The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER RIDAY SEPTEMBER 5 1947 11 PRICE KITE SULL Investing Companies Local Stock Prices Drop An Economist's Point of View GOING IN 9TH WEEK 7J57 0 i2 ap Chicago Board of Trade TRAVEL MUf TO TAX 11 1 ororllt A 93 seore 7SC 7825c 80 745c 76Jc result or the money ana creau 355710 mii restore lend lease or make an addi East 9th St Pier Cleveland Phone CHerry 0550 VETERAN HM to your bonds ft 1 and full value STUDEBAKER DEALERS THE CLEVELAND AREA 10421 Lorain Avo Insurance Stocks DETROIT CLEVELAND NAVIGATION CO LOONEY REED 3488 Weat 25th dob for Veterans! Set an example of level headed thrift cash your terminal leave bonds now unless you must Aeronauts AffilXnc AmButShr AxeHrWd 12 4 5 71 8 3S WM MORRISON INC 1289 Wut 117th St 1 Ship ll DAILY 12:00 midwgltf from Civland AnlvH In DtlraH 1:00 am Excllnl culln cool comfortabl tisp Ing commdotionaYow cbn taka yeur car with ynul COLE MOTORS INC 6510 Euclid Ave CIom Cb 314413 311T23 311028 3O74t253005t24 KOEPKE MOTOR SALES 13370 Madlion Av tow 361 260 329 14 12 12 3 27 27 IT SHAKER MOTORS INC 16451 Klniman Rd If you need the money or are in different Otherwise hold on to your bonds be glad later A I AUTO SERVICE CO 280 Broadway ldford ARR MOTOR SALES INC 350 Bait 1S2d St Asked 18 3ft 80 52 18 4 23Vs 52 13V4 17 21 02 37ty 8 3 15 35Vi I1 i Every terminal leave bond earns interest at a year A $100 bond is worth $1 1250 to you if you hold 116 113 10595 283 1767 Gray Drugstore Grl Lakes Towing do pref Halle Bros pref HarbauerCo DOVER SERVICENTER INC 27249 Center Ridge Rd Westlake eew modrtiM extra) 51 16 20 80 3 4 Vi 26 3 14 34 share dropped to 82 but recovered a half to close with a three quarter point net loss Cliffs common was in heavier action and for a time slipped slightly under the 13 mark It closed unchanged however in sales of 2214 shares Eaton and Sheet Tube were also off more than a point Interlake Steamship was the sole gainer of the day ris ing a quarter in sales of 25 shares Proposal to Shara Gold With Britain Is Ridiculous Our Reserves Would Be Endangered I Prlcff as reported bv th day um Last1580 1535 11520 1515 11515 any NEW XUdis arpi futures cloed 5 lower to 15 contracts BY RUSSELL WEISMAN Tlie proposal of British oreign Secretary Bevin that the United States redistribute its gold as a means of easing financial and economic difficulties is ridicu lous It has jhis one point in com rvnn I 6 a a myav4 iUU A AA American policy: of gold as a result oro which this nation has accumulated: approximate! 70 of the worlds stock of monetaiy gold What Bevin's purpose was is al puzzle Perhaps he was pointing to our huge gold: stock in order tol create Sale 400 10O ann 600 Lans Stamp innn run 36 32 27 8 1 19 46 98 13 12 11 2 25 20 ERDELAC SALES SERVICE INC 8003 Broadway CJlirDE OIL INCREASES NEW YORK Sept An in crease of 4050 barrels in daily average gross crude oil production in week ended Aug 30 was re ported today by American Pe troleum Institute Production to taled 5156850 barrels compared with 4833450 a year ago Gasoline production was estimated at 16 753000 barrels against 16539000 last week and 15405000 a year ago 69 67 it to maturity So hold those bonds until you can get full interest 1790 1815 1553 2125 2140 2190 CASH irm Oppn 3132 3100 3088 30 55 2987 28 00 Oil Ohio Edison Packer Corp Patteraon SkrgentRadio Corp of Am Reliance Electric Richman Bros Sparks Wlth prefTwin Coach Van Dorn Iron Vlchek Tool Warren Refining White Motor World Publishing Yjnstwn Stl Door 16Unliatea High 265 265 360 231 251 236 226 220 i18 High 3160 3130 3115 3080 3015 IS 155c Off aoc An Div Bid TUO t40 t25 fl 50 1450 182 t225 1300 1120 f300 t80 1150 Akron BrassAlleghany Corp Amer Home Prod Apex Electric da nrf JL Tn! Clev Graph BronxConsol Natl GaD Navigation Dow Chemical Electric ControllerErie aul leM Rubber CoGen MotonHIM Un Gn Goodyear Tire de 44 Prev Close 261 260 256 229 240 234 227 219 116 113 106 95 283 1755 1777 1802 2087 2112 2147 29 30 42 43 6 7 Current year Afikxt 158 159 14 15 12 13 4 1 110112 I 51 49 36 52 13 22A 108 108 12 12 obligations $100 Eggs Predicted NW YORK Sept The nation's food bill is already at the year's high but the consumer was warned today that the worst is yet to come Only can halt the advent of $1 a dozen eggs $1 a pound butter and $1 plus meat authorities said Consumers wondering how they could eating were given a 'few tips by public officials and spokesmen for meat and grocery industries: Buy the cheaper cuts of meat and learn how to cook them appetiz ingly buy the eggs graded below "top return to the war time leaning on spaghetti and other buy fresh fruits and vegetables which are almost the only foodstuffs not advancing in price currently WASHINGTON Sept A government claim today that it was overcharged by 717 railroads on the wartime movement of explosives gnd ammunition drew a prompt and emphatic denial from the Associa tion of American Railroads The overcharges were alleged in a petition 1 for investigation filed with the Interstate Commerce Com mission by Attorney General Tom Clark He previously had filed seven complaints against the rail roads challenging freight charges for the handling of war materials between 1942 and 1946 The demand for refund on ex plosives and ammunition was esti mated to involve between 30 mil lion and 40 million dollars The Justice Department said mag nitude of the shipments and' the successful safety measures" with which the armed forces surrounded them the government to rates much lower than those im posed by the William ancy president of the A A Rsaid the government was given a special rate for han dling explosives and ammunition which was 'less than was charged any other shipper for the same He said the rate had been and accepted as reason able by the War and Navy Depart and was "fixed in the same legal manner as those "for other wartime government traffic" Bld Asked 2 6 37 33 28 21 Low 3127 3095 3083 3052 MM 2708 2822t32 nations of Europe beginning with Great Britain in 1923 were of the opinion that postwar reconstruction would be advanced if their curren cies could be restored to a gold basis Inasmuch as their monetary gold stocks had been sharply reduced during the preceding years it was aigued with some cogency that the gold they had lost during and after the war should somehow be re stored so it might serve again as it had served before as a basis for monetary and credit systems But the difficulty of getting their gold back was great for reasons which will likely preclude any heavy movement of gold from the United States to Great Britain and the continent Gold was lost because of adverse trade balances It could be re gained only as a heavy import sur plus was somehow wiped out and exports bought1 with gold were in creased To keep rne record straight the point should be made that of the American monetary gom stock proximately one half is now em ployed for reserve purposes That is ederal Reserve notes and some other currencies as well are by gold or were issued on the basis of a prescribed percentage of gold Likewise the deposits of banks in the ederal Reserve sys tem are by gold re serves now" of the same proportion as they required for the issue of currency Would Endanger Reserve Thus to redistribute $19000000 000 of the gold held in this country would be to reduce virtually to a legal minimum the gold reserves of this country and to place an upper limit on further extensions of cur rency or credit or to call for an other reduction in lawful reserve requirements One such reduction wage Increases won earlier in the year showed up in full on June pay checks boosting the average weekly wage to $4937 up about $1 00 over May The average worker the report stated wa at joo 403 hours a week during June ar an average hourly rare of almost $123 This was an increase of more than 2 cents an hour compared to May Ave age wages in durable goods industres including iron steel most machinery and automobiles increased almost 7 cents an hour between last March and June ac cording to the eport The average worker in these industries earned $5295 for a 406 hour Week in June it said Meanwhile an influential Repub lican Senator Ralph landers (R Vt) contended that failure to prevent further rocketing of living costs would not only be for the country but po for the Republican party landers is chairman of a Senate House joint economic subcommittee which Sept 15 will open an investi gation into high prices in eastern states A similar committee headed by Representative George Bender (R Cleveland) will launch a mid contnent series of hearings in Cleveland Sept 23 landers said he opposes any re turn to government price control as an answer to the price problem Instead he urged that 'every effort possible be made to boost produc tion to increase the availability of scarce consumer goods The Labor Department's report said that the average prices of all commodities other than farm prod ucts and foods rose 05 last week to a new peak of 237 above a year ago Elsewhere oh the price front Senator Albert Hawkes (R J) told reporters that lower corporate taxes would mean lower living COSts Just returned from a tour of eight eastern and midwest states Hawkes former president of the United States Chamber of Com merce said the consumer would benefit from lower corporate taxes because he argued present high taxes have forced business to reach out for more income through high er prices to meet taxes and other Close 963 264 259 230 26014 232 233 225 226 217 218 115 112 iosf 95 New Boosts Laid to Autos and arm Products KA sn 1100 t75 taoo t300 Paid last year High 1600 1551 1540 1520 1K IS ribbed smoked sheets 115 TNnminai "CoHon Market NEW YORK Sept Cotton futures today dosed with gains of 30 cents to $160 a bale as persistent mill buying and short covering readily absorbed profit taking and hedging The market was helped by less fa vorable reports on the effect of the weather last month on the cotton crop Lower crop ideas in some quarters and southern advices stating that fanners will start placing cotton 4n the government loan if prices sag to 28 or 30 cents a pound also Induced firmness Private crop estimates were mixed with one forecast 'placing the crop at 12 048000 bales while another anticipated 11634000 bales or about 200000 bales under the government Aug 8 forecast or 11 further evening up operations In near by October futures anticipating first notice oay October December March May July CV inhoi MUWIlna erwit f32 Average price of middling Il Inch cotton at 10 designated southern spot markets was 3191C UP 07c CRUDE RVBBER PRICES sept Low 1590 1530 1535 PRODUCE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 7 AGRICULTURE Prodiictlon and Mark Hat AdminlMralin Nar roduc on Iht Terminal Mark Bu baakota Wealth US 1 3 ln nd up lew S400 nj 9u in end up S250 J300 ket various varieties poor to ordinat7 QUAiiiy and condition 35c 00 qt bekta Valentine J200 1225 lew $250 Trndrrtrna fell JI76 S235 dinerr Uirtlr quality $109 $150 LIMAS 8 qt: buket 75C J100 ordlnaiy quality 50c 24 qt baskets bunched 12i 18s 5 34 qt type 90c $L25 lew higher fir quality 7c CANTALOUPES 24 qt bukets Delieioua 'Irgvellt $150 $200 ir nusniT suu bAkets topped and washed 90c 513 fair quality and snail 0e 85c 16 qt baaketa Pascal Heerii 1 doren third $100 $175 fair quality: and mall 75c 90c Oedi nary condition low a 50e: atalKs 4s Pa'jj1 Pfl Sl25 fair quality and small nc 190c I2a 18 best $100 $115 ordinary to fair condition 50c 75c nn Baskets 3 doaen ea YeHnwJt 35 few $150 fair quality and condition 75c 90c poorer lower 4 16 qt basket medium $100 24 qt baskets large $15 0 C'beiket tew I3 nt basket 34a 75c 00 few higher ordi nal to fair quality 50c 65e poorer lower Geen i 18qt baskets bunched 24 $1X0 24 qt baskets bunched Us $3 00 4RS S35O S275 24 qt trtlket Mt bet $185 J3OO ordinary to fair quality $lOO Bia Beaton and Romaine ord nary quality 5r Per pint Including Penn 1 et baaketa Muatard turnip salad kale and collard TSc 90c Peek basket curly bunched 2 doxen 75c SI 00 root 75e Bu baaketa Hale and up $225 5275: tn and up $150 16 qt basket! varlou vrlHte lrw $L00 $125 mail and ripe 75e Hale Harens tew tine quality 2 tn nd up $150 ln and up S2OO S225 PRPPERS LCalltornla Wonders medium to larte bu baskets $150 $lTS 1W has kata 75c $100 8 qL baskets 50c R5e Bu baskets Bartletts medium sue $300: 16qt baskets Bartletts Various varieties medium size 16 qt baskets 90c 8 qL baskets 50c 60c poor condition lower 100 Ib sacks 5 Stxe A Cobblers unwashed $29O $3 OO Katahdins unwashed $300: 15 lb paper sacks Cobblers 8 No Is 53c 24 qt basket bunched Red best $1 5O 75 fair quality and small $125' White $125 i Supplies insufficient to quote Outdoor 10 lb basket best mostly 75e $100 very few higher ripes 40c 65e poorer 25C 35C 8 qL baskets topped and washed 50c 65c WATRRCRKS Peck baskets bunched $1508185 Peck baskets Yellow lat and Straightneck medium to large 40c 65c Livestock Rwelptt 250 hed Market $en erelly ledy with no chanse in prices mostly cow and bull ottered all ot which sold In food time Closed quiet Steers: Long fed choice or grade AA $28 00 J3400 good or grade A $2400 528 00 medi um grade commercial or $2000 $2400 common grade utility or $1800 52000 low grade icanner and cut terl $1200 51800 Helfera: Choice or grade AA $2500 $3000 good or grade A $20 00 825 00 medium grade commercial or $1700 $2000 common grade utility or $1500 51700 low grade icanner and cutter! $12 00 J1800 Cows: Choice butchers $15 00 517 00 good to choice butchers $1400 81500 medium to good $1200 51400 best cutter cowa $1100 51200 all canners $900 $1100 Bulla: Choice butcher bulls $200052200 good bologna bulls $1500 82000 low grade butcher bulls $1200 51500 Receipts 250 head Market ac tive and firm with good and choice natives freelv to $2800 top Early cleanup made on all grades Choice $24 00 528 00 good $2000 52400 medium $1500 52000 com mon $1000 515 00 Receipts 700 head Market very slow at start packers resisting higher asking prices inal market developed steady with no chance In price ranges Heavy butchers 300 pounds up $2175 52450 mediums 250 300 pounds S25TS J2T00: butchers 200 250 pounds $2775: yorkers 1613 200 pounds $7750 52775: light lights 13n 150 pounds S23nn 523no: good pics 100 130 nnunds 2non $23OO roughs good quality $1900 32250 stags good quality $1800 SHEEP AND Receipts 3n0 head Market active and strong now $200 or more higher for the week good and choice lambs $2300 52500 All sold Umba: Soring choice $23on $25on cnod S20no $2300 medium $1500 2nnn dulls S10nn 31500 Sheen: Wethers choice ST 00 58 on ewes choice $600 5700 com mnn $400 8600 Government Graded Eggs No chanze today 'are: Larje AA 69e larja A 5c medl A 59c: 'U5AUM Lf nilKSETL WEISMAN opinion in his own country in favor of further American financial as sistance It may be better political argument to contend that we ought to share $10000000000 of surplus gold with our neighbors abroad than to argue that we should make loans to them of comparable amount There is little doubt that Bevin was pleading the case of further American financial assistance He must be well enough informed in matters of finance to know that if any substantial portion of the gold now held at ort Knox were to be redistributed and to find its way into the hands of British subjects it would forthwith be sold for lars and the dollars spent American food and cotton Gold Thirst of 1925 Thus the gold distribution Bevin has in mind is of quite a diffeieut character from that' of which we talked a good deal two decades or so ago At that time the important BY EDWARD KERNAN Plain Dealer Bureau WASHINGTON Sept 1 Amld rumblings of possible political repercussions living costs today continued their upward spiral or the ninth straight week aver age primary market prices moved skyward to another new record peak The rise for the week end Jng Aug 30 was 03 sending com modity up 4 3 since June SO and 201 higher than a year ago The Labor bureau of labor statistics reporting its gen eral index of commodity prices at 154 of its 1926 average said sharp increases in automobile and farm products prices were chiefly to blame for last rise arm prices were reported 05 above a month ago and 157 more than a year ago' At the same time the Labor De partment reported that the average factory worker made more money last June than in any other month in history The report said that the hourly 1947 Hljh Low 874 149 19 13 13 11 43 37 115 110 84 80 57 42 OL 39 71 aZ 1 31 108 15 36 13 10 26 30 31 59 79 72 283 283 1762 1792 1792 1807 1807 2090 2090 2110 2110 2155 2155 Open 2622 61 257 229U 248 234 227 218 112 142 106 107 90 96 2834 1775 1793 1825 2100 2125 2190 CHICAGO BI3 Ackd Bld 300 549 do S3 1135 425 465 KnickerM 3 13 IPtl 427 1 MnhtRp 762 zafiMsuinrr in jii 'Hi BroadSlln 170T 1845 MmI21 1105 11 9S Bull'knd 1704 1J68 NitWB 1391 $493 DlvM Shra IMS lS9Ntl Invrit 80 $068 EatAHB 2443 251SJNATS '55 33T 1497 1601 do '56 376 undlnvl 1332 1460 inn nd 1506 15 1 Inend 16T 172 State In 51 SO 10 32 Incorpin 3164 2339 well'nnd 17 TO 1932 KestCB3 1658 1618 ajwiirviT tAm Telephone Telegraph 65 159 158 158 CUrk Controller 10 14 14 14 Cleve CUH Iron 2214 13 12 13 vieve aieetric xu do pf Cleve CHffa Pf Eaton Manufacturing Iirestone Tire RubberGeneral Electric Goodrich Grpif Bros Cooperage A Halle Bros Hann A cum pfInterlake Iron Interlake Steamship Lamson Sesslons Nestle Le Mur A Pennsylvania RailroadRepublic Steel Standard Oil of Ohlo Thompson Product Inc limited ftiaie atret Youngstown Sheet luiuistcu INACTIVE ISSUES Bid 17 28 70 51 1 industrial Rayon 41 Jaeger Machine 22 LaKUKunn Kelley Island LimeMartin McKav Machine McKee A Medusa Cement Metro Pav Brick Natl Acme Natl THeN Central Ohio Brass 36 36 52 52 11 It if 13 4 114 114 5I 54 54 4 aiZ 1 12 12 12 27 262 294 394 39t 67 6714 roMltr 29c 31c les horn broiler 26c bal ance unchanged Arrival 77 on track 181 total United States ahlpmenta 833 Supplle rather light: demand good lor red locks VHvtarafA tnr nsartrc in stronger for reds steady to firm for others: September Colorado Bliss Triumphs 8335: Idaho Oregon long whites $365 Russet Burbanks $430 North Dakota Bliss Triumphs $250 Washing Bid NEW JERStY A Complete Vacation at THE ADMIRAL MAY NW JERSY AU Recreations and Amosem*nlt American A European lans Reduced rates After Labor Dy Double from $4 50 Single from 83 Daily Phone telegraph or write tor reservations gold in the country was reduced as Chicago sept a i expansion of the war to a Bid Asked 3' 144 14'4 34 35 an lei 1 48 49 4 67 9 58 45 Railroad Groups Deny Overcharge Sept Dee May July CORN Sept Dec May July sept Dec May Julv SOYBEANS nov sept Oct Nov Dee was voted by Congress a year ori so ago after the stock or uncovered KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS Milo of Kidney Tube lush Out Pouonoua Waata If yon hven exetu of aeida In your blood your 16 mile of kidney tubes may be over worked These tiny filters and tubes are work ing day and night to help Nature rid your system of excess acids and poisonous waste When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your Hood it may cause naggingbackache rheumaticpaku leg pains loss of pep and energy getting up nights swelling puffiness under the eyes headaches and diuiness requent or scanty passages with smarting and burning some times shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder Kidneys may need help the same as bow 'els so ask your druggist for Pills a stimulant diuretic used successfully by mil lions for ovfr 60 years Doan's give happy relief and will help the 16 miles of kidney tubee fiush out poisonous waste from your blood Get Doan's Pills (Advt TRAVEL exnansioti of the war to a Urtn: Urge No 3 extras 58c 6i5c: Ik linvife medium No 2 extraa 51c 515c: standards point Where it was learect tne limns 5c 46c current receipts 395c 405c dirties of crorlii exnansion in Our banking 355c 36c checks 34c 345c 01 creau exparikiun 11 uui a POULTRV Llve: Unsettled receipts 45 system were about to be reacnea trucks no cars 0 prices: owl 255c a 1 1 a1 A a maefara 'lOoOlr" tnerbanv heAil no whatever inc lacts as io iiiai informed Americans will not fall for the Bevin argument that we could and should help our British neighbors by redistributing surplus gold Let us call the tmng we are talking about by its right name They want our food and cotton and other goods If we are going to provide these goods let us do so ton lon whites $365 8370 Wisconsin cobblers 82 50 5260 None No 1 yellow $2 53 82 55 No 2 $254 No 5 2 45 $mni Without confusing the issue with OATS 'No 1 heavy mixed $122: sample gold redistribution We can either TwhUe 11 i tper nmotny tional loan of the type that was $1 as negotiated when lend lease 2 radft terminated No 3 yellow $193 LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Sale of Bonds Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of County Commissioners 135 Court House Cleveland Ohio until eleven (11:00) o'clock A Eastern Standard Time on September 16th 1947 for the purchase of $1059500000 'County of Cuyahoga Ohio coupon bonds as follows: $30000000 County Offices Building Bonds Series A maturing as fol lows $800000 oh April 1st and $700000 on October 1st in each of the years from 1948 to 1967 both In clusive Said bonds are issued for the purpose of paying part of the cost of the construction of a build ing for countv offices and to pay notes previously issued in anticipa tinn thereof $500000 00 County Hospital or Hos pital Buildings Bonds Series A (General) maturing as follows: $13 00000 on April 1st and $1200000 on October 1st in each of the years from 1948 to 1967 both inclusive Said bonds are issued for the pur pose of paying part of the cost of the construction of a county hospital or hospital buildings and to pay notes previously issued in anticipa tion thereof $4000000 County Morgue Building Bonds Series A maturing as fol lows: $100000 on April lst and $100000 on October lit in each of the years from 1948 to 1967 both in clusive Said bonds are issued (or the purpose of paying part of the cost of the construction of a build Ing to be known as the County Morgue and to pay notes previously issued tn anticipation thereof $40000000 County Hospital for Tu berculosis Building Bonds Series A maturing as follows: $1000000 on 1st and $1000000 on October 1st In each of the years from 1948 to 1967' both inclusive Said bonds are issued for the pur pose of paying part of the cost of the construction of a County Hospi tal for Tuberculosis and to pay notes previously Issued in anticipa tion thereof' $450000000 County Hospital or Hospital Building Bonds Series (General) maturing as follows $11300000 on April 1st and $112 00000 on October 1st In each of the years from 1949 to 1968 both inclu sive Said bonds are issued for the purpose of paying part of the cost of constructing a county hospital or hospital buildings including the ac quisition of a site and the purchase of equipment therefor $35500000 County Morgue Building Bonds Series maturing as fol lows: $900000 on April 1st and $9000 00 on October 1st in each of the years from 1919 to 1968 both in clusive except $8000000 on October 1st in each of the years from 1964 to 1968 both inclusive Said bonds are issued for the purpose of paying part of the cost of the purchase of a site and the erection and equipping of a building to be known as the Countv Morgue $4 5(X) 000 00 County Hospital for Tuberculosis Building Bonds Series maturing as follows: $11300000 on April 1st and $11200000 on Octo ber 1st in each of the years from 1949 to 1968 both inclusive" Said bonds are issued for the purpose of paving part of the cost of enlarging and improving the county hospital for tuberculosis by erecting new fire proof buildings including the ac quisition of a site and the purchase of enuipment therefor All' of said bonds were authorized by the electors at an election held on the 7th day of May 1946 and are payable from a tax unlimited az to rate or amount Ail of the pbove bonds are in the denominations of $100000 each are dated October 1 1947 and draw in terest from their date at tlje rate of3 per annum payable semi annual ly on April 1st and October 1st of each year Principal and interest are payable at the office of the County Treasurer in Cleveland Ohio Bids may be submitted at a dif ferent rate of interest provided how ever that where a fractional rate of interest is bid said fraction shall be one quarter one percent or I multiples thereof If bids are re reived based upon a lower rate of interest than above specified the 1 bonds will be awarded to the highest bidder offering not less than par and accrued interest based upon the lowest rate of interest Blds may be for all of said $10 59500000 Different interest rates may be bid for any single issue but ep! it rate bids for a single issue will not be considered Bids must be made on a blank form furnished on sqqplication to the Clerk and be ac companied by a certified check on some solvent bank other than the one making the bid for one percent (1) of the amount of bonds bid for pavable to the "Treasurer of Cuya hoga to secure payment of said bonds in accordance with the bid said check to be forfeited as liquidated damages upon default of the bidder Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the award of the bonds Coupon bonds will be furnished with the privilege of registration by the owner as to principal only or convertibla into fully registered bonds The proceedings incident to the proper authorization of these bonds have been taken under (he direction of Messrs Squire Sanders Demp sy whose approving opinion to gether with the printed bonds will be furnished at the County's ex pense Delivery of bonds to be made on or about October 1 1947 st any bank in the City of Cleveland Ohio desig nated by me purcnasei The right Is reserved to reject or all bids BY ORDER THE BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS rnvAHnGA COUNTY OHIO JOSEPH GORMAN President JOHN CURRY JOHN 1 PEKAREK RANK HUSAK Clerk Aug33 29sept5 434 32 49 i5 104 t435 OU t60 31 tl 00 33' 9 t60 114 IS? tV tlS Si 174 t50 18 224 tl51 3 8 61 53 LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Board of County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County Ohio 135 Court House Cleveland Ohio until 11:00 A Eastern Standard Time on the 18th day of September 1947 for the following: Alterations to Buildings at Sunny Acres Sanatorium Warrensville Township Cuyahoga County Ohio at an estimated cost of $1500000 Plans specifications and proposal blanks are available in Room 135 Cuyahoga County Court House Cleveland Ohio Plans and specifi cations must be returned with bids Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check drawn on a solvent bank located in Cuyahoga County Ohio for ten (10) per cent of the estimated cost Checks are to be made payable to the "Treasurer of Cuyahoga County" and are to guar antee that the bidder will enter into a contract within ten days if his bid is accepted ailure to enter into a contract upon being awarded same will result in forfeiture of the check The right is reserved to reject any or all bids BOARD COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS CUYAHOGA COUN TY OHIO JOSEPH GORMAN President JOHN CURRY JOHN PEKAREK RANK HUSAK Clerk aug22 29sept5 12 I Notice to Contractor Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of County Commissioners 135 Court House Cleveland until 11:00 A Eastern Standard Time on the 18th day of September 1947 cover ing the wrecking of a 24 story frame dwelling and 2 car frame ga rage both located on property owned by Cuyahoga County at 4310 Broad way Avenue Cleveland Ohio Each proposal must be accom panied by a certified check drawn on some solvent bank in Cuyahoga County for ten (10) per cent of the amount of the Estimate payable to the "Treasurer of Cuya hoga as a guarantee that if the proposal is accepted a contract will be entered into in accprdance therewith Plans specifications and proposal blanks are available at the office of the Board of County Commissioners 135 Court House Cleveland Ohio The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County Ohio JOSEPH GORMAN President JOHN CURRY JOHN PEKAREK RANK HUSAK Clerk NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of County Commissioners 135 Court House Cleveland Ohio until 11:00 o'clock A Eastern Standard Time on the 22nd day of September 1947 covering the wrecking of certain buildings on the new Harvard Ave nue Improvement located on the corner of Harvard Avenue and 49th Street and on the north side of Harvard Avenue just East of 49th Street in Newburg Heights Vil lage Each proposal must be accom panied by a certified check drawn on solvent bank in Cuyahoga County for ten (10) percent of the amount of the Estimate payable to the "Treasurer of Cuya hoga County" as a guarantee that if the proposal is accepted a contract will be entered into in accordance therewith Plans specifications and proposal blanks are available at the office of the Board of County Commissioners' 135 urt House Cleveland Ohio The right is reserved tg reject any or all proposals By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County Ohio JOSEPH GORMAN President JOHN CURRY JOHN PEKAREK septfi 12 RANK HUSAK Clerk Detroit Stocks CIomiSaIm CIom Cr Die 8s! 500Masco Screw 3 HooverBaU 23 600 Penn Metal 4 Hnalcln 15 600 River Raisin mp 3a 7ou jsntner ir 4 1 11860 Warner A1r 2 42 82 52 50 36 53 27 70 31 32 5 38 68 9 59 Whether it was a belated post rS 4 kt I MB am A MAtflS Mt uawn 4CMVUU vi a uuwzi because the European Squeeze is becoming acute prices of securities (jeclined over a wide front yester day On the Cleveland Exchange 45 shares of Halle common sold at 24 off lYi points and the lowest in about two years Cleveland CEffs Iron nreferred selling ex dividend 821 cents a at 33 3585 hare Total sale 436610 shre Year 3703 aharea Total aalea 486617 ahar Net Sas High Low Close 10 142214 13 70 41 a 84 II O'4 1104 lia3 125 82 82 82 25 50 50 50 20 40 49 49 157 39 2t 250 13 13 5 106 106 106 VO8L 14SZ 19Sl 25 115 100 100 a 70 1 10 7 15 I take flV HUS i AW9 tr I a II IIOHV I 1 9 I ZZ 7 Z7 A A A lUx W'VVLM 1 (3 ING I TXj STUD EBAKER II I nraKMMWaMMMaMMM I I 1 iff frffiJKg Bld Asked Bid Asked Aetna Caa 76 79 Home Ins 34 36 Aetna Ina $4 46 MarylndC 10 11 Asr Life 40 43 Masi Bond 80 84 Am Suretr 56 58 NwAmCa 38 30 ContlnCas 454 474 Travelers 565 580 Glensalla 43 45' US ldG 44 46 Gt Am Ina 37 29 VS ira 49 53 Hanover 26 Guar 72 Hartfdr 98 103 Weslch ter 32 354 4 Bank Stocks Bid Asked Bld Aaked BkAmNTS 41 4 3 stN NY 1385 14 45 Bank Man 25 27 Guaranty 371 280 '414 43 Irving lb 144 CenHanBT 974 100'1 Manuf rsT 50 S3 Chase Nat 34 38 Natl City 41 43 Cont BAT 16 IT NYTrurt 95 91 J4 80 Public Nat 39 41 stNatCh 330 335.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.