Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (2024)

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  • May 26, 2016

Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (1)

Most of us start making our first investments in tax-sheltered accounts. These accounts, which include traditional and Roth IRAs, 401(k) and similar employer-based retirement accounts, allow your investments to grow tax-free.

Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (2)

Hopefully, we eventually reach a point in our lives where we have filled all available tax-sheltered space, and have money left over to invest. This is where a simple brokerage account, or taxable account comes into play.

There are advantages to a “taxable” account, despite that ugly word. You can access the money at any time without penalty. Your investment choices are not limited as they are in an employer’s retirement account. You can engage in tax loss harvesting to lower your taxable income by $3,000 a year.

But we hate taxes. Remember the Boston tea party? Me neither, but I remember learning about it.

Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (3)Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (4)

How about when Ms. Strouddelivered this cynical, butmore or less accurate line to the graduating seniors of the Lee High class of’76:

“Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you’re being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don’t forget what you’re celebrating, and that’s the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn’t want to pay their taxes.”

Fortunately for me, you, and the aristocrats, ataxable account doesn’t have to be subjected to a heavy tax burden. If you earn anything close to a physician’s salary, a taxable account will be subject to “tax drag.” We will discuss exactly what that means, and what we can do to minimize it.

What is tax drag?

Simply stated, tax drag is the amount that your returns in a taxable account are decreased by taxes. It is commonly given as a percentage of the portfolio.

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How is tax drag calculated?

You must calculate your taxes paid on short and long term capital gains, and on ordinary and qualified dividends. Divide that number by the sum of your taxable investments, and you’ve got your tax drag. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone built a calculator for this?

Short-term capital gains and ordinary dividends are taxed at your marginal tax rate. At a physician’s salary, this is probably in the range of 30% to 50%.

Long-term capital gains and qualified dividends are taxed at a lower capital gains rate of 15% for most, or 20% for those in the highest federal tax bracket. On top of the 15% or 20% is state income tax for most, and a 3.8% surtax (known as the NIIT) for individuals with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) over $200,000 and couples with a MAGI over $250,000. Your rate can be as low as zero if your AGI is low enough (i.e. in early retirement), but will most likelyowe somewhere between 15% and 35% while working.

Some “real life” examples

I’d like to introduce three hypothetical characters, each with a healthy one million dollar taxable portfolio. We’ll examine how tax drag can be affected by different investing strategies, incomes, and states of residence.


Joel is a retired family practitioner living in Alaska. A native of New York City who moved north to eliminate his student loans, he relishes in the fresh air and mountain scenery abundant inour nation’s 49th state.

Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (7)

Joel invests in passive index funds and his portfolio sees very little turnover. In retirement, he and his wife Maggie keep their taxable income low enough to remain in the 15% tax bracket, avoiding all taxes on qualified dividends and long-term capital gains. Joel keeps the international portion of his asset allocation in his taxable account to take advantage of the tax credit.


Pete is a retired engineer turned successful blogger living in Colorado. Like Joel, he avoids actively managed funds in his taxable account. He did take some long-term capital gains this year when he sold a fund which held a large stake in a mining company that was found to have polluted the Colorado River. Some of those gains were offset by automatic tax loss harvesting in his Betterment account.

Pete doesn’t receive a foreign tax credit, as he has no international exposure. No, Pete.Aroad trip to Canada does not count as international exposure, at least not for this exercise.


Vince is a Hollywood actor living in [where else?]Hollywood, California. Vince sees more income in one year than Joel & Pete have earned in their lifetimes. He also spends money like it’s going out of style. To keep from going broke, Vinny asks his business manager Eric to handle a million dollar taxable portfolio for him.

Eric knows more about tossing pizzas than tax-efficient investing. He buys and sells “hot stocks” based on tips from Hollywood insiders. He got lucky this year, as novices sometimes do, and ended the year aheadwhile generating$50,000 in short-term capital gains.

Investing mainly in growth stocks in the tech industry, Eric unwittingly avoids receiving much dividend income,another good thing hedoes with the portfolio in spite ofhis naivety.

Care for a drag?

Adding up the total taxes paid on investment income, and dividing by the portfolio’s value, we can come up with a tax drag for each of the three taxpayers.

Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (9)

Looking at the tax drag on these million dollar accounts, we see a wide range from just under zero for Joel to 3% for Vince. Pete has a reasonable tax drag of 0.7%. Vince’s 3% may not sound like much, but it represents a >50%tax of nearly $30,000 on $57,000incapital gains and dividends. Have you seen what a 3% reduction in returnscan do over the long haul? It can cost you millions.

What can be done to minimize tax drag?

Fortunately, strategies exist to minimize tax drag in a taxable account:

  • Choose funds with dividends that are mostly or all qualified (examples from my portfolio include VTSAX (total stock index)and VFIAX (S&P 500 index).
  • Research funds @
  • Place international funds in a taxable account.
  • Avoid actively managed funds in a taxable account.
  • Minimize turnover. Buy-and-hold as opposed to buy-and-sell.
  • Live in a state with low or no state income tax.
  • Earn less (retire early), but don’t let the tax tail wag the dog.

The Excel file used in this sheet is available to use online or as a download with the other PoF calculators on the calculators page. Subscribe to download.

Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (10)Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (11)

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Do you have a taxable account? Do you know your tax drag? What strategies do you take to minimize it?

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22 thoughts on “Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed”

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  7. Good Post.
    I feel that:
    ◾Place bonds in a non-taxable account


    ◾Place REITs in a non-taxable account

    both deserve to be on that “What can be done to minimize tax drag?” list.


  8. While you factored in the available tax credit for the foreign taxes, you neglected the fact that those foreign taxes were paid. In other words, you paid $350 in foreign taxes in order to get a credit against your U.S. taxes. So while the U.S. tax drag is zero in your example, there is in fact some tax drag due to the foreign taxes that were paid.


    • I recognize that, but those foreign taxes paid are reflected in the return from those foreign funds.

      Holding international funds in taxable versus tax-advantaged gives you a benefit that doesn’t exist for US funds, and that’s the point I was attempting to make.



      • Hi PoF,

        I actually find this very confusing and would love your insight. I am planning to start investing in an international index fund. I max out my tax-advantage accounts. I keep reading that you should put international funds in taxable accounts. However, this logic isn’t clear to me. With an international fund in a taxable account you 1) pay international tax, 2) pay domestic tax 3) get a domestic tax credit, while in a tax-advantaged account you 1) pay international tax. Its not clear to me that the tax credit is greater than the domestic tax, in which case its not clear to me that putting international in a tax-advantaged account makes sense as you’re paying extra taxes to get that tax credit. Thank!!


        • Here’s one way to look at it.

          Take away our #2 (pay domestic tax) from what happens in a taxable account, because that is true of any investment in taxable, whether foreign or domestic stock, bond, etc…

          Now, you’re comparing getting the foreign tax credit versus not getting it.

          A caveat that I’ll add is that if the domestic tax drag on the international fund is a lot higher than it would be on a US stock fund, and the delta between the two is in excess of the foreign tax credit, then it wouldn’t make sense to own the international fund in taxable. It is true that international funds tend to pay somewhat higher dividend yields with a lower percentage of qualified dividends.

          Does that help?

  9. Perhaps an elementary question, but how would one know if a dividend is qualified or unqualified (for purposes of including particular funds in a taxable account’s portfolio)?


    • The 1099 at the end of the year will tell you. Fund companies also give you this information, and I’m sure there are other sources, as well. Here are Vanguard’s percentages for 2016. Note that the S&P 500 fund is 100% qualified. Total stock Market is 93%. Total international is 72%.



  10. Great Post! I’ve been trying to explain the advantages of a Traditional vs Roth TSP to my compatriots who are moving up in tax brackets – macro-Tax Drag. This post, and especially the calculator will be a great help. Its amazing to see what tweaking small parts of the portfolio can do to net returns. I need to stop putting my International Index funds into my IRA i guess.


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  12. Great Post! I’ve been trying to explain the advantages of a Traditional vs Roth TSP & IRA’s to my coworkers who are moving up in tax brackets – macro-Tax Drag. This post, and especially the calculator will be a great help. Its amazing to see what tweaking small parts of the portfolio can do to net returns.


  13. Most people try to minimize taxes as much as possible when they use their 401k, HSA, etc but then when they switch to their taxable account, it seems they don’t think they can do things to keep taxes low in that account as well. This is a great example that there are things people can do so they don’t get killed by the tax drag! Nice post!


    • Thanks, Thias! I’ve definitely tried to optimize tax efficiency.

      It didn’t make much difference when it was a 4-figure or 5-figure account. The taxes become noticeable once you’ve got 6 or 7 figures in the taxable account.


  14. It’s funny how when you don’t have any money, minimizing taxes seem to be the last thing on your mind. So the good news is that once you start worrying about it, it’s usually because you’re in a much better position financially in your life.

    I finally hired a CPA after doing my own taxes since college with tax strategy being a big reason why. So glad I made that decision – it’s already paying off in my planning.

    — Jim


  15. Living in a state with no income tax is sure a big help! I can’t recommend it enough!


  16. Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (16)
  17. It’s amazing how much difference the tax drag can make. The kind of alpha/excess return you can gather from smart tax management (and also low cost index funds) is something even professionals can only dream of. And every retail investor can achieve that with very little effort.

    PS: Our emergency fund article that you featured in “The Sunday Best” section on May 15, also got picked up by Rockstar Finance yesterday. Thanks for boosting its popularity, I’m sure that helped!!!


    • So true. Tax treatment of returns are very important and often overlooked.

      And yes, I noticed the RSF feature, congrats! I like the Sunday Best badge you put up as well, which gives me an idea… Thanks!


  18. The tax drag has been quite annoying in recent years for me as this account has grown, and my marginal tax rate has increased. This has forced me to optimize my holdings in that account better to avoid tax just like you have outlined. Very informative post, thanks!


    • I hear you, Green Swan. I started taking a closer look once my taxable portfolio started having noticeable tax consequences. I had some old actively managed funds that were generating a whole lot of capital gains. Some of them went to the donor advised fund, and others were sold after I had done some tax loss harvesting to offset the gains I would take to get out of the active funds.

      Tax-efficiency in a taxable account is very important, particularly during your high earning years.



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Tax Drag: What a Drag it is Getting Taxed - Physician on FIRE (2024)


What is an example of a tax drag? ›

Tax Drag Example

For example, suppose that an individual can invest $1 million in two securities in either Country A with a 25% withholding tax, or Country B with a 15% withholding tax. Both securities pay a 2.5% dividend. Security A would return $25,000 minus $6,250 in taxes, for a total of $18,750.

What is the formula for tax drag? ›

Tax drag = (1 – After-tax return / Before-tax return) x 100. For instance, if your client's before-tax return is 8% and the after-tax return is 6%, the tax drag would be calculated as follows: (1 – 6%/8%) x 100 = 25%.

What is the tax drag in CFA? ›

It's calculated as the difference between the return on an investment before taxes and the return after taxes. Tax drag is a crucial concept for financial advisors to understand and manage, as it can hinder the long-term growth potential of a client's investments and overall portfolio.

How to tax loss harvest vanguard? ›

Tax Loss Harvesting with Screenshots
  1. Step 1: Recognize a loss has occurred. You can't harvest a loss that you don't know about. ...
  2. Step 2: Select the lot(s) to sell or exchange. ...
  3. Step 3: Select the TLH Partner to Purchase. ...
  4. Step 4: Confirm the Tax Loss Harvest.

What is an example of a tax swap? ›

For example, you might lose $5,000 when you sell Stock A, but Stock B might earn you $6,000 when you sell it within the same year. You can deduct that $5,000 loss from your gain, resulting in a taxable capital gain of just $1,000.

What are the three major types of taxes give one example of each? ›

All taxes can be divided into three basic types: taxes on what you buy, taxes on what you earn, and taxes on what you own. Every dollar you pay in taxes starts as a dollar earned as income. The main difference is the point of collection. Sales taxes are paid by the consumer when buying most goods and services.

How can I avoid tax drag? ›

As your investment compounds over time, the returns are lower because there's less principal to compound. In certain circ*mstances, tax drag can be limited if you can either avoid paying the taxes altogether, defer the taxes and pay them later, or find ways to offset the capital gains with capital losses.

How to calculate tax rate? ›

The most straightforward way to calculate the effective tax rate is to divide the income tax expense by the earnings (or income earned) before taxes. Tax expense is usually the last line item before the bottom line—net income—on an income statement.

What is the tax equation? ›

When written out, the equation looks like this: Sales tax rate = Sales tax percent / 100. Sales tax = List price x Sales tax rate.

What is the 90 tax rule? ›

If you expect your income this year to be less than last year and you don't want to pay more taxes than you think you will owe at year end, you can choose to pay 90 percent of your estimated current year tax bill rather than 100 percent (or 110 percent depending on AGI) of your prior year tax bill.

What is the 3.8 wealth tax? ›

NIIT is a tax on net investment income. Those who are subject to the tax will pay 3.8 percent on the lesser of the following: their net investment income or the amount by which their modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) extends beyond their specific income threshold.

What is the cash flow after taxes? ›

What Is Cash Flow After Taxes? (CFAT) Cash flow after taxes (CFAT) is a measure of financial performance that shows a company's ability to generate cash flow through its operations. It is calculated by adding back non-cash charges, such as amortization, depreciation, restructuring costs, and impairment, to net income.

What is the 60 day rule for tax-loss harvesting? ›

The wash-sale rule is an IRS regulation that prohibits investors from using a capital loss for tax-loss harvesting if the identical security, a “substantially identical” security, or an option on such a security has been purchased within 60 days of the sale that generated the capital loss (30 days before and 30 days ...

What is the 30 day reinvestment rule? ›

This rule states that if an investor buys back the same security within 30 days of sale, the tax benefit from the capital loss will be nullified.

What is the wash sale rule? ›

Q: How does the wash sale rule work? If you sell a security at a loss and buy the same or a substantially identical security within 30 calendar days before or after the sale, you won't be able to take a loss for that security on your current-year tax return.

What are two examples of tax rebellions? ›

Examples of historic events that originated as tax revolts include the Magna Carta, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution.

What is an example of a tax burden? ›

Imagine a $1 tax on every barrel of apples a farmer produces. If the farmer is able to pass the entire tax on to consumers by raising the price by $1, the product (apples) is price inelastic to the consumer. In this example, consumers bear the entire burden of the tax—the tax incidence falls on consumers.

What is an example of a tax lot? ›

For example, if you have purchased 10 shares of Security XYZ once a month over a 2-year period, you have 24 unrealized tax lots, 12 short-term and 12 long-term, and a combination of gains and losses. If you choose to sell 10 shares, one of those 24 tax lots will be automatically selected to be realized.

What is an example of a tax structure? ›

The United States is an example of a progressive tax structure. Individuals who earn higher incomes will have a higher tax bill than those who earn less. For example, if Person A earns $36,000 in wages and salary, Person A will have a lower tax bill than Person B if Person B earns $250,000 in wages and salary.

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