The World-News from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

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Roanoke, Virginia

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OUL Chamber Of Commerce CITY ITEMS To Elect Directors GETTING CITY REOPEN ban in at 3 Realty Transfers Its by City Deaths Adams room of ns Court a membership Tlii? board how has the nti of i Ida I boys ami Local Stocks and Bonds 1 Grand Jury Returns to imuqtlrt Number True Bills South Roanoke Secures 1U0 355 130 hl nd flohi IO2 the itu 147 the 101 15 100 100 date 400 AV 000 lat 05 reg 60 JOo JOO 05 I 0 Mlkr rui wiuri Mllo rst! IndUMrUI Loan Mcurith Corp i I mi by was 250 140 nt in Court of the Club meeting on Wednesday 3:15 at Hotel 90 As the final number of Its turn program for this season IH the and were: hardly be least (wo National Business College standing of tlio tennis to follows: I (i extends girls to 1 ut National Bank i Ul National Bank ul Vinton PucaboLiUi Imperial iulea Co Imperial brnokekiaa iout Imperial inei7 Hgretn Brau' croni Jiignim Bran pld Irv While Anh min KiHuryy fmoaeh te Cos I Liberty '1 rust Co Ljwhburr 'cal A Oke 133 00 no itio the the or 5baft gladly public Club Meet 'Pho of Christ Eplsfo pal Church will nrntt on 'Wednesday CdJst 8 were Jandhd Ly Court during December the court's ns aggregating JIGS were say as to would be secure a lot before late? Our: ropro Jan IL 1 llohbn has boon nnwnff the guests during tho iisl few days nt the Gc'itro Viinderbiit Hotel nt Ashe ville bo hold nt on rank Holy IM 1 oho Joon Wntr V5 HH3 Tim Rev Dr Kart Morgan Block rrctnr of st John's Episcopal Church Is In Chicago pone of aiding with the building this church that was organized three years The docket a number of ailed Today Daw was 215 nr 1 oo 05 41 137 h7 lii Ch'unh al nompflnfes 1 3 und 4 of the irn Department oxtihguUlw a small fire on Alby Ih1n inomihg In hnuno occupied By cohn rd ornkn mimed Hnsa A'liium A wall i tiin inmim caught mi 11 re tram hmttA undetermined rauKe Snrrlt rances Ifnller uneral services for Sarah rances 1 biller aged 77 wife of Uriah Haller who died Saturday were held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Chapel The services were comluuted by Dr AV Campbell Interment was in Evergreen Besides hpr husband the deceased is sur vived by one son ami one daugh ter and twelve grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren AMERICAN LEGION DISCUSSES PLANS to I )e high fnl reg poultr Ooh io Tlio Rminoko ami anciers' i 'lull will nii'i't nt the Chamber of Commerce tonight nt 8 o'clock Visiting in I'lorldn rank A lljertoll Edward rye and Alvlu Cannaday of this city left on Thursday bv motor for a visit of six Weeks In Miami XVhlle in lorida they will spend some time with Wal ter JLirrdl and Ralph Jackson who are located at Tninpn for families cd pgrsons I'hargeii with non support during the jear amount ed to fioomiMi May was tlie most strenuous month of the year for the juvenile offlcoiB the number of cases for the month bring 1UJ Tho reason for this was said to be warm weather ami fish ing which combined to create an ir ri slstlble lure tor youngsters to seek the river banks and play hookey Iriim school June with elghty Hcven cases was also ubnornmlly lilgli but not as high as May because vacation made ft unnecessary to play truant trorn school Tin' report of the Juvenile Court for the year ending September 80 showed a decrease ot thirty imr cent In the number of cares ns compared with tho previous year Public school pupils returned their studies tide morning alter liolliliy jierloil oxti nuing trom cembi 24 Clans work in the bi IiooIs and tho lower grades lowed the iisutil routine and tho ulnr hours were observed Roanoke and liolihiH Colleges nii fiim rlu I mu tf't'f'Nrt I Quotation IJhi rt rost 1 I I 8 Jefferson St Dini of South 'a rolln i both I'eruo crnla' who recently denounced their own party THE ROANOKE WORLD NEWS ROANOKE VA MONDAY ATERNOON JANUARY 5 1925 Will Meet Wednesday 'I'lio Events Class vlled members ol various book clubs and members to attend its afternoon at Koanoke Official Hoard to Meet The annual election of officers will take place at the meeting of the official board of the irst Christian Church at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday even ing at the church All members of tho board are urged to attend the Io the 1 tv tor ns to Si hool Siidet Hugh Ebert of the lsh blirn iMllltnry xcnd' my at Waynes boro returned tn school today aft er having spent llm hnlldayg here part In the services tributes wore nrufnse lieiouH denotnf nations were ented Tho active pall benrors were! Ain Totz nrnmn lr Simon S'imuel (Hass Harrison I) JCnhen Josepli Spigel and 1 byons Inter ment whs lu the Emiinu El Ceme tery A largo procession followed the liearso to the grave with Joliii as CXechtlV'J Tho following deeds of bargain and sale were recorded nt tho of the Clerk of tlm Corporation Court up to 2 today: II owlkes to Ellie Hall prop erty on the north side of Loudon Avenue $1101' linlolgh Court Corporation to Givens property on tho north side of Belleville Knud William Hudson to ora J'avis property on the southwest corner of Mortis Avenuo and mont Street $5750 A Brook to Moore and rf 1 Cobbs trustees of tho Central Baptist Church prop erty on tho corner of Street and MacDowell Avenue $3211 Annie Matthews to Hend rick properly on the south bide of At an enthiismstlo meeting of the Komioko lodg of I'ytlifann 133 last riday night the rank of page was conjured on 18 candidates leaving 8'i applications still lying on the ta ble It was decided at the inerting to hold the 'iiinual celebration at the'ity Market Auditorium on March 18th Thu committee selected to mnko arrnnfiinents for the meeting con sists ot the following: Keid Al Terry aud Ingram of Leesville was un farmer The Woman's Auxiliary ot Trinity Methodist Church will lipid a most important meeting teniorrow tn The Circle members for 11)25 will bo drawn and all women ot Trinity uro urged to be present Circle Meets Touighi Tim monthly meeting of the idelis Circle of tip: irst Church will bo held this evening at In the Church Annex A sim per wilt tie served ne circle an invitation to ail business become members Epiphany orders will Christ Entsoounl Church nit a nr i a will tie celebrated Epi uh' uuy men hivviiys vonies on unry is the ocean hn ornte Hi pi pfohi Inn ftf Christ to Iho itenHIoH It Is onfl of the ninst hnpnrtnnt eelebrftttnns In the Chris thtu year hDhl Tim Rubji'i't nf speech will bn ITeRhleut Barry Norrn will Intro (urn the speaker while Janies BrenUell will direct ami lend the Kent rnl ulnglm? of cirola nnl Komxs Sliintu will bo vulhd off by AV I II lam Mmndnekl ami Howell eh cd tiled to round up the tncrtlmT with Rhort ermOrenee nn Ntnv reflohnlonR Hupper will bo pervert I Mh Ip Alee hixr The men or Hnt Lutheran will hold a fcllowEhlp meet Int? nt Saint parsonage on beginning ar tight o'clock Bristol of New York wij tell about hl exprleuees In Turkey jirnl tho Brnllierhootl Quartet Leslie owler Lee Kogers and Henry Barnhart will Hing Thierry the preshb nt of the Brotherhood will have charge of the meeting Bible LI mot Officer: Officers of tho Vh tmv Bibln Class nf the Calvary Baptist Church elect ed yesterday fnr the ensuing year are as follows: President Mrs Joseph Hodges: first vlcn president Miss Brarl Nation second Miss Mattle Smith third Miss Louise Coleman sec rotary Miss Marjorie Markham treasurer Miss Mabel Hubbard Miss Hazel Carter was naiiud chairman ot' the building found Crockett Is teacher of the class and Mrs Harry Srmones is assistant teacher State Matron to Spenk Mrs Mary Quinn Hicks worthy grand matron of the Virginia Order of Eastern Star will be present and deliver nn address at the annual ban quet of Electa Chapter No 33 order of Eastern Star of this city on Wednesday evening January 14 Special reduced fares from Wash inixton and all points In Vir ginie to Koanoke for persona nt tending the Virginia Dairy nd Crop hnpro vein un Convention here January 23 anti 23 were announced by Hie Norfolk and Western Hall way this nvrnlng Iteducfd fares were also announced for the following meetings Tho Grand Lmlgo of Virginia nt Hlehnumd ebruary 10 to 12 of the lTrsby terlnn Tunh Philadelphia ebruary Ju to 13 Ba American AafmchiHon for Testing Materials Atlantic City June 22 lo 2G the National Tubcraulosla ArroHni ion Minneapolis Minn June 15 to IM ami Hip National tl Association Richmond July 21 to ii Hrittrn rom Chfrnitf'n oleum bn Barkes nrcnmpn I ml by iih family returned yvMartUv trhm Ch rlat inns visit with relatives In 'nieuRO uneral services for Walker Turner who died January 1 at Hunt Ington Va were hold from lh home of his mother Mrs Ik Tur No J05 Winona Avenue this morning at 10:30 Tho serv ices were conducted by Dr John Vines of the irst Baptist Church assisted by Dr Jlmhar Owen of tho Calvary Baptist Church Inter ment was in Evergreen I i i a alarms year'H total up to nary wire more nuincrous than dur ing any other month 73 being re ported There wero but sixteen in July orty seven fires during tho year caustd damages hi excess of 100 ami liouwv llirv' Inlier "j'liu MIhkIuh of tlm Seventy" will ho tho oubjoet of un aihlreoR by fn Itev Manly C'ohl) nsolRtni't roe tor of St Johii'B Chtireli who wilt nldrcR Ir Bible CIhss for mtn tomorrow evening In tlio I'mlxh JlouRO of Sb JolMl'H announcing tiia annual To Hc'rume fhiiiieM SlarHng at light this vo nlng the A huhiMtrlal 1 engue 'earns will resume their Helu dule There will be two gnm'R tonight one between Im A (jITIres ami the Times Woi Id and Dm other be tween the Shop and the 1UIIH rl lit! Is as TH Hh 1 1 1 BI'LLym Boston Jan 5 fBy the hih tna I fo ml Ncwh Service Tim neee Warren tsb ftmiihh Sachem Is 1h lr Uees with her rudder adrift 330 miles each of St Lnuls fttcmdhg to a radio inrssftre received here loduy b'be is hnund from Phlhidelphbt to Boston Th'? Brltlhb phlp MaiicheKtcr Is rushing to her usUtaticc Radio pick rd up here also told of a rrdislon between the freighter Nvls of the Leyland Line find the steamer Manitwam oil Ne Jersey Const Him umhed muulb of the Delaware Hlvt th Nevis is being towed iihck bilsdeiphla iHCording to the radio message Method Of Paying Water Consumers Not Made Known Jno Oakey Inc I UVEKAL nlKIlCTOKH ND UN nrBT I EKS Office ami mplll Av' IV Chapel nH Mcrsne Kirk Aw Oarnge I''S Ktrk Arc rt Au ealnbllehcd experience of rear tn till coramnnlt combined with coo cnnlmnrnt In nil departments nt nnr biHlness enables ns when called to ren entlfscttirv ervlcn (11 lar or Ntirht) Call Docket Tomorrow The Corporation Court docket will be called tomorrow morning in the Corporation Automobile Tags or 10000 Cars To Be Provided ion the nlvcrsl ty will present lorndo distinguished American stdup tor in a lecture In iho auditorium of tiia Jffron High School on Thursday evening January 8th st n'ciork Mr Tait wl'l not onlv lecture on sculpture but will have a vast amount of material with him and give demonstrations of modeling as ho talks Mr Taft's fame ne a eoulptor runs back for many yearn ins ho was the supervisor of the 'architectural aeulptuary nt tho 'World's ar in I'lm in I Sine that time he has con rlbuUil many lamnes pieces of in rriulUl atatuury in Chicago and In other sections of the country One of his works Jtroun to many Kotinokers the t'olumbus fountain In front of tli StDtiun at WaMlngtor It Ai linn been the case wlilt the other Joctnres under the uih of the Vnivurslty tber" will lorn KPCcld Leituie to School pupils some time during tho day of Mr Taft's lecture and in order that Hbhoo) children who tnay cart to loen can attend the night lecture spe cU admission of twenty live ceritewill be cliarged to all public iwhool jiuplls On account (f the educa tional value ot Mr Taft'a liwtuie rpeelal ratr of fifij' (nts will be t)mrc to all students in nm tar one rolleKea In and near Koanoke The ucreral admission charge will he ULflO to ail except those hoMiug the soasnn tickets and I1' Hwi lai mentioned lias tle wel fare program ot the American Legion by Commander Michie Jr of the Virginia Department ot the American Legion Thompson Wyatt nf Petersburg is chairman of toe committee i no promotion or child welfare program is one of first obje etiv ot the national ganlzation Important Business Matters Brought Up At Noonday Luncheon gh4 No Improvement Everett former Common wealth's Attorney ot lionnnxo tnnlns tn critical condition nt Koanokg Hospital it ty eiglit juvenile and thirty six nun support the Juvenile according to ines levied in connection with juvenile'cases and W'lSJ was collected for 'families of persons charged with non ksupport Nino white boys five white girls and throe colored girls were placed on probation during the month the report shows Seventy three visits were made by probation officers in connection with their duties Tho total number of cum handled by the court since January 1981 was 1131 Ot this number 723 were cases ot juvenile delinquency and 403 were cases of support Money collected I7S 7 4titnnii 11 Members of LlGlh Tn tniiirjs NaHunnl Guard will Hold their annual bmiqnoL Huilglii nt (he Ljnnhfi vrn Kitchen Drill will be bold at the City Auditorium from to 9 and the company will marbh from the auditorium to the banquet AH c*nt rl I hi (Ing me in hers ha bf en Invito I tn attend 1) Iirr a membership of seven The ntelliotl of rlisti ibuting MH 880 by KtWnokn Water Works Company as ordered by tlm State Corporation Com mission Will not be known As tradlng market reacted sharply before noon rallied briskly after midday aud sold off again in the laic afternoon The sales' crossed the 200000' share murk shortly after 1 o'clock WiiMhinKtoD Jan 5 (By tho In rrniit If'nn I News Service) 1 he Ala brutt't ntu1 VTckMlun llallronii applied to iho InierMiito I'iiinnii rec I'omrnH AfltiH inilLty for nuHiorlty to Ishiiu S2 1 Hiijlimi uf coiumiiii Hloek to bu dlr trliut(1 an a stuck dividend and Chancers' called (his morning and cases set for this month Jan (By Inter national News Service i In the first defense of the democratic record In Congress against criticisms from within the party Senator Thomas Walsh of Montana pennanent chair man of the last Democratic national con ventimi this after noon heaped coals of fire upon Democrats who as sailed their own parly Wfllsh praised record defended its in vest igaikms Into and Honied alliance with the followers Senator Kobert La ollette His speech was a reply St fi it liydi nnta would bo up Ho told Council this would 1 i colli Many Meetings Scheduled ol lowing Lull During Christ mas Holidays Moore It will hike some time Mr Moore mhhH to muke the nee iirruiigenicti's for the distribution of this efund He wild that lie wak awaiting more information on I lie biibjtct ml (b clared tint would forthcoming for til He wa liable to whether the refund made in (Inductions from bills from wnlci or luit said Hint would imiltc this information soon as lie could Instructor! for Sunday School toaclierB and officers will be given from ebruary 1 to 6 In a standard school the ndme of the church at which the school will' bo located will be announced later The course of instruction follows: "j'lie by the Rev Mr Best "Methods of ty the Rev Currie: "Brogrnfn Xf Chris tianity'' by Smith "The Jlfe of by Dr Young "Be ginner by Miss Allen "Pri mary Pupil" by Miss Russell "Ju nior Iatson by Mrs Clay Smltli "Intermediate and Senior by the Kev Robert son rnnfl lurv wore A (I 1 Tinsley William II SamnBTH 1 If Glr If 4UV iok fast wars jointly and eiiloring who were also jointly ii'i'ie grand larceny urd bln friend lurried to lUnno mnny places that when buhit UL tf Hu ntHrcrw hftil hn ftcHmily fru'k of llumi th It with H'MlflrH hl Vrth'v oiirt and IiIk i JiHd intb ujttt ri with tho Convlvt Hoad mic Lift 11 up ilivlr Job Mud 'Munn in chruko In buh4ii4 which had mm prnmiao uf 1 1 1 rcivm Ida Old er Vliulnbin n( The follnwlnx VlnrluhiUH ura lit hiL'iil bnitlM todiiv: Hotel Itonnoko (' II ConaiitvQ Norfolk Wnlt Tudor Danville A I Wdlln rnson Me 1 1 i A I' Stone Lym blrnrg Miss Mnry Plours orm Ernrrn nlcks I la 'kabtirg Miss Ibdty Obaudiiiln Montvale Hendricks Klnh liioml Hai ry t'ubpkl Sum Jllin'kwvll mid Hill'( sail Ips Lynchburg de 1 1 Id re Kami Itetrcnt Nicholson er rum: A Hiikes loyd Miss me rer Rocky Mount Miss Enstir Rocky Mount: Mr and Mrs Hannon Il Thomas Atni'lon Richmond Ab ingdon I'hllin Zl'icif Tynelibura 1 (Iwhi Itrlsio' Rakes I lovd IL Morris l'lk'rm Wltliermi Galax Mr uml Mrs Daw lAlJjbrook Coal Ullybrrttk (nil tad Jutrvjd? Cual find Colm Motor JOniH ft Corp 'om Motnr rp pfd Monti Stnoln irw ML TriiRt Bttijk (p Exthaiiro Junk Iremkr IVmi Collbrcu uH cuuj Punun rp voancKe Roannkii K'jawkf! bundv Itcannkfr fl 1V3 lHveud! ond 1'iiD Jiivfjf Cot ton phi H1veruJv and Dan Him Col' tiu tom Hoanok: Brtir com Konoke Jiru kLo pld Hqwjvims Co Midb' an Cufel CoiU hovercUn LomI Svk Lunn Corp Jbu Co LU luflunmf fftirMt uap coal rtuted CbrrHt MsGHri iverwty of Va 4s 4V lirluM and irwj 3 im? ifi Bulhlhiic Permit It Mason (Iweljl n'ir romer of Klxtii street and Avenliujn Avenue Soyth (iio( 110000 I Mason dwelling 1630 Eighth St reel Member of CoiumHiec Engleby of Boanoke been appointed a member of committee to promote the child Cailet Timothy Edwards of VntH AtindfHlV turned to school today after hat ing st'cnl the imlldnys here 3Inn Dies Her Clyde llngllsh twenty four ot Leesville died early ycsierduy morn ing nt a ho plt ii hore following Mali wounds received on Ciiristmas Pay According to report Emmon Burnett was rnifling birds at Lees ville and lngUsh naked him If lie (rally had any birds lo rattle off There was no arguimnt it is (illegeil tbnt Burnett stabbed English who did not know lie was stabbed for several afterward Bur nell It understood wn placed tinder arrokt ycRt rday and JiHed in English was a son of I'aigllsb married and Times IV mid 2 Nn IT laisIrK'Ss i tnllege 2 A tv I MT lee 4 Shop 0 win today Most 'if the students returned today in order to lie on hand for the nlni' of nlnss work tomorrow morn ing Virginia ('ollego will not resume itclivillos until Wednesday morning I' students were returning to Jir'lr duties yesterday Class work liekaii at Blacksburg this ntormug (Tassos in the evening will bo rosuned tonight Mail Carriers Are Not To Be Delayed Line I'rngrnm An excellent program broadcast by WDBJ of the Richardson Way land Electrical Corporation Saturday from 5:30 to 6:30 was picked up by many ridlo funs throughout the country CotigressinHn Clltton A Woodrum wito delighted many people with ills singing was forced to give several encores 'Miss Helen Hiatt accompa nied him on the piano mid also Joined the congressman in singing a duet The regular program starling at nine included those talented singers Mrs Al McMahon ot Portsmouth Mrs Sidney Small and Airs II Bray They are accompanied by Mrs TV McfTillmiy and by Miss Nellie Stuart The Honolulu Sex tette concluded the program THUIIMf New York Jun 5 (By The sociatcd 1 Ti ss) I'Tcnxlcd characterized today's stock which opened irregular His bill was $750 color (1 charged was sent to the was enthusiastic Bryant ot No 710 'Tenth Street asked Th? World News to say that Is not the person of that name in Police Court lust week Real Estate Board Moves Headquarters 'I he lloanokc Ren! Estate Hoard inis completed tlic moving of Its of from 32 1 2 (Tiutili Avenue Io room 322 Ann Hunk liiiildlin when liceii cstnbllslind Williamson in (Ii ii ko iemon Mr CJInevilc Airs Mrs Leroy White Mrs brick Mrs II I' Elliott Smiley Mrs Robertson Mrs I A Unrue Stultz Mi sin nary Conference Dr Roy Strock of Jndia and Dr rank Heilmanm of Baltimore iil will be incharge of the nls nilsonary conference to be held in the St Lutheran Church on January The confer ence is under the auspices of the oreign Mission Board of the United Lutheran Church and is tor the Roa noke Conference of the Virginia Synod Work of missions will be set forth both in picture and story nt the ses sions willed will lie held at 2 3 and 7:30 A supper will be sirved In the church at 6 Nf for tho con venience of those attending Mi lvlii RucIpt tin Ixi swiillnw i wl'h iu iH lb Is the colored i Her at 'irst Nulloiml Bai) it will le iciiili 1 who preforred lo Swallow a i linck tlmi was an ppoxeil to fnri'iil than tiilioduco 1t ns Is now und Indlctmeni on three foiguy ihnt res A Imrd moiilli In ithectl of Tam Roy iiiid rank Mlhmi Loth oinrid who were jointly Indb'iiil for brwikliiK house and Itidli'l' on rank ro so he 1i I tn when) Orders to the iftect that mnll car riers are not to bo kept waiting at resblrm tis or other places whoro mall Is delivered have Just been issued at he elty post office following trial ruc tions rcei from tlm Postmaster Ge i oral Many people it was staled have tlio liuhlt of opi ning and reading spe cial delivery letters compelling the ciirrbr to wait and to lose tlmo on bls ronin Pvstoffice officials aro dlrmed to se dial tho carrlors urn not ri Hired to wait under any clr ciimdaimes for any fippre'dablo lengili of time at tho point of de livering man ('omplalnLa tii frequently rnnd tieraoiis whose infill delayed cunsu 1 li carrier Is (h lulm other persons on the route It nalil airview Cemetery Most Beautiful City Of tho Dead Modern service tents jovIrPM KeasonabiO prices on Ims $50 to $500 perpetual care Included Terms sulf Ask Mr Griggs Phone 638B Office In th" wmetery Phone 63 21 Raker Sec'r iremen Kept Busy Through Deccmbe: Additional ire Plugs cncu and vantages Wliy not Il IN LUU 'a soYitatlvcs arn' at your com maud' Plionu or write us 18 Office 2(11 Building After buslix'S hours and emergency vnll bttndny KT ord ftcc'y I'hone 7T Letters meeting cf the Chamber of Com merce on January 15 and the elec tion of five directors for a terin of two years were mailed to numbers today by Moomaw secretary Names of ten persons selected by the nominating committee io be voted upon in the election were also an nounced Letter To Mrmltm The letter Is as follows: "The annual meeting ot the Cham ber of Commerce for the election of live directors for term of two years officers' reporta and other mat ters which may properly be consid ered will be held In the Auditorium of Chamber of Commerce Jan uary 15 1923 at 630 The nominating committee ot five'appointed by the president as pre scribed by the by laws to nominate new directors has nominated thefollowing men twice the number to be elected: were llidl' trd for violating tlio pro hibition low i iiiii oft nsr Mlko has had to mlsiiu tuiii'S Im lllng Hippo lliiin ony ntliei' man In the city 'J'lttio and in tie had lit tided in the toils and once lu gave out a Mtn 1 1 null to I Im effect tliut in: and llipior hud I'oteiei parted compliiiy Il tolilt'd Hun tlm exp uses after fllnu ('iiiiglit nlr st lilm up Ills More was si) qulM reeinUy Hint tlii' pi'lli'c ptiid a call with the re sult that be and ills wllo wnu bnmkht In iipnln Whin tho prdhe rnldinl Ilin Immr of U'litrb Wciiz anil become loo Inqn Is) 1 1 vc Wblln lur blishiinrl iiws outertn Inltig them Im luisli'd In rsrlf so they nvii ri milking tlm wliislmy dlSHpimnr She drilled the (biiifft In Pollen I'mtrt Tn ilny she was liiilbToit mi a of desf rov In ir and eotieeii 1 1 ng tlm cvl ili'licn by assisting tier a tin art and of obstim tlng tho work nt tlm police for llobli'iy Thor hl 1 1 was Indli ti on of robbery from iho pr'iaon Vnndorgi II I was Imlli ied for ny Judge A King who lias been a resident of Roanoke since 18t)n is leaving with Inmlly for Tampa lorida where Im will make his boms in the future Ho has built "a resi dence near Tampa In sight of tho beautiful course of the Palma Clia Golf lull of which he is a member and into tills Im will move lie Is moving to Tamps chiefly on account of his suns one of whom is now studying law at the University of lorida and upon graduation in Juno will locate tn Tampa to prac tice ins profession Another son tx poets to locate there soon to engage in business Judge King will open an office in Tampa amt will handle investment securities He does not intend to for sake Roanoke entirely however at lie will spend the summer at ills old residence on (he corner of Roanoke Street and TValunt Avenue Tampa has at present a population of about 125(1011 and is growing rapid ly it is reported of Joseph Rosenhnuvi uneral services for Joseph Rosen baum retired merchant who (lied here early Saturday morning wore in Id from his liome No 1008 Soutli Henry Street yesterday afternoon nt 3 o'clock The services were in charge of Rnbl'l George Benedict who paid tribute to him as well ns members of lihi family A large delegation from Lakeland Lodge of Masons attended the funeral taking Tile 1 lorn Numerous re repre EVERGKEEN BURIAL PARK (IlslincUy different from all other burial Intensely modern Every to pollant feature of tho Old fashfoimd cometary is ollmi noted It Is a wll're you and your loved ones may rent among surroundings us attractive aud beautiful ns nature assisted by tho hand of man can tuako It aud all lots aro perfectly cared for Investigate and sco the differ ascertain Its an 0 HIICOME AMHKHAN CJTIZI'YS Lynchburjr Jan (Hy Th Asso rTvtrd Mrs Zenfa Erlstoft Mcscr ot Lexington forinerly a Kus sian princess wife of nn American citizen together with nlnt other ap plicants were naturalized nt the upenhijr of the ederal District Court here today Several Greek appli cants took new names with thrdr now cIHzenahip The llrst report nf the grand jury ta the close of them ornlnw session was three indictments returned no trim bills (' A Ch rllfi fioiHrlouw iiWKfiulL win the irgQ on hich Mat Arthur wmi liulh ud He nrrvHtcd lu ronnevtiun with a mid mado bv Nor folk inifl WcRtt rji Hallway detccIlvcH nd a quantity of wnw found on bin I'r' hilses railway company clnhj to emo of tiinone hd bilng flics hidden ontbr trap tluur la barn Il woi cHltlcd John GaincH wna Indicted for forr cry vv ifer wna liidlcted fr (orrery Wilson colored ictod on chnwrt of ma Hur the prohibition law Hceoud of nep Jhuh'M H'adp olored wni In dlrhil fol hreakihg ''tb Hilf dwimitf iht 'hm ii hi i ifii'nii Yin William A Davenport 1 ilnrli KchbewiM nr A IL Hoyd DvJ 1 Aiorfi Koon lx 1 Menis Hr tern Crawford and Hoy Duud Ituuhy Mother Club '1 he Ilugby Mother Club mot ri day afternoon at the home of Mrs Stultz 10t5 Rupby Boulevard 1 Jolie I ou a refreshments were served Tho following were the principal rMi laory Cllnevllle tnaoher Mrs Hughes and M1hr (lie mothers present wero Mrs Garrett Ham Mrs Mrs and Mrs New York Jan (li fnter vauonal wn Service) Prciddcn I' II Slninions ol tin York Hock Hkchangp today announced th5 lUHpentdcn of Louis Oppcuhchntr a niHLibd of thu exchange Thii governing cummitteo of th3 lUtH Exchu ttfr'c louiid opprnhMmer Kuuiv oi VHHiHion nr th aecoidln nitonticcniofit gerald Dublin Ma rtin Pit I i i Brookneal Alias earl Nldlffer Osaka Navff Blacksburg Shep pard Hartford A Catlett Cov ington A Buck A Payne Noel Irvine Gibson of Covington Geo Brown Pulaski Coleman JUdgeway Sink Wertz Holliday Wertz Sharp Barren Springs: Cole loyd Akers Bishop Sawers: Hopps Hiner Baldwin Scottsville An derson Galax Merrit Lexing ton Burnett Lynchburg: rost Jr Richmond Hud son Stuart: Andrews Lynch burg and Geo Surface Tazewell The Monday morning thrill In the IV1I11 of Misery was utterly lacking today Ic was ono of those stereo type sessions that took an even hour to finish ynd after everything was said and done it could be marked as tho countryman re marked i The vollce paid a call to the home of Blanche Rorer and found hanging on a peg a coat ami in that coat was a small bottle the bootleg pint which had some coin whis key in The Borer woman denied knowl edge of the liquor She said that a child of hers evidently found it and put' it in his pocket and that was that In the house was found Carrie Honaker who was brought to the station house and charged with drunkonnbss She denied the told the court she was ill The Borer woman was fined and (he 3U day jail sentence suspend ed Carrie Honaker was fined $1550 ined $50 Wright was fined on a charge of violating the prohibition lay and the jail sentence suspended Police found a small quantity of whis key several fruit jars a funnel and a siphon Wright said the jars had contained vinegar and buttermilk Under the iriilucnce of an intoxi cant while operating an automobile was the charge Wilkerson was booked on He denied the charge ined $100 mil costs 'Stepping on the was just what Kobert Crockett colored was doing He had the old bus tuned up 1o forty miles going Soutli on Jefferson Street and two officers who followed him thought they were in the wake nf a torpedo skimming over the crinkly snow They said that it would have taken Robert three blocks to bring the car to a stop Kobert was assessed Broken Pledges Joining the New Resolution were 'fc Stultz Seventy fire alarms were rpcoiv by (ha ire InqianmnH during be acrnriliiig to the monthly report of tlio department submitted to City Manager Hunter today our of the fires caused damage in excess of JIOO Thrse were at 370 Highland Avenue the Jefferson Theater 1020 Staunton Avenue' and 410 3rd Sirrnf N'W Expenses for tho month amounted to $1318761 broug i ires in Jan KlwnnU To Meet Tho aims and objects of the El uants will be explained In a series of six talks of which the first will bn given by Joe Turner business manager of Hollins College at the regular luncheon meeting oi club next Wednesday at 1 will aneak the purpose Of club: give pmftngyto the human and spiritual ralheri4jari tu the material values of Charles ox newly installed president Avlll preside at the meeting and rank Walters will award attendance prizes Harry Looney Scruggs Steve De Haven colored Jacob Boas ky tailored Gus Holland colored Henry Hunter colored Walter Clarke Hcolored Willie White col ored Lawrenco Dolton colored Choss Richards colored who were request ed to unchain $1550 each on charges of drunkenness 1 Albert Turner had no tail light on his car and the machine doing hit of unneessar V'baek firing it was vorrei Will Chanibors with trespassing voorhouse AViH about it He likes to rove James Holman colored was asked to leave five berries' for trespassing Booked on a disorderly charge illls was fined $10 LTvstql Springs foundry nn park ing light 5250 Peek on $10 Ross colored reckless driving $10 8 Webley speeding $10 Ordered Collector Out A Gurin denied that ho had got rough with a collector who called to see him All he did was to put his hands on tho shoulder and give him two minutes to depart from the premises The collector had a verfe different version about the af fair i Goria who was charged with assault fined $20 lie noted an appeal is a great obi State all cpmmeated the Veteran Spec tator the Oldest Scandal Snifter wanted tn know Well tlrny got an nntl gosslp law np Tipre and tijey? say it Is to see It In force down in (Irs opined the would slop some of these wind traps man told me yesterday an' ho thought ho was me the truth but he was dead wrong Noth but gossip Kentucky ought co git 4 Special Rates Will Be Made All Students to Hear amous Sculptor When Here ollowing ft porlod of inaetivUy during the Christmas holidays the various committee ot the A are again functioning this week and many meeting's are scheduled it was learned at tlio VV A today The Residence Committee met this niornfnu and the Cafeteria inance Industrial and Health Education Committees are to meet morning as a preliminary to the meet of the board of directors next Thursday morning at 10:30 Tians are being laid fur the winter and spring activities of the A Tonight the business girl's clubs meet for the first time in two weeks ami tho Industrial clubs will resume their rfiKtilar meotinfs riday night The Health Education Department ot the A resumes its classes tonight and basket ball practice will bo started tomorrow as an initiatory stop toward games to be played later In tiie mouth (lames between the clubs will ba played and the first out of town games is scheduled to take place on the 17th of January when a team representing the Roa noke A plays Concord Nor mal S'hooi The jinnual meeting of the AV A will l)o held Tuesday night January tho 20th and the nominat ing arid Committees arc working on plans and details for that event Battle' rancis co*cke I Copenhaver 1 Daniel I Hull Jr Jennings 1 Levin Geo Mac Bain Sr Edwin Michael Upson Other nominations may be made from the floor The meeting will be for dinner to whidi each $2500 ini irtlershlp Is en titled to a place additional places may be had at $100 each on appli cation to the secretary 1'lense noti fy the secretary of your attm(lnncr so that proper arrangements for din ner may be made" No i I not Ina Com ml tier The nominating committee ap pointed by President Wiliams consists of I' I 'unkhouser chair man: I Lawson I'hippe 1 'helps and Turner The live directors to be elected at the rtnnua I meeting together ith tho four tvhose terms are uncxplred will elect tb president nnd vice presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce fur 1925 New Officers Are Installed AHfsy V'otHM'll rimmed rrjio Young' Voni0n nf Epls ropal (Hniruh nr mlk together for tornnrriiw evening al lo orgrinlz' ni advisory council twelve lo help develop thn work with iiiiil i UH'mg tho young wnnw of tho parish Th' yniinp men of th' htiroh called tn Woal ncHiiuy oven Ing nt oljrht tn form Junior Vestry to llkawlHO aid tho rrctur and Senior Vestry in ad naim mt inierusi of young men In the parish TIi L'nind Jury with A foi man did iicdy service tlds mormng tn tlm ('uipmn timi I'otirt ii turning twenty mll IdllB its true ami voting two "not Into" 'tills body rvfm in 1 pru'iniiiment iiKiilmu Jitmee W'mlc I it who la (iiiirgid with rebberv from th pr son James was inriilmi In b' Court flits limriilnir amt sent to tn rriuiil Jiiry fullmilng i lie rmriplnlnt a yuuiix wemwi held her up limn hir ht'TklnK Mie said tliut silo nas relurntiig from a ristaiirurit ard wn nu In way upstuiis to lumenle Kidd mil nf an alley iitnl I ol if In James Is I smm uuire trouble too He In ibnrnoi! with drunk nml with luiviim nm nmu i perry uy l'lenl(ln (ill tin so (liaih's le 1 not in inlijm 'i (Automobile license tags for 1925 will be (list) ibiited in lloanokc through the Allegheny Motor Company at( titli Street and Church Avenue nc to an announcement made today by Janies Hayes Jr motor vehicle commissioner of Virginia The decision to Randle Hie distribution followed Hie inability ot the city to isy sue license rags Officers of the motor com pany stated that they expect to issue tags at least 10000 car owners Seven thousand ot Hiesc will be lloanokers it was said tlio other 3000 being car owners in the vicinity of Koanoke The shipment of tags is expected to arrive on Wednesday or Thursday Office hours for Hie issuance of licenses will le from a nt to 5 Um executive committee Of Ilie Pnnnoke Bost nf Dir American glon hold a luncheon nn'iitlng al tiia A ('iifateiiii luiiny nt 1 nt wllcli Important bust nr RS inniters worn (HhcusbmI ind several commit tecs appointed lo deal wltli tlm manors brought up riuns arc being In lf for showing a nmvlng picture called "Thu Lout Kutt'dlor" nnd arnirigements are under wav for bld) to follow Ilia plntill'H boili to Im Momrtlmn In hrimry though no (lefinitn dnten havu Inen set ns yet Jim picture tcferrrd to in the fore KoliiK 1n xpreo to be of tinusiml Interalt It contains reprodurtion ot tiie exiK rfMiro of (lie noted "Lost Hnttallun" uf the 77th Division ofNew lark which obtained wide publicity during tho World War though tills is onlv incidental tn tiie fictitious jilot of the atory Surviving members of tlio battalion nru cast to enact! aceno in tho Argonne where It held out tor thro dnys against a hirgo form nf (termans which hud nomplfltrlv etirroitndeil It 'I lie regular mel ting of the 111 be field Monday and following a bitsliieSH mo ting wrestling nnd ix Jug exhibitions will be put on le fraiilim nlu will Im served during th uvcnltur Tim pnblle 1 ettemled cordial Invitation to attend Tlio tirat issue ot lie monthly Roa noke Ltglonnnlr'i to bit Published un der tho dltorlal direction uf Cliiirlew Caiboti Lus gone to press it 13 said to le loUKr tliun usual and to have at ultructivo eoyer 'I bo locul punt of tiie 1 melon has not 1 ei ut toil an ininiy new imunbers (ih ()idd or dy nlrod and ail lliono who me ollgtl) tor berslilp end who rv ot Jcdlied aCw urged to so onco It El tliut I' Ixi) Chief Meador tills morning threw thu switch that minis I la lle In thu South Rutinokn met loti thirteen liddl loiiti I lire liydr nits according t( statement given out by Moore general ninnngt uf this Roanoke Water Works Company Soutli Roa noke's lire protection irt been at tost realized with th throwing on of the swlteli tliat put tiie new sys tem Into sc rvlee tt was added Gettrrnl Jljnagcr Moore declared that th re ar(1 seven fire hyilriints In Clermont will bo taken over lev thu city as development justifies Tin hydrant ire on Avcnhnm Ave South nf Third Wycliffe Ave nue South of Thlril Carolina Ave nue Soutli of Sixth I'lrginla Avenue Soutli ot Slxtli nil Wellington Avenue: nil of tlii Clermont section soutli of l''lftti street muter a now IllKli pressure supplier) new mtlllon gnllnn centrifugal pump College llcni'l Virginia College which lias had to pump ns waier win now hnvo mjutlds lit'esrtlli nt Iih eonneot Inn tile inrilu which will tint make neces sary to use lie pump Mr fclonrn ns nortml In Iho extreme southwestern section wliero live Ktrlb Lunsford Lee Lynn and others will not how have to repump tlio water Clilct Mondor made tin Inspection of 1 Ito entire district nnd found every hydrant well supplied with water tlio lowest proBuurtr being fifty poitnil which Is sufficient tor small fires nuch as usually occur In resi dential district wtlliout ths nsn of Ilin pumping engines Mr Moore said Mondor nppi'tirel tn bo well pleased wltli what found on his tour nt investigation fltid It Was Said Unit 8onth Roanoke Is now found to have 11 better than average firn pin tectlun for strictly ri slden In I dis trict Officers of the four tnlssionarys societies of tho 'West End Methodist Church were formally installed at the evening service yesterday The installation ceremony opened with a prayer after which the newly elected officers were called to the chancel and questioned concerning their ability and desire to perform tho duties to which they had Peen elect ed They nlso wero instructed in re gard to the responsibilities of their offices Tho congregation joined in the singing of tiie missionary hymn "Joy to the World" and the ceremony closed when tiie Rov Barry Smith pastor of the church issued a chal lenge to tiie new officers to give their best in the performance of tlieir tasks Officers of the ndult missionary society are' President Mrs XV Robinson vice president Mrs XV Lower: corresponding secretary Mrs Huge recording secretary Mrs1 Kesler treasurer Mrs Hoover: assistant treasured Mrs XV Coiner Officers of the young society arc: President Jliss Eliza beth Coiner vice president Miss Eplmlyn Thomas: corresponding sec retary Miss Mirant Thomas record ing secretary Miss Margaret IL iniding treasurer Miss Elsie Bell Officers of the and liege vice president MIsb Josephine rench: corresponding secretary Miss Mildred Peck Officers of the Loys nnd girls society: President X'irglnia Southall ylce president Lots Campen cor responding secretary Lola Long re cormng secretary 1 rances treasurer Helen Eddy Other officers installed Superintendent of young work Mrs Pfester of Intermedi ate work Miss Bcsto Burrows of boys aud girls work Mrs John Oley superintendent of publicity Mrs of young people's activi ties Miss Relle Young: of study Mra I' Leftwich: superintendent of social service Mrs i' Shockley for young people Miss Beatrice Shockley intermediates Doris Mnd ges bovs nnd girls Rehn sup erintendent ot supplies Mrs IMinlctiiiu for young Miss Winifred Blount intermediates Miss Alarum niison superinrenueni th" baby division Mrs Hall Circle leaders installed wero follows: Mrs 1 XV Bell Mrs Ilarne Mrs Robert tonard and Sirs 13 Caldwell The subject ot (lie Rev Mr sirmon for last evening was "Au Inch of College Students Kcturning to Work ollowing the Holidays Judge'King To Move to Tampa Micha Goldstein slt'in property on the south side Salem Avonun $13805 Democratic Record Defended By Walsh Alerting of Service Club An attendance of 10'0 men Is de aired by Dr Richard Owens pas tor of Calvary Baptist Church for the ineeHngr of the Calvary Service Chib to be held at tho church to morrow evening at 7:30 Preceding the meetingr there will be a supper served by the ladles of the church Unusual importance attaches to the asMcrnbllnK of the club tonprrow due tn tho near completion of the now church as it was for tiie pur worK the club ago Juvenile Court Kept Busy During December In Pl ire of Judge lliirf Judge XV XV Moffett of the Lnw mid iiwry Court today sat in tlio stead of Judge John Hart ot tlio Corporation Court who Ims been nsHlRricd by Governor Triiikle to serve in Wytheville hi a murder case XVIth the nddltlminl fire hydrants inSouth Roanoke there will ho nn np t'roclalilo deduction In insurance nites It was ex)liii( and this will mean nn annual saving to propertv owners tn Hint territory How much Hits will he in round numbers MrMooie (Van unable to outl mate slahtcd I'ollcjr ire lu ton It Soutli itonnoko Illis 101)11 mri'le possible by tin far sighted policy of the Clermont Heights Laud Corporation Mr Mooio went ini to say Je said that lids eorporii ion deserved eomflderahln pralrte lor Its policies having avall convenient facilities Unit could bo used whenever tlio occasion arose Wlirm Mr Moore wint before the City Connell soma tiino ago lie was xci in osninato when tlio I 1 lx ti crniion be About the end of 1921 Jin mid that the next Ihing1 tho cunipany has In jultifl iu tho Ralelght Court lroj ort that in the nmo way ho hoprui to hnvo Hahdgh Court taken cutro of before tho time fur thn heavy consumption of water this 'Spring 1 liu plans for tlu project hrivo been vmiiplHeil nml the company I for 'the bridge Y11 t'S "'ff Roanoke River on Virginia Avenue nml the company can now locate Its booster pump bo said The I'onRniny util lay nddltloiiiil croHs feeders fn the oothwHstern sin tlon uml these bo rtaid would he nmung th great Im provements These Toss feedeis will good In cage of emergency and in he ox nt tin ross reedcr inalns do not improve Hi lelgli Court the 't will ami this will give nll ot Rnlrlgli Court and lidded h'luiR domestlo nrotec 1 Unit it was explain Hi'htlnjr a liirKe nuiJorHv ol those In 1tiHi ii 'I ho oifli HiM who hive Drntly nMMUined their uro A 't urner pr mtimi i lrfilngi Hrnt vlm' nrrsktent second vice pt ch ide nt and Himli tary and ii viisui tr Special Reduced ares to Richmond Thrills Are Lacking In Mill Of Misery Rocky Mount Dr I Williams Jr Richmond Ji DeWitt Lyby: ainter Pearisburg Miss Mary Anne Catik Jonesville Miss Ruth Spencer Jonesville Lewis Rich mond Hall Newport JR Leftwich Mon eta Herschel 1 Park er Staunton Bock Blacksburg eltner Berryville Dick Atwood Charlottes villr Ivans Danville itz jnacKsnurg wnsei Jne Booth Victoria Endicott Davidson Mr and Mrs IkJtty Bid Atki'd American National Hank 180 Atlantic Soiukth'ss t'Onl US Alburn Coal 40 75 Borderland Coal PralaLaw Cizul 100 IL Jfead Coal Co bi (battaroy (onl 25 Lily ut Roanukc 1 0 Lolumal National Lana 1M) bUh maucu Corp 1U5 Day and Mfhi bank 05 10 U' 'd nnd co*ke I Cred ip kb 2'1.

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The World-News from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)


Why is Roanoke VA famous? ›

Roanoke became a city so quickly that it earned the nickname "Magic City." The Mill Mountain Star, also known as the Roanoke Star, is the world's second largest illuminated man-made star, constructed in 1949 at the top of Mill Mountain in Roanoke, Virginia.

Are people moving to Roanoke VA? ›

Now here's the curious thing: Through last year, Roanoke had net in-migration — 67 more people moving in than moving out from 2000 to 2022.

Where did the name Roanoke come from? ›

Roanoke was derived from the Indian word "Rawrenock," a name for the shell beads worn by the Indians and used as trade goods. In 1882, Roanoke became a crossroads for the railroad, which eventually became the Norfolk and Western Railway.

What was the significance of the Roanoke colony? ›

The Roanoke Colonies were an ambitious attempt by England's Sir Walter Raleigh to establish a permanent North American settlement with the purpose of harassing Spanish shipping, mining for gold and silver, discovering a passage to the Pacific Ocean, and Christianizing the Indians.

Why did everyone leave Roanoke? ›

The first Roanoke colonists did not fare well, suffering from dwindling food supplies and Indian attacks, and in 1586 they returned to England aboard a ship captained by Sir Francis Drake.

What went wrong with Roanoke? ›

One of the most popular and well-supported theories is that the settlers joined the nearby Indigenous Roanoke-Hatteras Tribe, who lived on an island then-called Croatoan Island. Conflict with the Roanoke-Hatteras peoples, disease, and famine also may have caused the colony's disappearance.

What is the racial of Roanoke VA? ›

In 2022, there were 1.99 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (56.6k people) in Roanoke, VA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 28.5k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 3.56k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Is Roanoke a good area to live in? ›

Overall feel very safe here with great access to public education. I grew up in Roanoke and I loved it. The memories and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains that surround it. I would like to see less homeless people walking around and sitting on medians in the streets asking for money.

Is Roanoke VA LGBTQ friendly? ›

Roanoke is a welcoming and compassionate city that embraces the diversity of our residents. This includes our LGBTQ+ community.

What is the truth about Roanoke? ›

Investigations by the Jamestown colonists produced reports that the Roanoke settlers had been massacred, and there were stories of people with European features being seen in Native American villages, but no conclusive evidence was found.

Why is Roanoke, VA called Big Lick? ›

The town first called Big Lick was established in 1852 and chartered in 1874. It was named for a large outcropping of salt which drew the wildlife to the site near the Roanoke River.

What was the last word found in Roanoke? ›

The "CRO" tree at the Lost Colony theater at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. Image courtesy of Flickr user Sarah Stierch. CROATOAN was the sole complete word found on Roanoke Island by John White on 18 Aug.

What happened to the people of Roanoke? ›

There has been plenty of speculation about the settlers' fate in the centuries that have passed: death from disease, massacre by native peoples, orassimilation into a nearby native tribe, either as friends or slaves. Multiple theories and a lack of conclusive evidence generated the mysterious moniker “The Lost Colony.”

Who was the first English person to be born in the Americas? ›

On August 18, 1587, Virginia Dare became the first child born in the Americas to English parents. She was named in honor of the Virgin Queen of England, Elizabeth I.

Why is Roanoke, VA called the Magic city? ›

To maintain the coal trains going to and from Norfolk, the railroad built the Roanoke Shops. The high pay for skilled workers and steady employment opportunities attracted people. Roanoke became known as the Magic City because it was "the fastest growing urban area in the South from 1880 to 1890."

Why is Roanoke Island famous? ›

One of the best known Outer Banks attractions, Roanoke Island has a colorful history that dates back to the 16th century. The history of Roanoke Island is tied to the very foundation of colonies on North America and is famous for the “Lost Colony” which continues to mystify historians today.

What is the mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke? ›

Investigations by the Jamestown colonists produced reports that the Roanoke settlers had been massacred, and there were stories of people with European features being seen in Native American villages, but no conclusive evidence was found.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.