazily sat far away from where she was battling, just looking at her being beaten around. ‘You could have, at least, given me a weapon, damnit!’ Cloud inwardly complained as she kicked away a small Grangalan that stopped moving and left some Gil behind.

And who would have thought that their currency was just monster remains?

“Focus, Cloud!” Legend advised the teen when she was about to be sliced by yet another Silver Wheel.

“Shut up!” Cloud yelled back, making Legend chuckle.

It had been a few weeks since they left Cosmo Canyon and they had had that much needed conversation.

As Legend suspected, Cloud had been enhanced due to the Mako; just like a SOLDIER after Mako showers. However, Cloud’s enhancement was different; she had no permanent shining eyes like a SOLDIER, her senses and strength did improve, and she even acquired an ability that not many SOLDIERs get: she could easily manipulate Materia.

In just a few days she mastered his Fire Materia. So, she was able to cast Firaga.

The scorching flames startled his Chocobos when Cloud finally used said Firaga as more monsters approached, interested in the ongoing battle. Nothing was left after that impressive display of furious flames, and she finally vented her frustration on the new Needle Kisses that attacked her.

After spending time with the teen, Legend noticed that she was different from her Mom who was steady at all times and in all occasions; Cloud was livelier inwardly, even if her face showed close to no expression.

She just needed time to show it.

To warm up to the person.

Legend had actually just graduated from being a stranger and was regaled by her rich emotions and minute expressions.

Her facial muscles were still a bit stiff but her eyes were so expressive and so very telling it was so endearing.

But Cloud’s best feature was being a fast learner. Her moves were still ungraceful, but Legend had no doubt that they would become even more refined the more monsters she fought.

In fact, he could leave her alone in the wild, and she would be able to fend for herself already.

All Cloud was missing was a weapon.

Frankly, Legend had no idea what suited her best. He was a pro at using bombs but he recognized Cloud didn’t match that style due to her enhancements.

He was considering buying her some gauntlets because she was good at hand-to-hand combat or even a dagger to do more damage. He had also considered buying her short swords because she was the agile type. At this point, he thought any weapon worked for her.

Any weapon except for those bulky and inelegant swords SOLDIERs used.

Cloud would look funny carrying such a big sword with her tiny frame.

“Your footwork is still a bit messy, that’s why your attacks are not very effective and you are forced to use the Materia.” Legend advised the panting teen after the fight was over. “Stand up, I’ll show you.” Cloud slowly stood up, cleaned her sweat and looked at him. “Let’s go over them once again. Right foot, left foot, right hand, right hand, left hand, right foot…”

The next few minutes were spent learning the correct posture to not lose balance depending if Cloud attacked or counterattacked with her feet or hands. It was tedious and tiring but she was eager to learn. She still easily lost against Legend in a spar, but she also felt her own improvement. Slow but surely.

After that, they took a short break to then continue on their way to Costa del Sol.

And the closer they were to the place, the hotter it became.

When they finally arrived to the sunny and paradise-like town, Cloud looked like a real tourist gazing this way and that way, squinting at the harsh sun, staring at the blue sea and at the people who walked around in just swimsuits.

Legend claimed that was the fashion there, but it was still strange to her. Cloud was not used to the hot weather since she grew up in a town where even Summers were cold, but she still wouldn’t go around town wearing so little… ok, maybe some shorts when she truly couldn’t stand the heat, but nothing less than that.

There were also some stalls that sold food and beverages she had never seen nor tried, so she was very curious. However, Legend had told her to not separate from him until they arrived where he stayed.

The past few days he had hinted that he wasn’t truly a merchant and that he resided in Costa del Sol for the time being.

Cloud knew the man was not an ordinary one if he knew how to fight and carried lots of bombs in between his wares. She had no idea of his real identity, but she still thought he was mostly sincere with her Ma; and if he wasn’t, then she could beat him up as revenge.

Once they arrived at a very nice house, the Chocobos were left in a stable at the back of said house.

Then, they took down the wares, leaving most of the cargo to Cloud because she still needed to train how to control her strength… and senses, too, as the pile covered her line of sight. She could only follow him by using her hearing.

After going up a few stairs, he stopped and took out the keys for the front door, though he suddenly paused.

Cloud frowned as she sensed Legend tense for a moment before relaxing and opening the door as if nothing had happened.

“I was about to bomb the house, you know.” The orange-haired man declared. Cloud stopped by the door because she suddenly sensed there was another person inside. No wonder Legend stopped before entering; he had already noticed. Cloud pouted because she realized she was still missing lots of experience.

“You are detained, Legend. You cannot leave the house, nor the city. So, how come I have been waiting for you for two weeks?” A rich voice asked, making Cloud lean to take a look at the person, but Legend quickly stepped in front of her, either to cover her sight or the sight of the other person. “A dragging business?” The person strangely asked, having taken a glimpse of blond hair.

“A request from a beautiful lady.” Legend nonchalantly replied. “Leave the things in that corner.” He addressed the teen without taking his eyes off the young man in front of him. Cloud felt the atmosphere was strange so she simply did as she was told. “Take the pouch and go have fun.” She then heard him say.

Cloud paused at his words and stupidly blinked.

The pouch he referred to was her money from the monsters she had killed on the way. Pouch that he had confiscated saying she didn’t need the money for the time being. Cloud didn’t mind; after all, he was right and there was no way she could use money in the wilderness.

But with the way he had said those words, it made Cloud think as if he was ‘providing’ for her. Was it to earn points with her Ma? The money was actually hers! However, his sudden generosity meant he wanted to have a conversation alone with the person inside the house.

Cloud picked the pouch and stole a glance at the man, but quickly averted her gaze and ran out of the house.

By Odin he is sooo handsome!!’ She inwardly squealed. She had thought Legend was already a good-looking man, but this newcomer was a tier above her caretaker.

That long and silky black hair, those charming eyebrows, the suit that perfectly fitted his body, those intense and severe eyes…

Why weren’t guys this handsome back in Nibelheim? Heck, not even the travelers in Cosmo Canyon were like him. Was there a city or town that produced such fine specimens? Was Midgar like that, too? If that was so, she couldn’t wait to get there!

As Cloud fangirled over men’s good looks, she walked around Costa del Sol until she found a stall that sold Materia. When Legend told her she had a high affinity with Materia, she got very interested in it. She quickly walked to the stall to look at the rather limited assortment of Materia.

“Welcome, youngling, what would you like to buy?” The plump man manning the stall asked her.

“What kind of Materia do you have?” She asked not ashamed of her ignorance.

Legend hadn’t wanted for her to become too dependent on Materia so he gave her minimum information about it at that time; like, Materia could be leveled up and even mastered, also that there were different types of Materia. Beyond that, she knew nothing. That’s why she could only see that these Materia had different colors but couldn't really identify them.

“Heal Materia can cure some status ailments like Poison. Revive can restore people’s health as long as they have breath; it’s very powerful magic that even heals the status ailments. Restore Materia heals smalls injuries like cuts and burns. Seal can both put an enemy to Sleep or even Silence them so they cannot cast magic. Then Fire, Lightning and Ice are Materias that cast magic of said element.” The stall owner patiently explained while pointing at each orb.

Cloud was reeling with the sudden input of information and had no idea which one to get as they were all very useful to her. Apart from Fire, she could get all the other Materias. She had counted her money and she had around fifteen thousand Gil. However, when told the price of each Materia, she finally made a decision. After all, she also wanted to buy some equipment, even a weapon.

“I want one of each except Fire and Revive.” The first one she already had it, and the second she had no use of it, yet. Only when she had a bagful of Materia in her possession, Cloud was happy. “Is there a stall for weapons?” She then asked the stall vendor.

Content of having made a big sale, the owner directed her towards the only weapons vendor in Costa del Sol. “He only sells armors though, but you can take a look.” He added.

Cloud nodded in thanks and headed towards the big building that was the bar. In there, she looked for the shifty guy that sold the weapons and easily spotted him. He not only looked shifty, but even desperate. Cloud hesitated a bit but still made her way towards the guy.

“Hi, is it you who sells armors?” She had been told he sold no weapons so it was best to ask for the armors.

The guy’s eyes lit up and his demeanor quickly changed. “Yes! Welcome! These are the armors I have!” The guy yelled and threw his ware in her arms.

Was he not afraid of her running away with them? But when she looked down at what she had been thrown, she guessed he indeed had nothing to worry about. The armors looked beaten up at best, broken down at worst.

No wonder he was so desperate to sell.

“Um, can you explain to me what each armor does?” She requested as she had no idea what they were for.

“Ah? Oh! Yes! Of course! The Carbon Bangle has two-linked Materia slots and an individual one; it has a normal growth rate. The Four Slots, as its name says, has four individual slots at normal rate. And my best armor, the Platinum Bangle has only two individual slots but has double growth rate.” The guy quickly rattled. “And well… the Molotov is no armor but a consumable that inflicts Fire to an enemy when thrown.” He sheepishly added.

Cloud was once again bombarded with information, but looking closely at the armor, she could see what the ‘linked’ and ‘individual’ were referring to. However, she had no idea what this growth rate was about. So, she asked.

“That’s… You know Materia can be leveled up, right?” The guy continued when he saw his costumer nod. “Then, normal rate is the default growth rate a Materia can grow depending on the use in battle and the user. And double rate is obviously double of the normal rate.”

Cloud felt the explanation was clear, that’s why she considered that buying a double growth rate armor might be even more helpful paired with her Materia affinity. Though, she had just bought plenty of Materia and had no weapon or armor to slot it; that’s why the Four Slots could also come in handy. There was also the matter with the linked slots; were they really useful like that?

She suddenly had more questions, but before she could ask more. A hand landed on her shoulder making her jump, turning around, she found herself face-to-handsome-face with the man with the dark hair! Cloud could feel her face become prickly and hot, the telltale of her blushing, so she quickly ducked her head.

“Leave what you’re doing and follow me.” The man ordered.

Cloud forgot all about her shyness and sharply rose her head. “And Legend?” Her Ma had told her to follow only Legend. So, no matter what the handsome the man in front of her said, she was not going to easily follow his commands.

“He has an important mission and left you to my care.” The man noticed the teen’s guarded countenance and patiently explained.

He even had the chance to take a good look at Legend’s ‘errand’. Too skinny and pretty to be a boy, too handsome and flat to be a girl. And with what little Legend told him about the teen, then it could be assumed that the teen was a boy. Probably. Tseng had no time to do an in depth investigation.

Glancing at what the teen held in his arms and the nervous man behind the teen, it was obvious what he was doing. However, the armor was truly too deplorable. Yet, with Legend’s reminders still in his head: ‘let Cloud buy some useful equipment for the time being’, the man pointed at one of the armors.

“Take the Carbon Bangle. It provides more defense.” He said. After all, the teen needed something that could ensure his safety rather than anything else at this point. He looked as if wind could deal some damage.

Cloud blinked and nodded. “This one, then.” She said to the man who had been impatiently waiting for her to finish her conversation. The guy picked his other wares from her arms and then took the Gil for the bangle.

Turning towards the man, she had to run after him as he was already by the door. They didn’t return to the villa and directly headed towards the port where lots of people were boarding a huge ship. There were some ruckuses here and there, but the people were mostly boarding in some sort of order.

“Head towards that guy with red hair; he will tell you where to go. Tell him Tseng sends you.” Cloud instantly saved the info that the handsome man with dark hair was called Tseng. “Here, this is what Legend left for you.”

“Oof!” Cloud gasped as she hurriedly caught the bag Tseng threw at her. Ok, handsome enough, but not so gentlemanly. Nevertheless, she forgot his lacking manners and focused on the scabbard that was tied to the side of the bag. Inside the scabbard was a very short sword with two two-linked Materia slots.

“Inside the bag you can find an All Materia and Added Effect Materia.” Tseng added to then walk towards another smaller ship and disappearing inside the cabin. Cloud stared at the quickly disappearing ship, suddenly thinking that neither of those two men were very reliable.

One vanished out of nowhere with not even a goodbye; and the other just said a few words and left. It was no wonder her Ma never thought of remarrying. But well, if Legend became her step-father, she guessed she had to keep some sort of positive opinion about the man.

Or maybe not.

Cloud sniffed at the thought of Legend not keeping his promise of taking her to Midgar and turned towards the huge ship. Yet, before she could even take a step, a huge explosion reverberated at the port.

Chapter 6: Costa del Sol-open sea, 0000

Chapter Text

The hell am I doing here?!’

Cloud inwardly exclaimed as she dove behind yet another crate to escape the rain of bullets going around the port. The crate she had been behind at was blown to smithereens when a person crashed into it and didn’t stop before plunging into the ocean. Cloud was able to notice the man was badly injured and unconscious.

“Death to Shinra scum!”

She peeked at the fight taking place at the dock and noticed there were some people wearing tattered clothes and chanting hate comments against Shinra plus some curses mixed in. What was Shinra? Cloud had no idea, but she was sure the fight wouldn't stop unless one of the two sides were annihilated. Hopefully, she would not be involved in the fight…

Not possible.

Cloud cursed as she rolled away from behind the crate when a missile headed towards her hiding place. She protected her head and ears from the explosion that singed at her back.

The smell of burnt hair mixed with burnt fabric, gunpowder, and a metallic smell she couldn’t pinpoint what it was surrounded her and made her flight-or-fight reflexes kick in.

“There is another one here!”

There was no time for her to check on her situation when some of those badly clothed people ran towards her, their weapons pointed at her to kill.

Jumping to her feet, Cloud ran as she zigzagged to avoid the bullets, but she knew it was not a long-term solution. Her eyes flashed around to see the terrain and lit up when she saw the charred but somewhat intact building before her.

Speeding up, she threw herself to the building’s wall, and making use of the acceleration, she ran up the wall. As she moved, she noticed no more bullets were fired at her.

Once she could not go up any more due to gravity and lack of speed, she twisted her body to face the ground and saw the men that had been firing their guns below were now gaping at her.

Chance! She cried out in her mind.

She kicked the wall and dove towards a man who fumbled with his gun, not sure if to shoot at her or ask his companions to cover him. It was too late for him to react as Cloud had already landed in a sea of fire thanks to her Firaga.

A red-haired man swung his baton at one of the rebels before kicking another one. He ducked to avoid being beheaded and the baton connected an electrified uppercut against the sword user. He smirked and flicked his hair before such easy opponents and even arrogantly looked at the situation at the dock.

His partner, a bald, dark-skinned man, was flinging men in the air and the ocean with the ease of a Behemoth. The other people dressed like him, in a dark blue suit, were fending off the attack as if it was a breeze. Dodging a knife to the face, the red-haired man also noticed the big fire that erupted near the Shinra building.

He paused and almost got impaled by a sword when he saw a blond midget making quick work with a group of five rebels. He didn’t remember having ‘recruited’ this guy but he sure had some skills. The man cursed in awe when he saw the blond bending his back to almost an impossible angle to avoid a sneaky sword and then send the attacker to the ground with a flying kick.

f*ck! That kid’s really good!’

The man didn’t even notice he had defeated all the opponents in his vicinity and just blatantly stared at the kid’s fight. Although the kid stumbled and got a few hits and cuts in between the fight, he was already very good. If trained well, he could be a superb Turk. The red-haired man smirked at his thought.

As he mentally patted his back for such a well-though and perfect idea, the air was suddenly filled with the distinct smell of ozone that foresaw Thunder magic. And sure enough, the kid threw a punch towards the last enemy that lit up with the sparks of a Thunder.

The enemy ended up charred and black from the magic that still continued its way and exploded a few innocent crates at the dock. Not even a boat from one of the residents in Costa del Sol was saved and sunk with a damaged hull.

Shinra was definitely not going to pay for that.

That was no normal Thunder’ The red-haired man mused, looking at the badly-damaged boat to then glance at his partner who nodded. The red-haired man nodded back and headed towards the blonde kid who stood before his own destruction, panting, wide-eyed and wild-eyed. ‘It must be his first fight with people.’ He concluded.

“Yo, kid! You got some moves there!” The red-haired man greeted with an easy-going smile and a wave. The blonde weakly smiled but then his eyes rolled back and he collapsed. “Aw, man… I don’t want to carry him, yo.”

“Reno!” The red-haired man quickly spun at being hastily called and felt the air leave his body as he rose from the ground, sailed through the air and plunged into the sea. It seemed the fight was not over.

Cloud woke up to a splitting headache, a rolling stomach and a swimming vision. It all combined to make her feel like sh*t. She tried to get out of the bed she had been laying on, yet her body swayed due to the moving floor and she fell down. Face first. The cold floor helped to alleviate the headache as she focused on keeping whatever she had eaten before with Legend on their way to Costa del Sol inside her stomach.

Startled eyes opened as she remembered what had happened at the dock after Legend left her to do who knows what.

She had fought!

Odin, I fought and killed people...

The nausea returned with a vengeance and she scrambled to find an appropriate place to throw up. The only thing she found was a pot by the side; not caring what it was used for, she inserted her face and violently puked. Guts hurting by the force.

In between the retching, she heard a door opening but she had no time to care about it as she kept puking; mucus and tears freely running down her face.

Done with it, her shaky hands feebly put the pot down, and she wearily turned to the door as she could feel there was someone there. It was the red-haired man. There were some bruises on his face and one of his hands was bandaged.

“You done, kid?” The man asked.

Cloud nodded, guessing he was asking about her throwing up. After staring some more at him because... Odin above, he is very handsome, too!, her brain finally started to normally function and she remembered what that Tseng guy had told her before also leaving her alone.

“Tseng sent me.” She dutifully repeated what the black-haired man told her to say.

The red-haired man blinked, then his eyebrows conspicuously rose as his eyes roamed her body. Cloud felt embarrassed to be checked out, yet her frozen face didn’t betray anything but a faint blush. Well, she was more ashamed of the fact that the handsome guy had seen her in such a nasty moment.

“He sent you to join SOLDIER?” The man finally opened his mouth to speak.

Cloud was stumped. What was a SOLDIER? “Do I have to be a SOLDIER to go to Midgar?” She instead asked. Had that Legend not explained her situation? She was definitely going to give him a bad review with her Ma!

The man smirked. “Not really, yo. However, everybody here is joining. I assumed you were like them, that’s why we gave you a lift. But if it was Tseng who sent you…” He trailed off, his eyes once again going up and down her body. This time Cloud did fidget. She was a maiden, alright?! She could also feel shy! “Follow me, yo.” Saying so, the guy spun around and strode away. “And maybe, clean up first.” He added.

Cloud felt her world crumble at her feet. She definitely had lost all her dignity in front of him as she cleaned her face with the back of her shirt—not any better when it came to cleanliness, but she had no time to search for a towel or something.

Done, she scrambled to her feet and ran towards the man. “Hey… may I know your name?” She asked as her short legs tried to keep up with his pace. She wanted to have a name to associate with the good-looking face.

“Name’s Reno. Yours?” Reno quickly fired back.

“Uh, um… I’m Cloud.” She replied.

“You a good fighter, Cloud. Where did you learn?” Reno rapidly moved on.

Cloud was flustered by the fast conversation. She was not one used to talking and she was kind of exhilarated to be speaking to one handsome guy—all thoughts of her previous messy face forgotten. “Ah, that was Legend. Don’t know his name, just that he is called Legend…”

Reno snickered. “Are you one of his dragging businesses?” He eyed Cloud from top to bottom; but in his mind, he decisively identified Cloud as not a biological child of that troublesome man.

Cloud blinked, her brain trying to understand what Reno was talking about before she pouted realizing what he was asking. “He is just hitting on my Ma.” Although she never met her Da, and her Ma rarely talked about him, Cloud was uncomfortable to be mistaken as Legend’s child. He didn’t look responsible enough to be a Father.

“Damn guy can’t keep his pants up, yo.” Reno mumbled. “’K, kid, here we are.” Cutting the conversation short, Reno opened a door and gestured at Cloud to enter, which she promptly did.

Even if Cloud had awkwardly communicated with Reno, she did take notice of her surroundings, all narrow and swaying hallways with many closed doors, and she deduced she was on a ship. The movement was very telling, and the window of the room she had just entered had the view of the very blue ocean.

The room was bigger than the one she woke up in, but the furniture was as quaint as hers, just a few more here and there. There was a TV there though! It also had space to put a few more chairs and a table where a bald man and a woman with shoulder-length hair sat at. It seemed they had been talking before Reno abruptly opened the door.

“Cloud here was sent by Tseng and is going to Midgar. He also knows that pervert man with the nasty bombs.” Reno quickly introduced Cloud to the room dwellers.

“Going to Midgar?” The woman asked, looking at Cloud with a curious expression. She was expecting for Cloud to answer.

Nodding, Cloud said, “I want to meet with a friend.” And then she closed her mouth, obviously not wanting to talk about the matter anymore. It wasn’t because she distrusted the people there, it was because Legend had told her constantly to not reveal the name of the person she was going to meet to anybody.

Truthfully, Cloud didn’t understand why she couldn’t talk about Aerith but he had explained that then she would have to say where and when she met with Aerith, and that was a very touchy subject because, apparently, Cloud must be the first and only person to have survived Mako poisoning.

So, if she wanted to keep that matter secret, then it was best to talk less about the friend who could help her.

The other three noticed the sharp cut in Cloud’s words plus her reticence to talk about the matter. If that wasn’t suspicious, then they weren’t qualified Turks.

However, they weren’t going to pry if Tseng hadn’t sent the orders. Though the man must already know everything that had to be known about Cloud. And there was also Legend; even if the guy was a very unstable element, he was good on his own.

So, no, they weren’t worried about giving some unknown person a ride to Midgar. Once there, they can also follow Cloud around to know where he was going, where he was staying, who he was talking to, and who he knew. There was nothing that escaped from the Turks’ eyes.

“Then, just sit tight and try to get comfortable because the trip to Midgar is going to be long.” The woman said with a good-naturedly smile which put Cloud at ease.

Cloud smiled back—or attempted to—and nodded. She could hear from the woman’s words that she was being dismissed, so she turned to leave—it seemed she was clear enough to ride on ship. Her eyes caught something being shown on the screen that made her freeze.

“Who’s that?” She breathed out.

And luckily, the people around were trained enough to catch her words and provide her with an answer. “Tall, handsome, with long, silver, smooth and silky hair? That’s Sephiroth. The ace of the SOLDIER program.” The woman purred.

Cloud finally reacted and her eyes took in the person that was talking by a podium. Well, she accepted the guy was handsome, but that was not the one who had taken her breath away.

When asked, her Ma always said the same about her Da: ‘It was love at first sight’, and then, she recounted how the two met. Her Ma saw her Da, her Da saw her Ma and love suddenly bloomed.

It was all so cryptic and unknown to Cloud. What does it feel to suddenly fall in love with someone you knew nothing about and you just saw for the first time? How does that work? And, how could that be real love? It was a very foreign subject to Cloud that had more questions than answers. Answers she finally got.

“Not him. The one in red.” Cloud clarified. The woman sputtered embarrassed, Reno laughed out loud and the bald guy sharply rose his eyebrows, hiding his smile behind a cough.

“Told ya not everybody will fall under Sephiroth’s feet, yo!” Reno mocked the woman who just sniffed at him. Satisfied with having upped the woman, he turned to Cloud. “That’s Genesis Rhapsodos. First Class SOLDIER better known as the Red Mage or the Red Commander. A bit arrogant if you ask me, yo. But the guy has the right to be so.”

The woman hmphed, clearly disagreeing with Reno. “Cannot even beat Sephiroth.”

“Well, being Hojo’s lab rat…“

“Reno!” The bald man finally opened his mouth, only to chide the red-haired man for saying too much.

Cloud paid no attention to the bickering trio in the room as her eyes never strayed from the man with auburn hair, sun-kissed skin and blue-green eyes. He wore a black uniform with crossed straps under a red coat that matched his hair. He looked so charming with his tilted head, talking to the buffed man standing beside him.

Genesis Rhapsodos.

She repeated the name in her mind, her heart beating really fast, her ears hot and prickly from her blush. She finally knew what it meant to fall in love at first sight. It was hard to describe. She couldn’t wait to get to know him, be with him, talk to him, touch him… Do everything with him.

Cloud quickly ducked her face to hide her crimson face at her thoughts. But the racing imaginary instances of her interacting with Genesis couldn’t be stopped. Her desire couldn’t be stopped. She had to do something, anything, to meet the man.

But what?

“I want to join SOLDIER.” She mumbled, silencing the argument going inside the room. Looking straight at Reno, she voiced her decision out loud. “I want to join SOLDIER.”


The Planet chanted as a Cetra heard.

Chapter 7: A ship-Junon, 0000

Chapter Text

The ride to Junon was hell.

Cloud realized she suffered from motion-sickness, which the woman—who had shunned Cloud for not being a fan of Sephiroth like her—took as her chance to mock the teen. The blonde was used to being the joke in people’s mouth, so she expertly ignored the woman’s taunts; which were harmless anyway.

It was like having a childish rivalry.

Reno and Rude—the silent, bald man—had other plans for her impromptu stay at the ship. They always looked for her to spar. They had decided to do so once they realized she was strong despite her deceivingly weak-looking body.

It was friendly sparring in which they taught her a few ‘Turk tricks’, as Reno labelled them. Because the fact she decided to join SOLDIER didn’t deter the red-haired man to want to recruit her to an ever better department: The General Affairs Department, specifically, the Investigation Sector.

She was bombarded every day with the propaganda she could even tell when Reno was about to breach the subject from his posture.

Either way, due to her sudden crush on Genesis Rhapsodos, she was adamant at joining SOLDIER. In her smiten state, she didn’t even bother in questioning what it was needed to join: if she needed to be male or female, have a certain height, have this age, what the procedure to join was, if there was any gossip among the ranks.

Just anything that would make her avoid all sort of problems.

But she did no such thing, and just dutifully sparred with the two men and learned a bit more about the Materia Legend left for her.

The All Materia could expand the range of her magic. So, instead of focusing in one monster, magic spread to many more targets around. Added Effect was used to add the effect of a Materia if it was either equipped in a weapon’s linked slots or have the immunity if equipped in an armor.

All Cloud had was the sword given by Legend—that was named Butterfly Edge, according to Rude—and the Carbon Bangle she bought at Costa del Sol as equipment.

Knowing the rather devastating effect of the Seal Materia, she decisively paired the Materia with Added Effect in her Carbon Bangle. That way, she would have the protection of never being put to Sleep or Silenced, plus being able to cast it to others. Then, on the remaining slot, she put the Restore Materia.

On her weapon—that she couldn’t use because she had no training in swordsmanship, and neither Reno nor Rude nor the other woman were proficient enough with the sword to teach her—she placed the All Materia together with the Ice Materia because she noticed Ice had a hidden, mildly slowing effect on the opponent.

It was not the same as the proper Slow spell, but it was very useful during battle. Then, she put the Fire and Lightning Materia on the other slots.

She wouldn’t be able to use the linked slots properly, but she didn’t mind. She could get more equipment later on, one with more slots. Though, that had to be really later on as she had no money to buy even a cheap piece of equipment.

Either way, the sparring was just close combat, so there was no need for the sword for the time being. Besides, thanks to the Restore Materia on her Bangle, she was able to last even longer in the spars; and she easily gained the experience to level it up. Of course, her affinity to Materia was something she never mentioned to neither Turk. Again, Legend had been very adamant in keeping her abilities a secret.

So, by the time they arrived at Junon, her Restore Materia was already able to cast Regen. Her Added Effect and Seal Materia were also on level 2, short on being Mastered. Though, because she had no chance to use her other Materia that were equipped on her sword, those remained the same as she had them before.

The moment she touched harbor, she was left to her own devices by the Turks. Or more like, she was once again abandoned.

But she was happy to know she was not abandoned alone.

A huge man by the name of Azul was also left to do the SOLDIER registration on his own. Considering what Cloud heard from Reno about this Azul, was it a good idea to send him alone? Or were they expecting Cloud to guard him? The man was huge, taller than a mountain, his arms probably the length of Cloud’s body. What could she do against him? Die flattened by his feet?

Cloud had never spoken to the man as he had kept to himself during the ship ride, and she was not one to usually start a conversation without wanting to know information of her interest. She sucked at casual conversation. So, basically, they left two silent strangers to their own devices.

Though, Azul completely ignored her meager existence after a glance and walked ahead, to a very noisy building that seemed to be bubbling with all sort of enthusiastic young men who were animatedly talking about SOLDIER and Sephiroth. Clearly, the building was for registering as a SOLDIER trainee.

Cloud had the vague notion of silver hair whenever Sephiroth was mentioned, but she completely ignored that topic of converstion as she also headed to the building, some steps behind Azul. The deeper she walked into the building, the more she noticed something those Turks had failed to inform her.

All SOLDIER candidates were men…

And she was a girl…

Damn you guys!! You’ll pay for this! Cloud inwardly raged—forgetting the fact she didn’t ask either—but nonetheless started her registration to become a SOLDIER.


“Cloud Strife.”


“August 11th, 1986.”

“… Aren’t you too young?”

“The Turks recruited me.” Cloud forgot all about her rage towards her careless travel companions and thanked them for providing her with a way out regarding her age, seeing how the man taking her information just eyed her dubiously, but otherwise dropped the subject. It was the Turks after all. Nobody messed with them.

“Alright. Place of birth?”

“Uh, Nibelheim.” Always stick to the truth, so when you lie, it’ll be more credible. That’s what Legend taught her.

“Any illness you aware of? Disability? Psychological pathology?”

Besides Mako poisoning… “None.” Cloud dully replied.

Then, she watched the man fill up the remaining information. Her eyebrow twitched when she noticed he had marked her gender as male. She must have a bit of feminine appeal, right? How could people just label her as male after eyeing her from top to bottom?

“Get this to Medical. They’re going to do some exams and tell you if you’re in or out. Next!” So, like that, Cloud was dismissed with a paper in hand.

She tried to find Azul among the throng of people, but it seemed he had already registered because he was nowhere to be seen. And he could be easily seen. So, with no familiar face—even if she never spoke to him—she walked towards the Medical Bay. She did have to ask around where the place was, because it seemed nobody in the building cared for placing signs to point where things were located.

Her mind had no time to complain for too long as she suddenly realized her gender would soon be discovered, and didn’t know how to react to that.

Well, she had never hidden it; people just misunderstood—the man at the registration desk was a perfect example. What she really wondered was if women were actually allowed to join SOLDIER.

Seeing the line of men that were about to take their medical exams, and no female presence besides some nurses, she became completely sure that she must be the only woman—girl—to join SOLDIER.

Was she going to be fine?

As it was, her worries were totally unfounded when an overworked doctor came to do her exams. Then her question changed to: Are these people fine?

“Alright, Mr. Strife. We’re going to begin with a blood sample.” The man with very dark bags under his eyes slurred.

Then, with nary a care, he just plunged the needle into her vein and took a big tube of blood. It didn’t hurt, per se, yet Cloud would have appreciated to be told beforehand. It was a bit traumatic to have the needle just go into your arm—a big needle at that. She did see some guys in the room she was in panicking from it.

Fighting needly monsters will be a nightmare for them, she carelessly mused as she let the doctor do his job.

Azul was still nowhere to be seen. Where had he gone?

“Ugh, I really need some sleep.” The doctor mumbled words that made Cloud focus again; especially when a light flashed into her eyes.

The doctor saw a strange shimmer in them that looked similar to SOLDIERs who already had their Mako shots. But well, he had been seeing lights for the past couple of hours due to his lack of sleep, and the shimmer had also disappeared when he looked again. So he reported it as nothing.

“’K, now the physical exam...” He said after finishing all the other exams he needed to do.

“Sure.” Cloud nodded and started to unbuckle her clothes. She had seen—eavesdropped—the other guys in the room take off their clothes before the appointed doctor closed the curtains for a little privacy.

“No, don’t take them off. Geez, so troublesome.” The doctor stopped Cloud as she was about to jump from the bed she was perched at and pull down her pants. Befuddled, Cloud watched how the doctor just prodded over her legs and arms, probably to make sure she had no malformations or stunted muscles or bones. She had no idea. “Right, it’s done. Report to the Warrant Officer at the end of the hallway.”

And that’s how Cloud once again escaped from being discovered.

Just to be thrown to a loud and unpleasant man: Warrant Officer Kent.

“That brat!” Legend raged over the message he just got from that insufferable of Reno. “And what the f*ck’s Tseng doing?!” He couldn’t understand how he took his eyes off Cloud for a couple of days and she was already enlisted to become a SOLDIER. What happened to visiting her friend in Midgar?! “Claudia’s going to kill me.” He sighed.

“To see a Turk like this… Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess.”

Legend resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead glared at the young man who entered his tent without asking for permission, followed by two other.

Genesis Rhapsodos was a menace when in a good mood, insufferable and worth a thousand kilos of bombs when in a bad one. The Turk couldn’t understand how someone with his character made it so high into SOLDIER, as a Commander no less. But well, these guys were not considered people by Shinra.

And to think Cloud got herself into the tiger’s mouth.

“Is anything wrong, sir?”

This one Legend could handle better. Angeal Hewley was definitely the guy to go to when it came to reporting. He didn’t spew nonsense like Genesis, and surely wasn’t as silently unlikable as Sephiroth. Angeal was very personable; let his huge, threatening and bulky frame not deceive you.

“Just some brat not doing what promised.” Legend dismissed.

“The report?” Ah yes, very down to business this Sephiroth guy. Well, it was fine by Legend as he had a girl to beat for her unnecessary actions as soon as he returned.

“There. Have fun! If SOLDIERs First Class cannot do something about it, then might as well just retire.” After throwing the stack of papers with all the information he had gathered about the Wutai army: their weaknesses and their strengths, Legend strode out of the tent to get out of the place where everything went downhill for him.

Though it was also the place where everything began.

Now, to find that troublemaker of Cloud.

“My Grandma runs faster than you, wussies! Run! Run! Run! Hurry up!”

Cloud was sick and tired of Warrant Officer Kent and his lame jokes about his Grandma. Actually, the whole platoon of 30 SOLDIER trainees were sick and tired of him.

Cloud had even heard some of them planning to give Kent a good lesson, but for now they couldn’t even touch a single hair of the man. Because as unpleasant as Kent was, he was very strong. And, he had some high connections in Shinra.

However, that didn’t give him the right to make them run with the sun beating down on them. At least, the other platoons weren’t training like them.

“Heller! If you don’t keep up with the rest, I’ll turn you into monster food!” W.O Kent yelled at the guy who was lagging behind.

After 50 laps around the training area, everybody was sweating like crazy—most even took off their shirts—and short of dropping dead, Heller the most obvious one. If he hadn’t fainted yet was because he really wanted to become a SOLDIER. Cloud knew about it because he was one of her roommates.

Jan Heller, Christo Marow and Elliah Astor shared a room with Cloud.

Christo and Elliah were Junon residents and couldn’t care less about those who came from towns and villages like Jan and Cloud. They acted as if they were disgusted of being together with village boys. Jan always got conscious of it and curled into himself whenever Christo and Elliah were in the room; yet, Cloud never paid them any attention.

Actually, she was the anti-social one in the room, speaking to no one.

Reminded of how she was treated back at Nibelheim: being ostracized and not being allowed to play with neither kid—the loneliness—Cloud decided to slow down her pace and position herself beside Jan. If they became colleagues in the future, then it was best to make one or two allies.

She threw one of his arms over her shoulders and dragged him to the end of the group to finish the remaining laps.

“Strife! You think you can spoil my soldiers by helping them?!” Once the laps were done, Kent immediately preyed on Cloud. “Since you have that much energy, then run 20 more laps for me!” Snickers were heard around Cloud as she just sighed and silently walked to the track to start running.

Alright, she deserved it as she had broken one of Legend’s teachings: never show your real strength. The resistance training was a piece of cake for her. Out of all the sweaty and overexerted guys, she was the only one who looked as if she had gone strolling rather than running 60 laps. Some of the trainees surely had noticed and envied her, thus laughing at her misfortune.

But thanks to her frozen face, she never showed her exasperation. Wasn’t the point of joining SOLDIER to help and protect the weak? That was the propaganda she had heard since the first day of training. If nurturing the sense of compassion and empathy was not allowed, then what’s the purpose of becoming a SOLDIER?

Maybe she should have listened to Reno and joined the Turks.

As she let her thoughts run wild, she honestly finished the 20 laps and returned to the dorms to shower.

Luckily, the showers were empty as everybody was at the mess hall eating their lunch, which Cloud most likely would miss. Damn Kent! Sadical jerk that cannot even see one of his ‘soldiers’ was about to die back then! Can’t wait for the final assessment to mop with you! Cloud inwardly ranted as she scrubbed off the grime from the field.

It turned out that there were many filters to become a SOLDIER. The first one was obviously the medical examination; Cloud was sure more than 500 people showed up. But it turned out only 200 passed to the second filter: the resistance training. Everyday, they exercised till the verge of dying. She was sure not even half would pass after this. And the last filter was the first Mako shower.

It was said that many presented serious side-effects to it. That was a point she was curious about since she had survived Mako poisoning; would a Mako shower even do something to her?

But well, that was something for later. First, she had to kick Kent’s ass in the final assessment, which entailed sparring with their trainer among other tests. And then, they would be transferred to Midgar to report to their superior and director of SOLDIER: Lazard Deusericus.

Only then will I meet with Aerith… and Commander Rhapsodos, Cloud thought as she dressed herself, blushing at the image of the red-haired man popping up in her mind. Will he be as charming as he looks? She inwardly squealed, but her face remained as stoic as ever. Thing she was very thankful of as it saved her from weird gazes or uncomfortable moments.

“Uh… hi, C-Cloud...” Like that one.

“Jan.” Cloud greeted the guy in front of her. By Odin! Does this guy ambush unsuspecting girls outside the showers?!... Oh, right, nobody sees me as a girl.

“I-um… Thank you, for helping me back there. Here.” It was no wonder Jan Heller was not respected nor helped: he was a very introverted guy with poor social skills.

Cloud was no better, but she at least had her fists to talk with. Yeah, many of the guys around have already tasted her punches for underestimating her and her short stature in the couple of months she had been training. But Jan was 100% more lovable, what with the sandwich he gave her.

“Thanks.” Cloud nodded, taking the wrapped food. Her stomach was rumbling from hunger. There was no reason to reject it as they were about to start their next class.

“Strife! There’s someone looking for you!” Someone called out from the end of the hallway. It was the Warrant Officer from another platoon.

“Who, sir?” Cloud asked, doubtful. She didn’t know anyone besides those guys who took her to Junon and…

“Some Legend guy.” The man replied as he stood in front of the teen. He was obviously tasked to take Cloud to her visitor.

“Sorry, sir, but could you tell him I died?”

“Huh? Wha- oh, Hey! Strife!”

No, no, no, no… She was definitely not going to meet Legend! She knew the man would not approve of her joining SOLDIER. She had to get out of there before Legend knew her location. She had to run away NOW!


Hii! Too late!

There was a rumor in Junon about a flash of yellow running away from a flash of orange in the city. It wasn’t until dawn that the chase was over and the orange flash stood victorious.

Chapter 8: Junon, 0000

Chapter Text

“And so, tell me, how am I going to explain to Claudia her daughter joined an organization full of men instead of meeting with her friend like she promised to do?” Legend asked, adjusting his sunglasses so he could fully stare at the blonde girl that was kneeling in front of him.

“You don’t have to tell her.” Cloud pouted.

“Oh? So, you not only became rebellious, but you also want me to lie to her?” He narrowed his eyes. Beads of sweat trickled down the teen’s forehead, realizing Legend was angry.

However… “What do you care? You’re not my Da.” She mutinously mumbled. She just felt so unfair being scolded by this guy who was nothing to her. Once those words left her mouth, the tension dissipated.

“You’re right, I’m not your Da, so I have no right to tell you anything.” Legend placidly said, all traces of anger gone. Cloud was surprised hearing him agree with her. “I also wouldn’t like an irresponsible child like you.” He continued, throwing a disdainful glance at Cloud who jumped at his accusations.

“I’m not irresponsible!”

“Irresponsible and a liar.”

“Stop it!” Cloud glared at the man, her fists clenching, ready to throw a punch.

“Then, Cloud, are you going to tell your Mom what you did?” He indifferently asked.

Stumped by the sudden change of topic, Cloud tried to find words, but she only came up with what she had said before. “She doesn’t have to know.”

“And when you die on a SOLDIER mission, what will your Ma think when she clearly believed her precious daughter was visiting a friend and not gallivanting with a group of men, working for Shinra and killing monsters for nothing?” He said it all with a light voice, but they felt heavy in Cloud’s mind and conscience.

Legend was right.

Her Ma had given Cloud enough trust so she could go alone to Midgar. True, she had been travelling with Legend, but the man could disappear to do other stuff like what happened back at Costa del Sol. Even then, it was not only her Ma’s trust but Legend’s too that Cloud had disregarded. In hindsight, her decision might have been impulsive, but she was one who stuck to them until the end.

“I’ll write to Ma explaining.” Cloud relented and proposed.

Legend stared at the teen for long seconds, as if judging whether she was telling the truth or not. Seeing her determined and clear eyes, the man could do nothing but compromise, too. He truly had no right to scold her. He was more worried about Claudia. What would that uptight and serious woman do if something happened to her daughter? So, he only nodded at Cloud and turned around to leave.

“Good luck, Cloud.” He said before closing the door to her room.

With her enhancements, she would definitely become a SOLDIER. He just had to swallow the bitter pill of seeing her go to another department. She would have been a splendid Turk, Legend lamented. Well, he first needed to report about his mission to Veld, and then see if he could steal her from SOLDIER.

Nothing was written on stone to a Turk.

Cloud was left alone in the room in a gloomy mood. She said she would explain her Ma, but it was really hard. What could she say? That she joined SOLDIER because she got the hots for one of the Commanders? Well, that is exactly what she would say, just not with those words, and not until she was finally part of SOLDIER.

Meaning, she would send that letter when she arrivesat Midgar.

With a plan in mind, she made to exit the room to head to her class. However, she halted on her steps.

She was bunking with other guys, strange guys who could do anything to her. That’s why there were a few things she had prepared that they had not noticed. Like the sword, Butterfly Edge, she had hidden behind a cabinet by the door. It was gone. Instead, there was a note stuck too the wall.

That guy… He had not scolded me, but this is clearly punishment! She raged after reading the note. ‘I cannot let such an irresponsible girl handle something so dangerous.’ He had written. He will pay! She vowed, pocketing the note in her cadet trousers.

The list of names she would take revenge on increased by one.

The first one…

“Alright, you pieces of sh*t! We are going to see how you get your asses handed to you! Warrant Officer Fisia was kind enough to do training together. And you know what that means?! That means fighting! So, are you ready, little ladies?!” W.O Kent went and gave the group a very inspirational speech for that day’s training. Cloud inwardly rolled her eyes.

Later that week, they would have their assessment, so the trainers were doing hell-like last minute training. According to rumor, W.O Fisia was the best trainer in Junon. All his previous trainees satisfactorily passed the assessment.

Eyeing the group, Cloud could finally see Azul again. For someone with a huge frame, it wasn’t easy to find him.

With those thoughts, the ‘friendly’ sparring began; if the concept of friendly was to punch some teeth out. Or break a few bones. Not long after, moans of pain and grunts were heard all around from those who were fighting, and those who were left to suffer from their own injuries without sending them to Medical.

Fisia’s a good trainer, my ass. Cloud grumbled. The man’s as sad*stic as that jerk of Kent.

However, she had no time to worry about who was more sad*stic; how Jan was concussed not even seconds into the fight, earning some derisive laughs from everybody; how Christo ended up with a dislocated jaw after a very long fight where Christo kicked the other guy in the stomach, making them throw up and faint; how Elliah lost after his arm was broken.

No, there was no time to think about it because she suddenly had a bad feeling as more and more trainees were paired up for the fight. Only…

“Azul! Cloud! You’re up next!” Kent yelled to announced the last fight. Yep, neither men were good. Cloud mused as she absently moved to the sparring mat. Soon, a towering shadow fell over her and she almost had to break her neck just to see Azul’s face. That’s how huge he was. She heard the murmurs around and some laughing too. It was all the same laughing at her misfortune, old story. “Begin!”

Right, how to do this? She thought as she dodged the surprisingly fast punch. It wasn’t as fast as her, but the gales that accompanied the punch betrayed the strength behind it. One hit and she was out, or dead. Her kick to his side was not strong enough to make that much damage.

So, they quickly fell into some sort of stalemate.

Azul kicked in the direction of Cloud’s head. If she didn’t dodge by crouching, then she would have become a headless body. From her crouched position, she tried to skew his balance, but she was still missing more strength into her pushing as all she did was lift his leg. The stalemate continued as they exchanged more punches and kicks while the gym fell into silence.

To both Azul and Cloud, it was truly a spar, each trying to outwit the other so they could assess that winning hit. But, to outsiders, it was a flurry of limbs moving around, flying dust, skimming past the opponent, and of connecting fists.

The Warrant Officers shared a look, and after some silent discussion, W.O. Fisia rose his hand. “That’s enough.” He stopped the spar. As expected, neither Azul nor this Stride trainee were tired. He observed and continued, “Good fight. It seems with this you can find your weaknesses. Azul, you are missing speed; meanwhile, Strife, you lack strength. More training and a weapon can help you, respectively. That’s it. Dismiss!”

Huh, no wonder Fisia is the best trainer. Despite being a sad*stic jerk, he does provide some advice. Cloud noted.

“Move your weak ass, Strife!” Unlike Kent.

Cloud rolled her eyes at Kent’s back and followed her platoon. She hadn’t forgotten the beating and lesson she would give this jerk.

All that awaits you is a somber morrow-”

“Don’t be like this, Genesis. Taking the new recruits to Midgar is also important.”

“What’s so important about a bunch of weakling losers that only know how to play with dirt?”

Angeal refused to reply to that. The two had also been weakling losers when they just joined Shinra, and Sephiroth kicked their asses more often than not. So, he just moved on to another topic. “There is this AVALANCHE group that keeps attacking members of Shinra. We have to keep an eye on them on the road.”

“If AVALANCHE comes, then you can babysit the recruits while I fight them.” Genesis said unbothered.

The Red Commander was still fuming over the fact that they were called back from Wutai’s frontlines just for a couple of new recruits. Even if they were SOLDIER recruits. He was sure Sephiroth—who remained in Wutai—would get all the credit and honor. Again. He was aware Shinra was no good, but to even take away their SOLDIERs’ glory and give it to others...

“Right. This is as far as I go. Have fun with the weaklings!” The red-hair waved at his friend as he walked away from the training grounds where the final assessment would take place.

Angeal sighed at Genesis’ leaving back and entered the viewing platform. They had arrived late, so the assessment was already in progress. Actually, Angeal didn’t need to be there, but he was someone who liked to see what the new recruits were capable of. It was like this that he had found Zack Fair and turned him into his disciple. Would someone as promising as Zack appear in this new batch?

Angeal watched the trainees come and go, fighting their trainer, holding some ground and then miserably lose. Very few could connect a hit to the Warrant Officers, and those would be the candidates to likely make it to SOLDIER. However, there wasn’t any recruit that could catch Angeal’s eye.

He wasn’t looking for someone strong as that would be counterproductive of his goal; he would have nothing to teach to the person. However, nobody he had seen had that certain ‘something’. He was even about to give up and leave.

“Warrant Officer Kent’s platoon, step up for your final assessment.” Someone called, and yet another group of recruits showed up.

The First Class SOLDIER rose an eyebrow at the tiny, blond guy that stood among his hulking comrades. It was a funny sight that brought a smile to Angeal’s face. Though, it soon vanished as he thought the tiny guy would never make it to SOLDIER. Even making it to the infantry would be a miracle.

It was surprising he had even entered the program.

“Strife! Come up here! I’ll quickly send you back to your momma crying like the wuss you are!” Sparse laughter was heard around.

Angeal frowned at the disagreeable taunt from the Warrant Officer, but became really interested as the blonde expressionlessly walked to the ring. That meant the kid had great mental fortitude to never fall for childish taunts and remain composed. A trait Angeal always advocated to the SOLDIERs under him.

But how good was this recruit at fighting?

“You scared, Stri-ugh!” Kent’s words died as he received a surprise attack from the recruit. Angeal instantly sat up and paid special attention to the fight. If he wasn’t enhanced, he wouldn’t have properly seen the tiny blonde charge at Kent and elbow him in the stomach.

But Warrant Officers weren’t for show. Not even incorporating, Kent sent an uppercut to the young man who blocked it, but the force behind the punch sent him up in the air. Just when Angeal thought the blonde would lose his balance, he was surprised to see the latter do a backflip with an added kick to the trainer’s jaw.

The recruit landed perfectly while the trainer had to stumble backwards, blood flowing down his chin.

“You ok there, sir? Can you continue?” Angeal could do with one less cheeky guy, Genesis was enough with his sass and whiny attitude, but it didn’t bother him that much since he was aware why the blonde said those words.

As expected, W.O Kent glared at the young man and ran to him. Sweeping the ground, Kent rose a column of dust to create a screen, then kicked at the place he knew the recruit would be at—most likely covering his eyes from the dust. The kick connected with a dry sound; Kent smiled triumphantly and Angeal smirked.

Kent’s smile disappeared when he couldn’t retrieve his leg as it remained tightly gripped by the tiny guy. All the blond did was sweep the leg Kent was using to balance himself and assessed a hit that rendered the man unconscious. Angeal was extremely proud at the blond and his fighting style.

But his enthusiasm was doused when he remembered the Warrant Officer was out cold, rendering the other recruits unable to continue with their assessment.

The stupefied crowd also arrived to that conclusion and the other Warrant Officers scolded the blond who could only apologize back.

Angeal didn’t want to be a jerk, but he had enough of the recruits and decided to leave. He was sure there would be no one better than this tiny blonde in the batch. In fact, Angeal totally missed the assessment for the following platoon and the devastating power that Azul demonstrated, almost killing Warrant Officer Fisia.

“You’re in a good mood.” Genesis remarked from the sofa he was lounging at, sparing a glance at his friend who had just returned. Sooner than he expected.

Angeal smiled and nodded, taking off the straps of his uniform that held the huge sword he rarely used. “There is one promising recruit.” Then, he proceeded to recount the little blonde’s assessment fight, making Genesis mildly rise one impressed brow. But the auburn-haired man still couldn’t care less for a nameless recruit.

“We’ll see how he fares after his first Mako shower.” Genesis dismissed with a nonchalant wave of his hand and went back to the book he had been reading. Angeal sighed at Genesis’ attitude and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He was still dirty from their travels.

While in the shower, though, he kept thinking of his friend’s words. It was a valid point, and Angeal also had his misgivings. No matter how good at fighting someone was, if they couldn’t stand the Mako shower, then it was all for naught. He still held some hope for the blonde recruit, though. What was his name, again?

Frowning at his carelessness—how could he forget someone’s name?—Angeal dressed up and walked out of the room, ignoring Genesis call.

He arrived at the administrative offices and asked for the files of Warrant Officer Kent’s platoon. With the folder in hand, he quickly leafed the papers and found the one with the photo of an unsmiling blonde. Cloud Strife; 14; from Nibelheim; his physical results showed no anomalies; and he had an exceptional resistance.

Though, W.O. Kent had marked him for insubordination and harm to his companions. Angeal frowned at the observations. Those were serious accusations against a recruit.

Checking the files of the other recruits, they all had some similar harsh comments, especially some Jan Heller. People who abused their power were not uncommon in Shinra, so Angeal took all the comments with a great bucket of salt. He could also judge a person, and that was all that mattered.

Once he was done reading the files, Angeal checked the time and realized the recruits would soon be sent to their first Mako shower. So, he headed to Medical to watch the procedure.

However, due to the few number of people who passed the assessment, the doctors had less time to prepare; so, by the time Angeal arrived, the Mako treatment had already begun and some recruits were already showing the effects.

Pained screams and begging loudly echoed in the Medical Bay. Inside the room where the Mako shower took place, most of the recruits were writhing on the floor and hitting themselves to escape the pain. More than 50 recruits were undergoing the procedure and out of those, there was only one who stood motionless.

Once the shower was over and the Mako residues were drained, the doctors started carrying out the fallen recruits to monitor them and see who could become a SOLDIER. But there was one person they couldn’t move at all: Cloud Strife.

Whenever a doctor tried to grab his arm, they immediately passed out. It happened so many times that the other doctors were afraid to even get close.

“What’s wrong?” Angeal asked the gathered nurses and doctors who were furiously conversing about something.

“Commander Hewley!” They saluted. Then, the head doctor replied: “We cannot move this recruit; those who touch him faint instantly. But the recruit seems to be conscious as he keeps muttering some strange words.”

Angeal looked inside the room where the blonde stood far in the back. His eyes were open, looking at nothing, they seemed unfocused, but the lips were moving. “I’ll help.” The hulking man volunteered. It was the recruit he was interested in, so it was obvious he expected the teen to pass.

The doctors thanked him as he made it into the room that still reeked of Mako.

The closer he got to the blonde, the clearer he could hear the words he was whispering. “Midgar… Mother… Calamity… Cetra… Flowers… Aerith… Midgar… Mother… Calamity… Cetra… Flowers… Aerith… Midgar… Mother… Calamity… Cetra… Flowers… Aerith… ” The blonde repeated over and over, as if chanting.

Angeal didn’t think too much of the words; maybe it was some disparaging nightmare the teen had. So, he reached for the blonde and grabbed his arm. What he didn’t expect were the screaming voices that suddenly assaulted his mind.


He felt as if his blood was boiling and his innards were melting—it was no wonder the doctors instantly fainted, even Angeal wanted to pass out from the sensations. Then, the man felt a vicious grip on his arm and opened the eyes he had closed to see bright blue staring intently at him.

As he stared, he caught a glimpse of a humanoid body tied up in a dais, with wires and tubes around it, red eyes looking straight at him. With the image gone in the blink of an eye, Angeal was back to seeing those bright blue eyes, the blank face and the lips that moved to say: [Reactor… Nibelheim...]

The intense episode, that spooked Angeal a little bit, was over with the recruit puking his guts all over the Commander’s boots.

Once the teen looked up, his eyes were back to icy blue, without the brightness of the Mako, which widened in recognition. “You are...” And then proceeded to faint.

Chapter 9: Junon-Junon Plains, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cloud felt the breeze as it caressed her cheeks, ruffled her hair and carried a flowery scent. He opened her eyes and saw a sea of flowers around her, so tall they reached her waist. She also heard the buzzing sound of the voices from the Lifestream, as if they were screaming at her from another room.

Except for the voices, everything else was peaceful.

“Cloud?” The soft voice of a girl calling her name made Cloud turn around, but found no one. “It really is you!” The girl enthusiastically cried out.

Cloud thought there was only one person she could meet in such circ*mstances: “Aerith...”

“Ah! You still remember me!” Aerith triumphantly cheered, as if she had expected to be forgotten. Cloud frowned and kept turning around to see her mystical friend, yet it was to no avail. She did, however, feel when Aerith grabbed her hand. “You still cannot see me, but I can see you.” Aerith said somewhat sad, though it was hidden by her smugness.

“How…?” Cloud wondered as she hesitantly enclosed the soft and wispy hand in her rough one.

“Maybe because we are too far away. Or we are not strong enough. Or because the Planet is getting weaker...” As Aerith’s list of possibilities grew, the softer her voice became. “But you know, Cloud!” She suddenly piped up, as if trying to dispel the gloomy mood she had created. “I thought you would be taller!” She laughed as she patted Cloud’s fluffy hair.

Cloud scowled as she remembered all the times she had been made fun by the other recruits due to her height. Grabbing the mischievous hand by the wrist, she pulled it away and mumbled: “It’s not funny.”

“I know it’s not funny to be in the infirmary, Mr. Strife, but you have to bear with it. Luckily, you have not shown any other side-effects except for puking. On Commander Hewley’s shoes no less!” A woman’s voice ranted by Cloud’s ears.

Not Aerith.

Cloud opened her eyes and blinked at the glaring white of the room she was in. Glancing around, she noticed it was the infirmary as the woman said. The woman who was a nurse.

“What happened?” Cloud croaked in her parched voice. The nurse poured a glass of water and passed it to the blonde. Cloud immediately noticed the nurse did her best to not make contact with her.

“We still don’t know what happened to you except for the fact that you got your Mako shower and you’ll be ready to be shipped off to Midgar. Congratulations, cadet Strife! You’re only missing your induction and you’ll become a SOLDIER!” Cloud easily ignored her little action as she couldn’t hate the nurse with her cheery disposition.

So, Cloud nodded. “Thanks.”

After one check-up made by routine, in which the nurse once again avoided all contact with Cloud, the blonde was given the ok to leave the infirmary. On her way to her room, she noticed the hallways were emptier than before and only uniformed infantrymen could be seen.

What happened to all the recruits? As she wondered that, she arrived at the room she had shared with the others and found it empty.

Cloud rose an eyebrow, but thought nothing of it as she packed away her things to present herself at the Chief Warrant Officer to receive her orders as suggested by the nurse. Why she had to go there? Cloud remained oblivious.

“Come in.” The Chief Warrant Officer called out after the blonde knocked on the door. Once inside, Cloud saw the man with greying hair sitting behind a big desk full of folders and a computer. He didn’t even raise his gaze to see who had entered and simply asked: “Yes? What is it?”

Awkwardly, Cloud opened her mouth, “Cadet Cloud Strife reporting to receive orders, sir.” She luckily managed to say it all in the affirmative.

“You’re Strife?” Only then the Chief W.O finally looked at Cloud, and eyed her from head to toe. “I thought you’d be taller.” He observed, reaching for some files, unaware of the twitch in Cloud’s eyes at the mention of her height. “Right. The other cadets have already left for Midgar, something about being understaffed and needing them as soon as possible. You’re leaving at 1800h today with a supply convoy. Here’s the details. Dismissed.”

“Sir!” Cloud saluted and grabbed the sheet of paper the Chief W.O slid over his desk. The orders didn’t say much: she was going to be part of the security for the supplies that were being sent to Midgar, the time she was leaving, and the name of the superior she had to report with. That was pretty much it.

No new uniform. No ID to identify her as someone working for Shinra. No nothing. They expected her to start working when she hadn’t received any training on how to work with others. Her previous training was more about the individual aspect than about teamwork or anything like that.

With her backpack on, Cloud quickly made her way to the departure site. Once there, she saw they were still loading the supplies, so she asked around to know where the immediate superior was. She had to report in, after all.

It turned out Cloud had an amazing luck with superior officers. The convoy was led by a fat man with a bad moustache that all but dismissed her.

“What’s the Chief thinking, sending this weakling for the job?! Go, make yourself useful, or just disappear from my sight!” The fat man, Staff Sergeant Burke, hollered. Cloud once again thanked her trip to the Lifestream that rendered her facial muscles useless or Burke would have seen her displeasure at his words.

Though she couldn’t blame him that much because she was still wearing her recruit uniform. The uniform of a nobody with no say in Shinra.

Anyway, she left the office, but remained close to the convoy until it was fully loaded. Only then she quietly boarded one of the trucks, the one that had no other guards bar the driver and made herself comfortable. Only to discover her motion sickness included cars, too. So, she prepared herself for a rough trip.

Damn her wonderful luck!

The trip through the Junon plains was hell. It was as if the driver did his utmost to find all the holes on the road and ride over them. Seeing the jumping crates, Cloud wondered if the supplies were that important because they weren’t going to arrive whole. And, when she thought the Junon plains were bad, the rocky path was one that would haunt her till the end of her life.

The only respite she got was when the convoy encountered a big horde of monsters before entering the huge mountains that separated the Junon area from the Midgar area. The convoy obviously had weapons, like machine guns, mounted on them. However, it was as if the horde didn’t know fear and just jumped onto the convoy.

The Nerosuferoths inflicted some damage to the vanguard cars when they used their Heatwing skill. But, the most devastating damage was done by the combination of the Zemzelett and two Formulas.

The Flap from the Zemzelett sent some infantrymen to the air where the Formulas either Blue Impulsed or Cross Impulsed to heavily injure and kill some infantrymen.

Staff Sergeant Burke was yelling at the top of his lungs for the men to defend the convoy, but the morale from the men was very low seeing how their companions were easily pummeled. Cloud hadn’t wanted to be a hero in the fight, having just grabbed a gun and fired at the monsters, specially at the Zemzelett.

However, the wind it produced from its big wings easily deflected the bullets.

Frustrated at the low efficiency—and at the fact her first mission would end up in disaster—Cloud equipped her Carbon Bangle, cursing at Legend for taking away her Butterfly Edge which had all her attacking magic Materia. She pickedup a sword dropped by one of the infantrymen that she had no idea how the person got it as it was not supposed to be part of the equipment.

Either way, Cloud jumped into the fray.

She kicked away a Nerosuferoth in the middle of its Heatwing, saving an infantryman who had a rocket bazooka ready to fire. “Hit them!” Cloud told the infantryman as she pointed at the attacking Formulas and cast Sleep on them. Although not completely knocked, it still slowed them down, allowing the bazooka-guy to land a bullseye at the monsters. “Nice.” She threw a thumbs-up at the guy.

Noticing the new problematic person, the Zemzelett took flight and Flapped at Cloud. She buried the sword into the ground so she wouldn’t be blown away like the other infantrymen did, and quickly cast Silence after seeing the winged monster preparing for another skill. The timely cast Silence allowed her the span of time to attack.

Since she had no proficiency with the sword, she just threw a Sleep, making it stop for a second that she used to throw said sword and pierce the monster’s head, killing it. Legend would surely scold her for getting rid of her weapon, but she had no choice as he had been useless for not teaching her how to wield a sword. Or any weapon, for that matter.


Cloud ignored the holler that obviously came from Staff Sergeant Burke and calmly walked to the impaled Zemzelett. She pulled out her sword and shook off the remaining blood on it. She turned to look at the purple-faced Staff Sergeant and sheathed the sword while looking at him with her icy blue eyes.

“Staff Sergeant, sir!” She saluted and waited for his words.

She had never seen someone change colors in such a short amount of time as the fat man tried to find words to tell her, yell at her, but with a quick glance at her bangle—with specific emphasis in the Materia—and the killed monsters, he stopped himself from saying anything stupid.

“Get back to formation.” He spat. “We’re moving!” He turned around and ordered the infantrymen who were doing the clean-up.

Cloud crouched to grab the Gil that appeared after the monster turned into green tendrils and vanished in the air.

In that position, she whipped her head and stared into the mountains. Strange… I felt as if someone was observing us. She thought as she stared some more, but her enhanced sight couldn’t catch any movement. Shrugging, she joined the other infantrymen in carrying the injured, and started her job of healing them.

Needless to say, she became quite popular with the infantrymen.

In the cold hallways of the Shinra Building, steps resounded in the otherwise silent hallways when the heels of boots fell gracefully on the metallic floor. The steps stopped in front of the door of the SOLDIER Director: Lazard Deusericus. And without knocking, the person entered the place, interrupting the meeting that was taking place inside.

“Welcome back, Sephiroth.” Angeal’s soothing voice greeted the newly arrived person, not minding the interruption.

The Director, however, was not that pleased. “Weren’t you in the middle of your deployment, General Sephiroth?”

Sephiroth, still in his travelling attire, remained standing by the door, nodded at Angeal and finally reported to Lazard. “The President called me back to welcome the new cadets.” He said nonplussed, totally unimpressed by the trivial reason he was called from the frontlines and from quickly ending the war. With him gone, the negotiations would be at a standstill, but the fighting would continue.

Lazard rose an eyebrow and inwardly grumbled at the whimsical President Shinra who liked to toy with his soldiers’ lives. Infantrymen and SOLDIERs alike. He refrained from making any comments and just turned to his computer to search for any new orders.

Lo and behold, there they were! “The scheduled welcoming is going to be tomorrow morning. The usual speech, maybe some handshakes and autographs, and it’ll be done.”

The PR had to be done anyway, so the Director easily informed the two First-Class SOLDIERs about the haphazardly created event. He even threw some sardonic comments in between, knowing very well Sephiroth disliked the physical contact and the attention. Angeal looked at the silver-haired man who didn’t react to the comments and thought Sephiroth had something in mind.

Right on the spot, the General opened his mouth to say. “I would have thought all the cadets were already in the Shinra Building.” He formulated it as an off-handed comment, but he was clearly asking.

“They are.” Lazard said.

“They’re not.” Angeal corrected, earning the other men’s attention. “Before Sephiroth’s timely interruption, I was going to inform you about one last cadet that had to remain in Junon due to some side effects from the Mako shower. He’s got the enhancements though, so he was deemed good to enter the induction.”

Angeal and Genesis had departed early in the morning of the previous day with the other cadets, so he had to sadly leave Cloud behind in observation.

“Oh.” Lazard frowned as he was never informed of that. He guessed he had to make a trip to Junon to fix that lack of efficiency and communication.

“On my way here, I saw the cadet riding on the supply convoy.” Sephiroth said. “Good with Materia, bad in fighting.” That was his evaluation of the small blonde he saw at the Junon Plains. He was still reeling in shock at seeing a sword being thrown as if it was some piece of crap like that cadet did.

“That can’t be. His hand-to-hand is top-notch, I saw his assessment fight” Angeal quickly opposed the General’s evaluation.

Sephiroth stared at his friend and considered the words the latter said. “You want to train him, just like how you trained that other cadet...” He trailed off, clearly not remembering the person Angeal took under his wing.

“Zack.” Angeal reminded. “I didn’t know Cloud was good with Materia though. It wasn’t in his file.”

“It was the most unsightly fight I’ve ever seen. Even you and Genesis weren’t that bad. I am unaware of what you saw in him, or why he passed the test in that matter.” The General continued with his harsh evaluation.

“Personal conversations outside my office.” Lazard interjected. “If that’s all you have to report, then you are dismissed.” Without paying much attention to their Director, the two exited the place once they were dismissed. Lazard sighed at the closed door and empty room, cursing at the SOLDIERs he managed but that none took him seriously.

He just hoped these new recruits were better.


Next chapter: Cloud finally sees Genesis in person! Though not as close as she'd like. And not under the optimal conditions.

Chapter 10: Midgar, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cloud felt like sh*t.

She could barely rest on the way to Midgar. The driver—who warmed up to her—still was a hazard at the wheel. All the fighting was left to her whenever a monster appeared—it seemed Staff Sergeant Burke didn’t like being intimidated. And just a few minutes after arriving at the Shinra Building early in the morning, she was told she had to attend the cadet welcoming.

She wasn’t even allowed to shower and had to be present with her dirty and sweaty recruit uniform among the other cadets who were primly wearing their cadet uniform. She was unwilling to be there and it showed… nevermind, her emotions were never shown on her face. Though, she was the only calm one—tired—among the other cadets who were buzzing with excitement for some reason.

And to top off her displeasure and unwillingness, she was put right in front, on the first line, due to her height. As if she needed to be reminded that she was the shortest of them all, and that she didn’t even grow after the Mako shower while the others had grown a few centimeters.

By Odin, life is so unfair! She complained.

However, minutes later, she completely changed her mind.

Blessed everything that’s holy under Shiva! For she has given me the opportunity of my life! She gushed as she devoured the bored man in front of her with her eyes.

“I can say your new puppy has better taste, Angeal.” Genesis commented as the two heard Sephiroth drone the usual speech he gave the new cadets. While everybody was busy trying to get the General’s attention, there was this tiny blonde intensely staring at the red-headed Commander.

He was so obvious.

Angeal glanced at the place where Cloud stood and confirmed that the teen was indeed staring in their direction, totally ignoring the most popular SOLDIER in Shinra. That was new, Angeal mused. Well, Genesis and him did have their own fanclub and admirers; however, they were just droplets of water compared to the ocean of fans Sephiroth had.

Sephiroth never paid attention to such things. Proof of it was the lost eyes he sported while still droning on the speech to the starry eyed cadets. Cadets that would kill to have the General’s attention. Many SOLDIERs had even asked Angeal if the General was taking disciples like him. Sadly, Sephiroth was never interested in training a cadet or a SOLDIER.

Genesis was the same. Which was a shame due to his expertise with Materia.

Angeal paused in his thoughts and started considering something as he looked at his friend of many years. “Perhaps you could-”

“Not even for a million Gil!” Genesis cut him off, guessing what he was about to say. “I’m not interested in mentoring some weak cadet.” He enjoyed the attention, yes, but not to the point of having the runt around him. He had more important things to do.

“He’s good at Materia. And you are the best out of us in the subject.” Angeal hedged.

“The answer’s still no.” Genesis replied. He enjoyed those words that soothed his ego as they all considered Sephiroth the best at everything. But, he was still not interested. With one last glance at the cadet with the icy blue eyes, he left the venue. Sephiroth was about to finish his speech anyway.

Angeal sighed at his friend’s departing back, noticing how Cloud also followed Genesis’ figure with his eyes. Well, he had to reconsider his training regime for the blonde. Though, Angeal first needed to know how he fared on his first week training as a SOLDIER.

The induction month was just a rapid way to introduce those who were previously civilians into military life. Generally, these cadets wouldn’t have gone through the rushed process they did, but Shinra needed SOLDIERs quick enough to cover for the loses from the war with Wutai.

Angeal inwardly sighed and applauded together with the cadets once Sephiroth was done with the welcoming speech.

Cloud thought that now that the recruits were cadets and moved to the huge compound that was Shinra, they would mature somehow. She had hoped the change of environment, one where everybody was on the same level in unknown territory, would make them more sympathetic.

She had been right when it came to those cadets that had been together with her in Junon. She couldn’t say the same with the ones that were from Midgar, who were resented because they had gone through the correct procedure to become SOLDIERs while a bunch of ‘countryside’ people did some haphazard training, got their Mako showers and then, they were deemed good candidates to SOLDIER.

The cadets from Junon could take the shortcut while those from Midgar could only go the long way: spending (wasting) time being in the infantry, to then do many evaluations, and only then become a proper SOLDIER. Anyone would want to take the short way.

Cloud understood them to a point. She also thought that that didn’t give them the right to pick on all the recruits from Junon. Not even Christo and Elliah, who had passed the assessment, could stand the targeted attacks and cowered every time the cadets from Midgar were close.

It was only Cloud who still valiantly faced the jeers and ambushes in the hallways.

On the first day, the Midgar cadets had attacked the Junon cadets in the showers, making them run away naked on the hallways. Obviously, the Junon cadets were punished for their inappropriate behavior, not considering they were forced to that state. It could be said that the staff in Shinra was also biased.

Luckily, Cloud wasn’t at the showers that day.

The following day, though, the same happened when she was at the showers. She received them with a Thunder, that landed many in Medical. Blessed her foresight to buy Materia before their training began!

She was punished, yes, because Materia was not allowed in the showers, but the Midgar cadets would at least think twice before trying to ambush her in the showers again. That didn’t deter them as they changed tactics and moved onto the ambushes in the hallways, right after she showered.

Like the one she was facing at the moment...

“Horace, Martin and Teal today.” Cloud observed her attackers and even called out their names. There were not many cadets and she had remembered each and every one of them. “Alright. Let’s do this.” She said, putting her things on the floor and readying her fists. She was already envisioning her punishment for sending these guys to the infirmary.

“He’s as feisty as you said.” Another voice piped up from behind Cloud. She turned around, and instantly recognized the uniform the man was wearing as a Second-Class SOLDIER. No wonder they had left me alone for almost a week, Cloud mused, they were wagging their tails at other SOLDIERs for help. She threw a disdainful glance at the cadets who bristled, but were stopped by the Second-Class SOLDIER. “Stop with the putty eyes and let’s begin.”

Once the SOLDIER spoke, he moved.

Cloud’s pupils dilated because she never thought he would be so fast. She barely had time to dodge the broadsword’s first swing when she had it once again over her. Gritting her teeth, she hit the flat side of the sword with her palm to parry it. Her hand ended up numb as the guy had put considerable strength to the attack, but it did give her time to jump back and create some space.

“You’re not so bad, kid. But this is as far as you go.” The SOLDIER manically grinned. Cloud could feel the tendrils of Magic surrounding him, obviously preparing a magical attack. Cloud inwardly cursed as she didn’t have much space to dodge in the hallway. Were they actually trying to kill her?

Either way, she had no time to think about it as she turned and ran away, the heat of a Firaga already at her back. She ignored the jeers from the cadets, seeing her running figure. To her, her life was more important than any dignity. They were too stupid to believe she would face the potent magic with no equipment on.

Luckily, the hallways in Shinra had many turns, so she dove right to avoid the brunt of the Firaga.

What she never counted for was that the SOLDIER would come right after the fire attack. Cloud could only stare at the deadly glint of the broadsword’s sharp edge right about to strike her when another broadsword intercepted the attack, making the place loudly ring with a metallic sound, hurting Cloud’s sensible ears.

“Woah, there, buddy. You do realize this is a cadet, right?” The newcomer said with a cheery but somewhat disapproving tone.

“Get out of the way, Fair, this is none of your business.” The SOLDIER growled at the one named Fair. Cloud had no time to react when she was pulled back. As she tried not to stumble, she watched the extremely fast exchange between the two SOLDIERs, with the newcomer easily sending the other’s sword flying.

“Stand down or I’ll report you.” The winner commanded. The other SOLDIER clicked his tongue and left after picking up his sword. Only then Cloud’s helper turned to look at her. “What bone do you have with him?” He asked her with a frown.

“Not him.” Cloud answered and pointed with her chin at the other cadets who appeared and ran after the other SOLDIER. “Thanks anyways.” She nodded at the SOLDIER and hurried to the hallway from where she came.

As expected, her things burned down with the Firaga. She was definitely going to be punished when she explains why she needs a new towel, a new cadet uniform and possibly new underwear. She really wasn’t looking forward to wearing men’s underwear. Maybe she should ask Legend to buy her stuff.

But, that is another level of awkward. To ask your… step-father(?) for underwear. Besides, how does one get to meet a Turk?

“So, what did you do to them to sic a Second-Class on you?” Following her, the black-haired SOLDIER asked nonchalantly.

Cloud thought it was weird for the guy to stick to her, but she was thankful for the help he provided, so she said nothing about his strange behavior. “Sent them to Medical twice… no, thrice.”

The SOLDIER sputtered and tripped on his feet by the sudden confession. He was not one to judge but… He eyed the blonde’s tiny body and then looked away. Well, he did survive the attacks of a Second-Class SOLDIER, so the blonde must have some skills in him.

“Right. Anyway, I’m Zack! Zack Fair. What’s your name?” Zack cheerfully introduced himself

Cloud stopped on her tracks and looked back at Zack. The guy was young, as all SOLDIERs were, his sapphire blue eyes shone with a light green sheen, his black spiky hair made him look wild, but the easy smile tuned down that wildness to something cheerful, like a puppy. Yep, he is handsome. Cloud inwardly nodded. Definitely someone who would get anything with that kind of smile...

Maybe her childhood as an unpopular girl with no friends made her ask: “Why do you want to know?”

Zack was stumped for a second; the tiny guy was looking at him so suspiciously that Zack, for a moment, felt guilty at his own words. “Well, we just met by fate. So, I thought we could be friends.” He shrugged as if unconcerned about the outcome, but the movement didn’t dispel the ease and friendliness he exuded.

But why? Why did he want to be her friend? As he said, they just met so there was nothing in common between them. Unless he was also an unpopular guy like her. Highly unlikely, though, so Cloud couldn’t understand. Frowning, she looked into those blue eyes. She couldn’t, for the life of her, reject Zack’s friendly request.

She opened her mouth and with a soft voice, she replied. “Cloud.”

“Oh! So, your name’s Cloud! It suits you!” It seemed giving her name had opened up all sort of windows, doors and gates for Zack to become very familiar with her, throwing an arm over her shoulders and walked her down the hallway. As if he knew where she was heading to. “What you doing tomorrow, Cloud? Maybe we should hang out! Oh, wait, you have to train, right? How’s that going?” And it also opened up the dam that was his mouth.

Cloud, somehow, wanted to get her name back.

“Second-Class Kyle Veni attacked Cloud today.” Zack informed his mentor as he practiced some katas in the training room dedicated for First-Class SOLDIERs. Where he wasn’t supposed to be as a Second-Class, but he got some benefits being Commander Hewley’s mentee.

Angeal joined Zack in the latter’s practice and started a mock fight with the younger man. Angeal’s style was more on the slow yet powerful strikes side, but that didn’t stop him from parrying Zack’s faster attacks despite also using a broadsword. Both had the same bases in swordsmanship as it was Angeal who trained Zack, but it all depended on how Zack assimilated them and used them as his own.

“Surprisingly, and despite the situation he’s embroiled in, Cloud has become the cadet with the most points deducted in his classes due to his insubordination.” Angeal replied, remembering the file he recently read from Cloud.

He had asked the trainers in charge of giving the cadets the crash course on military tactics, weapon’s training and Materia to send him a daily report about the blonde. The reports, though, were all about how Cloud sent someone to the infirmary, how he didn’t get along with others, and how he was an unstable cadet.

Zack crouched to dodge the horizontal strike that could behead a monster easily. “He doesn’t look the type to do anything. In fact, he barely spoke to me.” He recalled Cloud’s behavior as the two went to the Supply Office to ask for a new towel and a new uniform for the cadet, who was then sent to the Disciplinary Office.

Throughout the whole process, there was never an emotion on the blonde’s face.

“There is a great problem of discrimination in Shinra. It wasn’t that noticeable before, but this impromptu recruitment from Junon made the cadets from Midgar believe that they were not good enough.” It was not something Angeal experienced as he was part of the very first batch of SOLDIERs. Shinra desperately needed them.

Now that the program was popular, more and more recruits and cadets got their ego inflated once they were accepted into it. However, if the higher ups didn’t do anything about the discrimination and isolation the recruits suffered, there was nothing they as Commanders could do.

They could only cure the symptoms, not the root of the problem.

“So, Spiky’s paying for others’ actions.” Zack concluded in frustration, which blinded him to see the incoming attack that hit his wrist, involuntarily making him drop his sword with a clatter. “Are you still going to train him? Do you still want me to get close to him?”

He had come up with some crap with Cloud about their meeting being fate, but the truth was that Zack had been keeping an eye on the cadet for some time. Luckily, earlier, he had been on his way to check on Cloud, so he could quickly intervene in the attack the blonde received from that Second Class.

“It’d have been better if Genesis trained him. It was only in the Materia class that he got praises. His build and fighting style isn’t for the standard-issued broadsword, even if the enhancement will make him able to wield it. A rapier or two short swords would be better… He’s not officially a SOLDIER, so he cannot change the standard-issued sword, yet. Which would be detrimental for his development.” Angeal ranted, the information from those reports he requested fresh in his mind.

“Then, how are you going to do it?” Zack asked, picking up his sword and starting the usual katas he practiced.

“Guess I’ll have to do a direct approach.” Angeal decided.


Next chapter: Angeal does Cloud a huge favor. And Cloud finally sends a letter to her Ma.

Chapter 11: Midgar-Cosmo Canyon, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hey, did you hear? Commander Hewley’s coming to train us today.”

“Really? You think it’s because of THAT?”


“His student: Zack, is about to become First-Class. So, he’s looking for another student.”

“For real?!”

“I want to become his student!”

“Pass. If I were to choose someone to be my teacher, it’d definitely be General Sephiroth.”

“Keep dreaming! General Sephiroth would never look at your trashy skills!”

“Who’re you calling trash?!”

Cloud completely ignored the hot-blooded cadets who daydreamed about becoming Commander Hewley or General Sephiroth’s student. What’s so good about them? She wondered. Neither have the grace, the style, the charisma, and the looks of Genesis Rhapsodos. Commander Rhapsodos is definitely the best! Cloud inwardly fangirled about her favorite Commander as she kept her usual stoic face and stood at attention in the training room.

“Attention!” Their sword trainer, Staff Sergeant Mante, yelled from outside the room. Once the man entered, another bulkier one followed: Commander Angeal Hewley. “As you can see Commander Hewley has taken some time out of his busy schedule to see the quality of your swordsmanship, so don’t embarrass yourself in front of him!”

Cloud wanted to roll her eyes. If we embarrass ourselves, it’s because you didn’t teach us crap.

They weren’t even allowed to choose their own weapons, and a broadsword was forced onto their hands. Then, they were just taught the katas and were told to repeat them for a couple of days so they could memorize them. Then, chaos ensued as they were told to start mock fights. It had been so unsightly, Mante almost had an aneurysm that day.

Once sword training was over, Cloud never headed to the showers like the others did. She would go back to her dorm room, grab a sword she bought together with her Materia, hiding them under the mattress because she couldn’t trust her roommates to not steal her things, and then headed to the training room to practice the katas.

Obviously, with the narrower sword, she could execute them perfectly. Still a bit cumbersome due to her height, as the sword was longer, but a thousand times better than the broadsword.

Other cadets had the same problem as her: not able handle the reach of the sword, or the width, or even the weight once it was impulsed by another sword. But Mante adamantly kept his ground and never told them to change swords.

Would Commander Hewley be the same?

As she wondered that, Mante ordered them to get their swords and start practicing the katas. Thanks to her extra practice with a different sword, Cloud was able to handle the broadsword in an optimal way.

Knowing the advantages of a narrow sword compared to the broadsword, therefore knowing what she could do with each, was her key to always win in the mock fights, and to be punished once she retaliated with the same strength the others used in their attacks. As if they weren’t as enhanced as her.

Mindlessly swinging the sword, Cloud almost didn’t block the strike that suddenly came at her from above. Since she was the smallest, they all used their height as their advantage. She had learned how to deal with that. Rising her sword to block, she also slid her other hand over the flat side and pushed.

Normally, that stopped the attacker’s sword impulse thanks to the gravity, though it would also numb her arms for a second. Once the attacked was stopped, she started using the dirty moves Legend had drilled in her. Her right leg quickly stroke like a snake, but it was surprisingly grabbed.

Cloud didn’t give up the initiative, and, contorting her back, she escaped from the opponent’s sword oppression which gave her the impulse to throw an upper kick with her left leg.

That forced her opponent to release her other leg as she continued with her back-flip. Her hand holding the sword’s handle rotated to place the ‘sharp edge’ of the sword upwards. With the inertia of her acrobatics, the attack carried some strength to disrupt the other’s following attack.

Her fellow cadets always stepped back whenever she did an upwards attack. This person easily deflected the sword that looked impressive, but it actually had no momentum behind it. It was a screen for her next attack that never came because she was left weaponless.

Now, with no weapon, Cloud readied her fists. “You may rest.” A deep and soothing voice said. Only then, she realized the one she had been fighting was not one of the cadets but Commander Hewley himself. “You’re not up for a broadsword.” The hulking man concluded, which made the cadets jeer and point at her.

She once again easily ignored the immature guys and stared at the older man, silently asking him why. What was he dissatisfied about her skills?

What’s it about my skills you’re dissatisfied about?

Angeal was surprised to immediately catch the question in the icy blue eyes. The stoic face of the blonde never betrayed his emotions, but it seemed the eyes were expressive enough to communicate without employing a word.

It reminded Angeal of Sephiroth. The General was chattier when he trusted someone. Being trusted by the General meant you get more than a syllable or a sound as an answer. General Sephiroth was one who treated his words as gold. He never repeated his orders and liked it better if SOLDIERs showed him what they were capable of instead of being told.

That’s why Angeal didn’t reply out loud to cadet Strife, like he would have done with Zack or Genesis, but showed him what was best, like he did with Sephiroth. He walked to the rack of weapons and bypassed all the huge swords to stop at a short sword and picked it up.

Hesitating for a second, he also picked an old rapier from a higher rack. It was the same Genesis used so many years ago to train. It was shorter than the one he now wielded. It was perfect for the short cadet.

“Try these ones.” Angeal said to the waiting blonde who silently grabbed them, swinging the short sword with his right arm, then the rapier with his left arm.

Angeal rose an eyebrow at the sudden discovery of the cadet being ambidextrous. That was not mentioned in any of the reports he had received. Switching the swords midair, without much fanfare, Cloud then swung the rapier with his right arm and the short sword with his left. He even did some katas with both swords.

Actually, Angeal wanted Cloud to try each at a time with his dominant arm, but it seemed the cadet knew what he was doing when he perfectly executed a set of katas with the two swords. The Commander immediately noticed the improvement in the cadet’s moves, the smooth strikes and fluid swings.

Strife was definitely not meant for a broadsword.

“Thanks.” The blonde nodded at the man. But why did Angeal think Cloud’s eyes were sparkling too much? Thanks for noticing! Damn, you are a god! I really could kiss you! That’s what the eyes said to Angeal.

Dispelling the strange sensation of having seen something he shouldn’t have, Angeal nodded back and left the cadet to his own devices, moving to another cadet.

Some cadets had the same problem as Cloud: the weapon was not the one suited for them, so he had to mend that. He had to make sure these new cadets could survive in the field. So many have already died in the war with Wutai.

Dear, Ma.

I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you sooner. The trip to Midgar was long and tiring, and many things happened in between. I still haven’t found the person I came to look for.

Midgar is huge!

In the meantime, I have to work to be able to stay in this city. Legend seems to have a job, yet I have no idea what he actually does. I barely even see him. But, don’t worry! I am taking good care of myself and nobody has messed with me.

Life here is different than in Nibelheim. Traveling really makes you expand your view of the world.

I send you some money I was able to save from my job, hope you use it.

I will try to write more often.

With love, Cloud.

“What has she gotten into?” Claudia tiredly asked the man who delivered the letter from her daughter. The letter was so vague that the woman knew Cloud was hiding something.

“I’m not sure I should be the one to tell you.” Legend inwardly scolded Cloud for not being sincere in her letter as she promised. Wasn’t that forcing him to face Claudia’s wrath? More so, because Claudia was sure Cloud was hiding things. Did Cloud really think she could hide things from her mother? She needed more training! Turk traning on how to lie!

“Tell me.” She demanded.

Legend sighed. Cloud was definitely going to owe him for this. “We got separated at Costa del Sol due to my employer. She mistakenly boarded the wrong ship and was unknowingly recruited into Shinra. I taught her some self-defense moves and that has helped her survive being a soldier in Shinra. I’m looking into how she can quit the company. Though, I recommend not having high hopes.”

Claudia nodded. She has also traveled the world, and she knew what type of company Shinra was. She could guess Legend was also affiliated to Shinra; she just ignored in what way. Either way, she just hoped Cloud was fine. “And the person she had to look for?”

“I have located her. It’s a teen. She sells flowers at Midgar. I’m not sure why her, but when I return to Midgar, I’ll make Cloud meet her.” That was a half-lie. He knew exactly why Cloud was looking for her. Tseng had been very strict in not divulging the teen’s identity, so he had to keep that secret.

Luckily, Tseng had accepted Cloud meeting Aerith after Legend told him Cloud was a girl, too. The Wutaian man had been silent for a second before allowing the two to meet.

“Are you staying the night?” Claudia suddenly asked.

Legend smirked. “Why, of course, Claudia. I would love to stay.” Claudia rolled her eyes at his tone and looked away to hide her smile. This man was a pervert, yet he had kept his promise in helping and taking her of her daughter. She had to spoil him a bit, too.


Next chapter: Cloud has a date with Aerith.

Chapter 12: Midgar, 0000


So, you will see the difference here between Cloud and anyone knowing her real gender to someone who doesn't and mistake her for a guy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Cloud was in an extremely good mood!

Thanks to Commander Hewley, she was not forced to use the burdensome and hefty broadsword anymore. The other cadets finally left her alone once she trounced Horace—one of the strongest cadets—in a mock fight with her rapier and short sword. The victory was even sweeter after Horace mocked her for fighting like a girl.

Which she was! So, the joke was on him for losing to a girl he had mocked.

And, she was able to get in contact with the disappeared Legend!

It turned out the man had been looking for Aerith in Midgar – Cloud had put aside that task as Midgar was huge and she had no idea where to start looking. Fortunately, she had a Turk on her side.

Legend had first scolded her for the useless letter she had sent to her Ma, but he let it slide quite quickly. Cloud had been a bit confused, so she shrugged it off. He had also told her that once he was able to make contact with Aerith, he scheduled an outing for both Cloud and Aerith.

So, when Cloud was told cadets could have a day off during the weekend, she rapidly signed in for hers the following weekend. She was opbviously going to use it to go out with Aerith.

Not only was she in a good mood, but also excited and nervous. Aerith was a… friend. Tifa had been considered acquaintances that sometimes played together when Tifa’s father wasn’t looking. However, to Cloud, she felt Aerith was closer to her. Cloud was anticipating this outing with her very first friend!

“Here. I bought some tickets for a famous play that has functions all year round. You can go with her if you want to. The Gil I gave you is for food or any trinket you’d like to buy for you or her. Don’t worry about the shopping you said you wanted to do, I’ll do it for you. Just enjoy your time. Don’t go to any weird places in the Slums, and be back before night… Well, coming back at night is fine as long as it’s a reasonable hour.”

Legend nagged as he walked Cloud through the labyrinth-like roads of Midgar.

She appreciated the gesture since she would have gotten lost if she went alone, though she didn’t appreciate the nagging.

“It’s not a date, you know.” Cloud told the man to stop his rant.

“I know it’s not a date.” Legend said with risen eyebrows, not understanding her point.

“You make it sound as if it’s one.” She said with a frown.

Legend laughed at her helpless expression.

He had seen this Aerith girl. And, putting aside the fact Turks were always around her, almost getting him in trouble with Veld, she was a cheeky, clever and quite attractive girl. He had seen a few guys stare at her wherever she passed by.

Cloud was… well, if Cloud got a girlfriend, he wouldn’t be surprised. He even thought Claudia was expecting it. Same if she got herself a boyfriend. At that point, neither would complain as long as she was happy.

He also thought that Cloud’s words were kind of empty. What with her attire right now… Quite a few girls had flushed after seeing her… Yeah, it was best to tell her it wasn’t a date.

“As long as you don’t get dumped.” Legend joked and dodged the kick directed at his shin. He laughed at her fuming face and hurried his pace unless the little runt wanted to get violent. “Oh, she’s already here.” He suddenly said when the two arrived at the meeting place: a theater in the commercial district in the upper plate. “Go. And don’t make yourself look like an idiot.”

He pushed Cloud who had frozen in nerves and disappeared leaving those annoying words. Cloud huffed and walked towards the teen that looked quite pretty in her pink dress and rolling a lock of her caramel long hair in one finger.

Aerith fidgeted as she waited for her long-distance friend to arrive.

She had been surprised and apprehensive when a man with orange hair, and suited like those men in the shadows, approached her to say Cloud was looking for her. She hadn’t believed him at first. However, once he proved he really knew Cloud, Aerith couldn’t help feeling ecstatic to know Cloud was finally in Midgar.

The two weren’t able to communicate again since that short moment a couple of weeks ago. Aerith was sure she didn’t imagine the person, and was even looking forward to meeting Cloud. The lack of communication made her doubt a bit, yet it was all dispelled with the arrival of the man.

The man, who asked to be called Legend, told her Cloud was part of SOLDIER and Shinra, so the times they could meet would be limited.

At first, Aerith was displeased and disappointed to know a fellow Cetra joined such a harming organization such as Shinra—still traumatized by what she went through when she was little—but she reckoned Cloud was doing it to get more inside information of those exploiting the Planet.

So, Cloud became a noble person in the Cetra’s eyes. Meeting one so young and so driven was an honor to Aerith.

The Planet whispered at her about the Calamity, Jenova, daily so she was anxious to finally share her burden with another person. With Cloud. And as she heard the very faint whispers of the Planet from above the Plate, she caught sight of soft yellow hair lightly bouncing towards her direction. And then, there Cloud stood.

“You really are small.” She blurted out as Cloud had to crane his head to look at Aerith. Cloud understandably scowled at having his height mocked, so Aerith backtracked on her words. “I’m very happy to finally meet you in person!” She brightly smiled and offered Cloud one of the flowers she grew.

She hesitated to bring the flower as it might be misunderstood by Cloud. But, if it was Cloud… She had encouraged herself and even chose the best looking flower for Cloud.

Cloud blinked at the flower, but took it nonetheless. Aerith inwardly sighed relieved. “Thanks.” He said, with bright eyes. Then, he became flustered for a second, searching his pockets for something until he was able to take out two theater tickets. “Want to watch it?” He offered them to Aerith.

Aerith peered at the tickets and saw the play was the always favorite LOVELESS. She had wanted to watch it for a long time, but the tickets were always sold out or too expensive for her. The play definitely was only for those above the Plate. That’s why she gladly took the tickets and Cloud’s hand, and dragged him inside the theater.

So, it was no coincidence the two met outside the theater!

Aerith was very happy!

The two sat in the middle seats in the general area, a good place to enjoy the show, and waited for the play to begin. Both were unaware of a man dressed in red and sitting in a box who looked at them for a few seconds before turning his attention to the scenario when the beginning of the play was announced.

When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end, the goddess descends from the sky!” The actor sang as a magical journey started with three warriors.

As someone who had never gone outside Midgar, Aerith was immediately enchanted by the fight scenes, the comradeship formed among the three men and their marvelous quest to find the ‘Gift of the Goddess’. It was so mystical that she sat at the edge of her seat during the whole play.

At some point, when the three men were about to give up their quest, deeming it impossible, Aerith clutched Cloud’s hand. “My soul, corrupted by vengeance hath endure torment, to find the end of the journey.” Only when Cloud hesitantly enclosed the older girl’s hand did Aerith noticed what she did.

Glancing at Cloud, she realized he was also engrossed in the play and not paying too much attention to their hands. She felt somewhat at a loss, but she forgot about it when the play started their fifth and last act. The quest had not been in vain and the three adventurers finally were graced by the goddess’ presence.

To spare the sands, the seas, the skies, I offer thee this silent sacrifice.” The goddess heavenly sang as she blessed the whole Planet with her magic, healing all the destruction befallen on it, and thanking the three adventurers for their help in saving the Planet.

Finally the goddess once again entered her slumber.

When it ended, Aerith was still buzzing with energy that she enthusiastically asked Cloud: “Would you train me Cloud? You must know how to fight, so teach me! I also want to go on a quest to save the Planet!” She confessed to her befuddled friend. “It’s not possible?” She hesitated seeing his unresponsive face.

She even recalled Cloud was in SOLDIER and that Legend had told her Cloud wouldn’t be able to meet her that often. Maybe her request was a bit thoughtless after all.

Cloud fortunately gave her the answer she had wanted to hear. “Ok.”

So, Cloud was once again dragged by Aerith. This time, their destination was the Slums. Such was their hurry that they didn’t notice someone was watching them from afar.


Next Chapter: Genesis and Cloud have a short conversation.

Chapter 13: Midgar, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cloud twirled a staff and hit the air, imagining there were monsters attacking her. She actually had no idea if she was doing it right because she had only seen Reno use batons when he sparred with her back on that ship. It was obviously not the same as using a staff, which was longer.

Either way, she thought that, with the meager experience that Legend provided on other weapons, she could come up with some basic attacks using a staff.

Aerith was a complete newbie when it came to fighting. After their first ‘lesson’, where she embarrassingly confessed the only weapon she had used was the broom stick when she found a small monster in the church, Cloud just told her that a staff would suit her.

They didn’t enter weapon training immediately because Aerith didn’t have the stamina and resistance to fight (having won against the little monster after a very long time according to her), much less handle a staff. So, Cloud left her with a series of exercises she could do to start with.

It was up to Cloud to come up with the staff training. More often than not, she had to backtrack as Aerith wouldn’t be able to do the acrobatics Cloud could do; like using the staff as support and make an aerial roundkick. Cloud once again sighed as she got too into her ‘fight’ and did something Aerith wouldn’t be able to do.

What would suit Aerith? Cloud wondered.

The image of the Goddess from LOVELESS came to her mind.

Although the Goddess remained in slumber the whole play until the end, when she appeared, everything turned out for the better with just a spell, a chant. That’s when Cloud remembered there was also Materia. Aerith didn’t have to be so strong and be a professional at handling a weapon, but she could focus on Materia!

With a plan in mind, Cloud ran to the cafeteria before dinner was over, grabbed something to eat, then went to her room to pick up the small bag of Materia she had. Then, she looked for the only trainer that didn’t belittle her: Lieutenant Roon, her Materia Trainer.

“You want to practice with Materia?” Lt. Roon asked. It was the first time a cadet asked for a room to train with Materia. Granted, most cadets were not proficient at Materia at first, so they mostly focused on their physical skills. Their proficiency came only after their very first Mako shots, when they officially became SOLDIERs.

Cloud, though, was a special case.

Lt. Roon hesitated since all the Materia training rooms were in the floors where SOLDIERs also trained. It wouldn’t be good for a cadet to enter those areas. SOLDIERs were a proud bunch after all. But, it also wouldn’t be good to ignore this amazing seedling.

What to do?

“Spiky, I heard you were here!” A cheerful Zack grandiosely interrupted the conversation. “Sorry, Sir. I’ll come back later.” He sheepishly apologized. He thought Cloud was alone in the hallway, as the cadet he asked for directions didn’t mention the blonde was meeting someone.

However, Lt. Roon’s didn’t mind the interruption. His eyes even shone when he noticed this Second-Class SOLDIER seemed to know his best Materia student.

“No need, Colonel.” Lt. Roon did remind the young man of his rank, there was no need to call him ‘sir’. As a Second-Class SOLDIER, Zack could command a brigade of troopers, while Lt. Roon only had a platoon under him. “This cadet is asking for permission to use the Materia training rooms. Is that possible, Colonel?” Lt. Roon grabbed Cloud’s shoulder and almost threw him into Zack’s arms.

Baffled, Zack caught the blonde before he could fall and nodded at Lt. Roon. “Yes, no problem!”

So, the two walked away with a happy Lt. Roon waving them off. Cloud felt it was a bit strange for Zack to appear right when she was looking for a training room. It was too coincidental, but Zack’s famous chattering mouth didn’t let her think. She didn’t even have the chance to ask about Zack’s superior rank.

“It’s the first time I hear a cadet can use Materia. You’re really amazing, Cloud! I was total pants at Materia when I first entered. But once Angeal started training me, I got better!-”

“Commander Hewley’s your mentor?” Cloud suddenly interrupted the SOLDIER. She remember having heard about it from her fellow cadets, but since most of what they say is just pointless gossip, she never believed them. However, one of the involved parties easily confirmed the rumors were true.

“Huh? Yeah.” Zack nodded naturally as the two entered the elevator that would take them to the SOLDIER floors. “I thought you knew. Well, everybody knows at this point.” He scratched the back of his head.

Cloud hummed, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with his claim. She was too preoccupied by her own thoughts again. Zack felt that he had messed up their interaction somewhere. Cloud was sometimes too hard to read; what with his stoic face and his penchant to remain silent in ‘conversations’.

Luckily, Zack could distract Cloud with the training room.

“Right. Here we are.”

Scanning his ID that allowed him access to the facilities, Zack gestured at Cloud to enter the room that didn’t look much different than the cadet’s training room, except for the color of the walls. This room had darker walls. She guessed they were made from a material that was able to stand the power of the Materia magic.

Also, unlike the other training rooms, there were no racks with anything. It was just the bare room.

“You can go wild in here… uh, better not too wild. Genesis once destroyed a room and he was banned from entering them for a month.” Zack changed the tune of his words and told Cloud what she could do.

Cloud instantly perked up at the mention of her crush’s name. “Gen- Commander Rhapsodos is that strong with Materia?” She eagerly asked.

Zack hadn’t thought Cloud could be this interested in Genesis. Despite not showing any emotion on the face, Cloud’s eyes were like stars brightly sparkling at night.

“There is a debate about that: whether Genesis or Sephiroth is the best with Materia.” Ugh, Sephiroth again… Cloud inwardly complained. And Zack, well, he caught that nauseated expression in the blonde’s eyes. So, he ventured to ask: “You don’t like Sephiroth?”

“Like or dislike, those are strong words. I don’t actually care about him.” It must have been Zack’s openness that made Cloud talk too much, and she realized what she had said, so she quickly changed the topic. “Should we start now?”

“Oh, right! Usually one has to bring their own Materia.” He also recalled that little tidbit. “I’ll lend you mine.” He piped up, giving her the bangle he was wearing with the only Materia he had equipped at the moment. However, seeing the lone Materia, made him realized more were needed. “Wait here, I’ll go get you the ones I have in my room.”

Saying so, he ran out of the room, leaving a helpless Cloud who had no time to tell him she had brought hers.

Unexpectedly, she felt stronger after trying out the bangle. Huh, no wonder. She had learned that some armors might increase the user’s strength or defense either for physical or elemental attacks. It seemed Zack didn’t care much for magic and just focused on his physical abilities. At least the Materia equipped helps with his fighting style.

“A poison Materia.” She had never tried one, so she was excited.

Genesis was in a bad mood.

The day before, he had clashed with Sephiroth, asking for a duel and lost. Worse of it all was that he was injured by the silver-haired man and the wound hadn’t healed yet. It didn’t hurt, per se, but the wound reminded Genesis he had lost to the insufferable iceberg-for-a-man.

Anyway, to dispel his bad mood, he decided to destroy one of the Materia training rooms.

As he walked down the training rooms’ hallway, he noticed the purest usage of magic he had ever felt.

After years of using Materia and magic, Genesis had discovered Materia were naturally formed fragments by the Planet. The ones picked up from outside were purer than the synthetic ones created by Shinra, obviously, but Shinra claimed theirs were completely the same. Genesis knew it wasn’t like that.

No matter how good the copy was, the essence couldn’t be copied.

Pure Materia had a much better quality to their magic, making it stronger. The Shinra Materia was easier to use because it did all the job; contrary to the pure Materia that depended on the caster’s power. And the magic he felt was not only pure due to the Materia, but because the caster’s power was very in sync with the Materia.

Not even Sephiroth could do that.

Who was the person?

Walking up to the training room where the magic came from, he opened it with his ID and was greeted by a huge Bioga being split into hundreds of little poisonous bubbles that danced around the room, the caster in the middle waved a staff as if it controlled the bubbles.

Not only the display of magic caught the red-head’s attention, but what the person was saying, too.

My friend, your desire is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess.”

The staff hit the floor and the bubbles exploded, forming a green mist that would obviously poison anyone that touched it. But the person inside the mist remained impassive, twirling the staff, creating a barrier that kept the mist at bay.

Even if the morrow is barren of promises,” the staff hit the floor and the mist coagulated into the Bioga again. And, with a swing, the spell hit the far wall in the room.

Nothing shall forestall my return.” Genesis finished the verse for the blonde.

He realized the person training was none other than the cadet Angeal was interested in. The same cadet he had seen a few days before at the theater where LOVELESS was being presented.

Aware of how much of a fan this cadet seemed to be of Genesis, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he knew the Commander loved the play. That’s why Genesis was sure the blonde had gone to the theater because he had heard from the grapevine that he would be there. Wouldn’t be the first nor the last time it happened.

But, the Red Commander was proven wrong when the teen never looked for him and kept himself occupied with the girl accompanying him. The little cadet, it seemed, hadn’t lost his time at Midgar.

Although he felt embarrassed at that time for his quick assumption, Genesis quickly forgot that incident. This time he couldn’t. Was it a coincidence that someone liked LOVELESS and could be proficient in Magic like Genesis? Either the cadet was very determined to get his attention, or Genesis had found a peer.

There have been many SOLDIERs who had tried to impress the Red Commander by casting high-level magic in the training rooms. And he would have thought the same of this cadet if it wasn’t for the fact that Genesis knew Angeal had been using the puppy to indirectly train the blonde.

As a cadet, he had no right to enter those rooms, so it was only Zack Fair the one who could grant entrance to the teen. Angeal wouldn’t be so dishonorable to arrange for Genesis to look at the cadet in hopes of taking him as an apprentice. Not when he knew how that fight with Sephiroth had ended.

Yet the day when Genesis decided to wreck a room, this cadet appeared again.

There were actually too many coincidences with this cadet/fan, but Genesis was magnanimous enough to ignore them all for the time being. He was more interested in that display of magic.

“You have a very impressive control over Materia.” It was the first time he saw someone use Bio magic in that way, so he wasn’t going to be stingy with the praise.

The wide-eyed blonde gaped and reacted later than expected. “Thank you, Sir.” If his voice was one pitch higher, Genesis couldn’t blame him. All his fans reacted that way or even worse.

Genesis relished seeing the awe in others when they looked at him, but he also never cared for them. This time he thought it was different: not only his fan was a cadet in Shinra, his Materia control was top-notch and most importantly, he knew LOVELESS.

Although he was not in the mood to accommodate cadets, he had to make an effort for Angeal. “What’s your name?”

“Sir! Cadet Strife reporting, sir!” The blonde nervously saluted, his eyes not able to hide his delight at being in front of Genesis Rhapsodos. At being acknowledge by him. It was cute, Genesis mused. Well, if it would have been any other cadet, he wouldn’t have thought that. And cadet Strife WAS cute.

“At ease, cadet.” Genesis waved nonchalantly. He always hated that useless formality. “How did you do that with the Bio?” He had already formed a theory, but he wanted to confirm it.

Cadet Strife hesitated for a second but finally replied. “I… I imagined it.” Then, he ducked his head, but Genesis could see his red ears. The First-Class SOLDIER rose an eyebrow at the cadet’s reactions. But more baffling than his reactions, was his answer.

“You imagined it?” Genesis incredulously asked. He thought it was the caster’s inner mana that could mold magic, that it had all to do with how strong one was and nothing to do with the mind, or imagination. But he was interested in the process so he asked the cadet to show him.

Cadet Strife loudly exhaled and straightened up. “Actually, you cannot do this with the fake Materia.” Genesis smirked at the direct way the blonde called the Shinra Materia. “Materia is a gift from the Planet, we feed it with our mana, and in return it gives a qualitative jump to that used mana. That’s why we can become stronger when using magic.”

Saying so, he grabbed the Materia in the bangle and poured his mana into it, just a tendril. And thanks to that tendril, a strand of Bio came out of the Materia and instead of inflating like a balloon as the Bio usually did, it stayed in that form.

Genesis could feel the symbiotic relationship between the cadet’s mana and the Bio becoming more concentrated, more powerful despite its puny appearance.

“Since it’s a gift from the Planet, we have to respect it, cherish it and ask for its help.” The blonde continued with his explanation, the strand of Bio finally changing shape into a dragon. It looked like Leviathan but smaller.

Genesis could accept that pure Materia was better, he could even confirm that there was a relationship between the Materia and the caster, but to ask the Materia for help? What kind of rubbish was that? “You’re talking as if the Materia is sentient.” He sneered. “I might believe that with a summon Materia, but all of them?”

The cadet’s eyes quickly reflected how hurt he felt at not being believed, then they dulled. “The Planet is sentient, therefore, Materia has the same quality.” He claimed. And for a moment, Genesis heard some whispering voices calling to destroy the calamity. His forgotten wound suddenly stung, taking him out of his stupor.

“Those are just fairy tales.” He gritted out and strode out of the room. Once in the hallway, the wound stopped stinging and he quietly exhaled. His bad mood returned with a vengeance, so he retook his initial plan to destroy a training room.

When Zack returned to the training room, carrying a huge bag of Materia, he found Cloud curled up by the door. “Cloud?”

The blonde startled and suspiciously wiped his face. Then, he stood up and looked at Zack with that stoic expression he always sported. Zack would have believed it if he hadn’t noticed the red-rimmed icy blue eyes. Were you crying? Zack wanted to ask but Cloud wouldn’t answer him, so he just showed him the bag he was carrying.

“I brought the Materia! Today you’re not leaving until you try them all!” Zack tried an evil smile that successfully made Cloud’s lips twitch into a semblance of a smile.

“I hope you can stand the rhythm then, old man.” Cloud said, grabbing the bag. Zack sputtered as it was the first time the blonde joked with him. Cloud became a totally different person; so opposite of that stoic doll-like person with no expression.

Angeal did mention Cloud was like any normal person. Zak hadn’t believed it when he recalled the emotionless face, but it seemed his mentor was right. As always. “You’re on! The loser buys food for the other!”

The two were too busy with their own stuff that they even ignored the commotion outside when Genesis once again destroyed a training room.

More like, Zack, the ever curious puppy had wanted to check what had happened but Cloud had stubbornly claimed he didn’t want to see. So, Zack had no choice but to continue accompany Cloud while the blonde used all the Materia in the bag.


Next Chapter: Legends brings some gifts to earn points. Genesis gives Cloud another chance.

Chapter 14: Midgar - Midgar Area, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

On their last week of the supposed SOLDIER training, the cadets were going to be taken to fight monsters. It was with the objective of learning how to work with a team while facing the dangers of monsters trying to kill them.

That’s why, the off-weekend before that week was used by the cadets to go buy equipment and weapons. Cloud had planned to do the same: go out with Aerith and take a look at the weapons in Midgar.

After all, she still had some pocket money Legend gave her each off-weekend.

Legend, though, anticipated it all – and was trying really hard to earn himself a few points with Cloud – that, without previous notice, he gave her an Armlet, a new Bangle and two short swords.

Cloud was perplexed at first when she saw the swords since she had never mentioned anything about changing her weapon of choice to Legend.

It was best to never underestimate a Turk.

“The new bangle is called Edincoat. It has 7 Materia slots, though none are linked. It does have better defense than your Carbon Bangle, so it is way better in that regard. Besides, it increases your magic attacks’ power a little bit.” Legend started describing the use of each equipment he brought to Cloud and Aerith.

The three were at the church in the Slums surrounded by the smell of flowers that Aerith grew. The Turk had intercepted Cloud when the teen had been on her way to see her friend. Then, he just tagged along.

But, going back to the equipment.The fact that the Materia slots were not linked worked perfectly for Cloud as she had earned a lot of Materia from Zack.

The Second-Class SOLDIER had lots of Materia without Mastering because he said he was to lazy to do it, especially the ones he didn’t use often. After their Materia training, and seeing lots of new Materia that spawned from the Mastered ones, he gallantly gave them to Cloud.

Cloud of course would never say no to free Materia. More so, because she was trying to specialize in its use.

But, she still only accepted the pure Materia for the Magic and the only two Summon Materia Zack had: Choco/Mog and Shiva. She also got two Command Materia and some extra Support Materia that were fakes; made by Shinra. She thought that since the fake had the same effect than the pure, then she couldn’t be picky about them.

That’s why Cloud’s new list of Materia consisted of:

Command Materia: Enemy Skill and Sense Materia.

Support Materia: two All, two Added Effect, HP Absorb and MP Absorb Materia.

Summon Materia: Choco/Mog and Shiva.

Magic Materia: Barrier, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Heal, Restore, Seal, Gravity, Poison and Time Materia.

With all the Materia she acquired, she was worried about never using it, but Legend’s new equipment saved her big time.

“Then, because you are not using a broadsword like those gorilla guys, I thought you could use a boost in strength just in case. This Gigas Armlet greatly improves your strength to even send the Zolom flying.” He joked. “Don’t do that.” He still warned the teen who just rolled her eyes at him.

Of course she knew that fighting the Zolom was a ticket straight to the Lifestream.

Legend nodded. “The defense is not as good as the Edincoat since it only helps you cushion Physical Attacks, but it’s better than nothing. The upside is that the Materia slots are better: two two-linked slots and a single one.” Legend gave her the other armor he had prepared.

After all, if something happened to Cloud, Claudia would kill him.

“The short swords were a bit difficult to get. Due to SOLDIER’s popularity, the demand for big swords increased, so other type of weapons are rarely produced.” Legend wryly smiled, remembering the pretty penny he had to spend to get those swords.

“How did you know I am not using a broadsword?” Still curious about it, Cloud didn’t lose her chance to ask.

Legend smirked. “Turk secret.”

Cloud huffed. “As if… Bet Commander Hewley told you.” She said as a joke, yet, to the impassive looking Legend, it was a low hit. Because it was the truth.

Legend had no idea who Cloud the interest of Commander Angeal Hewley. But, he wouldn’t complain if there was another person looking after Cloud.

He resumed the description. “These are custom made. The material is not the best, but it’s durable and they should last you until you get better materials to make new ones. That’s the only way you will be able to get short swords. They do increase your attack power. And, since they are two, it’s double; one two-linked slots and a single one for both.”

Wielding the swords, Cloud identified the material as Mythril. She had learn about it from the Zack, the chatterbox. They were a bit lacking compared to the rapier she had been training with, but it was a nice upgrade from the training swords. Plus, a big step in her career as a SOLDIER.

After all, only SOLDIERs were able to have custom weapons.

And, for the monsters in the Midgar area, they were more than enough. Unless she wanted to go fight some dangerous monster, then the swords would last her for a while as Legend said. Cloud wasn’t complaining and she was grateful for Legend always taking care of her.

“Thanks. I’ll tell Ma to marry you as soon as possible.” She said to the surprised man.

“For real?” He eagerly asked.

“Keep behaving and we’ll see.” She cheekily said, earning herself a rap on the head from Legend, who sighed and took out one last thing for Cloud.

“I thought you wouldn’t use this so soon but I guess it’s better if you have more protection on yourself.” He began, taking out a piece of jewelry. Both girls’ eyes brighten at the sight.

The otherwise silent Aerith was the one who opened her mouth to ask, “What’s this?”

“This is a Reflect Ring. As long as you have mana in yourself, you will always have a reflective shield on you. Of course, this only protects you from the preemptive attack. In case you suffer an ambush, this will reflect the attack, then the shield will break. It uses a lot of mana if you reactivate it, so be careful when to do it.” He put the weary yet still shiny ring on Cloud’s palm.

The moment she touched it, she felt the big amounts of magic it exuded. It was no joke despite its appearance.

Cloud nodded in thanks and started to make plans with her new equipment. Since she didn’t know what kind of monsters the cadets were going to face, then she equipped the Materia according to how useful she thought they were.

In the Edincoat, she placed the Enemy Skill, the Sense, the Choco/Mog and Shiva summons, the Barrier, the Heal and Restore Materias. She was no nurse, so she was going to use the Heal and Restore only for herself. Besides, she didn’t like her fellow cadets. She was second-guessing the Barrier Materia as she had the Reflect Ring, but she would leave it there for the time being.

In the Gigas Armlet, she linked the Added Effect and the Seal because she always thought being put to Sleep or Silenced in battle would spell trouble for her. The pun was intended. She also linked the MP Absorb and the Lightning Materia. In the case she wanted to replenish her mana, she could also stun the monster with a well-placed Thunder. In the last slot, she put the Earth Materia she wanted to try out.

For her short swords, in one sword she linked the All with the Ice Materia because of the mild slow ice magic can provide, but she also put the Time Materia there for a better effect to slow down. It also had Haste and Stop which she deemed extremely useful. With her training, she realized Time worked better if it focused in one target; hence being placed in the lone slot.

This sword was all about slowing down the target.

Her other sword was more about a sure death because she linked the Poison Materia with Added Effect, to proc Bio even when normally attacking. That was a trick she learned from Zack. And, she also put Fire in the remaining slot because it was a spell that always came in handy. She didn’t like the spell that much but it was more out of convenience than anything.

“I also brought something for the lady.” Legend suddenly said as he rummaged his other pockets. He was once again wearing his merchant attire, so Cloud could guess he had come from visiting her Ma. Her dear and innocent Ma who knew nothing about who Legend actually was.

Aerith, who had been happily watching the two’s exchange from the side, was surprised by the sudden gift. “For me?”

The man took out a thick and kind of ugly bracelet. “It doesn’t have the best presentation, but it greatly enhances magical attacks. Even better than the Edincoat. But that’s normal since Cloud is the gorilla out of the two-” Legend easily dodged the kick from the insulted blonde.

Cloud promised herself to tell her Ma that Legend had insulted her.

Unaware of the teen’s thoughts, Legend kept talking to Aerith. “And then, this.” He grabbed the long stick he had strapped to his bag and gave it to the brunette. “It’s called Aurora Rod, very useful for Magic Attacks, but also to protect yourself physically if the need arises. Give her some Materia.” He then ordered Cloud.

Cloud had lots of Materia anyway, so, she had no qualms in sharing them with her friend. And how giddy she inwardly felt whenever she thought Aerith was her friend. Her first friend!

That’s why she gave the older girl the other All she wasn’t using, the Fire and Restore Materia she got after Mastering hers, and the Gravity Materia because Cloud didn’t know if she would ever use it.

“If I ever get more, I’ll give it to you.” Cloud promised.

Aerith was touched because these people who she recently met had given her the opportunity to protect herself instead of letting her stay as a helpless woman that needed to be protected. Elmyra’s plan had always been to let Aerith remain by her side, and Aerith didn’t mind at that time since she had no reason to become strong.

However, now that she had a mission, then it was of utmost importance to learn how to defend herself. And it was all thanks to Cloud. She looked at the blonde and her eyes unknowingly sparkled.

Cloud, for her part, stood up and dusted off her pants. “Have to go. They want to give us some last-minute training for tomorrow.” She, then, picked up her stuff to go back to the upper plate and Shinra. “See you another day.” She waved at Aerith.

Aerith waved back widely smiling, trying to hide that feeling of loss she always felt whenever Cloud left. She definitely didn’t want to dwell too much on it and also wasn’t given the chance either as something was put right in front of her face.

A ribbon.

“I was especially asked to give this to you. It’s no normal ribbon. This one protects you from any status monsters can inflict.” Legend casually said, putting the piece of pink cloth on Aerith’s palm.

Only when his task of giving the stuff was over, he also started to arrange his stuff to leave. He had to report to Veld about the unusual amount of monsters in various areas, not only in Midgar how it was reported recently.

“Asked by who?” Aerith didn’t know anyone who could give her such an amazing accessory. She hoped the man would tell her but he only shrugged.

“Snitches end up in ditches.” He evilly smirked and also left.

Aerith pouted but didn’t insist. To whoever gave this to me, may the Planet bless them. She prayed. A breeze carried the sweet smell of the flowers behind her.


From the vanishing green tendrils of the defeated monster, a short figure with blonde hair emerged. They raised their hand and cast a Firaga to a group of Kalm Fangs. Then, they sidestepped the charge of three Devil Riders and even managed to steal a Hi-Potion to throw to one of their hurt comrades.

Ignoring the hurried thank you from that comrade, they did their best to dodge the missile-like attack from a Custom Sweeper but was unable to do it as an opportunist Prowler blocked their path. In the end, both the cadet and the Prowler were blown up. From one of the cadet’s armor, a Materia shone.

From afar, on a hill, Genesis rose an eyebrow recognizing the light from an Enemy Skill Materia that just ‘learned’ a skill. Without further ado, the cadet cast the new skill to the Devil Rider trio, catching them by surprise, and blowing them up.

Having finished a mission in the Northern Continent, Genesis Rhapsodos was on his way to Midgar to report the success of the mission. A car picked him up from Junon and he decided to rest all the way to Midgar. Yet, on the way, he encountered the batch of cadets doing their first sweeping training.

During this training, the cadets would be separated into groups of 10, forming a squad, and be led by a Staff Sergeant to eliminate some monsters either in the Slums or in the outskirts of Midgar.

This squad, though, had been taken even further, almost halfway to Kalm, and Genesis could guess why. His eyes never strayed from the tiny blonde that swiftly alternated between slashing at the monsters or casting magic.

Genesis had seen the cadet use magic in a very creative way before with that Bioga, but he was still surprised by the barrage of magic the cadet could use at the same time he swung his swords. Expertly at that. He was but a cadet, after all.

A little light once again shone from the blonde’s armor while he faced the Custom Sweeper, then, lightning crackled and successfully hit the metallic monster. While stunned, he engaged it. If Genesis had to guess, then the cadet first used the Sense Materia to know the monster’s weakness.

Which was a very accurate action if one had no idea about the monster’s attributes.

Compared to this cadet, the others just focused on using brute force to defeat the monsters with their huge blades; and if lucky, they were able to cast a weak Fire to char the Kalm Fangs’ fur.

They looked as if a SOLDIER took a bunch of infantrymen to kill some monsters, instead of a group of SOLDIER cadets taking out a group of monsters as equals.

Genesis was reminded of the not so subtle comments Angeal always made about this cadet. Strife, was it? The view cadet Strife had on Materia was too far-fetched for Genesis, but that didn’t mean the teen didn’t know how to use it. The fight that just ended was proof of it. The cadet was good with Materia, just like Genesis.

The red-headed commander knew Angeal would sport an insufferable smug expression on his face for a couple of days, but Genesis thought SOLDIER needed more people like himself… like cadet Strife.

“Sir!” The driver called out to Genesis who moved towards the group of resting cadets.

It looked as if the First-Class SOLDIER was walking, but he was so fast the huge distance between the hill and where the group were was traversed in a matter of seconds.

The first to notice his arrival was precisely the object of Genesis’ decision to approach. Genesis ignored the Staff Sergeant who saluted him and directly stepped up to the owner of icy blue eyes.

“From now on, you will be my apprentice.” He loudly announced to the stunned public and the dumbfounded blonde cadet.

You know, Cloud has very beautiful eyes.’ Angeal once said. At that time, Genesis started to question his friend’s preferences. The bulky man never showed any tendencies or preferences towards any woman or man for that matter. So, the comment had been a bit strange to Genesis.

But, the Red Mage realized the sparkling blue eyes would make anyone question their preferences.

When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end...” Genesis softly recited because cadet Strife’s eyes had strangely flustered him with their intensity. He felt as if a horde of monsters was charging through his body, bringing about his own end.

The goddess descends from the sky.” The blonde recited the following line.

That snapped Genesis out of his trance.

Why had he heard that with a sweet and mellow voice that could only come from a woman’s mouth? The cadet was a man. Stoic and boring face like all men had—except for Genesis—; flat body, if a bit short, that could only belong to a man. The voice is a bit high-pitched, though… He trailed off.

Unimpressed by his own thoughts, Genesis left with one last order: “Look for me tomorrow after your training.”


Next chapter: Cloud trains with Genesis.

Chapter 15: Midgar, 0000


This chapter is dedicated to the number one fan of the fic: SHIARY.

I thank you for all the comments. That you take time in writing something! You effort and like for the story really motivates me to re-read the already written and edited chapters: so you have the best ones. Hope you like this one, too :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Metal clashed against Mythril.

Although Mythril looked fragile, with its crystal-like appearance, it was very hard; to the point of chipping the metal sword.

“Dammit!” The cadet cursed, staring at his cracked sword and unable to see the kick that followed up the block.

He skidded a few meters down the hallway, tripped and rolled the rest of the way. After laboriously getting on his knees, he venomously glared at the blonde opposite him.

“You, monster...” He wheezed, propping himself on the standard-issued sword and holding his stomach that was surely bruised by that kick.

Cloud just rose an eyebrow at the supposed insult.

Once she understood that she wasn’t on par with the other cadets, she stopped caring about their opinion. That was something Zack told him: ‘There’ll always be envious people. You only and always have to strive to be the best.’

Sheathing her sword, she continued on her way up to the SOLDIER floors.

The ambushes on her person had started once again. And, this time, it wasn’t only the cadets from Midgar that attacked her, the ones from Junon, too.

The almost non-existing comradeship that surged from coming from the same place, silently died with Genesis’ announcement of making Cloud his apprentice.

It had only been three days from that day and she had received at least a dozen ambushes and direct attacks.

It spanned from trying to sabotage her missions with other cadets by letting monsters surround her, to being attacked in the showers. And none of their superiors paid any attention to her formal complaints.

It seemed some of the richest cadets had easily bribed the staff officers.

And, because of the attacks at the showers, she was forced to ask her mentor if she could use the SOLDIERs’ floor showers.

Genesis had inquired why, and she had come up with the sorry excuse that the cadet showers were too dirty because she didn’t want to say she was being picked on. Her mentor wholeheartedly agreed that the cadet showers were disgusting and easily gave her a key that allowed her to enter not only the SOLDIERs’ floor, but the showers, too.

And, that’s how she solved that problem.

What she could never solve was the matter of always being sent to the Disciplinary Office for ‘attacking her comrades’.

Since the cadets couldn’t beat her, they used the bribed higher ups to mete out punishment on her. She hadn’t been expelled from the program yet due to the moniker of ‘Genesis’ mentee’.

And for that, she was extremely grateful. Even if the other cadets whispered about her being Genesis’ whor*.

She would actually love to be that involved with her crush. Though, one thing was her personal and inner desires, and the other was for unknown cadets to disrespect Genesis in front of her and leave as if nothing; hence the punishments.

She couldn’t care less about it.

And she was ecstatic of being able to protect Genesis’ image, even if it was just from puny cadets. That’s why she always went to her training sessions with the greatest enthusiasm she could muster.

No, it had nothing to do with the fact that she was head over heels for her mentor.

He looks so delectable in leather! Cloud inwardly gushed once she arrived at the training room and did a quick once-over on the auburn-haired man.

“Sorry for coming late, sir!” She outwardly apologized with a helpless expression—which was just her usual stoic face with furrowed brows.

Genesis just waved his hand, not caring about her delay. He was aware why, but never said anything about it. It wasn’t the first time a cadet was jeered as a ‘whor*’ when they got the Commanders’ attention. It had happened with Zack, and now it was happening with Cloud.

He was just in care of training the cadet, not of babysitting like Angeal did with the puppy. Genesis never liked fussing.

“Today, I want you to try this Materia.” He said, taking out a red Materia from his pocket.

Cloud immediately felt the great amount of magic it exuded. Since it was red, it was a summon Materia, but she was curious to know which summon it was. Grabbing it, she almost dropped it sensing the malevolent aura of the summon. She even felt stared at by the entity inside. It insidiously tried to persuade her to let it free.

“What kind of summon is this?” She asked her mentor.

Genesis didn’t answer and just smiled at her. “You don’t feel anything by holding it?”

Cloud pondered. “Well, it’s a bit chatty.”

Once she digested the news of him becoming her mentor, she had vowed to show her true self to her love. More so because she was going to see him very often. She didn’t want him to think she was an uptight and snotty brat.

So, she had no qualms in giving her honest opinion whenever he asked. It had often created some good opportunities for her to get close to him, but once he got used to her honesty and quirky responses, then it rarely worked on him anymore.

“Chatty?” Genesis eyebrows twitched.

“Yes.” Cloud nodded. “It’s telling me over and over again to let it out; that it will plague the world with its might; that once I let my guard down, it will kill me...” She trailed off, moving the Materia closer to her ear, but then she angrily tapped at the sphere. “I’m not gonna say that.” She hissed at it.

Genesis was more curious about the situation developing in front of him than whatever evil speech the summon was spouting.

Whoever touched the Materia before, they would definitely get inflicted by any status, like Paralyze, Mini, Toad... Not even SOLDIERs were safe. He thought Cloud was Confused at first, as the cadet dumbly stood there holding the Materia.

It seemed the blonde had more potential than Genesis thought.

Cloud was a potential trouble, too.

According to Angeal, Cloud was a quiet cadet that worked hard and was very smart, apart from being strong. So… Who was this teen that was even arguing with a summon Materia? Genesis felt cheated. But, he would also become greatly amused at seeing the dull face yet oh-so-very-telling eyes.

And that was part of the trouble!

It was not only admiration the cadet felt for Genesis. The man had been among all sort of people to know exactly what those icy blue eyes were telling him. But, that didn’t deter the man from training the lovesick teen, not when he...

“Right! Since it doesn’t affect you, then I’ll give it to you. It’s useless to me, either way.” Genesis said, stopping Cloud’s fight with the summon and his own thoughts. “This is Hades. Once summoned it will inflict non-elemental damage and has a 100% rate of inflicting various statuses. You can equip it in you armlet together with the Added Effect. Get rid of that unsightly Seal.” He scowled, still not believing the teen used such a useless Materia.

Cloud nodded and did as her mentor ordered. She had already mastered Seal anyway. Maybe she should give it to Aerith.

Once she did that, her real training began. Though, actually, it was just sparring with Genesis, and once Cloud lost—because obviously she would lose-, she would get feedback from her mentor. It was a very fast and direct approach with Cloud learning the hard way. Angeal would frown upon it, but Genesis didn’t care.

His apprentice, his methods.

Cloud instantly began the spar with her newly learned skill: Matra Magic, creating a spread out net of missiles homing on Genesis. However, the First-Class SOLDIER just leaped into the attack and easily slipped between the missiles that loudly exploded behind him.

Cloud was awed at how handsome he looked doing that trick that she belatedly reacted to Genesis’ rapier about to impale her.

Hastily casting a Barrier, she rolled away from the follow-up attacks. Meanwhile, a Firaga rose from her rolling body and was thrown at the approaching man who used his rapier to blast it away and cast his own Firaga. Cloud felt the heat from the magic and knew it was bad news. So, she tried to counter it with Earth magic.

The biggest blast was stopped but the scorched remnants of her Quake fell onto her. A green light shone on her body once she activated her Restore Materia, throwing even a Regen because she knew the hardest part was about to come: fighting Genesis head-on. And the thing she hated the most about a direct duel was that Genesis was stronger due to the Mako enhancements.

She could only parry the attacks or dodge them. But even that was difficult for her. So, she had no other option but to create some distance between them.

As she used her swords to stop an upper slash, the inertia made her jump over her mentor’s head, casting Bioga on him. Genesis easily moved away, but that was what Cloud had been looking for. Once she landed, she immediately summoned Shiva.

The ice summon instantly cast her Diamond Dust, which transformed from a glacial gale to a chunk of freezing ice. One touch and you become a popsicle. But, as expected of the First-Class, he didn’t even blink before the attack and just thrust his rapier to break the ice.

What he didn’t expect was for the pieces of ice to not vanish, but to start attacking him as if they were homing bullets. He had no idea Shiva could do that. Glancing at the place where the summon had been, he only found Cloud swinging his weapons as if controlling…

Genesis thoughts stopped when a spike of ice shot out from the floor, forcing him to dodge. From below, the figure of the ice summon emerged. The Red Commander’s eyebrows rose.

To maintain a summon active even after it used its ultimate ability required a great amount of mana. That meant Cloud had already used all his stored-up mana. Seeing his chance, Genesis shot towards the blonde cadet who fumbled with his swords to intercept the incoming attack.

He ignored the meager damage he received from the Thunder cast on him, even shaking off the mild stun, and confirmed Cloud had run out of mana. Facing the blonde, Genesis saw his figure clearly reflected on the icy blue eyes.

The wind sails over the water’s surface...’ His mind instantly recited.

Rapier stopped the sneak attack from the still lingering Shiva as his hand shot out to wrap around Cloud’s neck.

The cadet’s pulse rapidly drummed against his palm.

...Quietly but surely.” He whispered in the blonde’s ear, who dropped the swords, signifying the end of the spar. Taking a step back, Genesis instantly entered his mentor-mode. “Don’t wait until the last moment to use your MP Absorb.” Genesis reminded Cloud because he had noticed the cadet’s bad habit of letting mana dry up to replenish it again. “Teaming up with Shiva was interesting. Work on that.”

Then, he went on a rather short explanation about losing focus during battle, to keep training her katas because she got them wrong sometimes—even doing a demonstration and making her repeat it. Once she got them right, he made her try them out in a quick mock fight.

He didn’t say anything else about Materia bar the thing with Shiva. As he liked to claim: ‘one has to find their way to Materia’; meaning he couldn’t tell him which one to use in battle as it all depended on the circ*mstances or the person’s likes and dislikes.

Since Cloud was in the stage of discovering that, then he could just nudge her to try things.

Once he finished his ‘lessons’, he strode out of the room, leaving an extremely tired Cloud who crouched to hide her blushing face. For a second, she thought her heart was about to leap out of her chest back then.

He was so close! His voice almost melted my ear! Maybe I should have kissed him, hugged him… Waaah, why are you so handsome, Genesis! I love you, I love you, love you, loveyou, loveyouloveyou! She inwardly gushed, thinking she wouldn’t recover from that soon.

Luckily for her, Genesis sent her a message telling her he had a check-up in Medical, so she they wouldn’t be training the following day, giving her the chance to readjust her mind to calmly face her mentor again in the future.

And hacking away at monsters was a good way to sweep away her running and wicked thoughts.

Once again, they were sent on missions to kill monsters.


Next Chapter: Cloud gets schemed on.

Chapter 16: Chocobo Farm area, 0000


Sephiroth's entrances are always dramatic...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Seeing the efficiency of her squad at eliminating monsters in the wild—truly they just wanted to take advantage of her or mess with her—they were sent to the area near a Chocobo Farm.

The owner had sent a request to eliminate the monsters that had been lurking and spooking his Chocobos. The mission was supposed to be tackled by proper SOLDIERs or even experienced infantry squads, but it seemed many SOLDIERs were sent with General Sephiroth to Wutai.

And the infantry was left to secure the Shinra Tower as if someone was going to attack them.

Once they arrived at the Chocobo Farm and Staff Sergeant Pero, the one in charge of their squad for this mission, talked with the owner and got the details needed, he gave the cadets all the instructions and information about the monsters in the area and where they could be found, then he dismissed them all.

He didn’t even bother to create efficient groups to deal with the different monsters, and let the cadets alone to form their own groups of 2 or 3, which was counterproductive if they were being taught how to fight as a squad.

Well, Cloud couldn’t complain as she liked to fight monsters alone; mainly because she was still being ostracized. Either way, most of the guys would become a burden due to her rapid and efficient way with which she dispatched the monsters.

So, she happily hacked Mus and Levikrons away in the area she was ‘assigned to’. Mus could become very pesky as they burrowed into the ground, and Levikrons liked throwing kicks like no tomorrow. She also kept a close eye to the nearby marshland where the Midgar Zolom resided.

According to Staff Sergeant Pero, a quick death came to those who faced the serpentine monster. And even though Cloud was very curious about it, she wouldn’t be so stupid as to get close to it. Her equipment was better than the one from the other cadets, but it wasn’t good enough to come out alive from a fight with a Zolom despite Legend’s jokes about it.

She only entertained herself by digging out Mus with a Quake, then she only had to slash at them to let them become green tendrils.

Aerith had explained to her that dead monsters turned into those green tendrils because they return to the Lifestream to become part of the Planet once again. The older girl had also said that the increasing amount of sighted monsters was just the Planet retaliating against those who were harming it.

Aka, Shinra Electric Power Company.

Cloud had wondered if eliminating the monsters would instead be helping Shinra rather than the Planet as was the co-op self-imposed mission she had with Aerith.

However, Aerith told her that sometimes the Planet just did whatever It thought was good, and instead It also hurt those people that cherished It. So, keeping a healthy amount of monsters was good for the ecosystem and to stop the Planet from using more drastic measures.

In the end, the key to it all was to destroy the Calamity: Jenova.

The Planet’s number one enemy.

And since the two had no idea where they could find that Jenova, they only focused on getting stronger for the moment they actually had to face the entity.

Swinging her short swords, she spun on her heels to avoid a Levikron’s charge and slashed at it. Feathers and blood flew. Their skills were not strong to deal heavy damage, but they were very troublesome. She really hated those skills that used Fire.

As someone born and raised in the high mountains where it snowed even in summer, heat seemed to have become her natural enemy. Genesis using Fire magic didn’t deter Cloud from disliking the element. So, she stabbed those fire users Levikrons with vicious glee.

She gladly sighed as she watched the last monster fall, green tendrils rising to the sky. She watched them vanish and sent a silent prayer for them. The Planet responded to her prayers by sending a light breeze. Cloud closed her eyes and let the noise of the still fighting cadets disappear.

She was not like Aerith, who could easily communicate with the Planet, yet if she focused, she could become attuned to what was happening around. The distant monsters grazing, the Chocobo’s khew sound, the voices that reminded her of her task….

And then, everything went down the drain.

It all started with a trio of Elfadunks suddenly charging towards their area, Bodyblowing everybody around.

The cadets were in disarray, not knowing what to do as the monsters were not the weak Mus or Levikrons. They could easily heavily hurt a person. More so because the cadets couldn’t seem to set up any learned formation to protect themselves and their companions.

All those lessons with Commander Hewley wasted…

Panic rose when one of the monsters caught one cadet with its trunk. Monsters always aimed to kill, so it was strange for one to catch a prey. However, nobody had time to think about it as they tried to stop the stampeding Elfadunks who headed to the marshlands.

Cloud was obviously not going to help, and even tried to ignore the commotion. But Staff Sgt. Pero yelled at her to do something. As if she was the only capable person in the squad. Which might the true. The other cadets could only run after the Elfadunks, and throw measly spells the monsters easily threw off.

Cloud was really unwilling, but still rose her arm to use a Quake to stop the monsters’ charge. It was best to redirect them...

“Don’t use Magic!” She was yelled at by Pero for her efforts.

Cloud sighed, suddenly missing Lt. Roon who actually believed in her abilities to not mess up with magic.

She had the mind to ignore Pero’s order as facing an Elfadunk in a direct fight was not that easy. They had tough hides, and not even the standard-issued sword from SOLDIER cadets could one-hit kill them. Yet, thinking of her many reports, she decided to personally rescue the guy.

Jumping on the incoming Elfadunk’s back, Cloud held tight and did her best to balance herself. Once she was able to, she closed on the monster’s head. Unsheathing one of her swords, she was about to stab it on its neck to at least get a reaction from it, but something made her halt.

The cadet was not caught by the monster as claimed by the other cadets, he was hanging onto the monster. And even a Materia was brightly glowing in his palm. Why is he using an Enemy Lure Materia? She pondered and locked gazes with the cadet who nastily grinned at her.

“Have fun with the Zolom, Strife.” He said, before letting the Elfadunk go.

Well, sh*t. She thought as she realized what all the mess was about as she finally noticed the Elfadunk she was riding had gotten too close to the marshland were the maws of the Midgar Zolom were waiting for it.

Cloud jumped away from the monster’s back and she watched as the Elfadunk easily went down the huge serpent’s throat. There wasn’t even a need to chew. A shiver ran down her spine at the sight. The Zolom, though, was clearly not satisfied by one Elfadunk and locked onto Cloud who dumbly fell into the muddy water, still not believing the others wanted to kill her so badly.

She quickly reacted and cast Blizzaga, creating an enormous chunk of ice to stop the Zolom’s sudden charge. Then, a Bioga fell onto the serpent’s head, poisoning it. The monster loudly hissed in anger and trashed its whole body, the tail connecting with Cloud who was thrown to the marshland’s shallow parts with a few broken ribs.

Thanks to the Reflect Ring, she was alive and only with a few broken bones. She jumped to her feet, wanting to escape, but the monster was already lunging at her with an open maw.

Cloud used her swords to not let the Zolom close its maw on her. Her arms shook from the exertion as the monster put more pressure on its jaws. Her body screamed in pain, but with the adrenaline rushing in her body, she was able to ignore it as her brain ran a mile to form a plan to get out alive of the battle.

She charged the Lightning Materia with her mana to zap its maw. It seemed the monster sensed the danger and whipped its head, sending her flying with no chance to retaliate.

The plan had been to zap its head with a Thundaga, then cast Haste on herself to rapidly retreat to land. The Zolom was not only strong, it was intelligent too and foresaw her actions.

Managing to incorporate before falling to her death, she was about to cast Haste and implement her escaping plan, yet she was locked onto place by the intense heat surrounding her; death crawled into her being.

One of her Materias glowed. Bad timing for Enemy Skill to be learning a skill, she thought, as if death wasn’t opening its dark embrace to receive her.

Then, whatever skill the Zolom was casting to end her stopped with the death of its caster as the serpentine monster was split into two. Blood and viscera rained down on the blonde who vacantly stared at the figure in front of her.

Silver and neat hair flowed down, the leather from his boots mildly crunched as he softly landed on the ground, and his green cat-like eyes looked at the monster’s corpse dispassionately.

“Who’s the idiot that provoked the Zolom?” A deep voice spoke.


Next chapter: Sephiroth doesn't get positive reviews for his actions.

Chapter 17: Chocobo Farm area-Midgar, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cloud was too shocked to even register what happened after her near-death experience. Her brain and body remained unresponsive for a while. She didn’t even notice the great General Sephiroth cast Curaga on her, and that he had to drag her towards the rest of the squad because she only stood frozen.

She could still feel the throes of death licking her shadow, grasping her ankles and plunging her into the abyss. Only to be violently pulled out by another person who could kill her as fast as, or faster than the Zolom.

She hadn’t felt the same fear even when she fell into the Mako river back in Nibelheim, when she knew for sure she would die.

Back then, she had been a weak sprout that even illnesses could take her life away. But, she was strong now. She was enhanced. She knew how to fight. She could wield swords and cast magic using Materia. She was the best out of her fellow cadets. She was even Commander Rhapsodos’ apprentice!

Then, why? Why do I feel so powerless, so weak?

She looked back at the bisected monster that almost killed her, then at the man that did the bisection with only a swing of his sword.

That’s the real monster, she thought.

“It wasn’t us. Strife got too close to the marshland.” One of the cadets said.

“That’s right!” Many others agreed with what the cadet’s words.

“He got too co*cky!”

“He put us in danger!”

Sephiroth listened to their yapping with a bored expression.

He had been flying by helicopter towards Midgar for yet another PR stunt president Shinra wanted to do. As he flew over the marshlands—because of a detour the pilot took due to the weather in the mountains— he saw a cadet having a death wish by fighting the Midgar Zolom.

The monster is never the target of extermination missions because once it is killed, another spawns some time later. It was not worth the effort and resources spent in the expedition, so it was left alone.

But someone had the nerve to fight it.

Sephiroth eyed the blonde cadet that was about to die due to the Zolom’s Beta skill. The boy looked as fresh as lettuce, except for his dulled eyes that stared at Sephiroth as if blaming him for stopping his fun. Maybe. He still had problems picking out on people’s emotions.

The General knew he was the cadet Angeal was eyeing to train. Sephiroth was unaware if the Commander succeeded in his endeavour, as he had been busy in Wutai. But, with the teen’s actions, it was best to expel him.

“Enough.” Sephiroth called for silence. “He was stupid enough to fight the Zolom, but are you also dead to not stop him beforehand?” He turned back to look at the chastised cadets.

“Sir, he’s too strong for us to stop him.” One cadet ventured to say.

“So, SOLDIER cadets are too weak to fight a stronger opponent and they quickly give up. With more reason I should expel you all from the program. SOLDIER doesn’t need you.” Sephiroth countered the cadet’s excuse. “Staff Sgt., prepare for their return and notify the Director of the expulsion of this squad.” Not even giving them time to react to his verdict, he left.

Arriving at Shinra, General Sephiroth made his way to his room to take off his travel-worn attire and take a shower. Then, he headed to the kitchen to see if there was something for him to eat. Angeal always packed his fridge with food ready to eat after heating it up.

Seeing the stocked-up appliance, he was stumped for a second. He didn’t know what to choose. After some seconds, he decided on the pasta dish.

The only person he trusted enough with his meals was Angeal. Though, it was best to say that Angeal bulldozed his food into Sephiroth’s stomach until the latter could only eat it. With time, Sephiroth felt other meals felt too bland and unsavory. So, he was grateful for the man’s concern over his diet.

As he ate, he noticed nobody arrived to visit him; meaning, that none of his friends were around. Sephiroth was used to either Angeal, Zack or Genesis coming to his room whenever he finished a mission, either to check-up on him or just spend time. We’re your friends. Of course we’ll come to see you! Zack Fair had once claimed when he heard Sephiroth say it wasn’t necessary for them to come every day.

It still baffled him, but it had become something so common in his life. Friends. A novel concept at that time, but the more he had spent with them, the more he had to admit it was nice for someone to care about him without expecting anything in return.

His friends did anything for him because they wanted to, because they thought Sephiroth was interesting enough as a person to befriend. He liked the normalcy of that, knowing he was all but normal. They even respected his desire for privacy. To a point. Because he ‘tended to spiral into his thoughts of doom’ when alone, as Genesis had described it.

When visiting him, Angeal would always knock first, so it was easy to send him away if Sephiroth was not in the mood to see anyone. Zack had the decency to knock, but he would never leave until he was let in or explicitly told to leave—kicked out. Otherwise, he would just chatter away at the door; which was annoying.

Genesis had stopped visiting him after a fight they had almost a fortnight ago; Angeal had mentioned something about the auburn-haired Commander being in a bad mood. Sephiroth knew Genesis was someone hard to deal with, that’s why he gave his friend the space he needed. Though, Sephiroth missed Genesis’ petulant attitude. The type of person who would barge in and speak non-stop.

Sephiroth let his thoughts run wild as he finished his meal. Then, after he washed the dish and put it on the table for Angeal to pick up later, he headed to Lazard Deusericus’ office to report his return and explain why he wanted to expel a squad. Because he still needed to report the reason for his actions.

He was General Sephiroth, weapon extraordinaire and most valuable asset, but he didn’t own Shinra.

What he didn’t expect was for the redhead commander to also be in the office, already hurling abuse at the Director.

“Just because the oh-so-great General Sephiroth opened his golden mouth you are going to do everything he says?!” Genesis yelled at Lazard who looked worn-down and sought help with the newly arrived General while explaining the commander why the decision was made.

“The cadet disobeyed orders and fought a monster he wasn’t supposed to, exposing himself and others to danger. Right, General?” And like the sneaky bastard he was, Lazard threw the ball to Sephiroth, receiving the brunt of Genesis’ loaded glare.

“You’re not going to also take this away from me, Sephiroth!” Genesis spat at Sephiroth, who was impressed at the level of venom the other injected in his words.

But, the silver-haired General was also confused at his friend’s words. “I’m not taking anything away from you.” Sephiroth had always heard Genesis’ complaints about him always taking the latter’s glory.

Truthfully, that had never been Sephiroth’s intention as he had only been following orders. Either way, Genesis always used to complain, though never to this extent and this intensity.

What had changed in his friend? Certainly years of knowing each other wouldn’t end so easily due to some fight that ended in the auburn-haired man’s injury, right? At least, that’s what Sephiroth thought, even if Genesis’ gloomy stare told him otherwise.

A Genesis who ironically chuckled. “No, of course you are not. You’re just trying to make my apprentice get expelled.”

“Apprentice?” Well, color Sephiroth surprised because Genesis would be the last person to get an apprentice. Even Sephiroth seemed more eager to get an apprentice, and the possibilities of that had always been zero. So, one could imagine just how unwilling Genesis had been at the idea of an apprentice.

Not believing the General’s act, Genesis continued his accusations. “Cadet Strife! I finally found someone who could improve the quality of SOLDIER and not just be a mindless brute swinging a huge sword, like you all do! And you want to expel him from the program!”

“I didn’t know.” Sephiroth frowned. And it was true. Last thing he knew, that cadet Strife was someone Angeal wanted, so how come Genesis was the one training him?

Genesis mocked gasp. “There’s something the mighty General doesn’t know! Since you’re not omnipotent, then undo this sh*t you made. The Director here is deaf to us common people.” Finished with what he had to say, he stormed out of the office.

Sephiroth was perplexed at the fight he just had. Genesis was fighting him over an unknown cadet. Sephiroth didn’t know how to react to that and almost missed Lazard’s question.

“Then, how will you proceed?”

“What’s the highest penalization apart from expulsion?” Sephiroth asked. He was not in charge of discipline, after all. That was Angeal’s job.

“Suspension with no pay.” Lazard immediately responded, then he eyed the distracted General. “What about cadet Strife?”

Sephiroth and Genesis had just fought for the cadet, so it was best to have his punishment clear. He might be SOLDIER’s Director, but sometimes he liked to sit back and let others take the decisions; of course, that only applied with the General and the Commanders.

That way, he wouldn’t be blamed by the President if something happened due to the First-Class SOLDIERs’ whims.

“I meant to suspend him, expel the other cadets.” Sephiroth stated.

Those cadets just sat back and enjoyed the show of one of their comrades fighting his life away with the Midgar Zolom. To make things worse, they didn’t even hide the malicious thoughts in their minds while putting all the blame on cadet Strife after Sephiroth appeared to stop a clear murder attempt.

Truthfully, he had wanted to be fair and expel them all.

A group of people who were too scheming, and an idiot person who fell for such an obvious scheme. None were needed in SOLDIER.

But, with Genesis behind cadet Strife, then he might as well make an exception on behalf of his friendship with the Red Commander. Even if that friendship seemed to be unraveling at the seams at a rapid pace.

“Investigate Staff Sgt. Pero, too.” He suggested at the SOLDIER Director.

The cadets might freeze due to inexperience, but it was a sin for a Staff Sergeant to do so. There were many corrupted people in Shinra, so Sephiroth could only do this much to help. He was no hero, but he also didn’t like it when those dirty people tried to harm his SOLDIERs, even if they were just trainees.

Leaving his orders, he also exited the room.

There was a cadet he had to look into.

To think a cadet would be the culprit of changing his most stubborn friend’s mind so much. It was worth knowing what skills the cadet possessed.


Now Sephiroth is also curious...

Next chapter: Genesis' temper tantrum.

Chapter 18: Midgar, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Genesis was so enraged he almost tore down his room’s door. He managed to restrain himself, and the door miraculously survived.

Inside the room, he found Cloud Strife curled on his sofa, a fuming Zack doing squats and mumbling about vicious cadets while Angeal tinkered in the kitchen, probably wanting to do some tea, or just cook something to let his anger simmer down.

They were all so riled up after hearing Cloud had almost died back on a simple mission. It hadn’t even been Cloud who told him but a Second-Class SOLDIER who was friends with Zack.

His idiot apprentice had not even protested, kicked up a fuss, or cursed Shinra for the unfair treatment!

And the root of it all was because some miserable cadets were jealous, envious, of Cloud’s talent.

To make things worse, Genesis did feel responsible for things to have reached that point. Only because he was too proud and thought himself better than Angeal who meddled in all of Zack’s affairs—like when Zack was also under the barrage of gossips, much like Cloud was.

His indifference to interfere almost made his apprentice die.

Wouldn’t that be a stain in his file? To let his own apprentice die when nobody under him did during missions?

His apprentice! His Cloud! The nerve!

Damn, Genesis was not up for some weak thing like tea, but for something stronger that would make him blackout and not wake up in the next few weeks. He didn’t want to deal with anything after the sh*tty check-up with Hollander. Especially not a case of his apprentice ‘not following orders’ and ‘endangering his comrades’.

The stinging pain from his shoulder didn’t help his need to burn something down.

Damn, that bastard! He cursed at Sephiroth, too, who couldn’t stop meddling into other people’s business. No, he was not grateful he had saved Cloud, because he then wanted to boot the teen out! The f*cking nerve!

“How’d it go?” Zack asked, stopping his exercise.

“Lazard’s a c*nt. So, we have to depend on how satisfied he is after being f*cked by the mighty General.” He spat, his voice full of irony and vitriol, especially when he mentioned the silver-haired man’s title.

“Genesis.” Angeal admonished his childhood friend for his vocabulary.

Genesis loudly exhaled to expel some of his tension and started to search his kitchen cabinets for that much needed drink. But all he got was a not so subtle cough from Angeal. Looking at his nagging friend, Genesis noticed the hulking man was making weird gestures: like pointing at Cloud Strife but not wanting to be so obvious.

Genesis rolled his eyes. Strife wasn’t even looking, rolled like a ball as he was. What was the use of all those actions? Still, the aurburn-haired Commander understood he had to say something to his downcast apprentice. Sighing once again, he forwent the drink and headed to the sofa, and to the ball of apprentice.

Even if the morrow if barren of promises. Nothing shall forestall my return.” He recited as he patted the wild but soft blonde tresses (now that he was touching, he realized it was a bit addictive and kept doing it).

He was asking Strife to pull himself together. Sulking would not help his case. And, if the teen was actually expelled from the SOLDIER program, then maybe he could become a Turk.

He had seen how close he was to that Legend guy.

As long as he stayed in Shinra, close to him...

“Am I going to be expelled?” Genesis pressed his lips as he heard the cadet’s tight voice. That was the obvious tell-tale that the boy had been crying, or wanted to cry.

The older man had to commend Cloud’s nice control of his emotions as his words didn’t break, but there was room for improvement. Genesis had already forgotten how he yelled at the SOLDIER Director and at Sephiroth just a while ago, with no control over his emotions whatsoever.

“Shinra isn’t the best out there, so you wouldn’t be losing too much…” He tried to comfort.

“Genesis!” This time not only Angeal but also Zack admonished him.

Cloud chuckled at Genesis’ misfortune, cerulean jewels peeking from folded arms. “I’m glad you’re not so depressed to make fun of me.” Genesis huffed, bopping his apprentice’s head.

“I wasn’t depressed.” Cloud said, rubbing the bopped spot. It hurt. Ignoring the others’ disbelieving gazes, the blonde continued, “I was just reviewing my fight with the Zolom.”

“Damn, Spike. If I were you, I wouldn’t be so eager to remember how I was almost killed by the Zolom.” Zack exclaimed, admiring the tiny cadet’s guts, and obviously following the blonde’s game.

Zack’s words were not a lie, though. Being SOLDIER was not a safe job, always brushing death when out on missions, but at least one willingly put themselves at risk for what they believed was right. What happened to Cloud was not the case.

“And that’s why I kick your ass in our spars.” Cloud replied with cheek, finally unfurling his body and even facing the taller young man. Zack sputtered as he could never get used to the blonde’s sudden savage remarks. It was so different from his stoic face.

It was refreshing in a way, and that’s why Zack really liked the cadet. Because Cloud was a no nonsense person who actually had some humor unlike his mentor, Angeal, who was all about honor. Which was good, but many times it was suffocating and too squared.

“You dare! Come then! No Materia!” The Second-Class SOLDIER challenged.

“Loser washes the other’s clothes!” Cloud said in retaliation.

Soon, the two young ones were gone to have a spar, not caring if their mentors agreed to it or not. Not that they minded if their apprentices sparred. It was good they took the initiative to hone their skills by helping each other as the mentors didn’t have that much free time lately.

“He’s doubting himself.” Angeal remarked, still hearing Zack and Cloud’s heated argument over their spar as the two walked down the hallway.

With the kiddos out, Genesis didn’t hold himself back any longer and did take out the strongest drink he had and served himself a big glass. “He had been struggling to keep his life against the Zolom; then, Sephiroth comes and easily disposes of the monster with one strike. Even I would doubt myself.” Genesis bitterly said.

It wasn’t that Genesis couldn’t defeat the Zolom in one strike as he knew that to save lives, it was best to act fast. However, while many celebrated Sephiroth’s strength, there were also the minority who would be intimidated, and even fear the General.

Why is someone this strong? What if he attacks me? Who can face the strongest SOLDIER? Genesis had heard various remarks about Sephiroth, and he knew Sephiroth was aware of them. But the General didn’t care. Genesis understood people’s concern, their fear, but at the same time he thought it was unfair.

If they didn’t want to be that helpless, then they should also become strong. In this way, even if they died in the face-off, others could say that they were brave enough to stand up and fight. And that’s what Cloud did. Once the cadet stopped whining about his weakness, he stood up and looked for more chances to get stronger.

Frankly, if Cloud continued wallowing in the pool of misery, then Genesis himself would expel the cadet. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case.

“He’ll be fine.” Genesis waved his hand to dismiss Angeal’s concern. It seemed that both mentor and mentee were fated to get their self-confidence mowed down by Sephiroth over and over. Displeased by his own thought, Genesis swept the bottle of liquor and chugged it.

The move, though, made him wince and hiss in pain.

“Your wound’s bleeding.” The black-haired man voiced out, smelling the coppery scent coming from Genesis. It had been a constant with Genesis since he got hurt in that spar with Sephiroth. “You should go to the Medical bay...”

“They are just going to give me painkillers and useless antibiotics.” Genesis commented, looking at the amber liquid in the bottle.

He didn’t want to tell Angeal that according to Hollander, the wound would never heal and would only get worse. That Genesis was basically degrading and that he would sooner or later lose his mind. So unfair. Genesis inwardly complained.

Why was it only him? Or would Angeal and Sephiroth become like him in the future?

Genesis only wanted to be a hero. And, maybe that was the reason why he took Cloud Strife as his apprentice.

To Cloud, Genesis was the ultimate hero.


Next Chapter: Genesis and Cloud go on a (not) date.

Chapter 19: Midgar, 0000


I seriously forgot about posting this chapter... Yesterday, while I was laying on my bed, I wondered if I had to update last week or this week... Turned out it was last week. LOL Sorry!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Cloud’s not getting expelled. However, he’s still suspended until further notice. While you have no missions and he’s off his training, you should spend more time with him.”

Rue the day Genesis decided to listen to Angeal.

That’s how the auburn-haired Commander ended up inviting Cloud to a new performance of LOVELESS. A new group was trying out new things and wanting to hit it big with a well-known title. Genesis was already expecting very subpar acting with lots of effects, but he was still attending.

As a LOVELESS connoisseur, it was a must.

It’s just…

“Why’s he taking so long?” He mused as he impatiently tapped his finger on his arm. Sensing his bad mood, those in the garage gave the commander a wide berth despite being curious as to why he had been standing beside a motorbike without moving for so long.

Finally, Cloud’s footsteps sounded down the hallway that connected the main building with the garage. When the short figure appeared, Genesis had to do a double take in case he was seeing the wrong person.

But no.

That person was Cloud.

A SOLDIER cadet’s uniform was almost the same as those from the Infantry bar the scarf and the helmet. In short, it was not flattering. Cloud’s uniform was always looser and baggier compared to the other cadets because he couldn’t fill up even the smallest uniform. And even if his features were handsome, bordering on gorgeous—in Genesis humble opinion—the uniform was a calamity towards that beauty.

It was a whole different story if Cloud used clothes that fit though.

It was Genesis’ first time seeing the teen in tight clothes—because he couldn’t recall that well what the blonde had been wearing that time in the theater.

The Cloud in front of him was wearing a high-collared sleeveless black shirt, tight leather pants, heeled boots, leather gauntlets and a clothe around his hips that looked similar to a skirt that flapped behind the blonde when walking. It was a new image of Genesis’ apprentice.

The teen was even wearing earrings! They were barely peeking under the untamed mane of blonde spikes.

Had his hair grown?

“Sorry for coming late.” The teen said as soon as he stopped in front of the commander.

The nervous voice took Genesis out of his stupor. Well, who would have thought this was hidden under that ugly cadet’s uniform. The man had given up at some point and accepted Cloud Strife was a very attractive teen, and that, more often than not, Genesis found himself staring.

“Do I look good?”

A very attractive teen with very dangerous feelings… Genesis reminded himself.

“Get on. We’re going to arrive late if we don’t hurry.” Ignoring the question, Genesis gestured at the motorbike as he made himself comfortable on the seat, turned on the engine and waited until he felt the negligible weight behind him and the arms that familiarly coiled around his waist. A very intimate position if someone asked him.

Cloud’s actions would definitely land him on the newspapers’ first page with some scandalous headline. Though, the Red Commander found he cared not for what others would think of him and Cloud and revved the engine, drifting the back wheel before driving into Midgar’s heavy traffic.

The lights flashed on their figures as Genesis sped through the streets. The arms around his waist coiled tighter and he suddenly felt the need slow down to make the person behind him more comfortable, but he threw those thoughts aside when he saw their destination on sight.

Maybe on the way back he could go slower so Cloud enjoyed Midgar’s night view.

That fleeting thought left as soon as it came to him when he stopped the motorbike. People were already entering the venue, meaning the play was about to begin. He patted at the arms that were still around him and turned his head to look at Cloud. “We’ve arrived.”

He heard the teen let out a big breath as if he had been holding it, and the arms slowly released their hold. Genesis took advantage of it and climbed down the motorbike. Cloud did the same, just slower, and as soon as his feet touched the ground, his knees buckled.

Luckily, Genesis reacted on time and caught the slim body that smelled of something fruity. It made the commander pause and deeply inhale the smell that wafted out from Cloud’s soft hair. He liked it.

As a person who loved to be clean, those sweaty and stinky SOLDIERs were the bane of Genesis’ existence. It was a nightmare whenever he had long missions as some SOLDIERs didn’t even had the decency to clean themselves for days. Days!

However, that had never been a problem whenever he sparred with Cloud; the teen never let out an unpleasant smell even he was sweating rivers.


“I’m fine now. You can let me go.” Cloud’s soft voice took Genesis out of his thoughts and did as told. The teen’s cheeks were painted a delicate red and he tried to look at anything but the Red Mage.

Genesis wanted to tease him, to make that slightly tanned skin boil red due to him, but his duty-bound heart reminded him they were there—late no less—for LOVELESS. “Let’s go then.” He whirled and strode into the venue, missing the disappointed eyes of the blond who silently followed him.

They didn’t arrive that late as they still had to wait some time before the play begun. And as usual, when the lights dimmed, Genesis immersed himself in what was happening in the scenario and ignored everything around him. Even that there was another person in the box next to him.

Used as he was to go to the theater alone, he almost sent a fireball to the person who dared to touch him—interrupt him—while he watched the over-produced play that lacked substance, essence. The only thing that salvaged the performance was the magnificent wardrobe.

It wasn’t until he found himself being stared by eyes as blue as the summer sky, he stopped himself from releasing the magic.

“I need to go to the bathroom.” The blond announced, halfway off his seat. Genesis waved his hand, wordlessly telling him to go. The teen did so while he went back to seeing the scene on the stage.

Strangely, he couldn’t focus on the play anymore once he was reminded Cloud was with him. He even started to daydream and imagined himself in the story he knew like the palm of his hands. Three warriors (Angeal, Sephiroth and him) going on a journey to look for the gift of the Goddess (Cloud).

The actress interpreting the Goddess matched with his imagination as she sported long and flowing blonde hair. It wasn’t the same tone as Cloud’s but it did make his mind conjure a long-haired Cloud casting divine magic to save the Planet.

Ethereal, beautiful and powerful Cloud who smiled at him and touched his cheek to thank him for his duty with the Planet. Lovely, divine and delicate Cloud who left a kiss on his forehead before falling into slumber once again.

Just when he started to come up with Cloud’s sleeping face, both laying together side by side in the same fluffy bed from the play, the teen himself returned. There was a mild smell of blood he hadn’t noticed before coming from Cloud.

Genesis quickly turned to look at Cloud and scanned the latter’s body. “Are you hurt?”

“Huh?” Cloud confusedly looked back at Genesis, who kept looking at the teen from head to toe but couldn’t discern if he had any injuries with the black clothes.

“You smell like blood. Are you hurt somewhere?” Genesis pressed. His apprentice had been injured and he hadn’t noticed. For shame! He did notice the stunned expression on the blond—who just widened his eyes, but Genesis was becoming an expert at reading the expressionless face—and knew he was right.

“No-I… um...” Cloud flustered and the dusty pink cheek exploded into red. “I don’t know…?” Somehow, that came out as a question.

Genesis rose an eyebrow; however, he didn’t pursue the matter as the teen didn’t seem to be trying to hide any injuries in his flustered state—and he tended to snitch himself like that. He had vowed to show more concern towards Cloud due to what happened before; but, it would be hypocritical if he pressed the teen to show him his injury when he was hiding one.

He slowly nodded and turned his head to the stage and the play to let the matter drop. After that episode, the two peacefully finished watching the play till the end.

The plan had been to watch LOVELESS and then go back to Shinra Tower. However, Genesis decided to also partake in dinner. He was hungry, anyway. When he shared his new plan with the teen, the latter just shyly smiled and nodded, agreeing.

Genesis thought that it might not have been a good idea after all. Would Cloud, in his smitten state, realize Genesis only took him out as his apprentice?

At most, it was a friends outing.

… Or was it?

It was actually very easy to get invested in Cloud. Cloud was easy to get along with, was relatively easy to please, and very rarely one could get bored around the cadet. Cloud just perfectly fitted in your life.

Genesis, at least, could see the invisible line of friendship blurring as he raptly watch Cloud eat and recount his life with his ‘Ma’ in Nibelheim; how Cloud would not be allowed to play with the other kids who snubbed him; the brittle friendship he had established with some Tifa girl; the way the family of two were coldly treated by the townspeople.

It awoke a furious need to protect this fluffy Chocobo chick—how Zack liked to call Cloud—and burn down the whole village for Cloud. Cloud, however, didn’t see the need as he was just relieved his Ma was no longer there.

“Where does she live now?” Genesis asked. He had read Cloud was from Nibelheim, but there was no other place of residence, which had to be written down. It was all so Shinra could control you in case you wanted to rebel. Only then, they would have a leverage of, for example, your family against you. Genesis knew about it.

“Cosmo Canyon. Very south from Nibelheim.” Cloud bit his lower lip and hesitated to speak further. “Don’t tell anyone. Legend told me to not divulge family information that easily.” The teen softly said.

“Legend… The Turk?” Genesis remembered the orange-haired man. His actions were more of a dandy than a Turk. Though, that was the whole point of it: to blend in and not be identified as a Turk. He also remembered how the man had lost his temper in Wutai about someone. Was that someone Cloud? That begged the question: “Is Legend your father?”

It was a legit question since Turks truly hid everything about their personal lives. He had heard the Turk’s Director: Veld, had a wife and daughter. It’s just that nobody knew who they were.

Though, judging from Cloud’s grimace—frown—then it might not be the case. “He wished.” The blonde mutinously whispered. Right, so, maybe not biological father. Genesis dropped the topic and went back to his meal.

All in all, it had been a pleasant dinner with the teen.

On the way back, the Red Commander did slow down considerably and allowed his passenger to watch the night view of Midgar, full of color and bustling with people. The man, though, would have liked for the blonde to not lean his cheek on his back. The arms had been enough. It was too intimate and led to some actions Genesis didn’t think Cloud was ready for.

However, Genesis just sighed and let the teen do whatever he wanted.

It was the least he could do before…

“Thanks for everything.” Cloud’s soft voice once again took Genesis out of his thoughts. It was the second time that night. He hadn’t even registered they were already back at Shinra.

Genesis looked down at the teen who stood in front of his room’s door. Other cadets should be sharing with him, but after the expulsion of the squad, which included Cloud’s roommates, then the teen was left alone in the room.

Cloud’s shy eyes, blushing cheeks and soft voice reminded Genesis of the very few times he had dated women when he was younger and curious. He would escort them to their house, charmingly smiling and throwing flirting lines they would take in stride. Then, his date would ask him to come into the apartment to stay the night. He had accepted a couple of times; doing more than just sleeping, obviously.

“Do you want to come in?” Genesis’ mind screeched to a halt at those words. He hadn’t started flirting yet! No! Wait! That wasn’t it! What was Cloud trying to achieve telling him that?!

“Goodnight, Cloud.” It was better to dash the teen’s hopes. No matter how attractive and interesting the teen was, Genesis didn’t want to cross that line. Not with such an innocent Cloud, not when he couldn’t give the teen what he wanted. Even if he also...

“Genesis, I-” Cloud opened those pink lips and tried to say what Genesis was desperately running away from.

“I will go out on a mission tomorrow and I don’t know how long it will last. So, we will have to pause our training.” Genesis cut the teen off. He wasn’t coming up with a lie to not let the blonde speak though. He did have a mission. “Goodnight, Cloud. Don’t forget to train your katas. Spar with Zack if possible. Angeal might help, too.” And with those last instructions, he turned to leave.

Still, why did Genesis feel those words were like parting words?

He was sure, though, that Cloud’s suppressed sob that echoed in the hallway as Genesis walked away would haunt him for the rest of his days.

And those had indeed become his parting words to his beloved apprentice.


Next Chapter: Cloud becomes a Third-Class SOLDIER and makes a great discovery.

Chapter 20: Midgar, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Does it hurt?” A soft voice asked as fingers carded the soft blonde hair.

Cloud hummed and enjoyed the lap she used as a pillow, the smell of flowers that drifted in the air, and the dexterous fingers that almost made her fall asleep.

Thanks to the Director’s suspension, Cloud had more ‘free time’ in her hands.

She had used that time to train like crazy and forget about her broken heart as Genesis all but rejected her a few days ago in that ‘date’. He had been gentle, by not letting her voice out her feelings but it still hurt. Badly.

Besides drowning in fighting simulations—she had had to beg Zack to allow her the use of the simulation rooms because she had no clearance—she also spent more time with Aerith in the slums.

More than once, she had also sensed the Turks lurking around the area. And when asked, Legend said it had to do with Aerith’s special status as a Cetra. Although Legend hadn’t wanted to explain what a Cetra was, Cloud could guess that Aerith was a very special girl, what with her ability to willingly enter the Lifestream, unlike Cloud who could only do it when exposed to high quantities of Mako.

However, being suspended didn’t mean Cloud could skip her tests to finally and officially become a SOLDIER, and get her first Mako shots. Apparently, Mako showers were used only as a tolerance test and the shots were the real deal.

To her surprise, though, General Sephiroth was the one who had appealed her case and allowed her to do all the procedures to be promoted to Third Class when she wouldn’t be able to in her suspended status. Meaning, she would not receive any pay and had no right to Mako shots or examinations.

Suspension was more like detention if someone asked Cloud.

And Sephiroth’s appeal had come immediately after he saw her spar with Zack once.

Of course, once the spar was over, he made himself known in the training room with great momentum and instantly started correcting all of Cloud’s wrong postures, katas and bad habits, not even once mentioning what she was doing right. After all, if she could keep up with Zack, it meant she wasn’t so bad, right? A Zack that was praised for his great improvement in his fighting style.

Cloud was definitely not salty for not receiving any praises, but she surely didn’t take his suggestions to heart until her mentoring with Angeal, who basically told her the same corrections but with added techniques and appropriate suggestions for her fighting style. Angeal did say it was information relayed by Genesis as the man was still stuck in his Wutai mission.

As expected, only Genesis knows best! She gushed while despising Sephiroth for not being thorough in his teachings. She didn’t even know what the General was trying to do. When she told Angeal about Sephiroth’s suggestions, the other commander was stumped. The suggestions, Angeal had said, were good, but it would change Cloud’s style. Not completely, but instead of a style to fight monsters, it was to wage war.

Angeal had been adamant on Cloud to not follow those suggestions as Cloud had no need to learn how to fight people. At least not yet. Cloud obediently nodded, but still remembered the pointers. Just in case.

But Cloud had to acknowledge the General was a fair person when she also discovered all the other cadets from her squad were expelled and even Staff Sergeant Pero was fired after the Zolom incident due to his orders.

Since Cloud was a victim, a stupid victim at that—because Sephiroth said he also had expected for her to realize it was all a trap—,she only got a ‘mild punishment’ and her chance to be promoted to Third Class SOLDIER.

So, while suspended, she received her Mako shots.

And it seemed it was a doses with a higher concentration because all the other cadets squirmed on the floor, screaming bloody murder out of pain, while Cloud just escaped to the white world where Aerith seemed to be waiting.

“Not really.” Cloud answered the older girl’s question. It really didn’t hurt. Or maybe her body was out there writhing in agony while her mind was resting there. She didn’t know

“The Planet isn’t happy that you enter this place with Jenova’s cells within you.” Aerith commented.

And what a surprise that had been!

Thanks to Aerith’s training, she could hear and communicate with the Lifestream better than before. So, the voices had told Aerith as soon as she met Cloud in the white world that the blonde reeked of the Calamity. After a bit of analysis from the two girls, they came to the conclusion that those Mako shots were just a mix of Mako—the Lifestream’s blood—and Jenova’s cells.

The reason others suffered was because the Lifestream and Jenova cells fought each other inside their bodies to get rid of the other. It was unknown which of the two would win in the SOLDIERs’ body; but at least in Cloud, who had a high concentration of Mako inside her, Jenova cells would easily be destroyed. She just had the added bonus of disconnecting from her body through the process.

The Planet even used her as a medium to see what was happening in the surface world and announce the destruction of the Calamity. Hence Cloud’s mumbled words during her Mako shower. Cloud guessed that was the Planet venting out its displeasure of her entering the white pure world carrying the filth that was Jenova.

“At least we now know Shinra has Jenova, or the body, and they are using her to create SOLDIERs” Cloud said, holding Aerith’s hand to stop her actions. She wasn’t sure how to feel about having the cells of a being that was called the Calamity inside her. Truthfully, she didn’t want to think about it.

Because that also meant Genesis, Angeal, Zack and all the other SOLDIERs were carrying the cells of an alien inside them. Which greatly repulsed her.

Aerith nodded, her face turning serious. “Are you going to investigate where it is exactly?” She stared at Cloud’s small but strong body and her heart squeezed strangely. Suddenly, she felt the connection between the two was fading, meaning that Cloud was about to wake up from her Mako coma.

“I’ll ask Legend about it. If he doesn’t want to tell me, then I’ll ask another Turk.” Like Reno, she had wanted to say, but her time was up and her eyes opened to find herself in a room in Medical.

The lights were off but she could clearly see everything around her: the metallic walls, the row of beds around, and the bodies laying on said beds. She could also clearly hear the soft snores or breathing from the cadets that became Third-Class SOLDIERs together with her. Even the noises from the farthest person in the room. Her body felt a bit sluggish, but she knew she had been enhanced again.

She also smelled the sweat permeating her body. She scrunched her face when she felt the bad odor coming out from her, and guessed that was the Calamity’s cells that were secreted out of her body in the form of stinky sweat.

That’s why she decided to take a shower. Luckily, all the rooms in the Medical bay had a shower connected to them. Taking advantage of her sleeping colleagues, she tiptoed towards the bathroom, took off the smelly robe she had been wearing and jumped into a stall, letting warm water spray over her dainty body.

Sephiroth had had a few strange days.

Since his fight with Genesis in Lazard’s office, the redhead commander ignored him completely. Which wasn’t that much different from the cold shoulder after that spar. Angeal apologized in Genesis’ stead but also wasn’t as close to the General as before. Zack was the same as always, which kind of… relieved him. But he also chattered too much about cadet Strife.

If Sephiroth had to guess, then the commanders were angry at him for almost expelling the cadet.

Seen from the point of view of a General, what he did was the correct procedure according to Shinra’s rules based on the reckless behavior of the cadet. It didn’t matter if it was a scheme. But if seen from the point of view of a friend, he acquiesced that he had been… hasty in his actions.

His friends’ attitude, though, just made him more interested in this Cloud Strife.

What was so special about him that Genesis, Angeal and Zack were charmed to the point of arguing with Sephiroth, a friend of long years? Though, he still wasn’t sure he had reached the point of friendship with Zack Fair despite the friendliness from the Second-Class. But that was beside the point!

When he heard cadet Strife and Zack sparred constantly, he decided to take a look at those spars and judge for himself. Sephiroth remembered the cadet’s atrocious fight back in the mountainous area around Midgar. That’s why he expected for the blonde to be swept on the floor by Second-Class Fair—he was a cadet, after all.

But when he saw the two spar, Cloud Strife mocked his expectations.

Although not totally on par with Zack—of course the Second-Class was holding back-, cadet Strife could very well stand his own and come out relatively unscathed. He looked more tired at the end, but that was normal as a Second-Class SOLDIER was more enhanced; therefore, Zack had more strength and was faster.

Moreover, Sephiroth could instantly identify the mistakes in the blonde’s posture, and what he could have done to not get in the pinches he always ended up in due to those mistakes. Despite that, it seemed the teen naturally recognized his bad moves, or a bad decision while attacking, and swiftly covered them up with some unexpected move that came from his flexible body.

Cloud Strife was so unlike a SOLDIER: all buff and potent muscles wielding a huge broadsword; he was more like a Turk with his fighting style: unconventional and unpredictable. The cadet used two swords, at that. Moreover, the timely use of Materia also helped the cadet make up for his dreadful mistakes. And Materia had always been Zack’s flaky point, so Strife took advantage of it.

Sephiroth finally realized why Angeal and Genesis were invested in the teen. If very well polished, Strife could be on par with Genesis, and be even stronger than Angeal—who was the ‘weaker’ of the three.

Excitement filled Sephiroth when he wondered if Strife could be on par with him. Something he secretly longed for: to have a peer, someone who could push his limits, who wouldn’t easily break while sparring with him. He liked sparring with Angeal and Genesis, but he felt no thrill, no pressure, not a single sign that could tell him they could be his opponents.

Hojo had made sure that would never happen.

[You are unique, my son.]

The doctor often told Sephiroth that he was perfect. ‘My greatest creation’ the man often rambled while prodding Sephiroth’s body to make sure he was always at his peak. Hojo had claimed nobody could beat him; that he was short of a god. And it had been like that for almost 21 years.

Although it was very reassuring that he would never lose even to the smallest monster, it was boring to be on top. Lonely. Was there something more thrilling than being the strongest? He hadn’t found an answer to that question since the moment it appeared.

Would Strife’s arrival change that?

[No one can change what you are.]

“If you cannot stand the pressure from a broadsword, or from someone stronger, change the way you grip your swords. Don’t try to overpower your opponent, you’re not made for that. You overthink things, too. Let the flow of the battle take you with it. Don’t always use the same magic despite your efficiency in it...”

Once the two had finished their spar, Sephiroth had approached them and immediately pointed out the cadet’s most glaring mistakes. Rambling on and on about all the changes Strife needed to make in his fighting style to be on par with the General. To defeat him. He was blinded by that train of thought, that’s why he wasn’t aware of Cloud’s displeasure or Zack’s surprise.

Built as a weapon and not a human, Sephiroth wouldn’t care for their reactions either way.

“If you can also improve your stances, make them more yours than the default maneuver, then...” Then, I won’t be able to anticipate any of the random attacks. A tender and small thread of hope and expectation bloomed in his mind and heart.

“Woah! Seph! You’re overwhelming Cloud.” Zack said, never seeing the General so eager to teach… or eager about anything, actually. Although it was a pleasant surprise, Zack didn’t think Cloud was ready to face this eager General Sephiroth. Not with what he guessed was Cloud dislike for the General for whatever reason.

Sephiroth looked at the cadet’s blank look and very much doubted Zack’s observation. The cadet stood there at attention, with no other expression on his face. Zack still wasn’t reliable. And it’s not as if Sephiroth ever cared for Angeal’s student opinion, anyway. He would be even gracious enough to let slip Zack’s lack of respect.

Seph? Who was that?

“Don’t try to teach him anything, Fair. Although you have nothing else to learn from Angeal, you’re still not ready to instruct others. Especially not someone with Strife’s style.”

With those final suggestions, he left the sparring room. The silver-haired man was so excited about the newly-found prospect: to be defeated, to not be a monster anymore, to prove Hojo wrong, that he also asked Lazard to allow Strife to do his tests for Third-Class SOLDIER even if he was suspended.

[No one can be stronger.]

Lazard had been skeptical at first, but once Cloud Strife’s test results came out, then there was nothing he could say for bending the rules a bit. Strife was obviously the best cadet in this batch, he passed all his tests with flying colors. Only the Mako shots were missing to officially brand the blonde as a Third-Class SOLDIER.

Sephiroth was even present for the cadets’ Mako shots, behind an observation screen, days later. And once again, Strife exceeded his expectations. Instead of crawling on the floor, screaming like a dying animal like the others, he stood there as if there was nothing wrong with the Mako shots.

Just like Sephiroth whenever he got his enhancement shots.

Like an equal.

[You have no peers. You only have me.]

But then, something strange happened.

All the other cadets were taken away once the procedure was done, leaving Strife alone in the Mako room. No doctor approached him. Neither Angeal, nor Genesis were in Shinra as the two were away in missions. So, Sephiroth decided to ask the doctors about the situation. He was told that the doctors in Junon had left some notes in the cadet’s file to not move him after Mako showers or shots.

[You are mine.]

When asked why, the doctor had no actual response. Just that Cloud Strife could not be moved by anyone and to wait for him to wake up naturally. It was a phenomenon worth of Hojo putting his filthy claws on. But Sephiroth didn’t want Hojo to get involved, he wanted Strife to be his experiment alone.

He’s mine…

[You are MY child. MINE!]

Approaching Strife to take him to the Medical room, Sephiroth could hear a voice that before he thought was just some menial buzz from being around the medical machinery. It broke in between words, but he did understand the word ‘mine’. Of course Strife’s mine, he thought. At that moment, he forgot all about Genesis, about Angeal, about Zack… He only had Strife in front of him. Only him. His…


Long fingers stretched and grasped the blonde’s shoulders…





Sephiroth almost blacked out as angry voices reverberated in his whole being. He pulled back and saw the brightest blue he had ever seen in his life. So full of vitality, sparkling like jewels found in the deepest part of the sea, ready to be unearthed. Set over a peachy sheet of satin, where a shaped peak peeked above rosy petals of a young flower, waiting its right time to bloom.

“Mine.” He whispered as his hand once again stretched towards the blonde, hand that was caught in mid-air.

“Sorry, General, the kid’s mother would kill me if something happened to her precious child.” A man dressed in the common uniform of a Turk, with orange hair and wearing sunglasses said. Sephiroth knew the man: he had given the information needed to assess a huge blow to the Wutaian army. Legend, was it?

The First-Class SOLDIER said nothing and only watched as Cloud Strife was taken away. He noticed the man was very protective of Strife, as if guarding him from whatever the General might do. Sephiroth smirked, considering the man’s efforts futile, unnecessary.

Strife was his.

If Sephiroth had had his usual mindset, he would have noticed something wrong with his sudden obsession. But after touching Strife, and hearing that voice, everything changed in him. The pieces for fate’s puzzle were fitting each other, slowly but surely.

And because of that obsession, he stood right in front of the bathroom’s door, inside the medical room where Cloud Strife and others were resting.

Strife was not on his bed when the General entered the room, but there was the sound of the shower running. So, it was obvious where the teen was. Driven by his fascination, he opened the door and received yet another shock from Cloud Strife after seeing his… her naked body.


Next chapter: Things spiral down into many strange ways for Cloud.

Chapter 21: Midgar, 0000


I'm not sure if i had to post this week or the next. Either way, this should be the last chapter of the year. Next chapter will be posted on the first week of January.

With that said, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Thanks for the support this fic got this year! We're almost done with it! After this chapter everything goes a bit fast. And next year, I hope to start and finish the rest of the fics for the LOVELESS series, one fic per act.

So, now it's the Prologue. Then, the order will be:
Act I: The Wandering Soul Knows No Rest
Act II: Dreams of the Morrow Hath the Shattered Soul
Act III: Even If the Morrow is Barren of Promises...
Act IV: Legend Shall Speak of Sacrifice at World's End
Act V: ... Nothing Shall Forestall my Return

So, yeah, we have a long series coming :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The visual shock of seeing a female body in what seemed to be an ‘only men’ place dispelled Sephiroth’s strange compulsion, and he took a good look at Strife’s body. To make sure his eyes were not actually deceiving him. But no, there he… she was, with all the parts many women in Midgar liked to flaunt for everybody to see.

Especially in the Slums.

Truthfully, it was a poorly developed body for a woman her age (How old is Strife?). No curves and only lean muscle adorning it. Sephiroth sincerely couldn’t have identified the strongest cadet in Shinra as a woman with how plain her body was. If it wasn’t because there was no other thing dangling between her legs, then Sephiroth would have died believing Strife was a man.

“You saw?” Strife… she asked, tightening the grip on the towel she had moments ago discarded and then rapidly fished as soon as he entered the showers.

Such was the shock of discovering her real gender that Sephiroth’s mindset returned to normal. Or as morally normal as he could be since he still refused to abandon the shower room he had even entered without knocking.

Why had he done that?

He had never acted so invasive with Angeal or Genesis despite knowing them for long years. He knew he would hate it if others intruded in his privacy, that’s why he never intruded in others’. Especially in the showers where one was at the most vulnerable, according to his friends. Sephiroth never thought being naked was a disadvantage. Thing that was somewhat rectified thanks to Angeal’s nagging on what was honorable and what was not.

However, his moral compass went askew yet again when he suddenly became curious of how a woman was able to become a SOLDIER.

According to Hojo, the female body was too different from the male one and the responses of those bodies after Mako showers or Mako shots were not what the doctor was looking for. Most likely, those women he got the data from died or became experiments for the disheveled doctor.

But, here a woman was. Enhanced and just turned into a Third-Class SOLDIER.

Sephiroth was intrigued. So, he stayed.

“I saw.” He replied; it would be rude if he didn’t.

Her expression remained stoic, but he could see the panic in her eyes. Why had he thought it was difficult to read Strife? She was so expressive. So delicious. He hadn’t had this kind of fun after such a long time. It was like teasing a… friend. Angeal and Genesis were too used to him, so their reactions were more subdued.

Moments passed with none of them moving or saying anything. It was a battle of wits, to see who would break the silence first.

Sephiroth had nothing to lose here; though he still made sure the door behind him was closed. He was sure most people in Shinra were unaware of Cloud Strife’s real gender. Was it a secret? How could the doctors label her as male? Had the Turks helped? That guy with orange hair seemed to be helping Strife. The files labeled her as male, so probably the doctors had somehow never noticed.

Therefore, it meant that apart from that man—and maybe the Turks—Sephiroth was the only one who knew her gender. Who knew her secret. How thrilling…

“Then, what are you going to do, General Sephiroth, sir?” She asked, and after going through a myriad of expressions in her eyes, she decided for a bored one.

She clearly was no longer able to stand the pressure of his gaze—piercing and commanding many had deemed it-, but instead of cowering like many did, she instead was able to make him uncomfortable by dropping the towel that had been covering her, and started to change.

Sephiroth had no experience with women and was never interested in them, but the influence his friends had on him regarding their view of the opposite gender, made him aware of Strife’s female body. Though, in all honesty, Strife’s body was way below the beauty standards publicized in Midgar that showed the bombastic figure of a woman with big breasts and booty.

Strife, instead, had no such appeal.

Nevertheless, it was fine because Sephiroth had never been interested in her body, but in her prowess and potential as a SOLDIER.

“What would you like me to do, Third Class SOLDIER, Cloud Strife?” He asked in return with a nonchalant pose and voice. So Strife was a woman, a strong woman, what then? He had no issue in keeping her secret as long as she climbed up the SOLDIER ladder and became his equal. That had always and would always be his goal regardless of her gender.

Bright blue clashed against bright green again as she seemed to mull about his question.

“Could you please move away? I want to go back to sleep.” Right. Sephiroth wasn’t expecting that.

Threats, pleading, a negotiation… all those were options in his mind. Heck, he even expected some begging. Not for him to be disregarded and asked to give way so she could go back to bed as if nothing happened in the showers room—though nothing happened.

She acted as if Sephiroth had no power over her. And, it seemed Strife truly believed so, seeing her nonchalant attitude. It even made Sephiroth doubt.

So, the state of undress of a body was truly no disadvantage after all. Were Genesis and Angeal wrong? Or was Cloud Strife just like him? He scanned her countenance and considered that the second option was more viable. She wasn’t showing that forced bored expression from before. It was actual disinterest in knowing what Sephiroth would do about her secret.

Strife would never stop surprising him.

“Are you not afraid that I would divulge your secret?” He curiously asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. “It was never a secret. Just a mistake. Besides, I’ve never heard of Shinra letting one of their SOLDIERs go.”

Oh, she was good. Definitely trained by that Turk.

She was clearly washing her hands from the gender matter, as she had never tried to hide it. It was all a mistake from Medical. Which, Sephiroth wondered how it went undetected for this long. She was also right by saying Shinra would never ever fire SOLDIERs. They either became experiments or died in battle. If Sephiroth unveiled her real gender, she would surely go straight to the labs.

With Hojo…

Death was a better option if someone asked him.

“Why did you become a SOLDIER?” Time to change topic as he considered the previous one was over. He couldn’t follow it up, anyway. Though, this time, it was Strife who didn’t want to follow up the conversation.

“I wanted to. Goodnight, General.” She bid her farewells and walked past Sephiroth who didn’t stop her. He only watched as she returned to her bed, wrapped herself in the quilt and pretended to go back to sleep.

Since there was nothing left for him to do, he exited Medical and returned to his own room.

“Yo, blondie! I heard the General’s keeping a close eye on ya! What did’ya do, kid? Spill it!”

Weeks after Cloud became a Third-Class SOLDIER, not only the great General Sephiroth had discovered her real gender, the man had even turned into a creep and kept pestering her, constantly asking for the reason why she joined SOLDIER.

To put the cherry on the cake, he wasn’t the only one that knew of her gender!


The Turks had long known about it according to Legend since he told them, for some reason.

The Turks, however, didn’t expose the matter as Cloud had suspected they would do. They had done nothing before that information. She wasn’t taken to those famous, or infamous, interrogation rooms either. It looked as if the matter of a female SOLDIER was not interesting enough to them. So, once again, Legend had done something for her to be left alone.

Which Cloud was thankful for, so she would give the man the green light with her Ma.

If she ever saw him.

He had disappeared since her Mako shots.

Now a Third-Class SOLDIER, she seemingly got the Turks to cover up her identity in exchange for juicy gossip. As if they didn’t know everything already. Maybe asking her about Sephiroth meant the Turks couldn’t do any spying on him, or were just a bored bunch who wanted to get a story for the club.

Yes, she was aware of those. She was a proud member of the Red Leather club after all! How could she not? From the club, she even got pictures of Genesis when he was starting his career as a SOLDIER!

But, back to topic...

Missions being an official SOLDIER didn’t differ too much from what she did while being a cadet. The only difference was that once she became a Third-Class SOLDIER, she got a rank: Sergeant, and she could be deployed with a team of 4 infantrymen. However, she could barely play her role as a Sergeant because she was more often than not doing missions with the Turks.

It wasn’t that bad as she only had to accompany them and get rid of any monster that crossed their path as the guys did their job. Which, according to Cloud, was just taking a quick look at stuff and then leaving. She was never told what they were supposed to do, as her mission was to act as a bodyguard of sorts.

And, of course, being the target of their gossip.

“You must’ve killed his Bahamut pet to haunt you like that.” A woman with dirty blonde hair tied in a high ponytail code-named Shotgun looked at Cloud in wonder.

Cloud wondered if having a Bahamut as pet was normal. Cloud also wondered why they never thought the General might have fallen at first sight for… Right, no. She also wasn’t able to believe that. Therefore, she refused to respond because she herself didn’t know the answer.

A serious middle-aged man with the code-name Martial Arts stood up from his crouched position. Cloud saw that he was the only one actually doing something in this abandoned warehouse in Sector 2, which was a relief. The mission and gossip would end soon.

However, when he next opened his mouth, Cloud lost all faith in him. “Sephiroth must have learned Strife is an adult magazines’ dealer.” Although he was just making an assumption, his eyes were hopeful.

He was a girl, for Gaia’s sake! How could she be inclined to…

No, wait, if there was an issue of Genesis’ wonderful body, she would definitely buy it!

But, back to topic…

Cloud finally realized they were trying to dig if Sephiroth knew about her gender, and if that was the reason why he was so… unusual lately. The man had really been tight-lipped about it if the Turks couldn’t pull out that information from him, which came as a bit of a surprise. What did it mean if the General kept her secret? Did he have some plan?

“Geh! Go to sleep you perverted old man!” Shotgun grimaced at the older man’s words and kicked Martial Arts away, sending him to a puddle of nasty water. Cloud was taken out of her musings by the display.

“What can a flat board like you know about the beauty of a round body!” Martial Arts passionately declared, earning Shotgun’s ire who gifted the man a series of kicks while spouting some colorful vocabulary that would put even those street rats from the Slums to shame.

Cloud was also annoyed by the man’s comment—she was a flat board, too—but her desire to finish the mission was stronger. “You almost done?” She asked Reno, the one in charge of the mission; though he looked more focused in the beating Shotgun was giving Martial Arts.

Reno had made fun of her for not being ‘womanly’ enough since he hadn’t noticed that first time they met. It had been a constant remark from him since the first mission they teamed up. Fortunately, Rude had just given her one glance and never commented about the matter. In that regard, Shotgun and Martial Arts—who she was working with for the first time—had more tact.

“Don’t be a killjoy.” Reno waved his hand to dismiss the short SOLDIER. It was a fortune Shinra didn’t mind too much about a SOLDIER’s height. If not, this blondie would never pass, as neither a man nor a woman. He mused as he eyed his partner, Rude, coming back from wherever he had disappeared to.

“Gone. It’s been a few days.” The bald man reported. His words stopped the ruckus between Shotgun and Martial Arts.

“Although the initial report was very vague, it all points out that it used to be a secret lab.” Shotgun added. None of her previous anger showed on her stoic face.

“Well, either whatever they were doing here was a complete success or all the failures were fed to the monsters.” Martial Arts said, taking off his jacket to shake off the dirty water on it.

“No other leads?” Reno asked with a frown. The atmosphere got serious too quickly that Cloud couldn’t follow up. Thankfully, her paralyzed face showed nothing of her confusion.

“None.” Shotgun denied.

Just when Reno was about to give some orders, a Barrier appeared beside him, stopping the Firaga he didn’t detect. The other Turks got in position to fight, but someone was faster than them and was already engaging with the hidden opponent.

Cloud thought it was fortunate she had been standing beside Reno, making the Reflect Ring erect a barrier, saving the both of them. She instantly reacted and faced the helmeted enemy. The person was using a long sword and their clothes were conspicuously familiar, but Cloud had no time to think about the person’s attire as she was too busy dodging the enemy’s sword.

The person was stronger and faster than Cloud, but she had many tricks up her sleeve. Like, casting Stop so the person would pause for a second. Stop didn’t always work on those stronger than her but it wasn’t like she needed the magic to completely stop the opponent’s movements. A second was enough. A second she used to turn the tables.

She stabbed one of her short swords in the person’s stomach, being careful of not hitting any vital point; the other short sword was then embedded onto a shoulder as Cloud toppled the taller body and pressed the neck with her foot to incapacitate them. When working with the Turks, she had learned to always let a person live while getting rid of the monsters.

“Good job, Cloud!” Reno praised, clapping her small shoulders. “Now, let’s see who’s so bold to face the Turks.” He sneered and took off the helmet, revealing a face that shocked everybody.

“It can’t be.” Cloud gasped. She felt her world turn upside down, her blood went cold and her legs shook. Why’s Genesis face under the helmet?! She hysterically cried out in her mind.

“Guess we got our lead.” Martial Arts whispered. The silence was very deafening that his words were too loud for Cloud, more so the sudden ringing of Reno’s phone.

She didn’t pay much attention to what the red-headed Turk spoke on the phone, too focused on her mentor’s face, body, clothes… Wait a minute. She noticed the clothes were not the usual ones Genesis wore. As the object of her affection, Cloud knew everything about the First-Class SOLDIER, even his wardrobe. Now that the shock had worn off, she saw another difference: it was not Genesis’ body.

The face was the same as the man known as the Red Mage, but the shape of the head was different, the body was different, the clothes were different. And the way he fought was also different. This guy laying in front of her was indeed stronger, but not as strong as the real Genesis who would never fall for her small tricks.

That still didn’t clear up the mystery of this copy of Genesis. Who was he?

“We gotta return to HQ ASAP.” After snapping his phone shut, Reno barked the orders. “Genesis Rhapsodos is leading an insurgency; asking all the SOLDIERs to defect with him.” He replied to the other Turks’ silent question.

It seemed it was too soon for Cloud to feel relieved.

She distractedly helped the Turks load the Genesis-copy’s body into the van, and then they headed to Shinra with Reno at the wheel. Her leg jumped as she waited, betraying the anxiety she felt at not knowing the situation. She even forgot all about her motion sickness.

Just the thought of Genesis becoming a traitor was enough to nauseate her.

Why was her mentor doing this? What would he achieve with it? Was he doing it on his own volition or being threatened to do it? But, would someone be able to force him? Why now? Why not later when Cloud could become stronger, and would be able to help him? And why didn’t he tell her, dammit!? He didn’t trust her with his plans?

The fact was that he might have never trusted her with anything.

The truth came to her as strong as being horned by a dragon.

She claimed she knew everything about her crush, her love, yet she actually knew nothing about Genesis.

As her mind spiraled into a bog of negative thoughts, the van arrived at Shinra’s burning main entrance. Troops of infantrymen tried to suffocate the fire. But Cloud cared not about it. She had caught sight of a SOLDIER running down some alley, and she immediately followed. Luckily, SOLDIERs were never trained to escape through narrow and labyrinth-like alleys, so she was able to never lose sight of the person.

According to the direction, the person was going to the station, probably to take the tube. She thought of a shortcut she learned from Aerith to intercept the guy, but before she could implement her plan, a figure stopped her.

“When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end...”

“Genesis.” Cloud choked out. The clothes, the shape of the body, the face, everything pointed out to her mentor. However, what was with the black wing coming out from his left side? His hair was not as lustrous as before. Moreover, his face was a bit emaciated.

“Say it again. Say my name, Cloud.” The man whispered, his gloved fingers rubbing the blonde’s cheeks, ghosting over her lips.

“Genesis… why…?” She asked, even when her throat felt so tight she couldn’t even formulate the question she wanted to ask: why are you leaving me behind?

“Quietly but surely.” He recited, sealing his words with a kiss, then he disappeared.


Next Chapter: Genesis' thoughts.

Chapter 22: Midgar, 0000


This is a very short chapter. It was supposed to go together with the next chapter, but I felt that it needed to go alone. Could I have made it longer? Yes, but it would be redundant.

Hope you enjoy it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You are a failure. According to Hojo’s data, you and Hewley cannot produce the results he was looking for. That’s why he threw you away as soon as he saw that your wound was not healing.”


“It’s called Degradation. Your cells are deteriorating at a fast pace and cannot hold Jenova's cells anymore. They are killing you. Slowly.”

“How long do I have?”

“Oh. I thought you would be angrier at the fact that you will die. Maybe you won’t behave the same if I tell you why you’re not the best. Why you’re not the hero of this story. Why Sephiroth is better...”

“Answer the damn question!!”

It’s unfair.

I wanted...

For you, I...

“Days. Weeks at most. I can help you, though. I can cure you. I want to prove Hojo you are not a failure! Project G is not a failure!”

No. I already failed.

At the only thing I promised to do well.

I failed you.

“How much more time can you give me? And what do I have to do?”

“Why are you suddenly so cooperative? Well, doesn’t matter. There’s something I need you to get from Hojo’s lab. I also need some ‘helpers’.”

“Who and how many?”

“As many SOLDIERs as you can get.”

“What do you need from Hojo’s lab?”

“Place this in the man’s lab’s mainframe, and it will copy the information I need.”

What will you think of me?

“Done. Remember that I can kill you if this doesn’t work.”

What will you say if I tell you I will die, Cloud?

What will you do, Cloud?

“Behold my brothers! This is what you’ll become if you stay in Shinra, if you keep believing in their lies! Monsters! Aberrations! You’ll become puppets led by an alien creature that’s invading your body! It’s corrupting you. Devouring you!”

What will you think when you see me like this Cloud?

Will you hate me, Cloud?

Will your eyes not sparkle anymore when you see this deformity, Cloud?

“What madness is this, Genesis?”

“Rejoice, Sephiroth. You can be the hero, after all. The fates and the Goddess have chosen you...”


“...Is Cloud here?”

“… Out in a mission with the Turks. They must have already heard of your stunt and are on their way back.”


Can I see you one more time, Cloud?

My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I?

If I ask you, will you come with me, Cloud?

Will you leave everything behind for me, Cloud?

“When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end...”

You have undone me, Cloud.

My world... My life...

You have brought its end.


When did this start, Cloud?

... I don't want it to end...

“Say it again. Say my name, Cloud.”

I want to hear you, Cloud.

“Genesis… Why?”

Why, indeed? It’s unfair for you and I.

The wind sails over the water’s surface.

You are like the wind, Cloud.

And I am stagnant water.

“Quietly but surely.”

Just this once, Cloud.

Just one.


“Goodbye, Cloud.”

My friend, the fates are cruel.

There are no dreams, no honor remains.

The arrow has left the bow of the goddess.


Next Chapter: The follow up of Genesis' rebellion.

Chapter 23: Midgar - Wutai - Kalm, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“There’s been no news?” Cloud hopefully asked the stoic General who had become even sterner after Commander Rhapsodos’ insurgency.

“No.” Sephiroth succinctly replied.

He elongated his steps, so the shorter SOLDIER would get the message and stop pestering him about news of whom was now known as the traitor of Shinra. But it seemed she had become a lost cause when it came to Genesis Rhapsodos. Everybody wanted to forget about the man, to erase him from their memories.

It was only Cloud Strife that insisted on getting news of him.

What’s so good about Genesis? Why keep asking about him? It’s not as if she can date…

Sephiroth stopped at his own thoughts. The person that had been walking behind him almost bumped into his back.

“Why did you join SOLDIER, Third-Class Strife?” He lowly asked turning towards her, narrowing his eyes at her sudden alertness.

“Sorry if I bothered you, Sir. I shall leave.” Avoiding with formalities, huh. Sephiroth dangerously thought as he saw her hastily turn around to escape. However, how can she easily get rid of General Sephiroth?

“Not so fast, Strife.” He gripped her slim shoulder so she wouldn’t run. “It so happens I have news of Genesis.” He enticed and she quickly fell for it. “Follow me.” He ordered and resumed his long steps; however, this time, they took him to his room.

He actually had forgotten about that report because that was something better not shown. To anyone. He even threw it under many other files he hadn’t checked yet after it was sent to him by some Turk. There was even a little note on the folder that asked him to get rid of the information once read. Yet he didn’t do it. He was unaware of the reason, but he considered it was time to unearth that information once again.

“You’re truly friendly with the Turks.” He off-handedly commented as Cloud leafed through the pictures inside the folder.

“Who else saw this?” Cloud asked, hiding her blush but not her longing. It’s been weeks and she hadn’t heard anything about Genesis. It was as if the man had vanished, as if he was air… or a dream.

“Just me and probably all the Turks.” Sephiroth said.

Cloud nodded. If these pictures were published, then it would smear Commander Rhapsodos’ reputation even more. What would people think if, apart from being a traitor, Genesis Rhapsodos also liked men? Of course, Cloud was not a man. But, Midgar’s people were very squared in their thinking and wouldn’t listen to the truth even if it was screamed at their faces. They love to be lied to. Deceived.

The report and the pictures were probably Legend’s work. She had no idea why he had sent them to General Sephiroth, but maybe it was a way to indirectly tell her to trust the First-Class SOLDIER. But, could she?

Strangely, she could trust the Turks more than she could trust Sephiroth.

Thinking about the Turks, she wondered if Reno had stupidly gaped at these pictures. Rude would definitely space out. Shotgun would slap anyone close on the back to wear off her shock. Martial Arts would lit a cigarette and pretend to be mysterious and act as if he already knew.

Those were the Turks Cloud had become close to after doing more missions together. Insurgency or not, they still had to work. In addition, she was finally told they had been investigating not only Commander Rhapsodos – who had actually deserted long ago, at Wutai – but some Professor Hollander, too; an accomplice in the insurgency.

Cloud also got acquainted with Tseng, and she finally got to know the infamous interrogation rooms when he had asked her if she knew anything about Genesis’ plans. She had bitterly said she knew nothing. He had strangely left the interrogation at that. She couldn’t gauge anything from the man at that moment, and neither from the few interactions she had seen him have with Reno and Rude.

Why had she been so sloppily interrogated about her mentor?

“May I keep them?” She eagerly asked. The angle of the picture was a bit bad, as a security camera caught it, but it unmistakably showed Cloud and Genesis.

Sephiroth stared and prowled towards the blonde. “You joined because of him.” He stated. He had heard about cadets joining the program because they admired the Commanders or himself, the General. However, it was the first time, ever, that a woman successfully became a SOLDIER due to a Commander.

Many have tried, yes, but they all failed.

Cloud tensed at his accusative tone, but forcibly relaxed. “Of course. I like the way he uses Materia.” She said, wanting to state one of the most used excuses for people wanting to join SOLDIER. However, she faltered at the taller man’s pressure and took a few steps back. Damn my short height!

“Lies.” Sephiroth quickly refuted. “You like him.” As the truth came out, Cloud found herself caged against the wall, a tall and menacing General hovering above her.

Instead of feeling intimidated, or whatever Sephiroth was trying to achieve, she was provoked. “So what if I do?” What’s so wrong in liking someone? What’s so wrong in joining SOLDIER because of Commander Rhapsodos? And what’s so wrong in admitting my feelings? “I like him. I love him! This is proof.” Emboldened, she waved the pictures of the short kiss she shared with Genesis before he disappeared on Sephiroth’s face. “But this is not the reason why he left, why he ‘betrayed’ us, is it, General?”

The green cat-like eyes scorched her with their intensive stare. She tried her best to return the gaze even if her back was soaked in cold sweat. “Leave.” Sephiroth ordered. Cloud had been waiting for those words—her bravado completely gone—and skedaddled out of the room, vowing to never enter the General’s room again.

Alone, he sighed and mumbled to no one, “Indeed. He would not leave any of us just like that.”

The meeting room was as silent as a tomb. Actually, since Genesis left, Angeal had been extremely silent. He even stopped watering his plants and cooking. Zack had made sure his mentor at least ate his three meals; otherwise, the older man wouldn’t even do that. That’s how much his childhood’s friend’s departure affected him.

“How’re we going to do this, Angeal?” Zack asked the distracted Commander.

They were sent to Wutai to assist in the siege Shinra had been planning on Fort Tamblin. Sephiroth had always been a deterrence for the Wutaian army, but once he vanished from the frontlines, the Wutaians got bolder. The siege had been a plan of weeks ago, under Genesis’ command. However, the redheaded Commander deserted during that operation.

Now, Zack and Angeal had to fix the mess.

Angeal blinked at Zack and sighed. “I was planning for you to go solo. The only thing you need to do is infiltrate the Fort and open the doors for our army.” He revealed his plan. “The Turks had always been doing recon on the area and we know Fort Tamblin is manned by a few soldiers because they trust its impenetrable walls.”

“So, I have to scurry around to sneak in?” Zack frowned.

Angeal smiled at his disciple’s disgusted face. Zack was a very straightforward person who detested tricks, traps and sneaking. That didn’t mean he didn’t know how to do those kind of operations. He just looked the other way whenever asked to do them, pretending to be deaf. Tricky operations had always been Genesis’ forte despite his outgoing personality.

Thinking of Genesis, Angeal’s smile wilted away. “Lazard promised me that once we finish here, we can go look for Genesis.” He confessed. Both Zack and Angeal had been shocked at what Genesis did. However, they were sure that there must have been a very special reason for his actions, for the man to leave everything behind.

Zack pursed his lips and nodded. Frankly, to him, Genesis was a coward for running away when facing a setback. For all the flowery words about heroes and an important crusade, Genesis was the type of person who would back down once being in front of the rocky path.

All the Second-Class SOLDIER wanted was to accompany his mentor down this path. The rocky path the childhood friend created. “Wait here for the good news then!” He declared and strode out of the tent where their little meeting took place.

Angeal, though, didn’t wait for Zack.

Zack succeeded in his mission only to be notified that Genesis had attacked their camp and Commander Hewley had left with him. Zack had always abode by his own moral code of ‘everybody deserves a second chance’, yet it was the first time he made the exception.

Zack would hunt down Genesis and beat some sense in the man. It was all well and good if he deserted and became a traitor. However, it was unnecessary to drag others down. Especially not Angeal Hewley.

“I’m doing my best, Claudia, cut me some slack...” Legend begged the woman on the other side of the phone.

Once they had tacitly affirmed their relationship, he had given her an untraceable mobile to keep in touch. Though, they mainly talked about Cloud, as that was all Claudia asked about. Instead of enjoying the novelty of a fresh relationship, he felt he was in a marriage of years.

“With how things are at Shinra, it’s difficult to send her on a long mission to another continent alone. Even if paired with Turks, I doubt she would be able to escape.”

He was at Kalm doing a solo mission to get clues about the sudden disappearance of Veld, Head of the Turks. However, following a veteran Turk was hard for him who had not been trained as one and sincerely didn’t care about being one.

“I’ll see what can be done, but don’t get your hopes up.” He hung up the call after being scolded and sighed.

The two had been kind of riding a seesaw since they started dating. What with Claudia being mad at Cloud joining SOLDIER and blaming him, being happy with him after hearing Cloud praising him, being worried for Cloud being Mako poisoned again after the Mako shots and crying for him to do something as if he was the President, then being happy for all the help and things he gifts Cloud.

It was tiring, seriously.

But it was worth it.

He fixed his sunglasses and walked out of the alley he had been hiding at. The house he had been monitoring finally showed some move.


Next chapter: Cloud and Zack find their respective mentors in Banora.

Chapter 24: Banora, 0000


I think I'm late with the chapter xD Anyway, I finally know where to end this fic. 5 more chapters!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“The mission is to investigate all the connections the traitors Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley had with the town. Any clue or hint you find, report them immediately to me.” Tseng reminded the two SOLDIERs in front of him of what they were supposed to do at Banora; a town in the middle of a long island, very far south to Midgar.

The Turk doubted these two had read the objective of their mission.

He had cursed when he read who would be accompanying him on his trip to Banora. However, there were many problems in Shinra. Lazard didn’t seem to care anymore who they sent to the field as understaffed as they were after the SOLDIERs’ defection and the paranoid President ordered the rest of the SOLDIERs to stay at HQ and act as security against the traitors.

Though, with AVALANCHE going hard against Shinra, then maybe the ex-Commanders were not priority. Moreover, they still had General Sephiroth in HQ, too.

Therefore, the only SOLDIERs Lazard seemed to have as spare where exactly those intrinsically connected to the traitors: Cloud Strife and Zack Fair. What was the Director thinking? Or, was it someone else who passed the orders? That was food for thought inside Tseng’s mind.

“Understood.” Zack said with uncharacteristic seriousness. Strife only nodded. Tseng already had a headache and considered the mission a failure.

Once they made a swift recognition of the area, they split up to cover more ground and be done with the mission as fast as possible; Strife headed to the town to check on the houses while Zack walked towards the huge apple juice factory a bit far from the town. Tseng glanced at the SOLDIERs’ leaving backs and chose his target: the only mansion in the otherwise quaint Banora.

According to their information, that’s where Genesis Rhapsodos grew up, raised by the wealthy couple who were not his biological parents.

Thanks to Genesis’ rebellion, the Turks had access to some hidden files from Hojo and Hollander’s laboratories. They had seen many things throughout their career, but what they saw in those files was worth a few bottles of the strongest whiskey. There was also something in those files that made their leader, Veld, disappear, too.

And, unlike the matter with Genesis, this was more of a quiet affair.

That’s what Rufus Shinra decided.

The son of president Shinra thought Shinra was rotten to the core, so that’s why it was best to hide some information to the higher-ups. Tseng greatly doubted it was for that reason that Rufus didn’t report Veld’s actions as he was aware of the real reason Veld left. Shinra was rotten, yes. Nobody was a saint there. Rufus’ supposedly noble actions were only an attempt to keep hiding the ugly monster under the metaphorical rug.

Though, if a ranking was made on who has been the most inhumane in the whole Shinra history, then the Science Deparment of Shinra could easily win the top three positions.

Project G

Project S


After reading all the information regarding those projects and that entity, Tseng had also wanted to disappear like Veld. However, there always needed to be someone in the know, and the unfortunate souls that uncovered everything turned out to be Veld and Tseng; one left and the other stayed to not put his comrades in the same conundrum he was now.

Although Tseng’s morals were non-existent thanks to the many things he had done for Shinra, and without question, he was starting to falter. However, that was a lie. He had started faltering when he discovered the last Cetra’s identity and Hojo’s plan for her…


Tseng checked the message on his phone and immediately ran towards the factory. Lt. Fair has spotted Genesis. At the mansion, all he found was a recently dug grave. Moreover, judging by the blood spots in a salon, then those in the grave must be Genesis’ parents; killed by their own son. Adoptive son.

Entering the factory, Tseng only heard the flapping of a wing and then everything turned dark. A red sword quickly crept to take the man’s life away, but it diverted to parry a Fire directed at the sword wielder.

“Genesis!” Zack growled, managing to arrive on time to save Tseng from a certain death after the older man easily incapacitated the Turk.

My friend, the fates are cruel...” Genesis recited, ignoring Zack and focusing on something else out there, beyond the broken glass. Somewhere in the deserted town.

“Shut up!” Not even the brunet’s interruption managed to break Genesis’ attention.

Ignoring the sword coming at him, the auburn-haired man moved towards the town. Zack made to chase after him, knowing Cloud was in that direction, yet before he could take a step forward, the Buster Sword blocked his way. Zack’s stomach churned with helplessness seeing Genesis leave, but there was something more important in his hands now.

“Are you with him, Angeal?”

The man sadly shook his head. “I’m a coward, Zack. I cannot do what Genesis is attempting.”

“What? Trick others so they can become his lab rats?! Have you seen who those copies are?!” Moments ago, when Zack thought he had found Genesis, he sent the message to Tseng and then fought the man who turned out to be a copy. When defeated—killed—, the copy went back to being the original person: a SOLDIER.

Of course Angeal knew who those copies were; but that didn’t change the man’s mentality. “He’s trying to change his fate, to somehow overcome it. But I have given up.”

Seeing his pupil’s determined gaze, Angeal knew he was only spouting excuses for Genesis, and maybe for himself. His childhood friend’s cruelty was a reality neither Angeal nor Zack could un-see. By letting Genesis do whatever he wanted, Angeal had become an accomplice.

So, he pleaded. “Do me a favor and just…”

“I will hunt him down, Angeal.” The young man said with finality.

Angeal sighed. “As the honorable person you are.” He had seen the same determination back when Zack was just a cadet; the drive to kill and the fairness to forgive those who deserved a second chance. But most importantly, the unbreakable will to do what was right. “I guess you are more worthy of wielding this sword than I ever was.” Angeal smiled, stabbing the Buster Sword, his famous sword, on the ground and left, not waiting for an answer from the shocked Zack.

Zack stared at the sword, then at the place where Angeal had been standing. His fists tightened, and then loosened. He kept that movement for a couple of seconds before he reacted at the sound of metal clashing; a fight. His hand hesitated for a moment, but it still wrapped around the sword’s handle. It still had Angeal’s warmth.

Cursing, Zack pulled the Buster Sword, and strapped it on his back, throwing away his other sword. He carried the unconscious Tseng out of the factory and headed to the town.

He needed to find Cloud.

Moments ago…

Cloud checked her surroundings, carefully listening to any sounds before entering the houses. However, she had so far only found corpses inside. It was a ghost town. With the smell of Dumbapples. She was trying very hard to ignore the real responsible for the massacre, but it was turning to be a very hard task the more dead bodies she encountered. Her hopes were coming down to a loud crash until she finally heard some movement.

She rushed to a house on the outskirts and opened the door, hurrying in to help the person, but she halted at the entrance.

“Commander…?” Angeal Hewley stood before her. The hulking man was very conspicuous inside the small living room that it took Cloud a moment to notice the dead body by Angeal’s feet. “This person...”

“My mother.” Angeal said. A Turk had not trained Cloud in vain when she heard no inflection in the man’s voice. As if the dead person was not who he claimed she was.

“Was she?” She asked. Sadly, her training didn’t include the ‘How to Interrogate like a Turk’ course, and she directly went for the obvious question.

Angeal turned to her with an unreadable expression until he minutely relaxed and looked out the window. “What would you do, Cloud, if you were told you were… different?” He still didn’t have the courage to face his past or his present. Asking was just him trying to grab thin straws that would not save him. He knew.

“Nothing, sir.” Cloud replied. She has always been different and would always be different. She had been bothered by it before, but she was learning not to pay too much attention to it. There was no point in dwelling on it; it would just create unnecessary worry.

“So, you would calmly accept it?” The man asked, intrigued. The conversation kind of reminded him of the time he and Genesis confronted Sephiroth for letting himself be treated as an experiment by Hojo. Sephiroth’s reply to their worries was, ‘There’s nothing to be done’. The General had naturally accepted he was different.

A monster.

“Otherwise?” Cloud naturally queried. However, unlike Sephiroth’s unfeeling gaze, product of years of seeing his experiments as the norm—when they clearly were not – Cloud truly couldn’t see any other way. There was innocence in that gaze – acceptance. The type of innocence that would unconditionally embrace those who were… different.

Angeal could feel his heart get heavy with sorrow and with something akin to peace. He was still a coward, but there were things a coward could still do.

“Take care, Cloud. Keep being who you are. Maybe, one day, you will be able to help those who are willing to be helped.” Unlike me and Genesis… That was left unsaid, and he had no idea if the cadet understood as he made his way out of the house and quickly ran towards the factory.

Cloud was left with a dead woman who still had her eyes open. Sighing, she got closer and placed her hand on the woman’s eyes so they would close.

As she waited, she felt someone stepping up behind her. Even without looking, she was aware who it was. It was strange. She had thought nervousness would attack her, anxiety even, or even the great need to see him, but she only felt helplessness and grief. And her unconditional acceptance of what he had become. She could and would never hate him.

“Will you come back with me?” She asked, hoping. Not to Shinra, but to her. With her.

“No.” Was his succinct response.

It hurt.

If he had said yes… she could have renounced to everything she had at Shinra and start anew at another place. Together. She would even fight for him; help him. Nevertheless, he denied her the chance to shower him in her affection… What was she supposed to do? She had orders to report Genesis Rhapsodos’ location. Did she want to?

The decision was taken away from her when his rapier fast approached her.

She rolled forward, not before casting Blizzaga to have an obstacle between her and her opponent—never her enemy. It proved to be the right choice when the ice exploded at her back, forcing her even further forward. Twisting her body mid-air, she cast Thundaga to the incoming person.

It gave her the time to safely land, and then she readied her swords. Right on time to cross them and receive the brunt of Genesis’ slash. Her mind blanked for a second, taking her to the times when the two sparred. She would always lose back then. Yet now, she could face him. It seemed her nonstop training had somewhat helped.

Between slashes, stabs, swings and casting magic, the two fought around town, stirring the smell of the renowned fruits, stirring her feelings even more. Cloud had wanted to minimize the damage, but Genesis had no qualms in taking down a house or two. She ducked to dodge a fireball and cast Earth, lifting a mud wall to stop the following barrage of fire.

She wheezed and tried to calm her breathing, pressing her side as it bled when she couldn’t completely avoid a sneaky slash. She could face him, but not come out unscathed it seemed.

“My soul, corrupted by vengeance...” Genesis recited once he obliterated the earth wall, uncovering the ready Cloud.

Pursing her lips, she wanted to follow the line out of habit; he was forcing her to do so and to understand why he had deserted and why he was attacking her. She didn’t. Instead, she replied with a different verse as she lunged at him. There was nothing to hide; she would sing her own tune to him until he accepted it.

“There is no hate, only joy. For you are beloved-” a heavy blow coming from upwards, sending her careening back and colliding against a wall, cut off her words.

“There are no dreams, no honor remains...” With a defeated expression, the red Materia imbued in Genesis’ brace lit up. A deafening roar reverberated from above.

Wiping the blood that dribbled down her lip, her red Materia also lit up. But not the one in her Edincoat. So, it wasn’t Shiva who was summoned, but a more sinister entity. “Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” She vowed to him. She would do anything to protect him, to let him see he was not alone.

As Genesis and Cloud gazed at each other, Bahamut and Hades ferociously fought in the sky.

“You still think the same, Cloud, after seeing this?” Genesis mocked, signaling at the black wing that sprouted on his left side.

Cloud was dazed by the new appendage. It was the first time she took a good look at it, that day at Midgar too convoluted and hazy in her memory. Her eyes moistening with unshed tears. What has Shinra done to you? Instead of voicing her question, she smiled. “My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I?”

She was left with a single black feather and his lone back flying away.

Both summons gone.

Same as her heart.


Next chapter: Zack and Cloud are promoted. Jenova moves.

Chapter 25: Midgar, 0000


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

[Unknown number]

Help me promote them.


Sephiroth coldly read yet again the message he had received in the wee hours of the morning. He had wanted to ignore it, pretend he had not seen it, and continue with his life. Nevertheless, it seemed impossible. The message was like a hammer constantly banging in his mind. Angeal would certainly call it his conscience. Perhaps his conscience had developed a habit of acting like the Honorable Commander.

Since he could not ignore it, he could delay it.

A few days later, he reread the message. His gaze moved away from the screen and looked back at the spar between Cloud and Zack. Zack seemed to have finally grasped his own style and only needed to polish it, imprint it in his mind and body, while Cloud still hesitated. Or, more like, she seemed to be still trying out what was best for her. Either way, she was abysmally better than the last time Sephiroth saw her.

Both looked more determined, too.


The General had read the report from their mission in Banora; how the two let both Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley escape. They had found nothing else in the town, bar the secret laboratory used by Genesis; so, Shinra had the marvelous—and quite repetitive—idea of bombing it away to hide everything that could involve them as a company.

There was a mention in Strife’s report on Angeal having killed his mother. Sephiroth had rose an eyebrow at that, yet did not seem entirely surprised. After all, Angeal barely mentioned his mother in the years he had been at Shinra. He must have had his own reasons for committing such a dishonorable act.

As he would have put it.

Sephiroth stopped thinking about that and left the two younger SOLDIERs to their sparring, heading to Lazard’s office. Delaying was not an option anymore, he admitted. Once again, Angeal was right.

In the training room, Cloud and Zack were interrupted by the sound of Zack’s phone ringing. After hours sparring, neither were trying very hard at the end, so the call was a welcomed respite.

“Fair.” The Second-Class said as soon as he connected the call.

“Come to my office immediately.” The Head of SOLDIER, Lazard Deusericus, instantly ordered and paused for a few seconds. “Bring Strife with you.” He said and then hung up.

Zack looked down at his phone confused. “Who was it?” Cloud asked while drying the sweat on his face.

“Lazard Deusericus wants us in his office… It’s just, how did he know I was with you?” The man had sounded very certain.

Cloud halted. “Must have been the General.”


“He’d been watching us earlier.” Cloud shrugged. After quite a long time of being stalked by the silver-haired man, she was rather attuned to his presence, or his gaze. That was how she was aware the man was watching them from the observation deck.

Zack wanted to ask how he knew that, but he was reminded of the rumors Kunsel had shared with him: General Sephiroth constantly follows a Third-Class SOLDIER. Zack did not need to be a genius to know whom that SOLDIER was after the person himself has just mentioned the General’s strange behavior.

Truthfully, the brunet had thought it was just a misunderstanding. Sephiroth rarely cared about someone, or paid attention to others. It was a miracle Angeal and Genesis had been his friends for years. Zack was trying, yet he could still feel the cold wall Sephiroth was putting between them. With yet more barbs after what his friends did.

However, with the older man’s recent and constant actions – that he was not even trying to hide -, Zack was starting to doubt his own perception on the man.

Instead of thinking too much about his friend’s behavior, Zack focused on the orders he was given. And after a quick clean up—because Cloud strangely carried wet wipes with him—the two headed to their boss’ office. The way up was made in silence. The two still not able to find topics to talk about that did not remind them of their respective mentors.

It was as if they were mourning their absence.

“Enter.” Director Deusericus said after Zack announced their presence. Once the two entered the office, they saluted. “At ease.” The Director waved. “Good news SOLDIERs. Despite your disastrous mission at Banora that ended up with the town being wiped out, General Sephiroth thought it prudent to recommend your promotion to First-Class in the case of Fair and Second-Class in the case of Strife. You still have to wait for the approval from the President, yet seeing the high number of deserters from the three Classes, I doubt the request will be denied. Any questions?”

With how dumbfounded the two were with the sudden news of their promotion, neither could formulate a word, less a question for a moment.

“Uh, yes, sir.” Finally, Zack reacted. “As a First, will I have my own group of SOLDIERs?”

It was normal for a First-Class SOLDIER to have other SOLDIERs of lower class under their command. That’s why Genesis and Angeal had been known as Commanders.

If Zack remembered correctly, Angeal had five Second-Class and twenty Third-Class under his command to accompany him to missions. SOLDIERs could also do missions alone, yet they got more merits and experience when doing missions with their Commander.

Zack had been one of the Second-Class under him. Of course, that was until the older man’s desertion.

The incident truly had left a crippled Shinra.

Out of all the First-Class, only General Sephiroth and two more were still in the company. From the more than thirty Second-Class, maybe a dozen remained. Third-Class SOLDIERs saw the most desertion with three quarters of the forces gone.

With Zack’s promotion, he could finally form his own platoon and not repeat what had happened with Angeal and Genesis.

Lazard stared at Zack for a few seconds, as if analyzing him, then quickly glanced at Cloud, and finally returning his gaze back at the computer’s screen. “I don’t usually recommend for First-Class SOLDIERs to form their platoon after being promoted. Knowing your record, you might not even want to deal with the paperwork that might come with it.”

Cloud coughed to hide the smile that was starting to form while Zack groaned just imagining what Lazard was warning him about. Even as a Second, he had struggled and sometimes let Angeal help him fill out his paperwork as he was very behind. Yet, he would endure it if that meant saving more people from the horrors he was uncovering from Shinra.

“I’ll manage, I guess.” He widely smiled. He was encouraging himself, rather than reassuring the Director though.

“Right. Then, as soon as you get your e-mail authorizing your promotion, come look for me with your list of platoon members.” Lazard said. Then he added for the both of them. “General Sephiroth will supervise your Mako shots. That’s all.” He dismissed the once again surprised SOLDIERs.

As they walked down the hallway, towards the elevator, they pondered on what the Director had let on. The General himself was going to be together with them in their shots. It would have sounded like a normal superior caring for his subordinates. However, they both knew Sephiroth’s recently acquired detachment towards SOLDIER following the departure of his friends. He secluded himself in his office and threw out anyone who wanted to talk to him that was not about work.

That meant Zack and Cloud were instantly banished from his presence as soon as he saw them.

What had changed his mind?

The answer to that was, Hojo. Hojo and his posy were going to administer the Mako shots.

In Banora, Zack had encountered Hollander. The man all but cackle about Hojo having experimented with hundreds of people under the President’s wing. Turning them into monsters, of which Sephiroth was the result. Zack had wanted to be optimistic about the whole matter, leaving it as a villain’s speech to confuse him. However, the more he talked with Kunsel about things happening at Shinra, the faster he was losing that optimism.

The situation forced Zack to want to bond with Sephiroth even more; to not let the man dip into the madness Genesis and Angeal seemed to have fallen due to the experiments. If only the General let him…

Cloud knew Hojo was no good on principle. First, because he was the Head of the Science Department, the supposed creator of the SOLDIER serum. That only meant he was the one who had Jenova or her remains. He was the one who had poisoned Genesis and Angeal, and he was continuing with his actions by injecting the serum in more SOLDIERS. There was also the fact that the voices of the Lifestream, of the Planet, grew in volume whenever she got close to him.

That meant he carried the Calamity’s virulent essence in him.

On another note, he was unaware of Cloud’s real gender. She did not want to think what the man would do if he realized a woman could finally stand the poison that was the SOLDIER serum. She would like to think she could face him, but in a place where the darkness that was Shinra covered Midgar, as a sole person, she did not have enough power to fend off whatever the scientist and the president threw at her. She could only thread carefully in Hojo’s presence.

“Strip and lay on the tables.” Hojo ordered, waving at the metallic beds prepared for them.

“It’s just an enhancement shot, professor.” Sephiroth, the tall and discordant presence in the whole lab, made his observation.

Hojo sneered. “How would I know the correct enhancements were made if I don’t monitor their progress?”

“That can also be done without taking off their clothes.” Sephiroth would know all about it. What had he not gone through under the man’s hands? With and without clothes. Enhancement shots could be administered without the need to lay naked.

“Why are you here, Sephiroth?” Hojo narrowed his eyes at the General.

“The Director sent me to supervise the whole procedure. He was worried that the most promising SOLDIERs we currently have would somehow be botched.” Sephiroth returned the scientist’s gaze with his own unperturbed one.

Hojo scoffed, grumbling about pests blocking science. He had no choice but to obey, though. The President had been very vocal on not wanting a repeat of Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos’ failed experiment. As if he was the culprit for Hollander’s stupidity. “Vests and shirts off! Sit!” He barked at Cloud and Zack, who did as told.

Sephiroth’s mouth twitched seeing Cloud Strife easily take off his upper garments without a care in the world. He did not know how to react afterwards. Back at the showers, Strife still had some softness in her body, a hint of a curve on her chest. Now, though, there was not even that. She proudly flashed her flat and worked torso, sculpted with muscles.

“You…” Hojo paused, peering at Cloud after he stuck the monitors on her chest. Both Sephiroth and Cloud tensed. “Your heart is on the right side.” He off-handedly commented. He then harshly ripped off the heart monitor and placed it in its correct place. “Begin.” Not interested in such a condition, he ordered the assistants to administer the Mako shots.

For Zack, who was promoted to First, he was injected with three doses.

Cloud, who was becoming a Second, got two doses.

It was not long before they felt the effects of the Mako burning in their system. Zack gritted his teeth and tightly clutched the table under him, denting it. He could not lose to Cloud – even if the blonde’s doses was lower – seeing how the latter was calmly sitting beside him.

“Is he ok?” The assistants worriedly looked at Cloud, whose charts indicated he was on the verge of being Mako poisoned. He was not reacting like a poisoned SOLDIER, though. Generally, they would throw up, convulse, get an extreme fever, scream, and scratch at their skin until they bled. Cloud just sat there, eyes wide and lustrous, his mouth partly open.

The more data Hojo read, the more his interest was piqued. He had not seen such a person react to Mako shots like Third-Class SOLDIER Strife. Even Lt. Fair was starting to curse and clutch at his convulsing arm with the other. Hojo prowled towards the rather short man and reached to touch. He was lurched back by Sephiroth, not giving him the chance.

“What are you doing, Sephiroth?!” Hojo snarled. It was the first time the General was so opposed of his methods and what he did.

“Touching a person during their enhancement is dangerous.” Sephiroth commented, not as a warning. They all knew trashing people during their enhancement shots could hurt others, not only themselves. Furthermore, Sephiroth did not want Hojo to realize the effect Cloud had on people touching her while in that state.

She would be shipped to the depth of the labs and not returned. Ever.

“Release me, Sephiroth.” The scientist glowered at the General, trying but failing to shake off the hand on his shoulder. The problem of making a super SOLDIER, perfect in all senses? He could not surpass him in strength. Sephiroth did not pay attention to the man and just held him still until Cloud could react and defend herself.

He hoped that was soon. Otherwise, he would have to brave those reverberating voices in his head and carry her to the Med Bay. He seriously was not looking forward to that.

After who knew how long, Zack finally calmed down, his whole body exuding tons of sweat and his arm just mildly bleeding from where he held it with all his strength, breaking the skin with his nails. It was the most brutal enhancement he had had. He looked at the still stoically sitting Cloud and frowned.

“Hey, Spike…” The moment his hand touch the exposed shoulder, his mind blanked out and he passed out.

Sephiroth finally released Hojo, throwing him back, and lurched forward to catch the falling Zack so he would not break his skull on the floor. The General looked towads Cloud and was pierced by very bright and blue eyes. He unconsciously held still, not even daring to breath. His heart raced in his chest, his mouth dried and his overall temperature rose. What’s with this? I have not touched her, yet.

Cloud opened her mouth. [SON OF THE CALAMITY…] Her voice was very low, audible only to him.

At that moment, Sephiroth felt time had stopped, his surroundings had disappeared and only him and Cloud remained in that place. He had been called many things: monster, heartless killer, nation feller, unfeeling machine, but never before was he called out based on his progenitors. He held no thought, and goddess forbid affection, to Hojo who claimed to be his father. However, in some deep part of his mind, he realized Cloud was not addressing the disaster of a man, but his unknown mother.

[KILL HER OR PERISH WITH HER…] Cloud sentenced before blinking and regaining consciousness. She felt as if a herd of Chocobos had run over her, and that something had died in her mouth. The taste, obviously, made her stomach lurch and she leaned to the side to vomit.

All the assistants stepped back from the black thing that came out of her. It was a blob of something that disgustingly splat on the floor. Maybe it was the shock of seeing something so grotesque, but they thought it had somehow moved and screeched.

After Cloud expulsed what she knew to be Jenova’s cells, she started throwing up her food. The sight of the expelled alien revolted her to no end. Once she spat her gastric juices, she feebly looked up. “Issit done?” She asked.

Sephiroth finally reacted. “Yes. I am going to lead you to the medical bay to rest.” He stood, Zack in his arms, and waited for Cloud to rip the monitors off before picking up their clothes and stumbling in front of Sephiroth who gestured at her to walk ahead of him.

If they had stayed, or even looked back, they would have noticed Hojo’s manic gaze following Cloud’s figure.

“Thanks for trying to keep the secret, General.” Cloud muttered, reminded of the man’s adamancy of keeping their clothes – aware that he did it for her –, as she leaned on his arm. Having tripped too much on her jelly-like legs, so she was told to hold onto Sephiroth, who also slowed down his pace for her.

Sephiroth hummed. “I guess you are going to say not to worry about it, and that you know what to do.” He voiced, as if reading her mind.

Since you’re aware, I’m not going to say it, idiot, she inwardly thought. She only hummed. They continued their way in silence until they arrived at the Med Bay. The two just promoted SOLDIERs were appointed a room for both under the General’s orders.

“What is the Calamity?” Sephiroth suddenly asked after the nurses had left and Cloud was readying herself for a shower.

Cloud paused. “The Calamity of the skies… She came from outer space and wiped out an entire civilization before being stopped by the Ancients…” She recited what Aerith had told her about the alien’s identity. It sounded like a story, like a fairy-tale. Sephiroth also thought so, until his world turned upside down at her final words. “Jenova must be eradicated from this planet, or we will face the consequences of letting her ensnare more people.”


Sephiroth had no recollection of how and when he made his way back to his room. He only felt his head was buzzing, his body was strangely constricting, as if he wanted to escape his own skin, and only the same words kept him sane, anchored.

[Mother loves you… Mother won’t harm you.]

The fear, the concern, the suspicion, anything negative that had to do with a voice speaking into his mind was obliterated, leaving only a fake sense of peace, acceptance and love.


Next chapter: Cloud finally gets some answers.

Chapter 26: Midgar, 0000


I had this sitting half finished for so long, and I'm sorry about it.
I hit a low and was not productive with writing. The chapters I could publish from my other fics were almost painfully pulled out from my brain I really did not want to write anymore.

I managed this chapter with brilliant fluidity that I did not want to wait until I edited it to publish it. It contains all sort of mistakes, convoluted ideas and maybe unfinished ones.

I will come back to it before the next chapter, I am sure of it, because there were many things I wanted to explore here which would have forced me to delay it even further. And I just wanted you all to know that I have not dropped or abandoned this work.

Bear with me a bit longer!

Chapter Text

Cloud and Zack most likely never thought they would end up in that situation: sitting in front of Sephiroth’s desk, with the General glaring at them, while they hunched on themselves and tried to look as pitiful as possible to not be scolded by the silver-haired man. It was a very impossible task. Not after what he found them doing.

It all began with Cloud making fun of Zack for his innate inability to do paperwork.

“Really, Zack? They gave you a sample for you to only fill in with the correct information and you managed to mess up that. Thrice!” Cloud fumed as she quickly tapped on the computer’s keyboard to practically do her superior’s job.

“The words are too close together and too complicated!” Zack whined.

“I’m also from a backwater town with subpar education. How come I’m smarter?” Cloud grinned at her friend, not expecting the bear hug from Zack. She tried to push him away but Zack was a First-Class, he was more enhanced than she was. Her dip in the Lifestream did not help her that much in terms of strength, but did her wonder in Magic control.

“Easy! I get the people, you get the paperwork! We’ve to support each other as country bumpkins!” Zack chuckled, rubbing his cheek on Cloud’s hair. “Especially now…” His cheerfulness completely died and his words trailed off. The furious tapping also stopped. With little hesitation, she melted into the hug that tightened.

They did not want to count the days. Days without their mentors. Long days in which their hopes slowly dwindled, marked by their absence. Days of being reminded they were just remnants of lost ideals, of forgotten promises, of unresolved feelings.

Outside, they wore their usual masks. Of the cheerful, dependable, charming First Class SOLDIER Zack Fair. Of the calm, steady, talented Second Class SOLDIER Cloud Strife. Inside, between the two, they were blind children grasping for leftover warmth, seeking for a sense of normalcy in their shaky realities, leaning against the other to not fall.

“Cloud.” Zack softly called. The blonde hummed. Before Zack could continue with his sentence, the alarm went off. The alarm that signaled the building was under attack. The two startled and jumped into action, donning their holsters together with their respective weapons and sprinted out of the office. Both their PHS beeped; the notification of the where and who of the attack making Cloud halt.

All abled SOLDIERs must eliminate the traitor Genesis Rhapsodos and his army.

An explosion made the building tremble, but it was not enough to take Cloud out of her stupor until a heavy hand clapped her shoulder. She looked up at Zack’s hardened expression.

“We have to stop him and tell us why he’s doing this.” She clearly heard the brunet’s silent promise: we will not kill him. Cloud nodded.

“Stay at the building, Strife. Fair, on me.” Sephiroth’s sudden commands made them turn to see the silver-haired General stomp down the hallway towards the elevators. Another explosion rumbled a bit further away. “It’s a prong attack. Genesis in HQ, Angeal in Mako Reactor 5.” He elucidated as the three rode down in the elevator, which shook together with the building and stopped with a sharp tug, almost sending them to the floor.

Sephiroth narrowed his eyes.

Years ago, when they were new to their titles and responsibilities, they talked about how to defend the main building in case someone invaded it. To come up with countermeasures, they had to come up with ways to impede the deployment of troopers and SOLDIERs alike as if they were the enemies.

The first and most important action, Genesis had prompted, is to stop communication, of all kind. Be it by cutting off the PHS signal or by stranding the troops one way or another in different rooms.

If they could not move through the elevators, that could delay the relaying of orders. And the PHS signal was rendered useless moments ago.

However, if Genesis thought a mere elevator could stop him... Sephiroth extended his hands towards the doors, slithered his fingers in between the crease and pried the elevator doors open. If he broke them down in the process, it was not his problem. The President could afford to yell at some unsuspecting bastard to repair them. They quickly moved towards the rarely used stairs and made a mad descent.

“Rally all the SOLDIERs and Troopers on your way.” Sephiroth commanded, unintentionally giving the two more authority than was their station. Or, at least, giving Cloud the chance to prove the promotion was not given to some simpleton and that he could trust the newly-minted Second Class SOLDIER.

At some point in their hurrying, they separated. Cloud bolting through a door at some floor she did not look at the number while the two other men continued on their way down to exit the building and head to the Mako Reactor.

As she ran through the hallways, Cloud locked onto the sounds of battle and headed there. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably seeing the deformed copies of Genesis fighting with other SOLDIERs and Troopers. She had no idea how to feel anymore with this entire debacle. The only thing that kept her moving was the fact that at the end of it all, she could have a serious conversation with her mentor. At least, she hoped so.

Using the upturned furniture, she launched herself over the line of defense from the Troopers and landed on the shoulders of a Copy. Unsheathing her swords, she impaled them on their head. She muttered a ‘sorry’, before jumping away from the toppling corpse. A wall of ice rose to stop the approaching Copies.

“Take the injured to a room and barricade yourself!” She ordered the Troopers, who could do nothing against the SOLDIERs-turned-Copies. She had orders to rally a fighting force from Sephiroth, but a glance around the area told her Troopers could only get on the way and were better as logistic personnel.

Once she saw the Troopers heeding her orders, she joined the fray. The Copies were once her fellow SOLDIER, they had the strength and Materia proficiency as her. However, the Copies had no qualms in destroying the building while SOLDIERs were always wary to hit important machinery or burning files. That forced them to be on the defensive.

“Pay no mind to your surroundings. Kill the copies as fast as possible. General Sephiroth’s orders!” She yelled over the cacophony of the fighting. She dodged a sword that threatened to cleave her in two and casted Seal to the Copy that was about to send a Firaga towards the retreating Troopers. That left her open and on the receiving end of a sweeping kick.

Landing harshly on her back, she grunted and quickly crossed her swords in front of her to stop the sword about to pierce her head. She was at a disadvantage in her position, plus strength never being her forte. So, she casted Thundaga, sending the Copy flying back, charred and probably dead. When more Copies replaced the fallen ones, she made a decision.

She ran ahead. “Fall back!” A Barrier erected between the retreating SOLDIERs and the Copies, who slashed at it, quickly breaking it. That short reprieve allowed her to use Matra Magic. The explosions tore down walls and broke several windows around the area. Everybody looked for rooms to duck in and avoid the flames that roared in the cramped hallway.

When the tremors subsided and the fire mostly dissipated, Cloud and the rest of the SOLDIERs looked at the damage. Charred bodies, burnt furniture, fallen walls, and sparks of electricity falling from cut wires in the ceiling. They all looked at her with indescribable gazes. She ignored them and walked over the destruction. She peered down all the connecting hallways and sighed relieved that there were no more Copies.

“All abled SOLDIERs on me. We’ll use the emergency stairs to scour the rest of the floors.” Not looking back to see if they followed, she quickly retraced her steps towards the stairs. The only thing that told her they obeyed her were the hurried footsteps that resounded on the metallic steps.

They did quick runs in each floor, helping other SOLDIERs fight off the Copies in some of them and ordering the Troopers to aid the injured until medical arrived. By the time they made it to the lower floors, a sizable amount of SOLDIERs followed her. Stepping into the lobby, though, a big army of Copies awaited them. Not only that…

“My soul, corrupted by vengeance hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey.” Flapping his wing, Genesis above them like a god. His ashen hair heavily contrasted with his pasty face. Cloud’s heart shuddered at the sight. She looked away and forced down the knot in her throat. “In my own salvation and your eternal slumber.” She startled, hearing Genesis’s voice too close to her.

Looking up, she realized the SOLDIERs and Copies had started their own battle while she was distracted. That had allowed Genesis to close up on her, and prevented her from dodging, parrying, or blocking the backhand slap that sent her hurling through the entrance doors, breaking them the glass that soon found its way to her back and arms as she ungracefully landed on the street.

She hissed at the pain. Her skin closing on the embedded glass in its attempt at healing, only to get cut again. She pulled out the big shards from her shoulders and forearms and patted away the smaller ones as she stood up to face her mentor.

“I thought I taught you better, Cloud.” Genesis clicked his tongue. She pursed her lips. The only person who could catch her unawares was Genesis. He was the only one with whom she lowered her guard.

“It won’t happen again.” She lied. Genesis would always be her weakness.

“Hope so. I wouldn’t want for the real monster to lay his hands on you.” Wielding Rapier, he took a few steps forward before falling into a sprint. Her swords intercepted the attack; however, she felt her arms become numb from the force. Spidery cracks also appeared on her blades. Genesis was unrelenting with his swings, his stabs and his slashes, forcing Cloud back and rendering her unable to counter.

More and more cuts adorned her body but she persevered. He was not using Magic, so she could-

Her thoughts halted when she saw the big rocks enveloped in fire heading their way. That was… “Comet…” She whispered, her eyes searching for the most likely culprit of casting such devastating magic. The glint of the used orb could not hide the maliciousness shining in his eyes. Tears silently ran down her cheeks. Her swords fell from his slack hold, finally breaking. She suddenly felt immensely tired.

What was she fighting for?


Would he actually answer her? Her? An actual nobody he picked up as if she was a stray cat. A hopelessly in love teen who could not even confess. A weakling that thought herself superior to others just because she survived Mako poisoning. A thrown rag whose own mentor was trying to kill her. She was… no one.

The brightness of the fireballs blinded her, so she only closed her eyes and waited for her fate. Because of that, she failed to see the figure who desperately flew towards her. Leaving a trail of burning feathers, Genesis managed to scoop Cloud up and carry her away from the area of impact. The shockwave sent the two hurling forward. He protected Cloud’s head as they rolled down many streets.

Finally, they stopped after barreling through the doors of a warehouse.

Genesis made sure the person in his arms was unharmed and conscious. Only then, he lashed out to Cloud. “What’s wrong with you?! I never pegged you for a weakling that easily accepts defeat!” He felt Cloud stiffen and try to push him away, but Genesis just tightened his hold.

“Let me go.” Cloud once again with all her might to get away. She could not… she had no right…

“Tell me then!” Genesis demanded.

“Yes, I’m weak!” Cloud loudly retorted. “I’m weak and pathetic. That’s why you… That’s why I’m fighting against you than beside you.” She tightly clung to him, hiding her teary eyes in his clothes. As Genesis let go of her body, she buried herself even deeper into his chest.

Genesis felt his mind spiral with thousands of thoughts. With everything had done the past few months, with everything he had and lost, with all the possibilities that could not be. In truth, he was pushing Cloud away. He was trying to make his apprentice hate him, so when he was gone, Cloud would not mourn him when he finally succumbed to his failing genes, to death.

“What?” Cloud gasped, sitting up and looking down at the blank Genesis.

Genesis glanced at the blonde and wryly smiled. It seemed his mental faculties were failing him if he had said that aloud. “To spare the sands, the seas, the skies I offer thee this silent sacrifice.” He muttered, looking up at the metallic ceiling above them.

Cloud clutched the front of Genesis’ coat, refusing to believe what she heard. “You can’t.” She croaked, the knot in her throat returning with a vengeance. “We can…” His finger on her lips hushed her.

“Wings stripped away, the end is nigh.” He could not find a purpose for his existence anymore. He could only leave everything behind.

Even his precious apprentice.

“Cloud!” Zack’s voice startled her out of her stupor. How long had it been when Genesis left? She was once again too weak to convince him to stay, to tell him to take her with him. “Thank Gaia.” The First-Class breathed in relief, seeing his friend looking worse for wear, but relatively fine.

The fight in Mako Reactor 5 was gruesome. There were so many monsters with Angeal’s face Sephiroth and he had to kill. No matter how anyone asked him, it was unnerving, excruciating, and so sad for him to kill those monsters, what were deemed to be Copies of Angeal. His morals and sense of honor rejected the whole thing; to fight his once mentor, but orders manipulated his body to kill without mercy.

To use Angeal’s sword to kill pieces of his mentor.

Discovering the reason why Angeal and Genesis had abandoned Shinra, did not make things easier. It did not make Zack eager to fight any of them. Not Angeal who plunged him into the Slums. Not Genesis who tried to kill Hojo – the scientist could die for all he cared. However, the sight of Genesis made Zack think of Cloud. Was Cloud…?

He could not go down that trail as Genesis summoned Bahamut Fury.

It was only Zack’s urgency to know if Cloud was fine that gave him the strength to defeat the Summon. He frantically ran back to HQ, only to find the aftermath of another gruesome battle. When he had asked other SOLDIERs about Cloud, they only shook their heads, unaware of his status after they saw the Second-Class face Genesis Rhapsodos. Someone relayed that they had seen the ex-Commander cast Comet on Second-Class Strife, but he ignored if the blonde survived.

Zack tightly swallowed, witnessing the destruction done by Comet. His pupils contracted, seeing the remnants of Cloud’s swords laying on the cratered ground. Had Cloud truly… He gazed up and chanced the sight of a black feather fluttering in the wind. Filled with rage, guessing to whom that feather belonged, he crushed the thing under his boot. The act did nothing to appease the wrath he felt for the auburn-haired man. So, he looked around to try and find more.

What he found was a trail. A trail that took him to a warehouse, where he found a slumped Cloud.

“Come on, Cloud.” Zack threw one bony arm over his shoulders and dragged the limp Second-Class back to Shinra. The lobby was filled with rushing medics and nurses who did their best at treating the gravely injured, even performing surgery in the open. Zack had not heard of the Medical Bay being destroyed, so that meant the place was also packed with injured people.

Not able to stop a doctor or a nurse to look at Cloud, Zack gritted his teeth and decided to tend to Cloud himself. He was no expert, but he could perform first aid. Their line of job not allowing them to slack in that area. They could not always find a doctor while on missions after all. He hauled the blonde over his shoulder and hurried to the thankfully already-working lifts.

He stepped out of it and quickly headed to his apartment in the SOLDIER floor. Inside, he dragged a chair from his rarely used dining furniture and sat Cloud on it. He then fetched his first-aid kit, towels and even a bowl of water to clean the blood on the blonde. As he cleaned the blood on Cloud’s face, he sighed relieved to know whatever injury he incurred on the face had already healed.

The same could not be said about the arms. When Zack passed the wet towel over Cloud’s arms, the latter hissed in pain, finally taking him out of his stupor.

“Sorry.” Zack apologized, inspecting Cloud’s arms and finally seeing the small pieces of glass incrusted in the flesh. Zack winced in phantom pain. He rummaged through the kit and found some tweezers. Carefully, he started plucking out the shards; sometimes even cutting around the pieces to better take it out. “Is there any other place you got shards in?” He softly asked, cleaning the closing wounds with a gauzed soaked in saline solution to avoid an infection.

Cloud would still need to get some shots of antibiotics, but at least he was on the mend.

The Second-Class grunted and stood. Hesitating for a moment, she turned around and ripped her shirt off her torso. Zack’s gasp belied the state of her back. She sat back down on the chair and leaned on the back. She twitched when the tweezers prodded and took out a large piece. Her back burned, now that the adrenaline had worn off. Pure stubbornness kept her from jumping out of Zack’s reach.

“They’re dying, aren’t they?” She instead tried to focus on other more imperious matters.

Zack hummed, his hands pausing. If he had discovered that through some files, how had Cloud…? He gritted his teeth realizing Genesis must have told Cloud. That bastard! “Hojo called it degradation.” He said, trying to soften the whole situation.

“There’s no cure.” Cloud stated.

Zack cleaned the blood off the blonde’s mid-back and continued his work on the shoulder blades. “None that we know.” That was the most despair-inducing fact. They could do nothing for their mentors. Zack had become a SOLDIER to help those that needed it, yet he could not help those close to him.

Cloud remained silent for a good few minutes, letting Zack finish with his impromptu healing before she opened her mouth. “I love him.” She confessed. Someone had to know. Someone who would not judge her like Sephiroth did. Someone who would not tease her like Reno would do. Someone who would not scold her like Legend did. Someone who would also understand like her Ma would do.

She felt Zack’s forehead lean on her still naked back, felt his sigh. “I… I think I liked Angeal.” He first muttered, as if afraid of his own words, and then he grew more confident. “I tried to justify it with him being like an older brother to me. I even redoubled my efforts with flirting with women to hide this feeling. This… I like men though. I met the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in the Slums today, yet all I could think of was Angeal. Angeal suffering with his degradation. Angeal and his misplaced self-pity. Angeal and Genesis…”

Cloud’s heart stuttered. Was it like that? Were those two… It made sense. Why else would Genesis not even give her the chance to voice out her feelings? His words today were just her own selfish desires. He was just putting the final dot in the whimsical chapter of his life where he picked up a cadet and trained her to succeed him. Not because he felt something, anything, in return. She wryly smiled.

It was like that then.

“Cloud?” Zack softly called out. She had no idea when his arms had snaked around her waist, when he plastered himself to her, when his mouth got so close to her ear.

“Yes, Zack?” Although confused at the development, she did not feel like pushing him away. His presence was comforting. She was not alone in this.

“Can I… Can we…?” In a rare show of nerves, the dark-haired man stuttered. But she understood his request. Her heart, that still loved Genesis, recoiled at the thought. Her more tired, confused and just achingly lonely mind acquiesced. They were just two thrown away apprentices. If their mentors could, why could they not? She nodded.

It started slow.

His big hand cupped her cheek to redirect her face towards his. His lips were hesitant as they brushed against hers. As if he also did not know what was happening between them. Neither did, really. Sensing her inquisitive reciprocity, he grew a bit bolder and pressed his lips a bit harder, finally coaxing their mouths to start a real kiss. The placebo effect took hold of them, their minds conjuring another person’s lips moving against theirs.

It was not Cloud’s jaws he was kissing.

It was not Zack’s hair she gripped back.

It was not Cloud’s soft sighs he heard.

It was not Zack’s hand that left a hot trail on her chest.

It was not Cloud’s neck he was marking.

It was not Zack her whole body was pulsing for.

It was how Sephiroth found them when he suddenly entered Zack’s apartment. “What the f*ck are you two doing?” The growl made their minds clear up and jump away from each other.

Well, Zack did jump back. Cloud just curled on herself as much as the chair allowed her. Zack’s mind reeled at the fact that Sephiroth actually swore. Cloud could not believe she had been guiding Zack’s hand to her crotch. He would have discovered she was not a man! Either way, both were somewhat thankful of the interruption; otherwise, they would have gone down a path of no return.

“Well?” Sephiroth asked from behind his desk, staring down at the two problematic people in front of him. He convinced himself that the tightness in his chest was because he was angry at Zack for not telling him about his feelings for Strife – despite claiming they were friends. He did not want to analyze the raging possessiveness he felt towards Cloud.

[Mother is here for you. You do not need anyone.]

“We, uh, we were… experimenting?” Zack tried. Peeking up at the General’s unimpressed face.

“What kind of experiment required you latch onto Strife’s neck and introduce your hand in his pants?” Sephiroth inquired with a raised eyebrow. Zack fidgeted in his seat while Cloud’s face exploded into a blush.

“Sorry!” Zack squeaked. “It won’t happen again!” He promised. Even if he managed to convince Cloud to repeat the deed, he did not think Sephiroth would leave the two be alone together in the future. Zack would already see the back-to-back missions to keep him occupied.

“Really?” Sephiroth dangerously purred, leaning forward and pining the two with his glowing glare. Both Zack and Cloud nodded like Chocobo chicks pecking their Greens. Sephiroth did not believe it. Nevertheless, he had no actual authority over their… love lives. That made his displeasure skyrocket. “Leave.” He waved at them.

Not even five seconds later, he was alone in his office.

“Why do I feel like this, Mother? What is this feeling?” He softly asked, placing his hand on his chest, his constricting chest.

[Soon, it will not matter. They will not matter.]

A sense of peace washed over him. The ache completely disappearing. The thought of Zack and Cloud together brought no feeling whatsoever. He even stopped caring about them.

“Yes, Mother. You’re right.” His pupils became slits, staring at nothing, as his monotone voice resounded in the office.

Prologue: Wings of Light and Dark - FLou (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.