Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest Original (2024)

With a widescreen high-def TV, you can see everything. Every drop of sweat that drips from a wrestler's body. Every minute imperfection in their moves. Every gaping mouth in the audience. Every. Single. Thing. Including the things you'd really rather not see.

"Hey," Jack says. "Check out the backne on Horus."

"I've been trying not to." you groan.

"How can you not want to stare at that?!" he asks. "I mean, look at it!"

Instead of starting at the back of 'Falcon Warrior' Horus Talon like Jack wants you to, you stare up at the ceiling. That's a lot easier to do on a couch; good thing Jack managed to find one to sleep on. If he hadn't, you might be forced to actually do what he's suggesting and look at the back pimples on display.

Jack doesn't let you off that easily. "Hey." he muses out loud. "Do… do you think it pops when he takes a back bump? Is there like a trail of canvases that have pus and sh*t decorating them from when he falls down? You think that's why he tries not to bump? Doesn't want to-"

"Ew. Ew." You cut him off quickly for your own sanity. "That's disgusting. Thank you so much for that mental image."

Jack protests "Hey! You can't say you weren't thinking wondering!"

"Well I am now! And it's your fault! I blame you. Entirely. You sick freak."

Whatever Jack is about to respond with is cut off as the door swings open. Allie stalks into the apartment in full Snow White attire. "Yo." she greets you, turning her head to check out what you're watching. "Anything good on the- oh, f*ck! Look at that guy's back!"

"I know!"

You need to change the topic right now. "So," You ask, desperately grasping for any straws of conversation. "How was your day at work?"

Allie rolls her eyes. "Some brat was sick on me, and Pauline's fighting me on paying for the dry cleaning. So about usual. You?"

Jack mutters something uncomplimentary about high rise office buildings and how he can't find another job, and you just grunt something noncommittal. The last thing they want to hear is about how your job's going wonderfully. Allie nods as if you'd answered, but then throws something at you.

You catch it out of midair. It's a cardboard box, heavy, and it rattles when you shake it. Allie quirks an eyebrow at you. "That was outside the door for you. Anything good?"

You shake your head. "I haven't ordered anything. But…" you scan it for any identifying marks. It's plain, a little beaten up from the shipping, but the packing label is untouched. The return address isn't too far from here. In fact, you probably could walk there if you wanted to. Actually you have walked there. It's on your jogging route!

The box pops open with a little force. Inside are many smaller boxes. There's a note on top of them, which you tear open.

These first ones are free. Next time it'll cost you.

Do you know a Darryl? Who is on your jogging route. Why does that sound so familiar? Wait… is that Sadie's owner? The guy who keeps accusing you of trying to turn his adorable dog against him?

Right. Yeah, that's Darryl. You think back to the last time you talked to him. You'd been trying to convince Sadie to run away and live in the apartment with you. The dog hadn't been convinced, but it had started a conversation with her owner about your living situation. About how you made money, and how the more revenue streams you had going the better.

Darryl had commiserated with you. He dabbles as a freelance artist, so he knew all about taking every cent you could. And then he'd made some suggestions about merchandise ideas

You flip open one of the tiny boxes. Inside are playing cards. But not just any playing cards. Official 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin playing cards. There's your face on the joker even!

"Awesome." you breathe out.
We have reached Month Four! It's now time to plan for the month of March, 20XX!

As a refresher, here's how the monthly plan works:

Each action is worth a certain point value, listed in the action description. Some actions may be taken multiple times, and those are specified in the action description, along with the number of times the action may be taken. You must make a plan worth 28 points, minus those that have already been subtracted for previous commitments.

You have 6 expenses remaining! (0+5(Work)+2(Merchandise)+ 1(N.E.W)-2(Rent))
Rent is 2 expenses, due at the end of the month.
Yoga Studio Membership is 1 expense, due at the beginning of the month.

Your bookings this month are:
Spot Show: The Ruckus at Rittenhouse (Week Thirteen) (Pay: N/A) (1 Point)
S.W.F: S.W.F Rising Sun (Week Fourteen) (Pay: N/A) (1 Point)
N.E.W: N.E.W Destrucity (Week Fifteen) (Pay: 1 Expense)

You have 24 points remaining to spend on actions, after commitments. Please spend them in PLAN FORMAT.

Personal Actions

[] Explore the city- You haven't seen much of Baltimore so far, but you're told it's a great place. At least, certain parts of it are. You're going to take some time to yourself and go exploring. You'll walk around the city and see what you stumble upon. (DC50 check. If passed, Tommy finds something cool. If failed, Baltimore remains as boring as a major metropolitan city can be.) (1 point. May be taken Infinite times.)

[] Hunt for an Apartment- You're not that attached to the Coventry Suites. The Landlord is creepy, and the only reason you didn't freeze over the winter was because of your own restlessness. You're a little more secure in Baltimore then you were. It's time to start looking for another apartment, either for yourself, or for your trio. (DC60 check. If passed, Tommy gets a list of apartments that have vacancy, and something more solid than the month to month lease he's currently on. If failed, Tommy has no choice but to remain a resident at the Coventry Suites.) (1 point. May be taken Infinite Times.)

[] Look for a Car- You've got the Monster, and it's a terrifying beast of a van. It's paid in full and entirely yours. But the fact is that it's kind of sh*t. Maybe if you looked around for a bit, you'd find another set of wheels that's better for you. (Cost: Varies. DC 50 check. On success, a car that suits Tommy's price point and needs is found, and Tommy can haggle with the guy on a price. On failure, Tommy doesn't find anything that suits him.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times)

[] Look for Furniture- You live in a sh*thole, and the only things you things you own that could even be remotely called furniture are your bed and your TV. This place needs some decoration. You'll hit some thrift stores and see what's available to put in your room and the apartment as a whole. (Cost: Varies. DC20 check. On success, some decent, bug free, furniture is found and you can decide whether or not to buy it. Furniture confers unique bonuses. Possible Encounters. On failure, Tommy can't find anything that's not infested with some new roommates.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times.)

[] Maintain Your Online Presence- At the end of the day, you run a small business that has exactly one employee. What do all small businesses need? Accessibility and advertising, and there's nothing better for that then the internet. You've got your twitter @HoleCard, a facebook, and a blog you've been making little entries in. Keep it up! (Cost: None. DC 80 check. On success, enough people notice Tommy's online presence that he gains a bit of notoriety. On failure, nothing happens, but Tommy maintains his footprint.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times.)

[] Work on the Monster- Your van is an affront to nature, the road it drives on top of, and every definition of good taste. You should work on that. Between the internet and the people at the auto supply store, you should be able to figure out how to fix some of it's problems. (Cost: 1 Expense +, depending on upgrades made. DC10 Check. If passed, Tommy successfully fixes or upgrades the Monster in a way chosen later. If failed, Tommy somehow messes the Monster up worse than it already is.) (1 Point. Maybe taken Infinite Times.)

[] The Wrestling Times- The Wrestling Times is the premier source of wrestling news and gossip in the world. Coming out bimonthly, it's really the best way to keep up to date on the whole wide world of wrestling. It's not cheap, but it's worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense, monthly. Cannot be failed.) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Veg and Relax- The outside world is overrated. Every now and then you need to relax and putter around your apartment while doing absolutely nothing. You'll do a bit of cleaning, try and scrub that color off the toilet, and just take some time to yourself. (+1d50 Resilience as Tommy recovers. Apartment becomes more livable.) (1 Point. May be taken Infinite Times.)

Social Actions

[] Hang out with Allie- You made Allie a promise, and she's got a needle and ink with your name on it. Best to get this out of the way ASAP. Tommy and Allie make time in their schedule to hit the tattoo parlor. The tattoo event will be finished, possible encounters and relationship gains. action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Charley- Your coworker's an obsessed woman, dedicated to her classes in a way that you've only imagined. But she's mentioned that stuff might be clearing up for her soon, and she wouldn't mind seeing you outside of work some time. It might be nice to hang with someone not obsessed with Pro Graps- bizarre, but possibly nice. (Tommy and Charley make time to go out and do something different- for Tommy at least, with possible encounters and possible relationship gains. This Action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times)

[] Hang out with Jack- It looks like Jack is going to need some help adjusting to his new surroundings, even more than you do. You'll set aside some time and go do some sh*t together. New experiences are always better when shared. (Tommy and Jack go out and do something cool, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Kennedy- You've struck up an unexpected friendship with up and coming indie worker Kennedy Cole. Though she's a bit obnoxious sometimes, she's a blast to spend time with. And since you've got wheels, you can make it to her place in Philly without wasting the entire day. (Tommy and Kennedy do sh*t in Philadelphia, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (3 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Leah and Caleb- You've gotten the phone numbers for two more of your former classmates at Horizon, the overly-friendly Caleb and the young, but businesslike, Leah. They've put out a standing offer to hang whenever you'd like and you might as well take them up on it. If nothing else, maybe they've found another place to work. (Tommy heads over to Caleb and Leah's place and they do something together. This action cannot be failed.) (2 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

[] Hang out with Omid- You never expected to strike up a friendship with a wrestler you watched on TV, but that's what's happened. The Persian Punisher's been after you to do something cool lately, and since you've got wheels, you can make it down to Annapolis do some sh*t without wasting your entire day. (Tommy and Omid do sh*t in Annapolis, with possible encounters and a possible relationship increase. This action cannot be failed.) (3 Points. May be taken Four Times.)

Training Actions

[] Figure out a gimmick (Team)- You're with Jack and Allie for a reason. Not only are they your friend and cost-reducers, they're your team. But anyone can just show up and wrestle in plain tights and boots. You three are going to sit down and hash out a gimmick. (Cost: 1 Expense+ (can grow with more complex gimmicks) for proper tights and boots. A design-a-gimmick choice will come in a later update if this is chosen) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Figure out a gimmick (Solo)- Anyone can wrestle in plain white boots and plain black tights, but you want to be a goddamn pro. For that, you need a gimmick, and there's a lot more to a gimmick than throwing on your jacket and calling yourself the Wildcard. Hash that sh*t out. (Cost: 1 Expense+ (can grow with more complex gimmicks) for proper tights and boots. A design-a-gimmick choice will come in a later update if this is chosen) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Get back to Horizon Academy- You've graduated from wrestling school. But who says you can't go back? Daybreak. Daybreak is who says you can't go back. But you're sure you can weasel her into letting you at least use the basem*nt and the tapes. (+1d20 in two skills of your choice (select when voting), interaction with Daybreak and Delilah. This action Cannot be failed) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Go for a Jog- There's no way around it: your conditioning needs work. And there's no better way to work on it then to lace up your shoes and go for a jog. Working on your cardio is a long, thankless, grueling task, but you have to start somewhere. (Results: +1d50 Cardio. Possible encounters.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Hit the Gym- You're a professional athlete now, and you're going to need to maintain yourself and improve your body. There's nothing better for that then heading to the gym. A membership'll cost you a little a month, but it's well worth it. (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d20 for power and cardio. Possible encounters) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Talk to the Man in the Mirror- The actual act of wrestling only makes up a portion of what professional wrestling is. The rest of it is all words and charisma, and luckily your apartment has just acquired a shiny, full-length mirror. You'll spend some time in front of it and practice your promos. (+1d20 Microphone, +1d20 Charisma) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Tweak a Gimmick- You've got a gimmick for now, but nothing is perfect. You're going to brainstorm some new things and some new changes to you in-ring persona that will hopefully make everything pop just a little. (Cost: 0+ expenses (Depends on changes made). Tommy will tweak his gimmick in a later vote.) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Watch Some Tape- After some pleading and more than a few threats, you've finally managed to get a half-decent internet connection. You've got some of your own matches to study now up online, and the wide world of YouTube open as well. Time to watch some matches. (DC40 Check. If passed, +1d50 to two Out-Of-Ring or Gimmick skills of your choice (select when voting). If failed, Tommy was unable to find anything worth studying online.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Yoga for Beginners- You've recently discovered Selina's Natural Breathing, a yoga studio for beginners. It's a lot more fun then you had originally thought; you get to take in some incredible views and work on your flexibility training at the same time! (Cost: 1 Expense per month. Results: +1d50 Athleticism. Possible encounters. Interaction with Selina.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

[] Practice Your Match- You've made a bet with Daybreak that you're going to have a good match with one of her green rookies in their debut, and by god you're going to win! But it might help if you work on it a little ahead of time… (Cost: N/A. DC 50. If passed, Tommy and Jerome Wilkinson are able to successfully plan something for their match, lowering the DC for it. Interaction with Daybreak's rookie class. Possible encounters. If failed, Jerome is freaked out and needs to be calmed down. No gain.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)

Work Actions

[] Design New Merchandise- Selling merchandise is a great way to get your name out there, and to actually get some money in your pocket. Maybe it would look better for you to have some more. So you'll whip up a design and place an order for some fresh gear. (Cost: 1 Expense. DC20 Check. For every 10 the check succeeds by, the design is of better quality. Enables Tommy to work the merch tables at shows.) (0 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Go to Work- You're now gainfully employed as a… whatever-the-hell-you-do at UR Shipping. Archie, your boss, seems nice, and your only coworker is pretty great when she's not buried in a textbook. Get over there! It's time to make that money. (No check. +5 expenses. Possible gains with Archie and Charley. If not taken, DC60 check must be passed to avoid being fired.) (4 Points. May be taken once.)

[] Look for Work (Normal)- You've got to face it; you're almost flat broke. If you want to be able to keep supporting the rich lifestyle which you're surely about to become accustomed too, you need a regular job to pay the bills. (DC40 Check. If passed, you find and interview for a job. The higher the roll, the better your job. If failed, employment has nothing for you.) (1 Point. May be taken infinite times.)

[] Look for Work (Wrestling)- You're calling yourself a professional wrestler. In order to keep doing that, you need to, you know, wrestle. Professionally. (DC60 check. If passed, Tommy gets some leads and might be able to talk his way onto a show. If failed, nothing Tommy does pans out, at least for now.) (1 Point. May be taken infinite times.)

[] Reorder Merchandise- You've been doing well with your merchandise. So well that you're starting to run low on it. Time to refresh your inventory! (Cost: 1+ expenses. For every expense spent, Tommy gains another 100 Wild Smile T-Shirts) (0 points. May be taken once.)

[] THUNDERPUNCH- You just had the strangest call from Jake- Silent Steel, who works mostly in THUNDERPUNCH. Apparently his crew of backyarders is looking to start something a little more regular, and Jake's thrown in a good word for you. Not everyone wants you there, but enough do that you've got an offer if you want it. (Cost: N/A. Payment: N/A. Tommy will go to work one of THUNDERPUNCH's new weekly shows.) (1 Point. May be taken four times.)
Mechanic Changes

Furniture Gained! Widescreen TV!

Benefits from 'Watch Tape' increase from 1d20 to 1d50.
Merchandise Gained! Wildcard Playing Cards! Quantity: 200. 1 Expense Gained for every 25 sold. Reorder Cost: 1 Expense

So, if you're wondering about why you have cards now, thank @liujuin. When he did the picture of Tommy a while ago, he decided to take the Mystery Box instead of the usual flat out rewards. And that, of course, is this shiny new piece of merchandise.

Also: if there are any questions about people's ages, or their relationship with Tommy, that's what the Cast of Characters post is for. It's threadmarked. Right now the only NPCs with details are Allie, Jack, Daybreak, and Delilah, but I'm adding Kennedy and Omid soon. And if there're any other characters that threaten to join the supporting cast, they'll be added as well.

Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest Original (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.