The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY APRIL 7 1873 HailroaUs Steamboats GRAVE AND GAY Ocean Steamers PREMIER GLADSTONE AT Jnsnrance Onratisnal jlMW SBURGH TO NEW HAVEN 1205pm 1224 600 am 620 700 808 820 932 1243 1045 am 1108 1150 100 pm 103 205 458 Villinms'h Northam'n armingt'n Plainville Newllaven New York to pay marked attention You receive according ly a large piece of very smooth pasteboard whereon you are bidden to dinner on a certain day usually at the hour of 6 or half after At tired in dress suit and white neck tie you are ex pected to present yourself at the front door at precisely the designated hour when you wilt probably find your modest for a voiture de remise even is not demanded by etiquette in deed I have seen the lord chief justice of Eng land go to a dinner party in a hansom cab mixed up with a motley line of gorgeous em blazoned cabriolets and heavy family coaches A stalwart footman in oppressive livery swings wide the door and as you enter another foot man with equally oppressive livery conducts you to a which is not seldom my libra where you leave your surtout and hat and cane and give a final brush to locks and whis kers If there bejadies of the party they are usually provided with separate rooms join ing them on the staircase vou ascend to the drawing room just at the door of which is sta tioned a third footman with a trebly oppressive lively To this august being you whisper your name to be shocked by hearing it usu ally pronounced distressingly wrong and twist ed into something unheard through thestate Jy apartment the vista of which opens through the doorway to your view Here is my lord faultlessly dressed who advances easily and natu rally grasps your hand with a brief word of welcome and leads you forward to a balloon like being all silk and lace to whom he presents you as to the couutess of She is the central figure of a bevy of ladies and you are in turn introduced with very little formality to the Lady Angelina and the Lady Gertrude' and the Lady Constance until the blooming family is exhausted Here and there in little knots about the room the guests are standing chatting qui etly and easily together You recognize the archbishop and ambassador the eminent histo rian and the parliamentary leader judges and literati and men and women of fashion if a prince of the blood is present he mingles freely with the rest although narrow observation de tects a trifle more deference paid to him than to the other guests In a very few for all is promptness in the aristocratic dinner is an nounced by the burly rubicund knee brecched butler whose apoplectic countenance looms for an instant only in the doorway As easily and naturally as possible the company proceeds to the dining room by couples the hostess and most distinguished guest leading the way You cannot but be struck by the apartment into which you are thus introduced The rich som berness and stateliness of it bespeaks age and dignity you think of it as a place where people of rank sat over their wine a hundred or two years ago The oaken wainscoting floor and ceiling is dark and shiny and gives a mellowed sober coloring to the big room Huge oaken sideboards wonders of intricate carving are loaded down with an astonishing wealth of gold and silver plate so massive and antique and deftly chased as to speak of long accumulated heir looms and a descent from long gone days The curtains are heavy damask and fall in' ponder ous folds to the floor the chandeliers are im mense but somehow seem only half to light the apartment there are a few pictures hanging from the high plainly and darkly tinted walls portraits most often of noble ancestors painted by no one'less famous than Lely and Kneller and liolbein and Sir John Reynolds and Lawrence and Gainsborough The ornamentation is as heavy and substantial as is the baron of beef which is about to be brought smoking to the ta ble and as costly as the Yquem and Johannis berger which will ere long sparkle in your little group of vari colored glasses When all are at last perhaps 15 or 20 in all ladies sandwiched carefully between gentle men and each according to the various courses succeed each other with commendable the soup and the fish the game and roast the sweets and fruit ending with port and and conversation flows with equal ease and apparent absence of anv effort or conscious ness ot social distinctions There are the liveried lackeys stately and somber and long faced be hind the chairs but almost always they are the only solemn folk in the room You hear the peo ple "chatting rench on your left and English on your right the company grows more loquacious yet never boisterous with every course there is throughout the best ot good breeding that which instantly puts the least notable guest at his case and keeps him so from beginning to end The topics talked about are very much what on would bear at an evening party or at the Carlton or Brooks's You find the hostess quite familiar with the politics of the day and the host's daughters very much interested in the last book of Matthew Arnold or even Herbert Spencer there is apparently among all a live ly and genuine internet in all that is going on in the world When the fruits and nuts have been duly discussed the hostess rises and repairs to the "drawing room followed by the other ladies while the gentlemen remain perhaps 15 or 20 minutes it the dinner is a formal one or longer if it is not and then rejoin the fair when coffee is served Soon the guests invited to the evening begin to arrive and keep coming and going all the evening till after midnight Re freshment is provided in the lunch room usually cake and wine only whither any one may repair when he or she so chooses the apartments are all open you can wander where you like and either walk about in the drawingroom where the merry body of the guests are chatting stand ing in groups or have a cozy confab with a friend in the library or the smaller rooms off the entries In a word the English aristocracy aim to do no more in giving entertainments than does the refined and wealthy American host that is to make his guests comfortable and so arrange that they shall carry away a pleasant impression Bow Bells New Hartford ine Meadow' armington QPRINGIELD ENGLISH AND CLASS KJ I JICAL INSTITUTE Spring Term begins on Monday next eb 10 Instruction given in all studies included in a first class Academic Education Superior advantages in the particular Business Studies Book keeping and Penmanship Conversational and written rench taught with special thoroughness Circulars sent free to any address CHAS BURNETT A 15 Principal Hartford and new york line On and after April 6 boats of this line will leave Hartford for New York and in termediate landings daily except Saturdays at 3 o'clock until further notice Returning leave New York from Pier 24 East River at 4 Passengers from Hartford can take the 515 train by Valley railroad and connect at Saybrook with boat for New York Tickets for sale by Powers Bros under Massasoit House Springfield Hartford April 3 1873 a5 gPRINGIELD IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO SPRINGIELD MASS Policies Issued on Birr Risks Only CASH CAPITAL $500009 Cash Assets Jam 1 1873 1070742 01 INCORPORATED 1849 Charter Perpetual EDMUND REEMAN President DWIGHT SMITH Vice SANORD HALL A WRIGHT Treasurer j23 6m Home Office ort Block Main street i BOURNE BROS Remember that by purchasing your Tickets and Drafts from us you secure them from an hon orable reliable and safe house Call early and often at the CITY TEA STORE 297 Main street Wholesale and Retail Dealers in the best Coffees and Spices 1 3m The Parliamentary Leader as a Host London Letter to Boston Post The very day after he was so fairly beaten in the House ot Commons Mr Gladstone had a great dinner party at his residence in Carlton house terrace and afterward one of those select aristocratic receptions known here as The right honorable gentleman could hardly have left the House on Wednesday morning be fore 3 and at 6 lie had to be ready to receive under his hospitable roof no less a per sonage than Alfred duke of Edinburgh the second son ot Queen Victoria The premier lives in a spacious substantial and rather ancient mansion fronting the Carlton house where the prince regent used to hold his orgies with his brothers of York and Cumberland Beau Brum inell and the rest of the court favorites of that dissolute period patrician repose now rests upon the quarter which is just aside from the bustle of Pall Mall and St and Mr Gladstone may boast of having dukes and earls on every side of him A cabinet dinner is the atnbirioii of every young sprout of the aristocracy or of the foreign legations who finds himself involved in the gay whirlpool of London society even to be invited to the which always fol lows the formal dinner in the upper circles is a distinction craved by voting ladies of most re spectable family and the most finished education The fashion of a dinner to which the select few are hidden followed by a reception to which from fifty to a hundred arc invited is one so far as I know confined to Rondon West end and is a very shrewd device for paying off social scores Of course the dinner party is the creme de la creme die most distinguished guests are hon ored by it Then the reception follows to clear off the account with the world in general I know that a better impression could be given of society among the upper ten thousand than by jotting down a few notes descriptive of these at once eminently formal and eminently social occasions or it "is a fact which extended observation only tends to confirm that the Eng lish aristocracy are at once the most punctilious and the least stilted of all aristocracies You are ushered into my presence by a footman six feet two high with portentous calves a head lit erally pasted with a stratum of powder a livery which 1 defy any one to see for the first time without a mingled sensation of awe and amuse ment and with a step as stately as the biggest cathedral beadle (I imagine" a more striking comparison) in rance But when this awful creature has vanished and closed the door and you find yourself face to face with my lord you are surprised and refreshed to observe that he is perfectly simple and amiable in manner dressed with an apparently studied plainness succeeds without effort in putting you quite at your ease and enters as glibly into conversation as if he were your brother in law or your credit or As the man in would say is no biggod nonsense about what ever It is much the same at dinner parties that take place nightly at this season by the dozen west of Trafalgar square There is very little difference too between a dinner party given by a prime minister and one given by a noble earl or a right honorable baronet only the former have an official color and nre almost always giv en with some public aim Now it is to receive a royal prince now some illustrious foreign states man again to gather round the groaning board the party chiefs for intimate exchange of ideas then to the patriarchs of the church But the salient characteristics of the aristocratic London dinner are much the same whether the host be a cabinet minister or the titled dispenser of a priv ate substantial and profuse feast Let me fake it for granted that you are a dis tinguished literary or political foreigner who has gained the entree into the upper social sphere and to whom the earl of desires ield Plowing A stock in Hosiery To gain Steal a watch True to the The shoemaker A burning shame A wax candle A grant for the The cmi grant A first class life policy Keep out of debt A lay One that fritters away her time How to prevent bad go to sleep In character in affection the ideal is the only real Romantic A young lady drowned in tears If you have taper fingers mind you burn them first business in writing is to say what one has to say Mere art perverts taste just as mere theology depraves religion The pinnacle of a greatness is the bight of his own character Political parties like fishes are steered by their tails Duke of Somerset To those or Dlrs last Inquire of her shoemaker Every good book takes right hold of that which lies unthought of in the soul Mrs Partington descanting on art called Mi chel Angelo one of the old mastiffs He who does evil that good may come pavs a toll to the devil to let him into heaven Too much is seldom enough Pumping after your bucket is full prevents its keeping so Most shoemakers are obliged to to their because all they have to stick to If all the world were blind said an Irish cler gyman what a melancholy sight it would be! Most men like to see themselves in print Ladies like to see themselves in silks and velvets The mind that busies itself much with the fu ture has need to be an uncommonly cheerful one The hardest thing in the world is to make a de votee out of a man who thinkshiinsclf a philos opher Intellectual emancipation if it does not give us command over ourselves is Why is chloroform like Mendelssohn? Be cause it is one of the greatest composers of mod ern times Why is a ballet dancer a most inhuman creat ure? Became her greatest delight is to execute her grand pas What is the difference between a cloud and a beaten child? One pours with rain and the other roars with pain What is the difference between a sailor and a beer drinker? One puts his sail up the other puts his ale down You must secure such time as is necessary for yourself and you will be the better able to at tend to the wants of DeSales Self love is at once the most delicate and most tenacious of our sentiments a mere nothing will wound it but nothing on earth will kill it No man who lias to struggle to be kind has learned the law of kindness Kindness shines with a steady unintermitted Beecher The great multiplication of books gives rise to the danger of a still born learning as unprolific as the double floweisof our A physician living in Kansas was badly hurt the other day by the caving of a well upon him He should have attended to the tick and let the well alone We are so much creal tires of habit that no great and sudden change can at first be alto gether unless it be here and there a honey moon It must be a great satisfaction when we come to some supreme hour in life to feel that the training of the past has done its utmost to lit us for thathour A co*ckney resident of an up town boarding house likens himself and bis fellow boarders to pbenixes because says he we rise every day from our hashes Have greatness of soul enough to relish immor tality and at the same time moderation enough to enjoy the transitory blessings Heaven has be stowed upon I know not if it be a duty to offer up fortune and life to the truth but I know it is a duty if one undertake to teach the truth to teach the whole of it or none at It takes very little water to make a perfect pool for a tiny fish where it will find its world and paradise all in one and never have a pres entiment of the dry An Irishman referring to the sud Icn death of a relative was asked if he lived high I say he did said Terence but le died high Like the banks in these days he was suspended Strange said Henry Rogers if that excess literature which we take to be security against a second invasion of barbarism should bring about a condition of things not much better! oor dear! sighed Mr Smith stirring up his roaring coal and referring to the late lamented Mrs how she did enjoy a good lire! Ah well let us hope gone where they keep them A negro preacher observed to his hearers at the close ot his sermon as follows: My obstinaeious bredren I find it am no more use to preach to you dan it am for a grasshopper to wear knee buckles A society has been formed in New York not before it "is called the Anti am bitious to figure in thc Tifcwspapers with no use ful rcsuli and to the neglect of your own domes tic duties Society Poetry should be an alterative modern play wrights have converted it into a sedative which they administer in such unseasonable quantities that like an over dose of opium it makes one Hare Why you get down and lead the horse? That is the way to keep warm said a gentleman to a boy one cold day No replied the Ameri can youth it is a borrowed horse and ride him if I freeze! All ways of earning his bread are alike be coming to an honest man whether to split wood or sit at the helm of state It does not concern his conscience how useful he is but how useful he would Opinion and affection differ extremely Opin ion is something wherein 1 go about to give rea 1 son why all the world should think as I think Affection is a thing wherein I look after the pleasing of Selden If you would have an idea of the ocean in a storm just imagine 4000 hills and 4000 moun tains in a state of intoxication running over newly plowed ground with lots of caverns in it for them to step into now and then All the life of a pure minded but feeble bodied man his path is lined with memo grave stones which mark the spots where noble enterprises perished for lack of physical vigor to embody them in Mann An unintelligent foreigner who is quite unable to understand and appreciate American manners writes home that when a great man dies in the United States the first thing done is to propose a fine statue in his honor next to forget to order any statue and last to wonder what became of the money Mv brudders said a waggish colored man to a crowd in all affliction in all ob your troubles dar is one place you can always find sym pathy shouted several In de dictionary he replied rolling his eyes skyward The mother of Lord Brougham was a most ex cellent pud thrifty housewife At one period she VERMONT AND MASSACHUSETTS ANDrR0Y AND greenfield rail leave Boston (itchburg railroad Station Causeway street) for Hoosao Tunnel North Adams Saratoga and Troy New York at 730 a for Hoosao Tunnel Greenfield Shelburne alls and Brat tleboro at 730 and 1100 a for Greenfield and Brattleboro at 730 and 1100 a and 415 Leave Hoosao Tunnel for Boston at 700 a and 00 pm Leave Greenfield for Boston at 630 and 935 a ind 228 pm Leave Brattleboro for Boston at 422 and 841 a nd 200 The 700 am and 100 trains from Hoosao Tun nel 630 a train from Greenfield and 841 a and 200 trains from Brattleboro connect at itch burg with trains for Providence Newport and Taun ton The 700 a and 1pm trains from Hoosao Tunnel and 841 a and 2pm trains from Brattleboro connect at itchburg with trains for Worcester Prov idence Newport etc RUGGLES itchburg Mass jl RIO EUROPEAN Let A tebs of Credit available in all parts of the world Dills of Exchange in sums of £1 and up wards on Clews Habicht Co London the Pro vincial Bank of Ireland the National Bank of Scot land and all their branches Steamship tickets to Queenstown Liverpool and London all can be ob tained as advantageously as in New York HENRY SIMONS Agawam National Bank m29Gm SPRINGIELD BRASS We are prepared to furnish every variety of Brass and Composition Castings Car Boxes Patterns Let ters and Babbitt Metal Special attention given to fine castings and all kinds of railroad castings jl STEBBINS MG CO Taylor st was much troubled with a servant addicted to dish breaking who used to allege in extenuation of her fault It was crackit afore One morning little Harry tumbled down stairs when the fond mother running after him exclaimed Oh! boy have you broke your head? No ma returned young Brougham springing to his feet it was crackit before No spirit is hurt by doing his duty On the contrary one good' action ne temptation resisted and overcome one sacrifice of desire of interest purely for conscience ike will prove a cordial for weak and low spirits beyond what either indulgence or diversion or company can do for them A dissolute young rench nobleman intent on insulting Dumas said to him father was a mulatto I his mother was a black woman was she is said her father was an ape as I have is true sir my genealogy begins where yours The longer I live the more certain I am that the great difference between men the great and in significant is energy invincible determination an honest purpose once fixed and then victory I hat quality will do anything that can be done in the world and no circ*mstances no opportu nity will make a two legged creature a man without it Kingsley says: If you wish to be miserable you must think about yourself about what you want what you like what respect people ought to pay you what people think of you and then to you nothing will be pure You will spoil everything you touch you will make sin and misery for yourself out ot everything God sends you you will be as wretched as you chouse The contaminating effect of deeds often lies less in the commission than in the con sequent adjustment of our the enlist ment of our self interest ou the side of falsity as on the other hand the mirifying influence of public confession springs from the fact that by it the hope in lies is forever swept away and the soul recovers the noble attitude of simplicity Let the young poet however he may believe of his art that other pleasures are not worth its consider what it is to call down fire from heaven to keep the pot boiling before he commit himself to a life of authorship as something free and easy That fire will not condescend to such office though it come without asking on ceremonial days to the free service of the altarLowell There is nothing so true so sincere 4 so down right and forthright as genius It is always truer than the man himself is greater than he If Shakespeare the roan had been as marvelous a creature as the genius that wrote the plays that genius so comprehensive in its intelligence so wise even in its play that its clowns are mor alists and philosophers so penetrative that a single one of its phrases reveals to us the secret of our own character would bis contemporaries have left us so wholly without record of him as they have done distinguishing him in no wise from his fellow Russell Lowell There are two important tilings that money cannot a sound mind and a sound without which and compared to which all riches and all luxury are worse than useless There fore not only Christian morality bat common sense says: Give us freedom tor body and air space life for both perish wealth manufactures commercial greatness the instant they interfere with these Give us wealth but let it be wealth in the old full sense of the word meaning the substance of weal not wealth in its miserable narrowed perverted sense of material possessions lucre which may be the means of mere gluttony and everlasting lux ury degradation not weal at Martineau lines to my lady love By a Common plaee To thee were I a humble bee hourly wing my honeyed flight To thee were I a ship at sea sail though land were in my sight To thee were 1 a puss* cat spring as though 'twere on a rat! To thee were I a stickleback swim as fast as fins can move To thee were I a hack gallop on the hoofs of love But as but a simple man come by train if I can Almanack 800 WESTIELD TO I 925 a Sclyoke 94(5 TVEW YORK NEW HAVEN STEAM LV No Charge oil The first class steamer Continental leaves New Haven daily (Sundays excepted) at 1130 leaving New York at 315 The first class steamer Elm City leaves New Haven daily (Sundays excepted) at 1015 a leaving New York at 11 reight by the 315 boat from New York reaches Springfield early next morning ml9 INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS A Sailing to and from Liverpool Calling at Queenstown twice every week $5 and $100 gold 4 OUTWARD STEERAGE PASSAGE from Boston $30 Currency PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGE to Boston $32 Currency office 102 State st Boston CREAGH Agent or RYAN Agent Main street Springfield Mass What ather Burke says of the INMAN LINE I came to America on board the City of London There were nearly 300 Irish emigrants in the steerage of that splendid vessel The kindness and tenderness with which these emigrants wore treated drew from them expressions of the greatest satisfaction jyo ly (2JEORGE A ASHTON Carpenter and House Builder Jobbing of all kinds attended to with promptness and dispatch Shop corner of Worthington and Dwight streets f24 1yd CONNECTICUT RIVER I Passenger Trains leave Springfield: Ram tor Brattleboro Bellows alls White junction St Jonsbury Lake Memphramagog Same Mountains Quebec Montpelier Burlington a iinns Ogdensburg Montreal Rutland Keene 6 smtermediate stations ti 45 for Brattleboro Bellows alls Rutland Hirer Junction Keene and way stations i R10 (night express with Pullman palace Ar7ffinr room and sleeping ears) for Brattleboro Bei White River Junction Montpelier Bur st Albans Montreal Ogdensburg Rutland only at Holyoke Northanroton foutb Deerfield Greenfield Bernardston and South and 4 for Northampton at 910 am 645 for Greenfield ArfSl aad 955 a 12 245 620 and 845 for rger TralM for Springfield leave 75b and 1035 am 1330 at 636 8 839 956 1053 andS5 T110 148 3 41 4 50 5 56 and 726 UHolyoke at 623 822 945 and 1104 am 134 430 and 1039 a 112 5 19 AND EASTHAMPTON BRANCH JtOUIrt tv RAILROAD I vMger for ount Tom lpave Easthampton I 7 Maud W25 a 1237 205 425 and 686 uoti'irning leave Mount Tom at 842 and 1050 a 30 530 and 730 pm MULLIGAN OOSTON AND ALBANY 15 Passenger Trains leave Springfield: or Boston 2am (express) 715 a Ji (way) 1130 a (War) 135 (express) 205 (express) 4pm fwav) 8 10 (express) Sundays 630 a or Albany 1245 am (express) 910 am (way) 1145 (express) 1225 (way) 630 (way to Pitts field) 1145 am train connects at Albany with fast express train on New York Central railroad arriving st Rochester at 10 Buffalo at 12 a Suspension jp idge 1225 a Detroit 9 am Cleveland 6 am Chicago 7 pm 31 time to Chicago via Suspen jion Bridge or Buffalo 630 has Sleeping Cars attached that run through to Rochester 9 and 1145 a and 1225 connect at Chatham with trains for Hudson 9 and 1145 a and 1225 and 630 connectt Pittsfield with trains for North Adams Westfield Special 715 a and 4 pm returning from Westfield at 9 am 530 pm On Mondays a train will leave Springfield for Westfield at 530 a returning from Westfield at 630 a Leave Boston for Springfield 5 7 830 and 9 am 5 and 9 pm Leave Worcester far Springfield 635 9 955 and 1025 a 430 445 and 1035 Leave West Brookfield for Springfield 737 1005nd 1117 a 523 550 and 1181 Leave Palmer for Springfield 815 1038 1107 and II 42 a 548 625 and 1151 Leave Albany for Springfield 210 630 and 10 a m45 and 830 Leave Pittsfield for Springfield 426 852 and 1155n 502 and 1054 Leave Chester for Springfield 1205 530 and 1005 a 1247 and 616 pm Leave Westfield for Springfield 1250 631 and 1050 rc 124 and 7 pm jl RUSSELL Supt Harvard school 37 spring st Academic and Departments under charge of experienced teachers jl ROBINSON A Principal The fine soft Syrian sponge is distinguished by its lightness its fine flaxeu color its form which is that of a cup its sur face convex voluted pierced with innumerable small orifices the concave part of which presents canals of much greater diameter which are pro longed to the exterior surface in such a manner that the summit is nearly always pierced through out in many places This sponge is sometimes blanched by the aid of caustic alkalies but this preparation not only helps to destroy its text ure but also changes its color This sponge is specially employed for the toilet aud its price is high Specimens which are round shaped large and soft sometimes produce very high prices The fine sponge of the Grecian archipelago is scarcely distinguishable from that of Syria either before or after being cleansed neverthe less it is weightier its texture is not so fine and the holes with which it is pierced are at once larger and less in number It is nearly of the same country as the former in fact the fishing for it extends along the Syrian as well as the littoral zone of the Archipelago and Barbary The fine hard sponge called Greek is less sought for than either of the preceding it is however most useful for domestic and for certain indus trial purposes Its mass is irregular it is of a yellowish color it is hard and compact and pierced with small holes The white sponge of Syria called Venetian is esteemed for its light ness the regularity of its form and its solidity In its rough state it is brown in color and of a fine texture compact and firm When cleansed it becomes flaxen colored and of a looser text ure The orifice of the great channels which traverse it are rough and bristlv The brown Barbary sponge when first taken out of the water presents itself as an elongated flattened bodv gelatinous and charged with blackish mud It is then hard heavy coarse and of a reddish color When well washed in water it be comes round in shape still remaining heavy and reddish It presents many gaps the intervale of which are occupied by a sinuous and tenacious net work It is valuable for domestic use be cause of the facility with which it absorbs water and its great strength Other sorts of sponges are very abundant The blonde sponge of the Archipelago often confounded with the Vene tian the hard Barbary sponge called gelina which only comes by accident into rance the Salonica sponge is of middling quality finally the Bahama sponge front the Antilles Is want ing in flexibility and is a little harsh and so sold at a low price having few useful properties to recommend (As Ocean World bw Louis Eiguier CONNECTICUT VALLEY RAILROAD CONNECTIONS 1015 a Train from Hartford connects at Hartford with trains from Waterbury and Spring field and at Saybrook Junction with the Shore Line Railroad accommodation trains going east to New London Norwich Stonington Providence Newport and Boston and west to New Haven and New York Passengers by this train can connect at New London with steamer Sunshine for Greenport I 1250 Train from Hartford connects at Mid dletown with trains to and from New Haven and at Saybrook Junction with the express train to New London Norwich Stonington Newport Providence and Boston 400 Train from Hartford connects at Hart ford with trains from Rockville New Britain and Springfield and at Saybrook Junction with the Shore Line Railroad accommodation trains going east to New London and Norwich and west to New Haven and New York 615 Train from Hartford connects at Hart fora with trains from Providence Willimantic and Springfield at Middletown with trains to and from New Haven and at Saybrook Point with steamers for New York 345 a Connecting at Saybraok Point with steamers from New York and arriving in Hartford at 645 a 755 a Train from Saybrook Point connects at Saybrook Point with steamers from New York at Saybrook Junction with trains from Stonington Mystic Norwich and New London and arrives in Hartford in time for the mid day trains going east West north and south 1210 Train from Saybrook Point connects at Saybrook Junction with the Shore Line Railroad trains from east and west at Middletown with trains to New Haven and arrives in Hartford in time for the afternoon trains to Waterbury Rockville and Springfield 410 Train from Saybrook Point connects at Saybrook Junction with the Shore Line Railroad express train to and from Boston Providence New port Stonington Mystic Norwich and New Lon don to New York at Middletown with train to Berlin New Britain and New Haven and arrives in Hartford in time for the express train to Springfield Worcester and Boston HIRAM OWLER Superintendent Hartford Nov 1 1872 jl 445 pm 505 545 HARTORD 103 I 705 140 745 PIPER Model and Pattern Maker JAG and Light Machine Builder Special atten tion given to the building of improved RULING MACHINES and Stamping Presses for paper makers etc Gear Patterns a specialty All work war ranted 44 Hampden st Springfield Mass fl71y HailroaM TVEW YORK NEW HAVEN AND Li Hartford railroad Commencing November 4 1872 Trains leave SPRINGIELD as follows or Hartford Middletown New Britain New Haven nnd New Express trains at 12:30 am 6: 30p Accommodation trains at 5: 20 and 7 a (10:40 a to Hartford on and 2:20 to Hartford only) Monday morning express mail train at 12:25 am or connections see Posters at stations REED CS DAVIDSON of Division fl5 JR SEALEY 8TEAM AND GAS ITTER And dealer in Wrought Iron Pipe ittings Valves etc No 115 East Bridge st jl i Springfield Mass WILCOX CO 140 State st Springfield Mass MANUACTURERS AND DEALERS IN CEMENT DRAIN PIPE WELL PIPE CHIM NETS and WALL COPING jl C'DWIN BALL Mechanical Draughts 1 4 man and Engineer Designer of Mills Machine ry Tools Steam Engines etc Patent Office Draw ings and General Draughting Office No 9 ort Block Main st (over John Hanco*ck National Bank) Springfield Mass jl AD BRIGGS CO Civil Engineers and Bridge Builders ort Block Springfield Mass Contractors for and other fron Bridges Wooden Bridges upon Turning Tables for Railroads Roofs of all kinds Iron timber and slate jl fJEORGE KILBON Model and Pattern Maker Also Jobbing in wood or metal 35 Market st d25 6m JU MARSHALL Pattern Maker Pat ent Office and Experimental Models in wood or metal Block 15 Taylor st jl8 lyd armington Pine Meadow hew Hartford i NEW HARTORD TO ARMINGTON 1 1210 I 555 1 1250 I 635 HOLYOKE 1 128 I 818 150 R4H HOLYOKE TO WESTIELD I 520 855 am U(45am 642pm hnv Westfield for Boston and Al pS'ndJK1 laJnT1Ue f0 Hartford and Waterbury at a 111 train from New Haven arrive 120 Shorte8t and ttroush and Baggage checked EW1 CHAS YEAMANS Vice Pres and VERMONT CENTRAL tn and dSoOlng 8oa leave Gilbertville 7 and 950m 2 620p f0rNewLondon 4 815 and'in? Palmer for Thorndike Ware a 10 and 550 Some? It0 Amherst and Smni a I2 20 and 620 Istprmiuernon ior Montrelll and Ogdensburg and ButSrtlnd 00 a and 9 65 for 4 Eiver faction at 400 pm Merrill St Albans Vt jl WASTER AND NASHUA RAIL a8SenSer 39 1115 a 415 Leave 8sllia LW a 12 and 5 pm Leave for Worcester 5 am or for A Jer 6 16 Unction0 otl'S9 Worcester itchburg Groton GtiirtncA see Pathfinder Rail 8 PPRoInDENCE and WORCESTER RAID Jgeiaent of for 1872 xbridart only at Woonsocket and 215 6 Worcester st 1015 a Providence for 05 wy rtaWeDS 740 and 1145 a 8toti0M at at a cnect' 'yorwich Bsathkridge Putnam at 225 Uxbridge at 7 nA and Worcester At Wn 14 4 JD I) with totes to train tralr makes close connection with 444 018 eTeal the tickets nd baggage checked through WD HILTON INSURANCE AGENCY BLOCK Comer Main' and Bridge sts Springfield Mass This Agency represents some of the leading ire Insurance companies of this country and London aud Liverpool Also the General Agency of the North American Life Ins Co of Office hours from 8 a to 8 pm jelOlyd yy A ULLER INSURANCE AGENCY Removed to Room No 1 Block 420 Main st Springfield Mass We are now prepared to place large or small lines on insurance in strong and safe companies Reliable insuranee solicited at adequate rates i my23 ly LENWOOD SEMINARY VJ WEST BRATTLEBORO VT The Spring Term begins Tuesday April 22 1873 MISS MARY PHILLIPS 17 8w daw Principal SHEIELD SCIENTIIC SCHOOL YALE COLLEGE The Scientific Department of Yale College offers to Young Men advanced Systematic Education in Math ematical Physical and Natural Science with rench and German Circulars sent on application to the Secretary PRO GEO BRUSH New Haven Vt ARMINGTON TO NEW 830 a 910 Hartford providence and fish kill On and after Jan 27 1873 trains will leave as follows GOING EAST Hartford for Providence at 625 1000 am and 215 connecting for Boston 625 and 1000 a con necting for Newport Taunton New Bedford and litchbrirg 1000 a and 215 connecting for Worcester via Plainfield Harford foi Willimantic 625 a 215 and 620 connecting for New London and Palmer lair Heid for Providence 645 a 1230 and 500 connecting from Norwich: at 842 am and 1230 connecting from Worcester Washington for Providence 545 800 950 a 135 and 600 Saturdays at 8 W'aterbury for Hartford and Providence 750 a 1205 and for Willimantic at 410 all con necting from Winsted 1205 connecting from Bridgeport GOING WEST Hartford for Waterbury 815 1120 a and 410 In connecting for 'Winsted The 1120 a and 410 trains connect for Bridgeport Hartford for Plainville 600 8151120 am 410 and 615 tn The 600 1120 a and 615 trains connect for Northampton New Haven Collinsville and New Hartford Providence for Hartfop 650 1000 am and 120 connecting for Nevi Haven New York and Springfield The 650 ar and 1000 am connect for aterbury and Naugati ok The 120 tn train connects for New Britara and Bristol the 650 a and 120 connect for Brattleboro and stations on Providence for Washington 6501000 and 1130 a 120 345 and 625 Saturdays 1100 tn Providence for Plainfield 650 1000 a 120 and 345 The 650 and 1000 a and 344 trains connect for Norwich The 1000 a and 120 and and 345 trains canned at Plainfield for Worceg ter McMANUS Assist Supt jl TVW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON On and after Nov 25 1872 Pas enger Trains will run as follows NEW HAVEN TO WILLIAMSBURGH pi STARK GRAINER All imitations of wood or marble executed in a superior manner Orders from any part of the country promptly attended to Address 317 Main street Springfield Mass ml8 6m pASTON REMKUS CO Practical resco Artists 495 Main street near State All orders carefully attended to at short notice and on reasonable terms Specimens of work are numerous in this vicinity and known for their neatness and beauty of design pRESCO PAINTER MORGAN 317 Main street Springfield Mass Churches Hallsand Dwellings rescoed and Decorated in the latest styles and satisfaction warranted j216md Harness collars whips etc lf you want to buy goto HARWOOD No 1 Cypress st and take your repairing to be done good and cheap Second hand Harnesses bought sold or exchanged m3 ly yy coomes Manufacturer ofGold arid Silver Spectacles and Thimbles and Gold Eye Glasses f7 ly Longmeadow Mass I JvAUITC MAIL CO'S through line to California and China are greatly reduced Steamers No 42 North River foot of Canal street at 12 noon on the 10th and 30th except when those days fall on then the day previous April 5 Steamer RISING STAR Capt I Gkiffix for Aspinwall direct connecting at Panama with steamer CONSTITUTION Capt Morsb All departures connect at Panama with steamers for Central America and South ports Steamer AN will leave San rancisco April 1 1873 for Japan and China One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult Medicine and attendance free or freight or passage tickets or further informa tion applv at the ticket office on the wharf to BABY Agent or to the Agents for New England BARTLETT CO 16 Broad street Boston or 1 RYAN jl 269 Main street Springfield Mass JrfVERPOOL ANITqUEENBTOIVN STEAMSHIP OICE Of PHILIP RYAN 269 Main St Springfield Agent for Ridbk Coetes New York tlje suc cessors of Samuel Thompson Nephew 275 street the oldest Liverpool Passage and Exchange Office in the United States Drafts tn sums to £1 and in the Royal Bank of Ireland Bank of Scotland and on Liverpool and London payable on demand in any part of the Old Country Also Agents for the National JJiie of Steamers NOTICE Our Agent Mr Ryan has sold our Drafts and Tickets for over seven years in Springfield and during that time has remitted us a quarter of a million of dollars without the loss of a single dollar to bis customers or the slightest delay ou the payment of iiis drafts Parties intending to send Money Orders or Tickets to their friends in the Old Country will consult their interests by applying to him as he can offer the best facilities aud lowest rates RIDER CORTES jlS 3m 73 Broadway New York £JUNARD STEAMSHIPS Sailing weekly between BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL Calling at Queenstown Cork Harbor Steamers appointed to sail ROM BOSTON HECLA Saturday April 5 BATAVIA Saturday April 12 SIBERIA Tuesday April 22 PALMYRA Saturday April 26 OLYMPUS Tuesday April 29 SAMARIA Saturday May 3 MALTA Tuesday May 6 Hr Passengers embark at Cunard wharf East Boston Cabin $80 and $100 Gold according to accommo dations Steerage $30 Currency Prepaid steerage passage from Liverpool London Bristol Glasgow Queenstown or Derry to Boston or New York $32 currency Passengers booked to all parts of the United States Drafts on Great Britain and Ireland issued for £1 and upwards or freight and cabin passage apply at the Com office 80 State st or steerage passage at 99 Stalest JAMES ALEXANDER Gen Agent Jel Or to RYAN 103 Main st Springfield STEAMSHIP LINES KJ EUROPE AND AMERICA Now Is the time for people who intend to visit Europe or to send fortheir friends to purchase Out ward and Prepaid Passage Tickets io or fromlreland England Scotland and the Continent from BOURKIS BROS the oldest most reliable and best house in Western Massachusetts All moneys received by us we personally guarantee to the purchaser thereby insuring so to speak a perfect security We would again respectfully caution the confiding public against the purchasing of Outward and Pre paid Passage Tickets and Drafts from irresponsible parties as it is only too well known how many poor people to their cost have barely escaped being cheated out of their hard earned money by threaten ing to resort to the hist arbiter the hiw Passengers forwarded by the best finest largest and fastest steamships in the world carrying 4he mail the White Star Line also the safe and reliable line of steamers the Guyon Line carrying the mail also the splendidly equipped and palace furnbhed steamers the Anchor Line also the National Line of steamers and all ofthe lines of steamers to and from any point in Ireland England Scotland and the Continent of Europe to and from any point in the United States and the British Prov inces at reduced prices Drafts from £1 and upwards less than elsewhere All sums guaranteed so that the purchaser has per fect security for his money BOUKKE BROS are now selling more Cabin Prepaid and Outward Passage) Tickets to and from Europe than any house in Western Massachusetts or further information ami letters of introduction apply to 0 1 ilqmHiran Express Mail and EiAils PasseiVr Passenr Special New 8J)3am 308 pm Newllaveu 650am Plainville 758 1158 652 808" 1210 pm estfield 125 650pm 1000 206 732 858 1020" 7 50.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.