The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CIBVflANI PLAIN DIALS 1 WBONtiOAV SEPT 1 ft EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IsmsTi (Continued rom Preceding rqo) 5170 Bruckcr Associates to $23 to $22520010 biller record clerk key clerk west beslnner mtl clerk dlphone operator Comptometer operator bietittsn General office biller Driver aupervuor Receptionist PWUlR mu mu rwins machine opeiatui WiIa del'll MAN'S OTHER XCH I M' OrMN Wilson Employment 7 2 3 I 1 1 i nn Comine rce Bldg PR lecretary relocate days $275 lecretary to executive $240 iecretaiy east $225 tret are vice Secretary weal Jio Secretary legal emUry public eeretary engineering ft dy J2bO Stenographer 1 gtri office $200 Stenographer 1 SH downtown JIM Ro0kkencr cMtt accmmiant K525O Bookkeeper full charge $200 Rxnceeoti typ on Bookkeeper assistant typist Tvplst Typist Typist Typist Typist 42 Schofield Bldg MA J655 1 order writer $200 Remington bookkeeping machine Ediphone secretary 'SA PIUS 29 EMALE INSTRUCTION "NEW" Ico*k NEW CLOTH 'S Complete Home Sewing Couie Covers instructions in development liom the fashion pattern the complete dress 1 earn th easv method of making bound button holes seton sleeve zippei mms belts and collars EIGHT LSONS $10 DAV OR Special rates for teen ageia Enrol! Now 3 0 0 I Tl 0 NW A TE 0 A Our Students Want WORK Will send men beat suited to your needs Cleveland Engineering Inst 3135 Cheater PR 20 Ql) Young men age 21 40 now entering schuvl fur long periods need part time employment a ui or evening or particulars phone Mr Carlisle EX 9196 LORIDA Weit coait dist iTbuCor' call ing on industrial trades deaii'U addi tional line will consider exclusive territories of well rstabUahed fhms Box 2J973P1hih Dealer iCrosmoHjAiifK35ALi ADfiUESS envelopes by hanJTn my home ur parties HE 6838 stuffing envelopes light assembly or any other light work BABY sitter: mothrof age 5 girl wants Willard school children to care for the school week good lunches served baby care also day or eve i re letenee 0 8 0 03 fiABY sitter al your home any tTnie and week ends young widow good releinceAC 308 BABY "sitter: ExpeiTencedtVenage girl vicinitv Kam ms Corners CL 6054 BARMAID Colored: 'experienced Call l'K4176 BOOKKEEPER stenographer One girl office MU 2157 BUNDLE? laundry: A aliases "cuila'ins call deliver PR 1 CLEANING and Experienced KX 6703 CLEANER Colored: good bowling al leys or small hotel preferred city references CE 6356 CLERICAL work or telephone soliciting done at my home: also baby sitting Call O1 1696 OOK: General or econd experienced references $3o BO OOtfl COMPANION: Light housework: short hours UT1 1 190? DAV WORK: Colored reliable: cleaning laundry andwall washing BR7017 DAYWORK: Cleaning: experienced re liable VU 3 2590 DAYWORK: Genera! house cleaning: experienced UT 1 4581 DAYWORK: Light cleaning: colored! $550pluscarfare CE 8414 DAYWORK: Wednesdays UT 1 1188 DAYWORK: Experienced: cleaning GA 2392 "DAYWORK: $6 AND CARARE BR 5791 7910 Age 30 NVRSE helper reliable college report AT YOUR NEAREST Singer Sewing Center 6 convenient 424S wil ttL NURSING! DAYWORK White East Side Box 15171 Pain Deilei DAYWORK: White laundry: "cleaning: experienmiME 5367 DAYWORK Experienced white reliable worker PR S4 3 5AYWOKK: $6 and carfare: experi enced girl VU 36545 DAYWORK Experienced? city "refer ences HE 01 16 DAYWORK: Cleaning washing and Iron ing experienced GA 5649 Washing Ironing clean ing 164 3Ridgewood Ave DAY'WORK or by week white East Slue only LI 9 1 33 DAY Cleaning experienced' colored HE 9387 DINNERS and partu sneatly served alsnlaundrv work SU 189 DRESSMAKING alterations by the day ALL cleaning anv time call Mondav Tuesday Wednesday 8 EN 4312 a GENERALrul five must le experi enced efficient dependable downtown oilice established co $175 monthly state age education past experience i Ann mama Jtranis hot 26473 Plain Dealer GENERAL typlns addressing done in my home 5727 after 5:30 UUvnA k1' individual instiuc i wnirw HUV M'UrtK I certified I eiaH watoi? mlncle atr 'any Train NOW bv our short low cost ORIGINAL ranklin method for a satisfying well paid caieer In PRACTICAL NURSING Girls and Women Ages 18 to 5 Visit pnone write fur tree booklet RANKLIN SCHOOIS 1245 Prospect Ave 5395 Cleveland 1 5Ohlo Al EDI CAL AIDS Plan todav for a swure tomorrow ENROLL NOW Prepare ymvself for an Inteiestin? ca reer And better pay as a dxtoi reetp fionist assistant laboratory technician Training quick inexpensive 1 ap a ah evrainn riASHt'S frCC ptwru usj ia sc placement attractive positions oi denomination i all art tn formation wme ptiuMc vt Carnegie Institute Cat negte at 10 at SU 4200 77'A'n rTi 'vn fvninn' hnoltkwDIHe Slid comptomeUy courses IlOVSEWORK: Light: time pref" non: rapid nrostess Mde lc f'JS abi moninss: by capable quiet Individual instruction couues taught by i doctors dav or eve classe free booklet home BEYWOOD ACADEMY' i 4 1 Euclid Ave EX 6363 IRONING only home or veurs: icstau TERM I rant work references EN 0433 secretarial Gregg Shorthand Typing KINDERGARl EN teacher teletype op Comntometrw dav evc Boyd School 1 erator Spanish Interpreter coding and 353b bUCHG Aven ELIZABETH KARDOS ASHION INSTI LAVNDREl TUiE LNVt vressnniKHtx na li Blds 1375EueU'l CHJ336 CH4 13j OHlfVS Honor Emblem Beauty School Cleveland Academy of Cosmetology Inc 1030 Euclid Uli ftOOlCHerryT635 Switchboard school: Giris wom en all area: day or evening lmene Utt School 388 OldArcad SU1 710 COMPLETE BEAUTY COURSES: White Cross Hurnn gthBlde CH6S19 30 POSITION WANTEO MALE a a Mn'Trkf rtn 1 9 years mtg co and general account ing exprifnea deshea position as asst rnmptrbllerBox 1974Plaln Dealei ACCOUNTANT: Will audit open close keen books for small businessJA A7496 advertising max Seeks connection with reputable agencydt efirnT idpa man sales orumotioa nvnrLrl rarin upirsniwr I background native of CleveU: 29 willing to travel Box Plain Dealer ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER: Reg istered Ohio amiliar with structural ventilating air conditioning estimating and sales ormerly chief en gineer small consulting and sales firm Ac? 33 married Will locate anywhere Slightly prefer Ohio Box 4478 Plain A 1 chiit imnpr' all work rlnclprHfiff finished: call deliver RIC 397K dav evenlng irst class no cleaning canare gl 69 99 LAUNDRY dne at my home family finished also bachelor bundles will pick up and deliver RA312 LAUNDRY worSt for Shaker Heights tricl A work call and deliver WA 3333 NURSE: Practical trained colored ref erences to10houis1 SW 8829 NURSE: Middle aged no mental ma adults stay RA 6966 reasonable: ref erence Box26373 Plain Dealer REPORTER in earlv twentleKwantspo strum in Cleveland: either on a news paper or magazine is interested kind of writing competent and pleasant has had some education and exoenence in Ing available aporoxnnetely Sept 10 Box 137M Plain Dealer i i publication SECRETARIAL work at home 8 Mend se experience also simple bookkeeping add 13013 I UH macHHte odiiduic write uiwvnitir scjuui SECRETARY stenographer: experienced capable college graduate: 5 dav week SK6497 STENOGRAPHER: PART TIME 4 9S9 TYPING and at lice work of all types done In my home pick up and deliv Dealer BARTENDER: Veteran young experi enced in excellent mixed drinks steady position LA 4056 Call between 12 2 BARTENDER or manager considerable experience 9 years hotel bar manage ment excellent references Box lib 3 Plain Dealer BRICKLAYER superintendent with gen era! construction and engineering ex perience would like to take charge of plant maintenance Box 18873 Plain Dealer CHAUEUR Veteran experienced wltn good references willing to travel Ga 3438 CUSTODIAN: Part time experienced references LI 30 80 CUSTODIAN: Couple part time ex perienced' references KE 8664 DRIVING or anv cleaning inhouse experienced EX 8916 ARM work: Single young mao with home farm experience want steady job with dairy farmer salary rwn and vrd Box 265 73 Plain Dealer RY cook or janitor work references 30 years olo EN 8985t LEAD burner: plumber 30 experience ability Pnone Diamond 5166 jLIGHT assembly and bench work: man In early 40s capable physically handi capped transportation a problem Box 23773 Pla 1 Deal i CIE position 26 experienced: some college permanent LU 9 1 6d BACKING supervisor 18 yrs "experience in large dept store supervising packing andshippings Box 17973Plain Dealer PERSONNEL MANAGER: Experienced In all phases of employment satety insurance cafeteria employee welfare programs etc age 39: excellent ref erences willing to relocate Box 10273 Plain Dealer PUBLIC relations director industrial experienced al! phases: employee plant community relations publicity writer and publications editor: age 31 univer sity graduate salary open Box 1478 Plain Dealer SALESMAN Ambitious seeking position in wholesale I eld: salary and commission Box 3 237 Plain Dealer SALESMAN: urniture and carpels thoroughly experienced desirous nf lo cating with good concern bM of erences full or part time BO 0552 SALESMAN 11 years experience seeks permanent connection Box 17573 Plain Dealer erv MB 3045 TYPING to do at home excellent in statistical and stencil pick up deliver North Royalton 6112 TYPING: GENERAL AND MANU SCRIPT: EXPERT: AT HUME EN 4 045 Typist age 21 married neat appear ance good personality: tvping speed 65 per minute: 4 vears experience: will st a rtja $175 per month AC 7593 TYPIST Genera! office work: several years experience: downtown preferred V'A 8760 Age3i Cail SV 5623 QUALIIED PERSONNEL The office functions of the Cleveland plant of a national concern are being transferred to its executive oifices and as a result the services of the follow ing personnel will become available on or before sept 15 Cashier qualified In general office wurk including payroll accounts re ceivable and pavable office machine tvpniK etc Typist and comptometer operator General cierk including cost and in ventory control 2 secretaries one with personnel ex perience ile Clerk Siiouid you have an Interest In any of the above vt 11 qualified personnel please address plant manager Box 14573 Plain Dealer A COMPETENT energetic woman desires position: expenenceo as bookkeeper (em ployers rate ability as exceptional) ste nographer (light dictation) tvplst trapid accuratei: work arranged so that maxi mum production obtained with mini mum effort: good health pleasing per sonality age over 35 RA1618 EXPERIENCED title girl? board' cashier can drive in new or used ear agency Wnte Katherine Tnaw 2012 Spri Rd PART time work secretariat medical or general: Saturdays Sundays or eve nings Call evenings or Sunday rA 5743 YOUNG woman responsible wants job in Euchd 105 area experienced In bookkeeping and general cffie and child group workCE 9795 REMNED young lady" desires room and board exchange for dinner dishes babv sitting: excellent references Box 261 73 Plain pealer LADY: 25 wants i6b driving: free to travel Unte Katherine Thaw 2012 Rd NEAT colored girl wants houxewotK from 8 to 4 5 days $25 a week CE SALESMAN desires connection with rep utable food concern has car ex perience and references AT 8950 SENIOR ACCOUNTANT EXECUTIVE 4 CONTROLLER Aralyze stabilize profitize your business 2S years available Sept 15 Reply Box 157 8 Plain Dealer SaDING applicator wants "work the square AT 2654 1 HEATER work door man etc 4 years xpenence MI 0361 TRUCK driver chauReur an" watch man Call CH 6918 TRUCK driver handy man Box 16173 Plain Dealer QUALIIED 12 52 REINED widow to do" light housekeep ing for one elderly oerson only no laundry references RE u38 2 GIRL desires day work and serving pan ieSjR A 6709 EXPERIENCED colored woman wants daywork cleaning jronmg EX 2539 HONEST reliable colored daywork (cleanin SW 4032 PART TIME housework evenings and Sat Gays CE 3509 after 5:30 GIRL: Colored like night work 6'10 week ends 4 12 GA 2416 VETERANS attending school need part tune jobs Mrs J3rown EX 7343 COLORED girl desires any work night 01 day GA 4026 The office functions of the Cleveland plant of a national concern are being transferred to its executive offices and as a result the services of the follow ing personnel will become available on nr before Sept 15: Traffic manager purchasing agent Ofiice manager qualified in genera! and cost accounting stores inwitoiy control budgets etc Inventory control clerk and general including stores shipping and receiving Genera! and payroll clerk General clerk Including accounts pavu hle ad matrnw Payroll clerk and timekeeper Should you have an interest in anv of the above well Qualified Plessa address plant manager Box 14473 Plain Dealer CALL 7 HI DUL1 SCHOOfS PLACEMENT DIVISION or Reliable Part Time Help What Are Your Neeus? PHONE MR VAN VVYE SU 7200 YOUNG mao 27 medical student will tcvrary position as driver and Gavel companion to anvwheie In the good appearance and personality and return expense Call ED 1301 GRADUATE of large eastern college A an psychology physics math: 24: oesires interesting position: gvaUabk im medlatdy GL 049j MAN with experience in cusfodian gardening farming etc would like full tme employment and living quarters: merences TnzjimrRA2826 YOUNG married man experienced in dairy farming desires employment Box 23873Plainpealer UNIVERSITY senior desires full time job: general orfw experience Call OL 1974 after 5:30 JOB WANTED ON METHODS WORK BY EXPERIENCED MAN BOX 1773 PLAiNjDEALER ft ELI A BLS married man with automo tive experience and tools desires general repair work BO 2423 Cxk and butler: white ex perienced: small family or bachelors Box 29473 PUip Dealer VETERAN f1re position? office pay eU or aalaai rtnriencd VU 3 4624 WORK of anv kind in stere West Side: references QL 1449 ANY girl needing tnendi service write Salvation Army House 1881 Toibeson Dr or call In person 34 RENT ROOMS BOARD (EAST) A "A A ALTON HOTEL: Clan com fortable rooms: weekly late white transients welcome 2573 55th St ABINGTON Rd LL EtToh: Lovety room for young business gid GA 2138 BjLtGRT1i Rd or dou ule cooking gcntiemr WO 44 1 0 CEDAR limited: Girl tor sleeping room In private home A 5370 CHURCHILL Ave 10818 off Supcilor: Room for man: after 4 CLEVELAND Heights: Pleasant businesswoman no smoking A 4 500 CE 0753 CLEVELAND Heights: Nice room for man: Lee Rd bus YE 2502 CLEVELAND Heights: Room semiprlvate hath: near car: man A 1565 CLEVELAND Heights: urnished mom for gentleman Private home A4522 CORNELL Rd: Nicely furnished front room businessman semiprlvate bath: near University Circle SW 4 664 CRAWORD Hotel 3922 Prospect: At tractive sleeping rooms running water: parking da reasonable CRAWORD near bus: Cleaning shp ing room near bath: private home: 1 essman RA 47a4 EAST Cleveland near Euclid Room 'or iadv employed days: references pn 1 54 8 EAaT Cleveland: adult home: room RA 4607 for appointment: man EAST Cleveland: Large beautiful sleep tng room girls GL 7448 5 TH and Broadway: Clean room for sober gentleman DI 3755 78 1612 Nice clean sleeping room for iet sober enu le 79 large front sleeping room em ployed couple EX 6615 79 1730 newly remodeled sleeping rooms kitchen privileges 1: Sma'ft'rno'm: newly deeorat ed: references Call TX 1 0956 after 30 34 RENT ROOMS JOARD (EAST) RT near RuoUd' twin beds 2 men of 2mj1 habits GA Apr it Sleeping room lA' 'JUIlt II4CII 141 86: LARGE CLEAN ROOM' TWIN BEDS HOME COoKING LNCHES ACKEDuGAAG BUb 2 87 1871 Living room sleeping 'room fur 2 gentlemenjrlvte home 90 single 'sleeping "roomD'or man white runninx wniei private eu ft adulhorne pume hot water for sober man LI 0823 Club: Refined bustnessglrls kitchen and laundry privileges references loo st 20C0 near room loll ft Slplng room TTiart 8550 105f Suoedor: colored gentleman A 681 108 Wade Park bus room" refined lumebuslnessman GA 1 1 OOj 1 14 1323 Middle aged man or wom an far sleeping room quiet ieferemes 11 CalLafter 6 pxjn 13676 3 17 3215 Sleeping room gentle man onj WA 2269 118 1 653 Large for 2 men also jdngle rooms UcLID o3'uu Ruotns: private" semi binju PhM reasonable EUOlTd 13f34 al Eddy" ftdr Pie as £it room for employed girl MU 0152 hUulID 8803 (lean comforlable" rooms EUCLID 2606 lngle doubleweekly or travsient HARLOW 105 Single double Itchen service women HARVARD 153 St area: Room fur gentleman VA 5738 HAIHAWAY Ave 10523: Nice room i mpcci anie wioKing man: must nave leferences colored GA8732 HEIGHTS 1 or 2 sleeping rooms bath MdlonHng gentlemen preferred: cuol quiet dignified surroundings for perma nent guests well established Box 136U Plaln Dralnt HOTEL Wd7ht 3531 of klthenhi)drenwelcome EN 0837 HOUGH 6516 Large sleeping room? 1 or 2 women white: kitchen and re frigerator privileges HE 8019 KLNllvUE RKrflDEfiTlAL CLUB Openings for businessmen and women A 9054 LAKE Shore BlUr room for 1 or 2 kitchen express bus i 1 3 1 LAUNVIEW off Addhon: Large front bun beds jnivate home $lu for 2 men HE 594 7 Prospect UH 7554 Nicely turn rooms for ladles only: kildn laundry use hotel service SHAKER rapid private home room oalh garage businessman: efeiencer available Sentl WE 9949 SllAKER Nice front room for business man private home: 3 minutes Hum end jifMoteland rapjd SlO WA0827 SHAKER Moreland rapidMan refer ertesreflnedadu1t homeSK 5822 SHAKER: Rociin on 3d: private bath and entrance pun only LU 2053 SHAKER near rapid Square: ront room pnvate bsth man WA 4077STUBER Couit 1530 Nice loom pri vate home middle aged gentleman' SUPERIOR Addison: Bleenmg room 1 oi 2iwhitei UT1 4950WADE Pant section: Euclid car large bedroom shower and bath: garage for professional or businessman CE 2477 LUXURIOUS 1st Hour room employed couple preferred twin beds fnnerspring mattresses private bath: Carnegie bus stops at door references 412 50 per week CE7957 LARGE room twin beds for 2 refined gentlemen private home beach privi leges garage Lake Shore Blvd bus KE 6965 LARGE front 'bedroom next bath lit Hum geailcman Hough ano Waae Par busies: fret parking 1720 21 St Apt 14 SLEEPING room in private Land Ashbury near Wade Park bus men only KA 3524 I PERMANENT accommodations for "re fined girls in exclusive residential club meals RA 1667 NORTH ol Lake Shore: Master berfroom with private bath prefer 2 businessmen IV 0124 URNISHED 3d fluor: 2 gentlemen telephone breakfast and laundry option GL 9868 SLEEPING room fur I girl next to bath own entrance privileges Ga 57252884E 1 16rear SLEEPING rooms with kitchen "privileges prefer young college men East Cleve lAiiunearjLuchd earhneLl60 1 2 CLEAN room in private home Superior 79 district employed days only students welcomed UT 1 2506 HOTEL Jefferson 1208 Chester rooms weekly rate' LARGE sleeping room twin beds 140 stcar line GL 1153 MAN or woman ftr sleeping room nxt tobath TY 1 23891573 84 St 2 SINGLE rooms on 2d East Cleveland RA 5748 35 RENT ROOMS BOARD (WEST) A A HOTEL 1409 6: COUPLES $10 wees single $7 CH 4269 BEACH 1388: urnished room gentle nan preferred LA 3174 BROOKLYN: Pleasant room breaxfaal optional garage available rood trii preferred 5024 CLlbTuN Blvd Roons for rent for gentleman with references: near 11" AC 6810 DALE Ave 10306: Sleeping room: re lined businesswoman ur schoolteacher: garage UL 9607 DEMbdN Ave" Sleeping room for sober gentleman UN 6042 i DETROIT AveU7104 Apt '3: Room fur gentleman on car line HILLIARD RD? Lakewood Large effi ciency room completely furnished stove and uHlitiw bus at door: employed worn an Bo 2 2 9 7 3 lain De ale LAKEWOOD: Room? shower bath Io7 3 empk yed: some privileges AC 5729 atter and Sun LAKEWOOD 1475 Grace Large master bed room adultsj LAKLUOOD 1 239 Ethel: Nicely fur mhed ous LA7135 LAKEWOOD (Rapid bus: Studio bedroom private AC 7233 LAnEWOOD Elbur 2074: Nice room gentlemen near to bus and carjlne SCRANTOix Rd 2413: sleeping room with kitchen 1 vlltge: employed couple or gentleman 14 2240: Large attractive front room twin beds newly decorated in residential section 3 bus hues 10 tnlu utej front quare: women pieferied i 83 2062 2 employed or couple? with or without kitchen privilege tv 1 tro MBdion: Room fur gentleman: private entrance: next ro bath ME 2524 140 Aingle lor employed Rrk kitchen privileges OR 9819 ROOMS for i 2 gentlemen In business men club on the lake very reasonable LA 0509 AC 7294 LARGE front rwm working couple or 2 men: another room with twin beds: itl erences 41 0 2 Clinton Av WANTED gentleman fur sleeping room refined quiet Call after 6 20453 8 St LARGE room 2 double beds for partv of 4 for air races near airport' OR 592 7 SINGLE room off Scrantun and 25 St Call ON 742T 36 'WANTED? ROOMS BOARD COUPLE middle aged sober desires 4 5 rooms no pets or children East Side 478 EJU8 St YOUNG lady office" employed wants room with some meals Mon thru Box 16'173 Plain Dealer COMORTABLE room near bath for elderly gentleman meals optional LI 3131 EMPLOYED girl wants room kitchen privileges GarageEast SK 0 1 64 37 RENT HOUSEKEEPING (EAST) 10200 ARNEGIE: Nice Pleasant room next to bath to refund employed girl In exchange for part time experienced bookkeeping and clerking in flower shop Appljf Munday in person CARNEGIE 6912 up: Lovely room and kitchen radio: bus white 63 f839 3 middle aged couple 105 1930 Near Eucfid" 2 front up 2 refined ladies: references WADE PARKi Lovely rooms for girls: kitchen and other privileges RA 8585 3 GIRLS to share room with kitchen GL2236 EICIENCY suite: 2 employed middle Agedwomen GA 4989 NICELY turnisned room with all prlvl Ifges for bus i ess worn a SW 0329 39 WANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CASE student wife and 18 month old daughter desire 2 rooms with kitchen East preferred: excellent care promised MAO87J 430 YOUNG business sir! steadily employed days desires 2 or 3 rooms West Side furnished Box 7969 Plain Dealer QUIET niddle aged 3 5 rooms furnished or not: no children or pets Bex 1743 Plain Dealer 2 OR 3 rooms wanted by mother and employed adult son LI 8892 40 APARTMENTS for RENT (East) ST CLAIR AVE 15201: 3 room suites cuxiodian LARGE 10 room 4 bath apt Cleveland Heights Immediate possession: referoncs required MA 0923 or YE 062 5 ROOM apartment tile bath: bv lease or monthly Cali before 5 AT 4150 41 APARTMENTS for RENT (Wesf) WILL exchange beautiful 4 room suite: rent reasonable no pets or children: for 2 bedroom apt West Side Box 1778 Plain Dealer 42 WANT TO RENT APARTMENTS BRANCH manager of Columbia Inc being transferred to Cleveland: need 2 bedroom apt or bouse by Oct 1: wife and 3 month old daughter: up to 8110 EX 9800 Ext 18 3 YEARS without own furnishings: 4 5 ronm apt or duplex Lakewuod wilt sa hesltn and family: college daughter business mother refined discerning de serving LA 3050 AM I Y() UR EXT urnished or unfurnished efficiency suite or apt: employed couple references PR 8400 Mrs roelich 1 to 4 Engineer wife and baby desperately need 4 5 room apt or house AT ONCE ON 8486 BRIDE and groom dr furnished or unfurnished apt with private kitchen and bath east will redecorate refer ences call en 3762 after 6 iUSINRSS count mideiTe aged deeffei apt furnished or unfuroiahM non ncnsmokers CI 9300 after 3 2 WANT TO RENT APARTMENTS HELL TELEPHONE dd IS SEEKING DESIRABLE UN URNISHED APARTMENTS OR Mi OYEEN CALL MA 9900 LINK 2636 College senior former air corp officer employed btldu are seeking small Jut nlshed unfurnished suite West side 9225 ir AT 1 173 tn lRGl'N'r STOP LOOK AND READ Couple with 3 children need 5 or 6 twins Business Couple Industrial engineer (J 1) and secretary ho children or pets urgently med 3 4 room apt preferably West Side Call CE 8387 any time Johnson I TO sum Attorney veteran Cornell Michigan grad uate needs an apt or house for wife and sun 7 Mr Hagby PK 2950 week days RESPONSIBLE veteran and wife desire 3 romn unfurnished apartment with private bath (all EN 39U0 between 9 a ni and 4:30 after 6:30 in call KE 3602 WORKING couple "would 2 or furnished or unfurnished looms near vhmlty uf 130 to IbO Khtsman WA 9824 BEING evicted: Permanent NACA scientist wife 8 mnnth twins need ant or house furnished ur nut: 10 mile radius of airport CL 7593 COUPLE with need furnished or not 5 room apt: East Side preferred Call 1341 or MA 4087 EXECUTIV Rvrteran and employed wife would like 4 roorn apt call after 630 all day fcat and Sun MU 2534 CHILDLESS couple would "like 3 5 rooms unfurnished prefer West: wilt take good care of property both employed ME 2533 or AT M367 TELEPITHnE employee wife month old girl desperately need 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms preferably West Side HO 734 9 2 ADULTS Permanently employed: apt 2 famlly or single: east CE 6753 RETIRED naval officer and wife coming in Cleveland going into business 4 rooms unfurnished shaker or Cleveland Heights A 7147 VETERAN wife and 2 sniall children aged 1 2 wars desperately nerd 4 ur ft room apt: we are of gond character andcan furnish allrefei ences BK 6746 WILL some kind landlord please lent an apartment 3 or 4 rooms unfur nished responsible couple 1 child urgently need same Pleaxe call )R 8763 EMPLOYED young couple need 3 room apt with refrigerator and stove no children ur pets references EX 1 6548 2 3 4 ROOM apt LaTewood oi viclrutv Nov 1 or immediately quiet couple bvih working B( 0185 2 REINED business girls seeking" 2 of 3 ioom apis: East Side references Phone EX 1 024 VETERAN and wife urgently need "23 4 room furnished or unfurnished mot i EN 0295 CONSTRUCTION foreman needs 4 5 ruoni apt ur house lor family SK J853 ADULTS only urgent 4 or ft rooms in city or suburbs will take janitors ATTORNEY and wife no children de I sire 3 5 room apt Box 19473 Plain I Dealer REINED yuung employed couple needs i 3 4 rooms no children cr pels west preferred HE 0017 VE1ERAN and wife urgently need 3 to 5 unfurnished rooms: no pels or chil dren Call EX 1078 IS there anybody that will rent 3 4 un rurnisneo rooms wim cniiurcn? can BR3O27 PHYSICIAN desires 2 bedroom apt or house unfurnished: East adults Cail WA 154 7 VETERAN? wife and 4 'month old ron need 4 6 rooms in Lakewood LA 3514 anv lime 4 5 RLXiMSTlor a middle suSer couple no pets East side no children 478 128 St COUPLE wants 3 4 rooms tnifurnrsKetl no sharing RA 1191 before 3 ot after 6 COUPL 3 4 fomnsTTuroisKeH or unfurnished: no children east pie fened UT1 118 REINED couple need 3 4 room 'apt no children or pets references CL l733j TEACHER and veteran need lurmshed rooms West bide preferred Cail WI 1154 SALES executive end wife registered nurse need 3 room apt unfurnished: East n2children or pets Call RA 9355 YOUNG employed couple desire small aor prefer South no children pets WeslUke 91WI 7 10 TED DUTTON has switcfied t'o 'aspirin because he can't find a place to live ED liHiP WESTERN Reserve member and wife want unfurnished 2 bedrwm apt or house CE 78ULine3O7t MARINE veteran and tu be desne furniiod or unfurnished apt Call bU 08 17 between9 and 5 COUPLE 2 chiidien need 2 bed room home or apt bv Sept 15 Prefer south Sifle PiioneMaccduniaohiot283r i RESPONSIBLE bualneas couple desires I 2 3 room apartment no pets or chil drent references furnished RA 7238 VETERAN and wife need 5 rooms no children: West side GAJ2434 between 9 a and 6 VETERAN and expectant wife urgently need 5 room apt sH 8458 Sat and Sun cal! CL 0576 PHYSICIAN and wife desire to sublet apt or house East for fall and winter j6187 VETERAN and wife desire 3 room un furnished apt In vicinity of University no children PleaseeaH LA 014 8 COUPLE with bnv Ifeae 2 bedroom home West WO 895 PHYSICIAN wife 1 2 ar old daughter CLEVELAND Symphony veteran and 'wife desire aptor house 419 URGENTLY needed 1 3' rooms 'west by busjnesswomaTL AT 31 3 1 EMPLOYED widow "desires 2 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms: east 0344 EMPLOYED ladv wants 3 room unfur nished apt un West Side ME 62b 3 4 UNURNISHED rooms East coupled EN 8nil between 6 and 7 APARTMENT hvuse or share home urgent 0077 43 JI ENT URNISHED APTS (East) 87' 1903: KiUhrricUe apartment with leeless 1st floor 1 employed' per son man preferred: $1250 per week sllAKEH: 2 furnished rooms and bath 3d floor: private entrance no pels ur children: reference LO '3139 103? 1267: 2 3 room apt 1st floor Call after 6 Inquire up 3 Rooms middle aged employed coupTe orJirothergCaU a Her 5 HIJ9266 ft R(7oms and bath call between 1 nnd 5 SU 7 8 65 5' NLED furnished pts VETERAN and wife no children or pets both employed neither drink ur smoke: very beii of references: transferred to Cleveland need 3 4 iurnished or partial ly furnished rooms Ask fur Mr Gwalt ney at PR 2650 YOUNG business executive and wife de sire 3 4 roms: quiet refined: no chil dren or pets West Side proterred best of references Call AC 6621 ENGINEER: Veteran being married in sept desires 3 to 5 rooms furnished or unfurnished by Oct 1 East Side preferred TYl 0415 5 ROOMS duplex WesC compTefeTy furnished $150: immediate possession call between the hours of 5 6 BO 75J4 2 GIRLS urgently need 3 room apt Lakewood area furnished or unfur nished MA 5301 A SURGICAL resident and employed wife no children or pets need 2 or 3 roum apt prefer Heights A 0649 DESPERATE! Responsible couple' need 3 4 rooms furnished or unfur nished wUup SH6979 REINED middle aged couple and 8 year uld daughter desire suitable living quarters KE 4642 COUPLE andscnnol aged child urgently need 3 4 room apt: West Side preferred SU 3214 BUSINESSWOMAN middle aged desires 3 4 room apt: furnished or not: prefer cast LO 0i70 STUDENT couple need furnished or not 2 3 4 room apt: no children or pets: references PhoneSW7937 ENGINEER and nurse ejected parents urgently need 3 to 4 furnished or un turmshed rooms on Side BO 5682 wife and sister with 2 chil dren desire 3 5 room apt or house up tO $75 Call OL 0044 MlQDLE aged couple employed: 3 rooms and bath furnished or not East Side Istjfloor preferredCH3324 8 to 5 COUPLE desires 2 ur 3 room apt furnished: no pets nr children: West Sid preferred OR 2O8I 2 3 4 ROOM apt needed bv employed couple un to 60 RA 01 2 EMPLOYED couple desires 2 3 rooms: Lakewood BO 720o EMPLOYED newlyweds desire 2 3 rooms private bath SW 4770 RESEARCH engineer and wife want apt West hide AC 8o 34 or LA 6 132 AIR ORCE OICER and fainlfy de sire 2 bedroom apt MU 5O5O 46 HOUSES OR RfNT (East) SH AKI HEIGHTS Brick single near transportation schools: lease to responsible party $250 A7613 ft Up ROOM IwuseTweat of Will Bee off Lake Shore furnished or unfur nished: lease Cal! EX 1462 from 9 530 Call Willoughby 1095R after 7 AVAILABLE Oct 15: 4 rooms and bath? upper of 2 family Euclid Beach area nice neighborhood: $65 month utilities extra references required Box 32773 Plain Dealer 6 ROOM Heights $125 give name phone number references Box 12073 PlairiDealer il HOUSES OR RENT (West) 5 R5dM bungalow overlooking Chippewa Lake gas heat garage Sept to June $65 per month Westlake 950R 5 ROOMS and bath newly decorated immediate occupancy ME 9519 1345 64 48 WANTED TO RENT HOUSES' VSTkpAN neidj 4 or rnntYiA will I decorate SK 8703 SftsPONSlftLE young couple urgently need unfurnished house A 9638 (Continued In Next Column') 48 WANTED TO RENT HOUSES Continued tom Proceed is Column 1'he National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Ts seeking rooms apartments and homes futnlahed and unfurnished for 'ts per matienlly employed xiientlfit' and tech nical pmonnel Call Mr Clbaun em ployee relations oHice 0 52(10 Anhiir McKee Co We are an engineering concern endeav oring to locate housing for our em pli'vccs you are assured nt a steady tenant for your iparlmrnt ur home by aelrotlng a permanent (nipiovue from our nreanUatlon who desires furnished or uiilinnlftlwd living quarters Call Mi Duff TQ 1 2300 Bell Telephone Co IS SEEKING DESIRABLE UNURNISHED HOUSES OR EMPLOYEES CALL MA 99U0 INK 2686 Xylar itasi: BEAT THE DELATION NOW! Need 5 rooms willng to sign long lejrn lease and maintain propel ly Mr llerrick CH l'J5U 9 5 jn lADUl'lS Urgently netd 2 bedroom house or apt unfurnished pieter Heights area: excel lent referencs GA 33 19 to 1 1NCHOUSE representative wife and 2 daughters ages 1 3: need 4 5 room house or apt in Cleveland or vicinity up Io $90 Damm PR 6800 or CH 7600 Extension 22 TRANSERRED tu Cleveland husband wife 3 daughters need 3 bedruom house: van vou help us? Children are well man nered prefer Lakewoud ar Heights area: referencesBox 7173JPlain Dealer EXHCUllVE WI EE 5 or 6 room duplex ur apt up lu $75 west suburb best references WI 0033 4 REINED adults nped5'A rootn apt ur house: unfurnished prefer Heights Please call SK 4 225 days: cvesYE 4386 HOUSE or apartment: West Side: is desperately needed bv a responsible cmiple and sun (a vet References CL 0397 2 1 1 1 Id daugh ter desperately need 4 to 5 rooms: un furnished preferred Southeast side Call anytime DI 2661 CAN DEALER Wanted to rent 5 or 6 room house on ine limitsCall CK'86O4 24 DAYS IE Na place to go reference KX 0292 SALES engineer needs 5 6 7 room house or apt in Cleveland or vicinitv family of 4 Includes 2 children Call collect 3 4049 Warren RESEARCH ENGINEER 3 employed adults need 6 7 rooms: east: chthlren rfferencea A 199 WILL exchangi 2 bedrfHni house sub urban Pittsburgh food location tor house In Cleveland a tea Call Wu 0422 8:30 to 5 weekdays HUSBAND WIE AND CHILD" WANT SINGLE HOME WILL PAY $150 8175 A MONTH GOOD REERENCE: HEIGHTSPREERPKDSK 6997 GENERAL Motors representative desires 2 3 bedroom unfurnished hotue or apt: no small children Little CH 6 4 70 8: 3 0 ft :3 0 HOUSE nr apartment 2 or 3 bedrooms family of 4 adults winking 22 vears for established Cleveland firm excellent roferonces Call A 0185 YOUNG attorney Harvad Micbrgan vet eran needs unfurnished 2 bedroom house or apt up to $85 Box 6973 Plain Dvab i URGENTLY Need 5 6 unfurnished rooms In single double LO 03G0 COl PLE 2 small children need unfur nished house city or subuibs rent $80 to $100 HiHcrest534JX VETERAN wife and baby" need 3 4 5 unfurnished rooms West Side CaU OL 11 BANK jrnillbvpe and 'wifw'expwtlng Dec urgently need 3 5 rooms Please call OR 9982 TiWolTBTTTE'ir 3 bedroom Louse good location East or suburban RE0076 NEW York Central supervisor desires 5 unfurnished roams in Collinwood dls trict: 3 adults LI 1437 fOUIT and rT year for house or apt East or Wet! being evict ed: wife IH PO 1606 store dept wife" no children: want high grade 2 bedroom ha If of 2 family house Call GA 0624 STUDEBAKER executive Jusf trans ferred from Chicago needs 5 or 6 roorn houieprapt Call MA 9b68 ILLpay to" $100 month for ft room house or apL SU1602 EMPLOYED Couple and 14 vear old dr! 4 5 rooms West Side CL 6173 49 RENT urnished HOUSES(East) CHESTNUT Hills Dr: Large brick coin nial 5 bedrooms: acre lot $300 per month: lease RA 5885 124 St 6 room home furnished: front Oct to Mav: references furnDheiL 6 ROOM house fumtshedTS section: $125 a month EV 2328 50 RENT urnished HOUSES Wejt) 4 BEDROOMS Suburban home beautifully decoiated exclusive neighborhood: large lor: within 2 miles Berea: bus stops at door: steam heat: partly furnished: $150 per month Box 17373 Plain Dealer 5 HIRNIStfED rooms up adulu 2016 Warren Rd Lakewood 51 WANTED URNISHED HOUSES TOP level government employee: perma nent: needs 2 hedroom apt furnished or unfurnished or small furnished home: desirable neighborhood: will rent on short ur long term basis best references PK i860 Mr Browne 52Share HOUSES iURGEss Rd: Will share 6 room home with employed enuoie KE 0187 CLEVELAND: Will share our 6 room single with tmnloved coucle GLtqj9 RfePONsIBL young couole with son would lixe to shar home un Westide in exchange lor household duties LA 4G62 WILLING to share home with young couple kitchen privileges: East Gleve lainlLl 1 3 9 EMPLOYED couple" or 2 ladies to share home with same: no children or pets Box 10573 1 OH 2 girls to share apt with 3: references (E lf 49after6 BUSINESS mother daughter 4 seek to share home Box14273 Plain Dealer SHARE I rge homewith couple refer ences North Royalton 8891 53 CHILDREN BOARDED dwtistrx bflutt' watt be licensed by the Dept of Publtcll ehart of Ohio ATTENTION MOTHERS' Vicinity of Maple Helgnts Garfield weights and Bedford: The Kav Dav Nursery of 5250 Beech Ave In Maple Hdghes now operating to help care fur your children or information call Mon 1 and 8 DAY' care mv home Lexington Wade Parkvjclnlty IN 6469 54 HOMES OR AGED INVALIDS' GRAND View" Rest Home'Has a vacancy for 8 women home completely modern steam heat: innerspnng mattresses: deli cious foixis price $48 month See Mrs John Gardiner airview Guernsey County Ohio Phone 10R3 SUNSHINE Nursing Home Vacancy for ladv bed patient: good toed excellent care WO 8137 COUNTRY' air good food: no bed or mental cases Hiram 367 or Po 0394 LADIES white: bed patient or invalid private home special diet RA 2703 HOME fur aged women: vacancv: no invalids 2 299 55 RENT SUMMER COTTAGES LAKERONT private beach all conven iences: will rent my summer home to a responsible partv: available pt 1 to sept 7: $r0 reduced rate after Labor Dav Inquire 137 Edgewater Dr Vei ml! Ion on 1 La Oh i COT 1 AGE on the north central shore of Georgian Bav Ontario pike pickerel bass and lunge fishing Phone Berea 5286 KEI LEYS Island cottage sleeps close to boat dock: all conveniences (pen Sept 1 through Labor Day IV a 4 MADISON on Lake: Modern iceless: fishing EY3595 MENTORron lhe Lake: 4 rooms bv week RE 2820 MENTOR on Lake: bedrooms porches sleep 6 8 0972 57 ENT UBUR BAN MO PE RT COTTAGE: 4 rooms: bept 1 tu June Jv furnished iceless electric stove: $60 per month: Willoughbv off Lake Shore Box 11 9j3 Plain Dealer 58 WANT SUBURBAN PROPERTY VETERAN wife and 2 well mannered children of school age urgently need 4 or more room House at once within 30 miles of Cleveland: will guarantee pro tection of property and aid In mainte nance of same Phone Strongsville 4377 BUSINESSMAN wife and 2 small chil dren want 5 6 room house in east within radius of :15 miles of square Box 7073 Plain Dealer 64 HOTELS Essex House: 77th New furniture: clean quiet: ti ansient or weekly reasonable EN 6359 10 min utes from Square (express bus) apts rooms: free parking ST? REC'rlS HOTEL 8201 EUCLID AVE Large attractive Efficiency apt available A 85 8 0 LAZAHbTEL: 3 dours east of A nicely furnished rooms tran sient weekly: fine hotel service park ing 2344 Prospect CH 7554 EUCLID Logan Hotel 9507 Euclid Ave: A few transient rooms available: private bath phone elevator: reasonable KENSINGTON Hotel 6309 Euclid: single and double room private and semibath phone elevator reasonable HOTEL Jay: Modern fireproof 2S15 Jay Ave near 25: special daily and CH 7875 HAWLY House HofelTW 3d'sV Clair Daily and WEEKLY rates GORDON Snare Hotel 6516 Detroit Ave: ine rooms low rent ME 9843 ROYAL Court HotfL 1830 19 rooms efficiency rent reasonable APARTMENT HOTELS ROYAL 4311 PfMoret HE1430 BUSINESS PLACE'S OR RENT roj' IEASI 8 store? all or part 12716 32 SI Clair suitable for any re tail business occupancy imme diately Edward A Berk 610 Guardian Bldj CH 8013 1'5607 Desirable store In Detroit Warren busi ness section $100 monthly rental heat tuinUbed Phone SW 0100 OR RENT Good for business offices meetim hall school or light manufacturing CH 3 221 ask fpi Mr Joseph SPACE avrdfa*gie light manufac turing on 2d floor approximately 2000 sq ft 38lh and St Clair 4580 SHOP space approximately 3000 ft with 2 loading docks located in Rucky River will divide Owner ED 065 2000 cornmercLdiy zoned concrete block building relrlgna tun if tiesiied 1343 105 GA 5400 STORE in Lakewood 17x65 in tear 48x65 14412 Detroit J129 RD Business Place forRet STOPE lor rent: south 3 aylor cedar Call YE 39Ur EUCLID st ine storeroom Call Blalosky HE455p STORE" fur lent 'jOi 105 St colored next supermarket CH 6742MALL business units from $50 to $200 per month 0043 66 WANT RENT BUSINESS PLACES tV AN I El) to share store 'or will rent space in industrial plant bv manufac turer Handling light Industrial Jtuppliex Box26273 Plain Dealer 67 BE DESK ROOM OICE SPACE Carnegie Hall Huron Rd at Euclid Ave Beautiful corner unit containing 26U0 to 31OQ sq ft: also loov ft unit available Immediately Mr Todt 705 Carnegie Hall CH 5240 A RTI S1NGA EN In outstanding downtown office building will sublet large light stuolo room: per fect fur free lance commercial artist: possibility of obtaining work from agency CH 1539 9801 EUCLlb Ave: ftleal space in mod em building suitable for group insurance agency or any other purpose: 2U00 sq ft or will subdivide: free parking MrGuld CH 7554 AITkaCTIVc in single double or 3 roum suites free parking adjacent to building telephone and stenographic service available Call CH 4005 OICE space: 3 room suite 2d flour light and airy on main thoroughfare plenty of parking space: lease George A alke 17600 DetroitAveAC 1 100 DESK space 524 Cuyahoga Savings Bldg Secretary mail service good plg ne MA 9645 BAsem*nT office near 82 2 rooms heated drv rent added sloragespace vail able YE6886 MODERN offices suitunle for doctors insinnce agencies or any other purpose WO 4264 OICES 2 and display room "in new building located In Rockv River can be ased separately owner ED 0651 OICE space 3 rooms good location at Wsae I'atK 71 Inquire at Port age Market 7040 Wade Para Ave 2 ROOMS 'front 2828 Euclid am pl ejark 1 DEK space mall phone answering service downtown parking PR 7436 MAIL phone stenographic service in officeon Public Square CH U190 10111 EUCLID Desirable oftires avail au i Ca 1 1 morn mg GA 2507 NOBLE ROAD Office desk space: tele phone jnatl secretarialsi rviceEy62O0 DESK tpace 2 mail phone and sten ographlc jservice If desired CH 0277 10 RENT ACTORIESrWarehouser 35J66 I One floor bays: fireproof sprmklered heavy fluor load Meam heat 12000 SQ Spnnklered steam heat good trans puliation HOWARD POPE REALTOR HIPPODROME B1DG CH 440STORA CEOR JOBBING Single floor space for rent in units 21000 SQ 36 000 SQ Also 26 000 sq It in separate building all centrally heated sprinxiered: siding and truck docxs KOBLITZ INC CH27R8 BUILDING warehouse a nd offices op proxlmatele 10000 sq ft: inside load ing docx: automatic gas heat: beautiful offices with asphalt tne floou and fluorescent hunting: $425 monthlv with option to buy Bv owner RA 9403 8 1 0 Blaine Ave 2d st south Wade Park and 86th 1 7 Superior: "ft" light mfg" or sales space 2d floor well lighted steam heat and elevator STONE MA 1080 12000 SQ industrial warehouse storage space English basem*nt plus I 20u sq ft 1st floor office space SU 4550 SQ ft? 1 story: h7R sTilirig 32000 sq ft 1 floor siding 1st industrial BIAIOSKY MA 0300 lo0 sq ft: tz ronerrte wood floor 2 entrances: suitable for printing shop or slorageRA 96DT APPROXIMATELY 2000 sq fl for commercial storage or light machine shop 7019 St CUir EX 3162 SPACE suitable for office light mfg: stmage: 55 Euclid HE 2624 YE 0964 CORNER 23 HAMILTON Vacant lot 272x105 MA 4181 ANTHONY REALTOR CH 3885 ANY SIZE ANYWHERE 5000 SQ storage or light mfg: 2 floors all or half GA 8600 2000 SQ IN SUITABLE OR STORAGE jAJ359 1349 SUPERIOR: 12000 ft mfg or distribution will divide PR 7d5j 2200 SQ for light manufacturing: heat furnished MA 8991 2333 ST CLAIR New strv 48xU0 be enmuieted (kt I MA 4 181 71 WANT ACTORIES Warehouses sq ft bv Oct 15: i industrial rone: loading dock: 14 ft ceiling minimum: ground flour preferred PiainDralei 72 AUTO STORAGE Rent Garages BUILDING 4x36 at' 65 and Quincy: i suitable for garage light manufacturing and storage: $75 monthlv WA 9R86 Ankfur MrMax streem 15 TO LEASE 9 (SOO SQ IL 2 LOORS: 5400 Chester Ave: for warehouse and office: $4800 per year MA 2400 76 MOVING STORAGE PACKING move save half Rent a van: stake panel: local or long distance trips no red walk drive out Call for free estimates '1 Hi: I DRIVl' ll co 1315 Carnegie Ave MA 9676 Renters of new ears 1741 12 St Located In Hanna Garage 4 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OR CALIORNIA LORIDA LOUISIANA and TEXAS AH Stat Smith by De Luxe urniture Vans Nd crating necessary Curu me our rates for Econmnv EO 1221 UNITED ST A I ORIDA DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE No trans ferring tn ro ire no crating necessary Nutlo i vvtde Service Since 1928 Dm DI AST Eve Bedford 1637 PYRAM'D NATJONAL VAN LINES break uo your home V'p still have spate lor storage of fine house hold merchandise don't delay call to dav HE KYI OX STORAGE CO SPECIAL STORAGE $125 per room credit Great Lakei 124 DOGS Pets Poultry Supplies BOXER 'puppies: 3 "months old: cham pion sire and 3 champion grandpar ents: cars set and now ready to go: $100 and $150 male and female Call Chagrin alls 7684 IIOXEK PUPPIES awn and brindle male and female A Cregi5hre(LCall AC 7864 WE' buy and sell punnles all breeds PETLAND PET SHOP 3462 93 ST MI 3942 Storage MovJna HE 0100 ENGLISH bull punpies from champion ship stock A registered GL 5731 SPRINGER spaniel puppies male onlvfrojr hunting stock 3398 COI 1E pups: A registered Call SK 7312 or SK8288 SPRINGER pups: A reasonable Knopf Chagrin alls 7 0 7 4 GERMAN shephcrd Spitz puppies 8 weeks old: $7 SW 7835 evenings OX TERRIER PUPPIES BEDORD 1627 132 SALE DIAMONDS JEWELRY 1 carat diamond Mrcapt diamond ring $150 5 dlamond wedding rings $120 A U1 (Open Eves1 2628 Detroit LADY'S i carat diamond ring $195 Lady's 5 diamond wedding band $15 JASAL LOAN CO 1094 3 05 I SELL 'IMPERECT DIAMONDS Tarlitz 850 Euclid CH 0879 i CARA'T diamond ring $225 Box 7373 Plain Dealer 136 Typewriters Office Machines Cool As Cucumber Sale Remington typewriter at a cool $2995 Remington noiseless at a chilling $4295 Burroughs calculator at a frigid $5400 Late model typewriters calculators comptometers adding machines available for sale or rent 060 ROSE INC 1213 Project ROYAL typewriter $257f0 Remington typewriter $2950 Dalton adding machine $4200 Victor adding machine $4950 adding machine $5500 AU Office Machines for Rent PETER PAUL Hurtin Rd MA 6971 NW and used portables rent repair 1745 Euclid Ave MA 0136 Smith Standard Typewriter 6737 AL portable typewriter $35 2099 Cornell Rd GA 9803 3 rum 3 with flat belt Rebuilt with one diameter aaw arbor machine arranged fn 64 Rriped Low for Quiet Sale Used Woodworking Machinery UOVKTAltKRr Rebuilt ay Ejan 1244 1 2 spindle for stock up to 11" wide babbitt bearing MOTOR mount ed on column ft 1800 i ni 3 phase a 60 cycle 220 volt UIILt11 rtvt tiwr awitc nniun nrHI1A wide 42" stock MOTOR 0 Phase 60 cycitf 220 volt a rountrrshHft belt drive magnetic starter awltch TILTING TABLE SAW: miter uw complete ripping gauge and our cut uff uini mor aita(ir far bell drive MOTOR ft 3 Phase 440 voit 60 cycle a mount ed on bracket with starting switch 1AND JOINTER: Rebuilt babbitt bearing fence and guard round head fitted with high speed knives MOTuR ft i gon rn 3 pliaae 60 cvcle 220 volts a mounted on frame bell (hive with starter switch SWING SAW: Rebuilt Ar swing mw with saw blade semiguard MOTOR ft' 3 a 60 cycle 220 vult belt and starter for operation 12" GLUE HOLL fur steam heat: 110 volt a motor belt driven IURIER cable speedmatlc saw with rallying case and radial ami stand and cutoff table A KINSEY 12' round head inlnter with fence and guard: 3 220 3 pltase a motor flat drive belt with start ing switch OLIVER tilting arbor variety saw with ripping fence and cross cut gauge 3 220 3 phsse a motor 1" aaw with starting switch J4'j AMERICAN PLANER 30" round single head with high speed knives di rect drive flat bolt feed in 220 3 phase a motor with starting switch WY8ONG MILES 303 disk and aplndle sander direct drive 5 220 3 pnase a motor with start ing switch AMERICAN variety saw 1" arbor tilting table with boring attachment and slid ing table foot power feed 2 220 3 phase a motor with stall ing switch 1173 OLIVER jig saw with 34" square table 36' throat direct drive: 3 220 3 pliase a motor attached to base with starting switch Sheet Metal Machinery BELOIT "U3 hand power hench shear MALL grinders flexible shaft 4 110 a motor ECONOMY shear 36' 16 gauge foot power ELK ILCOX 3 9 16 gauge foot power shear 1 EXLO 30' bench folder complete hand power BOICE CRANE bench drill presses Va ti motor: liO voit a CINCINNATI' grinder and polisher combination un pedestal bj 220 3 phase a motor 1 ton YALE 4 TOWNE power chain hoist 40 ft chain 220 3 ptuue 1 motor CHAIN ALLS hoist hand power 40 ft chain LEXIBLE shaft grinder 2 110 a motor VAN DORN bail bearing double head bench grinder 1 220 3 phase a motor with switch In base 2 s0 combination machines for sheet metal 1026 Superior Ave I MILIN RS 1 A VV 3r turret lathe 26" Libby turret lathes spindle Ex Cello 33 external thread grinders Bridgefoid lathe Lees Bradner thread millers Model CT :2 Cinn plain milling machine LeBlond 3 plain milling machine i S13 manufacturing mill Onsrud router 84" spaa Noiton Gnnaer plain 4 36" gear cutting machine ellow 36" gear shaper Model 615 orming rolls 12 15' Continental Salvage Machinery Co 183 Euclid Avc MA 4402 Machine Tools in Stock Milling Machines Punch Presses Aibor Presses Drill Presses Die ilers 7" Shapers Grinders Lathes Moslo Machinery Co 2443 Prospect MA 8864 ArnpleParkingSpac? REAL BARGAIN" i 2 Red lash Boiler With Iron ireman Stoker Practically New IE 'I I BR CO RA 8193 9 SOUTH Bend lathe: 7 Atlas shaper: bench and floor drill presses vertical and horizontal millers: Hardinge bench lathe 14 and 16 motorized lalhes drill and tool bit grinder cen trifugal numos exhau fans motors 4 ion punch pres: 1 ton hoist 22931 Lake Snore Blvd ewXatiies 1 16 x8 Cum geared head jCtnn geared head 20 xlO' Cinn 'eared head AX' jgglesworth 1721 SUPERIOR MA 3987 1 1 it biiri Itg' 1 OTHER SIZES IN STOCK SHILOH METAL EX8272 WANTED USED MACHINERY 40 50 tun I press 40 50 ton Horn press Infra red oven or lights 6 8 long Metal cut off saw hand pull type Tapping head for small drill press PHONE LA 9506 3 7 2 AUTOMATIC High serial: excellent condition SU 4400 LEMPCO 60 ten electric press Haskins rapping machine automatic: Sundstrand 8 xi5" automatic stub lathe Brown A sharpe 26 gear cutter Pratt A Whitney semiautomatic milling machine Taylor Machine Co 1917 61 St EN 7300 GARDNER 36" dia vert spindle Upper Uliralap 44" dia surface reciprocating Upper Wicpjesworth 1 7 2 SU ER IOR MA 398 7 OR SALE Large assortment of new or used heavy mill working machines ball bearing with direct motor drives low prices CRITCHLDW Woodworking Machine Co 4 00 Lakeside MA 4955 Carpenter Coal Stoker 150 lb burning capacity per hour a motor good condition: priced right See our engineer Mr WahnKe Olm stedHmeL yth and Superior 1 A cluth spreading machine 2 electric cloth cutting machines 1 Hilco duplicator 1 24" steel blade fan 100 6000 vd spools of thread 24 4 EN038 EN7342 BORING MILLS' Bullard 36" high speed vertical Landis 135 floor type bar AVirlesworth 1721 SUPERIOR MA 3937 AIR COMPRESSORS NEW AND USED Westinghouse and many others Immediate delivery and SERVICE 2536 ST CLA 1 PR1 1 42 CAPITOL gas fired boiler used only 3 months A A output 192000 A A steam rating in squaie feet radiation KOO reasonably priced Radix Wire Co EX 8383 9 SOUTH Bend lathe complete with 3 jaw chuck floor Mund and chip pan LARGE PARKING SPACE I AK ESIDE MACHY 1311 ST CLAIR 14" Band Saws LARGE PARKING SPACE LA KES IDE MACHINERY 1311 St Clair DISTRIBUTOR for Brunner air com pressor 2641 Joe Ververka 1020 Brookpark trade in vour old com pressor PAPER CUTTER: Sevbold'auto' matic: knives and a motor complete: recently rebuilt price $1200 Cleve land Ohicn Hal TweedEuclid23 Ohio jIj Universal Tool and Cutter countershank Drive: can be motorired LARGE PARKING SPACE LAKESIDE MACHRY 131I St Clair AMERICAN radial drill :58753 motor on arm triple purpose: excellent condition CH 408L NEW Vj motors $1265 New I motors 1195 HORVITZ MDSE 100StClalr I EXHAUST fans and automatic shut ters nw and used: from 10" to 30" 1 1 0 V01tA ClVdOlM NEW and used motors tans machinery tools shoo supplies and equipment HORYITZ MDSE CO 1060 St Clair NEW 15 80 cu ft Quincy air compressor unit complete with tank CH 408 1 2 KNIGHT VERTICAL MILL ACME TOOL SUPPLY 701 96 north nf St Clair GL51 30 II CONEMATfCS 1941 complefe with threading spindie excellent con i 1 1 pera ting GA 75 71 ONE Delta Uni saw complete with 1 fu motor $284 one 10 In I'elta saw tilting table on stand $90 LA6564 ONE vacuum tank Precision Castings Co 12600 Berea Rd NEW ya Quincy Compressor units only $1850 CH 4081 MOTORS ans Blowero and Tools ZEEE Motor Tool 1 056 St Clair AIR compressors in stock: IngersoiLRand distributor TomHn Corp SU 2600 4 50 SECTIONS metal'shelvlng and cab inets HE 6516 METAL shelving lockers shop pans cabinets HE 6516 CAN use high speed drills: send de tail Piy Box 2109 LIGHT machinery drill'pressos milling machines etc 2090 28 CONCRETE block machine and motors pallets lift WI 16 1 3 618 NORTON grinder complete GA 7571 days or ve COMPLETE sHoe repair machinery 7916 Harvard Ave DI 4781 2ft AND 30 Tn Punch Press Marsh Machlnry SH 1234 RIG saw "1 motor 95 6626 Lorain 8 yiKSgm LPAN8 It PtKSOHAL LO AJf sacrifice your furniture Call us first Bestpiices paid HE 2747 WILL pay cash for furniture and appliances Cali MA 3151 BEST PRICES OR URNITURE Wm WilBims VVms MA J1S39 EAST OR WEST WE PAY THE BEST forfurnit GL6544 WE BUY used sinks toilets bath tubs ftndusedfurniture RA5U50 BEDROOM dining room rugs appli ances needed highest pricesCH J5569 WE BUY URNACES IRON METAL Ace Iron Co MU6336 HIGHEST prices for furnaces scrap iron metals what have vou? UL 1 1480 WE any sewing machine Call any time SK 9887 PIANO Steinway baby grand CL7475 WE buy men's used suits pay the highest $1 5 usedn watches A 881 9 WANTED: Oxa flex camera type 4x5 In good condition EN 0349 121 MARINEUPPLIES 1948 'STEELCRXft Holiday eruisfr 1948 Steelcraft De Luxe sedan Less than 100 hours on these boats 1947 15' Wolverine natural finish with 3 947 10 Johnsen motor like new REAL SAVINGS EASY TERMS Union Prospect Garage 1841 PROSPECT AVE SU 3100 LYMAN 14 ft runabout: 6 ft beam 4 cylinder Gray engine Model 4 41X about 40 Hull engine in excel lent condition completely factory over hauled and retlnHhed Phone or ve Clyde Cheetham 1219 Se nnd St San dusky Phone 2956R on weekdays after 4 please REWARD: Lyman outboard 11 ftTTwhtte red deck forward seat back seat center cross seat side seat boat seen moving east Sat at 6:45 at 26400 Weat 1 23 SAVE $1000 25' Correct Craft express eruber: Chrysler 115 very fast used only as demonstrator sacrifice John GRobinson AC 4062 16 Dunphy outboard boat t4 Scott Atwater motor with 25 use trailer: hitch tarn life preservers and all accessories Cail WO 1267 9 i LYMAN Kiat wlth cbver nd lights'' 22 Johnson: Tee Nre trailer with new 600x16 tire and tubes' all are 1948 models: used less than 12 hours Royalhn 3871 1942 THOMPSON 14 ft de luxe with steering wheel cables oars and lights 1940 97 Evlnrude: both ver good' best tak wo 847 3 4 5' 194 2 model Chris Craft cruise double cabin boat and boathouse avail able immediately Phone Mr Hoke or Mr Greene at 2276 Sandusky 1941 OWENS 30 ft Cruller completely equipped including dlnglfy MA 3888 or GL 1164 0UTB6ARDS for rent per week SW 8854 21' PHODC cabin auxiliary: $1800 MA 4333 Mr Akter ft SNIPE sailboat new rfriRhf: $250 after 6 OR 8482 20 to 1000 CASH LOANS hr EMERGENCIES or If you need money lo pay overdue bills doctor or den tist bills for travel expense or to purcliase fuel come to HC No endorsers are needed You can borrow $20 to $1000 and take up to 20 months to repay Phone or come in today any worthy purpoto CHOOM A iHONTHLT SAYMSHT lUH tnS hr th ah yu n4 100 100 500j 1000 20 675 $1931 $3077 5776 11 1007 2933 4749 9121 6 1848 5455 8940 17489 HOUSEHOLD INANCE Hipp Theater Bldg 8th 720 Euclid Ave CHarrj SIS 2012 25th at Lorain 7th EL United Bank Bldg PRoapect 457t 1117 Hayden Avenue at St Clair GLenvIlle 6312 h44 Broadway Room 102 Atlas BuildingB Road way 0221 1070t Ixnaii Ave a roM from Searstown ORchard 943 COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CORP ONE CH 8420 ROOM 610 INANCE BLDb 750 PROSPECT AVE Better Yourself Beller our Credit jqMHfiL Borrow Could you use 5300 or vacation? I pay old hills? I Confdentul loon I worthy I $10 to SLOOP gash at your fingertips A tO by telephone You can practically REACH for readv rash with new RESERV A LOAN pian This new taster loan service puts extra cash at your fingertips for new clothes car repairs medical bills and other monev needs Just phone Commonwealth and RESERV A LOAN by telephone Then pick up the money in ONE QUICK TRIP 7 318 Tninian Bldg 1030 Euclid MA 3154 ormerly 200 Schofield Bldg 5732 Broidway 55th Room BR 056 3 2077 4th at Prospect Room CH 69S 13729 St Clair at Havden GL 0055 10547 Euclid at 105th Roon? 200GA 8757 4294 Pearl Rd at BroadviewSH 5532 11720 Lorain Ave Room 200 CL 0600 Office Hours: Daily 9 to 5 Sat 9 to 1 CASH LOANS $50 to $1000 ON urniture auto signature diamonds SCHNEIDER LOAN INANCE CO 511 Hippodrome Bldg MAin 1065 Se yin 1 eve I a rs for 3 3 Yea i WESTERN Reserve feature $250 for 20 months at $1649 per month Open Mon through Sat 9 to 5 WESTERN RESERVE INANCE CO 20 6 Williamson Bldg CH 4242 ECONOMY SAVINGS LOAN 200 Erie Bldg 2133 9 CH 4294 202 Park Bldg Public Sq PR 5717 CAPITAL INANC ING CORR OR a personal (bah see the ves man PERSONAL INANCE CO SU 5500 287 Old Arcade 401 Euclid Ave INDUSTRIAL CREDIT PLAN CO 2d loor Rose Bldg 9th CH 8383 Your inancial The CITY LOAN Personal inancing $10 to $1000 5 Convenient Offices in Cleveland DOMESTIC IOAN INC 10616 Euclid Ave Phone CE 7101 $1 LOAN $1 Is Your 'Dotal Cot or One of These Lowns $20 OR 50 DAYS $30 OR 34 DAYS $40 OR 25 DAYS LOW COST LOANS UP TO $1000 Phone Today Monev Today CH 5568 CITIZENS BUDGET CO 404 Park Bldg on the Square 82 PEBSONAL LOftNS BANKS) 82 PEBSONAL LOANS (BANK?) A Cleveland Trust Personal I oan can help CONVENIENT 7 At All 52 Cleveland Trust Banks 85 LOANS DIAMONDS JEWELRY $10 to' siodo Quick Courteous Service in Private Of fice diamonds insured scaled under your signature protected by bank vault THE WOODRU INANCE CO 207 Hippodrome Bldg LIBERAL loans on diamonds etc Lowest rate in town: investigate SOL BERGMAN CO 401 Prospect HIGH LOANS ON DIAMONDS WATCHES CAMERAS GUNS URS Davids tOnen Eves I 934 1 o2fi 138 MISCELLANEOUS HE' 1065 HE ()36g fail call up first we pay high est cash prices for 1 piece or complete home of household goods QUICK SERVICE ANTIQUES WANTED China Oriental Rugs and bric a brac RA 2233 1160 5EuclJd MUST have: Pay cash for bedroom liv ing room furniture electrical appliances EX 3239 evening A 7944 VETERAN will buy 1 piece or complete house of furniture: will pay spot cash Phone PR 4119 SKY LIGHTS Used EN 4100 NEED all types good used furniture" stoves rugs dressers and chests Call EN 4 067jees DR 080 5 Antiques of All Kinds HIGHEST PRICES PAID YE 4560 CAMERAS Highest Prices in 8 ROTBARTi REITMAN 1900 9th HIGHEST cash 'price paid for camera? and photo equipment Denis Camera shot) 136 the Old SU 4719 have 4 rooms of good mahogany fu niture china and miscellaneous pri vate YK 0760 iY3nf and contmut Brand New $49ft Many othet bargains new and used 3 03 mAHESH SON at Broadway 2el Ex DI 45 0 129 PIANOS Musical iMtruments GENUINE BALDWIN Acrosonic Spinet Beautiful 18th Century Case 1le 1946 And cannot be tola from a now one on our floor The paity that had this spinet unusually well end selected it Above everything els on the market for Its full tone and responsive action Due to an unforseen financial condition that 01 sudden she asked us to irpurchase the piano It is now et our showrooms and can be transferred In 50 rncnnneil ln vojviiaiuiv JJtTMHJ JOr uiiBMint r( munthiv navmpttfe THBU RI' SAT TILI Kehrer Piano Co EXCLUSIVE BALDWIN DEALER 2064 Euclid Ave MA 2S4 Vlil PXfTOiyN CUSTOMERS INVITED Practice Uprights $45 Tip 2 Unusual Studios Spinets slightly used Kimball make also blond console Knab baby grand WOODMAN PIANO CO 1 Dyroit Hand Pianos Lowest Prices Select from finest makes Hke StelnwaT Knbe Jiardman Kranlch "'VT'1'' Brps" Kurtzmann: A'lattlm 2027 Luclid LESTER 'BETSYROSS PIANOS WANTED MA 1673' S6T ca'sh for musical inStrumenti:" ree Appraisal 73 Ethans AVE 5409 iSJnINsiAsn SmaTl WfOiTPl' 'cnfTdi $150 terms Taussig A Draein 8220 CaippgleOpyn till 830 IAN OS WAxNTJ TOP CASH PRICE i 49ST KNABE bailor srand perfect muical Instillment In beautiful black walnut ERieview rrkbn Artnd sa mnoHHTU and Used' I eventlT i0At? WO 2242 iAAND wln' cblnetexCTii YE 1977 SPOT for grand 984 AWith wtlEoft spinel sacrifice BO 3220 14233 Detroit oq 3220 P1AN(5: Stcinwav grand finA fnnT Chagrin alls 9522? Baby grand big bargain $29 5 220 CARNEGIE case renenTTdT 126 Horsts Stock arm tqulpmtM arm Tractors Used demonstrator 3 pinw feein eerra new tractor warrant tomole'el equipped with llahts starter powir taka oil pulley hydraulic lift mechanism 81 'nK LU800 ratM It dr' br lw n'' tractors will he E01d Mr H29S plow diw riii 9 SOA'A'VllIe MrsGMr'Sih uMT'Tajy cr Cli Wood Cinders Topsoil TOPSOIL delivered or'HoidM in vour tfWrnur5 33? XV A 35 6 Van 5iret from 5 7 ron leu Independent 7777 JllllliaJi.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6020

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.