π€π‚π€π“π€π‹π„ππ’π˜? (Various! Creepypasta x FEMreader) - eveni - Creepypasta (2024)

Chapter Text

TRIGGER WARNINGS: swearing (duh), mild gore, blood, puking, passing out


I've been having those dreams over and over again.

What's that creature?


π€π‚π€π“π€π‹π„ππ’π˜? (Various! Creepypasta x FEMreader) - eveni - Creepypasta (1)You feel a breeze of wind lightly blow into your face, causing your eyes to slowly flutter open.

"It's so cold..." you thought to yourself, slowly becoming aware of the coldness of the concrete ground underneath your aching body.

You rub your eyes, still finding it hard to completely open them. After finally becoming fully conscious, it took you quite a while to realize you weren't somewhere you were supposted to be.

"Where the hell am I?" you whispered to yourself while looking around.

This place looked nothing like your apartment. It was some kind of a street corner unknown to you.

You took a couple more moments trying to hear any kind of commotion, which resulted in nothing.

After finally deciding to, you stood up, feeling a little light-headed.

Looking down at yourself you noticed that you were nicely dressed up - heels and everything. What were you dressed up for again?

You slowly reached for your pocket. Panic overtook you as you realized that your phone was missing - frantically patting down your jeans you figured out you really lost it, along with all of your belongings.

"What the hell!?" you hissed and looked around. You couldn't believe this situation.

The sound of your heels clacking echoed between the narrow walls while you proceeded forward - towards a source of light.

You have finally escaped the dark corner you were in a minute ago.

The light of the day blinded you, but it wasn't the sun which was bright - it was the light grey sky, completely covered by angry clouds. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the environment and in front of you was a busy town you had never seen in your life.

You looked around as people passed by, minding their business and having a usual day - unlike SOMEONE.

You quickly took the chance and called out to a woman who was walking in your direction:

"Excuse me, could you please call the..." you stopped talking mid-sentence as she just walked by you, not even bothering to look up.

"Police..." you finished your sentence quietly. How rude that was.

Another woman was about to pass by and you said a little louder than before:

"Excuse me, I need help."

Again, the woman went on, ignoring you completely and hugging a man she was probably supposted to meet.

You tried your best to stay calm, but it was slowly becoming more difficult as you noticed that everybody was ignoring you. You went from a person to person, but it was like you were invisible.

How was this possible?

Panic was starting to get to you and you started moving around quicker and quicker, not knowing what to do.

"Someone, help!" you basically shouted out, but still nothing.

"This must be a nightmare." you thought to yourself.

At the corner of your teary eyes you saw a bathroom sign and decided to run to it, bumping into people on the way there.

Entering the bathroom, you searched for a mirror to take a look at yourself.

You stared at your reflection and it stared right back at you. This wasn't a dream, this was very much real.

"Hey..." a male voice called out from behind you and you immediately jumped and turned around.

In front of you stood a man, maybe around your age or a year or two older. He had messy brown hair and brown eyes, standing tall.

"You can hear me!?" he jumped up from the tiled floor he was sitting on, seeming excited.

You nodded in silence, feeling relieved that there was someone normal - or maybe not normal. Well, at least he was like you, that's what mattered.

"D-do you have a phone? We should call the police." you said worriedly as your voice cracked a little.

He disappointedly shook his head at your question. Guess you two were in the same position.

You were feeling dizzy again, so you sat down and leaned against the wall. You couldn't care less about sitting on the dirty bathroom floor.

You covered your face with your hands, then combed your hair with your fingers, trying to relieve stress.

He looked down at you in silence as you were fighting off a panic attack.

"Do you think we had been kidnapped?" you asked, not having another idea cross your mind.

"I don't know..." he answered with a heavy sigh.

A couple dozens of seconds passed by in akward silence and he decided to walk closer to you.

"I'm Liam." he said as he reached out a hand towards you.

You looked up at him with watery eyes, nodding at him and stretching your hand towards his.

"I'm Y/N." you said quietly as he pulled you up.

"Well, Y/N, at least we're together in this sh*t." he smiled at you, trying to keep both of you optimistic.

You laughed out sheepishly and wiped your eyes. You weren't sure whether you should be trusting this guy, though he seemed genuinely nice.

"Let's get going." he suddenly changed his expression, his voice seeming a little more serious.

"Where do you think we should go?" you asked him, not having an idea yourself.

He shrugged slightly and looked outside: "I'm thinking of a market. It's getting dark and we should find a place to stay the night."

"Don't you think we should be looking for a police station?" you asked in confusion, then immediately realized it wasn't a good idea. You wouldn't risk walking around an unknown town, searching for a police station in the middle of the night.

"Actually, nevermind." you said as you looked away.

He nodded at you in anticipation.

Both of you walked out and scanned the environment. It was visibly less busy than before and except for that, it was getting cold. You didn't see any markets around you and it seemed like it would get dark sooner than you had thought.

You looked at your right side and something was telling you to walk that way.

You tugged at Liam's sweater lightly and started walking that way. He just followed after you.

As it got darker you walked quicker, slowly starting to lose hope you would be finding any markets soon. Just as you thought that - a supermarket practically appeared in front of you!

"Thank God!" you gasped out as Liam ran towards the door. His excitement immediately faded away from his face as he pushed then pulled the door. Once, twice even three times - and nothing.

Walking closer to him, you looked into the shop and realized that the lights had been turned off.

"Liam..." you whispered to him.

"Yes, it is closed." he said as he looked back at you and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

It was already night and there wasn't a living soul to be seen anywhere. Even without the odd residents, this town seemed off.

"What do we do..." he sighed out, partially to himself.

"I think we should continue moving, standing here won't bring us anywhere."

you said exactly what you thought. It's not like you had options to choose between.

"You're right." he said without any other comments.

You continued walking in silence, feeling the cold wind blow into your face.

"There is something so wrong about this place...it gives me the chills." you said to break the silence, not knowing what else to say. But it was indeed true.

"I hate it here." Liam answered quietly. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts, so you just gave up from trying to talk. Maybe it was the best in this situation.

You walked alongside concrete walls which were weirdly clean. Not one of them had a single graffiti.

But something on your left caught your attention - the only wall which had something drawn on it. It was some kind of a circle with an X in it. You wonder what it meant.

Weirdly, you felt a strange urge to touch the drawing. Liam hadn't noticed that you stayed behind him.

You raised your hand in the air and the moment you touched the drawing you felt a sharp burning sensation in your fingertips.

You jumped back and gasped loudly: "sh*t!"

Liam was not that far away and heard your yelp. He immediately ran towards you: "Y/N!? What's wrong?"

"The drawing...it burnt me?" you said, confused, while holding your burnt fingers and looking at him.

"What? Let me see." he held your hand as he inspected the burns, shifting his look from your hand to the wall behind you.

"Does it hurt a lot?" he asked, somewhat worried. Why did this stranger worry about you? Was he actually that nice?

You shook your head.

"That's good. Don't seperate from me and don't touch anything. We're not in a normal world." he said bluntly as he made a movement with his head to proceed forward.

You just stared at him and gulped. Were you in some kind of a twisted parallel universe?

After what seemed like hours of walking you were starting to feel more and more anxious. Something was sitting heavily on your shoulders, a feeling that cannot be explained. Your feet were starting to ache since you had been walking in heels for a while now. And the cold - it was the worst, but thanks to the intense overthinking that had been going through your head, you didn't have time to think about being cold, or hungry and thirsty.

Even after so much walking, you haven't found any places that could be of worth. Actually, the only thing you have been seeing for the past few minutes were walls and pretty much nothing else.

"Wait. It's the same sign we saw before!" Liam said hopelessly while looking at you.

You looked at the drawing and it definitely wasn't the same as the first one.

"This is a different wall. I'm sur..." he cut you mid-sentence and covered your mouth with his hand out of nowhere.

You looked at him in shock as he gestured a finger to his lips.

Both of you stood in silence, as you felt your heart beat faster by every second.

Somewhere near could be heard a weird noise...like walking - but it wasn't human walking. This was slow and...monstrous, followed by deep dry breathing.

This wasn't a human. Definitely not. And it wasn't friendly.

Liam dropped his hand from your face as he located the direction of the sounds. He was sure he had heard glass shattering. He pulled you by the arm in the opposite direction. You started walking quickly and the clacking of your heels echoed a little too loud. Liam looked your way in fear as you immediately took them off and left them where they were.

You were praying the creature didn't hear you.

You literally stuck to Liam in fear, clinging onto his arm like something was going to snatch you away. Your breathing became erratic and your heart felt like it was going to explode.

Suddenly - screaming. Not human screaming. This was screeching and grotesque shrieks which sounded horrific. It was close. Too close.

"WATCH OUT!" Liam screamed out, barely managing to pull you away in time. You stumbled into his arms and you wished you hadn't looked up. What you saw standing in front of you was a creature - something out of a nightmare. It was completely white, it's body long with bones protruding everywhere, it had white eyes which glowed in the dark, staring right into your soul and the worst...the claws it had which were sharper than razors.

You two were f*cked.

The monster waited no longer and immediately charged with its deathly-sharp claws at you. You didn't even have time to scream - Liam pushed you to the side while making himself vulnerable to the monster which resulted in its claws cutting Liam's arm.

"LIAM!" you screamed out as he yelped in pain.

"RUN! NOW" he yelled at you.

You didn't even have time to think about running away, as you raised a trash bin and smacking it as hard as possible at the creature's head. You probably never used this much energy at once.

The creature seemed to be really fazed by the hit across the head.

You noticed that and took the chance to run away, immediately pulling Liam along.

You never ran so fast in your life, not looking back even once. It was becoming hard to run barefoot and you could feel blood flowing to your brain, making you feel light-headed. Not to mention how out-of-breath you were. This couldn't get worse.

You suddenly yelped loudly as you felt sharp pain in your feet. You collapsed on the ground, falling to your knees and feeling even more pain. What was causing you so much pain? Suddenly your legs felt warm.

"Y/N! f*ck!" Liam gasped as he looked down at you.

You ran into broken glass.

You covered your mouth with your hand, trying not to scream.

He immediately lifted you up over his shoulder and continued running.

You felt immense pain. It was almost unbearable.

He continued running down the empty streets, until he finally found a corner you could hide in. By the time he lowered you down, you had already bled all over both of you. His sweater had already been stained with blood from his wounds beforehand.

Both of you were panting. You felt like you couldn't grasp enough air at once and it felt like you were suffocating. You grasped your sweater, trying to calm down and forget about the pain but it didn't seem to work.

You looked down at your feet - they were messed up. Small shards of glass were still lightly pierced into the soles of your feet. You proceeded to take each of them out as quickly as you could, to spare yourself from even more pain. It hurt like hell.

"sh*t...that's gotta hurt a lot." he cursed under his breath while looking at you with sympathy.

He suddenly proceeded to take off his bloodied sweater, trying to rip it in half. It wasn't quite easy as he felt weakness in his wounded arm - which he completely ignored.

"Liam, don't-..." you tried preventing him from destroying his sweater after realizing he was going to use it as a bandage for you.

You realized you should be silent. The monster could still be around. You let your guard down too easily.

He made sure to rip off the bloodied patches of the sweater and only used clean ones.

"I'm sorry if it hurts." he whispered to you before checking for more shards of glass left. He slowly started wrapping the cloths around your feet, which you gasped at and tried your best to fight through the pain.

He was quick with it, making sure he tightened the bandages accordingly.

You finally felt your breathing pattern normalize again.

You sat normally, leaning your back against the cold wall.

"Liam...your arm." you looked over at him worriedly.

He seemed to be in a bad state - his skin pale as paper and his face prickled with drops of cold sweat.

"Are you okay?" you asked him, starting to fret. Something was wrong.

You took his arm into yours, inspecting the now dried up wound. It looked bad, but bearable.

"Do you hear the ringing?" he suddenly asked, looking you straight in the eye.

It took you a while to figure out that you've been hearing faint ringing, but it never bothered you as you thought it was just the usual ringing in your ears.

But this wasn't ringing - it was more like rustling... no, it was static.

Liam suddenly turns his back towards you and throws up, puke hitting the ground and making a disgusting sound of splashing.

Both of you started breathing heavily.

The static noise was seemingly louder and you could feel yourself being unwell each second.

You couldn't even check up on Liam, as he already had passed out cold on the ground.

You yourself could feel that you were drifting into unconsciousness - static slowly fading away.

You passed out.



That's it for the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it :)

The MC has already met the first creepypasta - the Rake. There will be more creepypastas in the next chapter.

Please leave a like and a review! I'd appreaciate that quite a lot.

Update: I made a quick sketch of my interpretation of Y/N's outfit and body type in the beginning of the story <3 https://pin.it/4uSbiSndZ


Liam - 30% (up 30%) He thinks he can trust you even though you have just met. You two relate to each other in this situation. He generally likes you and your personality

π€π‚π€π“π€π‹π„ππ’π˜? (Various! Creepypasta x FEMreader) - eveni - Creepypasta (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.