Why You Don't Need A Financial Advisor (2024)

You have many options when it comes to preparing for your financial future and getting your money to work for you. One such way is through a financial advisor. These financial professionals help you navigate the world of finance, investing your money wisely to set you up for retirement – or, simply build a large nest egg that eventually earns you supplemental income.

But, are financial advisors really the best way to do this? In comparison to their costs, financial advisors may fall short in terms of the value they provide you.

These days, people like you are forgoing a financial advisor in favor of alternatives. The fact of the matter is that you can do everything a financial advisor does. With just a bit of guidance on getting started, dedication to learning how to invest smartly, and the help of a few key tools, taking charge of your financial situation and preparing for your future on your own terms is entirely feasible. Moreover, it’s the superior choice.

We’ll explain why you don’t need a financial advisor in this article, and why handling your investments yourself is typically the preferred choice. First and foremost, we want to go a bit deeper into what financial advisors do – this will help you switch your mindset and realize that you can do it too.

What Is A Financial Advisor & What Do They Do?

A financial advisor is well versed in all things finance. While you may assume their responsibilities start and end with investments, that isn’t always the case. Many financial advisors assist you in financial planning for your future. But, they can also help you prepare for taxes – strategically building an investment strategy that lowers your tax liability along the way. They can also help you with estate planning, life insurance, and more.

But, for the sake of today’s discussion, we will mainly focus on financial advisors from an investment standpoint. After all, this is the reason most people seek out the help of a financial advisor in the first place.

Maybe you just got your first “real job” and you’re finally earning substantial income – you know you’re better off investing it than letting it accumulate in your savings account. Or, perhaps you just received an inheritance – and you want to let that money work for you in the stock market. Whatever the case, your initial thought process may be to seek out help from a qualified financial advisor. And that’s not a bad starting point for many people.

However, when it comes to the best way to invest your money, it is rarely with the help of a financial advisor. Make no mistake, there are plenty of incredible financial advisors out there with a solid track record of success. Unfortunately, though, there are far more instances of financial advisors overpromising and underdelivering than there are instances of financial advisors exceeding expectations.

You Don’t Need A Financial Advisor, Despite What You May Have Been Told

When you look at the grand scheme of things, and financial advisors in general, they seldom make proactive moves but rather encourage dollar-cost averaging. While they may adjust your allocations and customize your investment strategy depending on your tolerance for risk, they frequently miss the mark in terms of delivering ROI. When you consider the fees you pay for what you get, we’d think you would expect more.

If you’ve been working with a financial advisor for a while now, you may already know this. Maybe you came here to read this guide because you’re pondering the decision to cut ties and take matters into your own hands. In our opinion, you’re making the right choice. In fact, it’s very likely your advisor could have saved you tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of dollars over time. There is a tool that can help you invest your money and earn returns at a high rate of success, and your advisor probably isn’t using it. They may not even know it exists.

With just a $70/month subscription (or $20 with a mobile subscription), you can leverage stock forecasting tools to help you eliminate any of the guesswork of investing. Gaining insights into the absolute perfect time to buy, sell, or hold a given investment is invaluable. And, you can find winning opportunities on autopilot. This is software anyone – including you – can use to invest their money with confidence. This is just one of the many reasons why you don’t need a financial advisor. Let’s cover them all in the next section.

Why You Don’t Need A Financial Advisor: X Reasons

More and more people are realizing that financial advisors are not worth it. And you probably get the feeling by now that we are in agreeance with this sentiment. Chances are, you’re starting to lean towards this side of the coin as well. But if not, you will soon – we’re going to break down a few of the main reasons why you don’t need a financial advisor to help you meet your financial goals. First things first – they historically underperform.

Financial Advisors Historically Underperform

The goal when you hire a financial advisor is to see an ROI that doesn’t just cover the fees you’re paying. The ROI has to be high enough to outpace the market, and it has to be high enough to make you feel as if you’re getting good value. As we’ve discussed throughout this topic so far, you can easily invest your own money these days – without any fees. So, how high of a return do you need to see from your financial advisor to justify their fees?

The answer will vary from person to person. What’s worth it to us may not be worth it to you. However, industry studies estimate that financial advisory services can result in a 1.5%-4% portfolio return over the long haul.

When you really think about that return, it’s pretty abysmal. First and foremost, you can say goodbye to 1% of that straight away in fees. And that’s if you’re lucky – some financial services can cost you as much as 1.5% of your AUM (assets under management). You’ll enjoy lower rates as your AUM grows, but small accounts just starting out will have to pay a premium.

Now, let’s factor in the market. Looking at the S&P 500 for the years 1991 to 2020, the average stock market return for the last 30 years is 10.72% (8.29% when adjusted for inflation). Now, factor in those fees. They need to get you 12.5% ROI to break even, and over 12.5% to justify the partnership.

Of course, every financial situation is different. You can certainly earn a solid ROI if you are fortunate enough to find a solid advisor, and market conditions go your way. You can also develop a financial plan that takes on a bit more risk to earn higher returns. However, the overwhelmingly common theme is that financial advisors don’t provide the ROI you need to justify their help. This brings us to our next point…

You Pay Your Advisor Even When Losing Money

It’s always hard to stomach large lump sum payments – and depending on the amount of money you’re investing, you’re going to pay a hefty chunk of change to your advisor each and every year. If you’re investing $100k, that’s at least $1,500 you’re paying annually.

Now, think back to that previous example using the industry average return on portfolios being managed by investors, factoring in the rate of inflation in 2021. You lost money. And yet, your advisor still got paid. Again, this doesn’t make sense. You could have at least saved yourself that $1,500 to cover some of the losses you experienced in unfavorable market conditions. Or, better yet, you could add that $1,500 to profits by managing your investments yourself.

Now, we know what you’re thinking – I don’t know how to invest! But hear us out – managing your own investments in the manner that financial advisors do is actually easier than you may think. Here’s why:

You’re Getting A Cookie-Cutter Financial Plan That You Could Invest In By Yourself!

When you work with the average financial advisor, you’re going to talk over your goals and risk tolerance. At that point, they’ll get into the financial planning aspect of the process. Based on the information you provide them, they’ll likely recommend you a financial product to invest in.

While some advisors still invest your money in individual stocks and assets, it’s far more common that they’ll invest in retail ETFs or investment funds. These are assets that you could go and purchase for yourself on virtually any investment platform. And while the financial professional you hire is responsible for continuing to manage your investments, not a whole lot goes into this.

The point we’re trying to make here is that you’re paying an advisor a whole lot to do a whole little. The common theme you are probably starting to see throughout this discussion is that you can do everything your advisor does for you on your own. At least, when you have the right tools in your arsenal.

These Days, You Can Take Control Of Your Financial Future For Yourself

We keep saying you can do everything your financial advisor does, on your own. And you may be skeptical – there has to be more to it. It can’t be that easy, can it?

Well, actually, it can.

These days, taking control of your financial future and handling your investments yourself is not just feasible – it’s the best way to go about it. After all, the only person you can trust to have your best interests at heart is yourself. Even financial advisors that are held to a fiduciary standard (a legal obligation to put their clients’ best interests before their own) rarely do so. Why line someone elses’ pockets when you can do it yourself with just a bit of education, the right tools, and a few hours a month? Here’s how we recommend you get started:

Begin by learning the basics of preparing for your future. Determine what your financial goals are, and come up with a plan to accomplish them. Here at VectorVest, we have some awesome resources on using the stock market to meet your financial goals. Whether you’re looking for supplemental income in the short term through swing trading strategies, or you want to set yourself up for an easygoing lifestyle by investing early for retirement. Explore our free blog articles to get started on the right foot.

From there, you can invest in free and paid education to gain a more in-depth understanding of how to invest. We have a myriad of courses that will prove invaluable along your journey to financial freedom. These will pay for themselves fast as you start to earn profits all on your own! But to truly see success as an investor, you need to have the right tools in your arsenal – like our stock forecasting software.

This software offers a simple approach to successful investing. Whether you want help picking winning stocks on autopilot for swing trading or uncovering good value stocks that will help you enjoy an early retirement, our intuitive software is here to help. Some of the advantages you’ll have with our software as part of your strategy include:

  • Insights into market sentiment at any given time. See how other investors are behaving/feeling about current market conditions.
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  • All technical indicators are simplified into three easy-to-understand metrics: value, safety, and timing. Pick investments that fit your criteria with the highest VST rating and win more trades!
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With the VectorVest software, you have more power at your fingertips than you’d ever have with the average financial advisor. It’s time to take your financial future into your own hands -and with our help, you’ll outperform the majority of financial advisors out there! Tell your financial advisor to get VectorVest at the very least – trust us, they’ll thank you for the recommendation!

Final Thoughts On Why You Don’t Need A Financial Advisor

As you can see, there are a plethora of reasons why you don’t need a financial advisor. Simply put, they don’t offer good value or ROI compared to what they cost. If you really want to unlock financial freedom, doing it yourself is the way to go. And now that you know it’s not only possible – but easy – you can get started. We’ll be with you along this journey helping you enjoy confidence and a high rate of success – get started today and change your financial future on your own.

What you should do next…

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Why You Don't Need A Financial Advisor (1)

Why You Don't Need A Financial Advisor (2024)


Why You Don't Need A Financial Advisor? ›

Final Thoughts On Why You Don't Need A Financial Advisor

Why are financial advisors not worth it? ›

Fees: Financial advisors typically charge fees for their services, and some people may feel that these fees are too high or not worth the cost. Performance: Some people may feel that their financial advisor's performance does not justify the fees they charge.

Does the average person need a financial advisor? ›

Not everyone needs a financial advisor, especially since it's an additional cost. But having the extra help and advice can be paramount in reaching financial goals, especially if you're feeling stuck or unsure of how to get there.

Why do people say I'm not a financial advisor? ›

By making it clear that their advice is not intended to be taken as official investment advice, they are attempting to avoid any legal claims against them in case the advice they give turns out to be incorrect or causes financial losses for the person who took the advice.

Why don t people hire financial advisors? ›

Lack of perceived need. Many consumers share the perception that they simply don't need a financial planner. They may receive financial advice from a family member or friend; in some cases, they feel they've already achieved their goals and thus don't require advice.

Is a 1% fee for a financial advisor worth it? ›

The short answer is yes. Ken Robinson, certified financial planner at Practical Financial Planning, says while a 1% fee may be common, advisers who charge based on AUM are increasingly scaling down from 1% at lower thresholds in the past. But if you get a lot of service, the 1% fee isn't always a bad thing.

Are financial advisors worth 1% fees? ›

But, if you're already working with an advisor, the simplest way to determine whether a 1% fee is reasonable may be to look at what they've helped you accomplish. For example, if they've consistently helped you to earn a 12% return in your portfolio for five years running, then 1% may be a bargain.

What percentage of millionaires use a financial advisor? ›

The wealthy also trust and work with financial advisors at a far greater rate. The study found that 70% of millionaires versus 37% of the general population work with a financial advisor.

What are the disadvantages of having a financial advisor? ›

Costs: Financial advisors cost money, and not all charge you in the same way. Some charge a percentage of your total portfolio per year. Others charge you an ongoing annual fee, some charge a one-off service fee, while the investment broker pays others via commissions.

Is it better to invest yourself or financial advisor? ›

Those who use financial advisors typically get higher returns and more integrated planning, including tax management, retirement planning and estate planning. Self-investors, on the other hand, save on advisor fees and get the self-satisfaction of learning about investing and making their own decisions.

Should you tell your financial advisor everything? ›

It might come as a surprise, but your financial professional—whether they're a banker, planner or advisor—wants to know more about you than how much money you can invest. They can best help you achieve your goals when they know more about your job, your family and your passions.

Can you trust your financial advisor? ›

An advisor who believes in having a long-term relationship with you—and not merely a series of commission-generating transactions—can be considered trustworthy. Ask for referrals and then run a background check on the advisors that you narrow down such as from FINRA's free BrokerCheck service.

What is illegal financial advice? ›

In some states, it is illegal to give advice on insurance policies, such as life and disability insurance, unless you are licensed with the state.

How many people actually use financial advisors? ›

In 2022, 35 percent of Americans worked with a financial advisor, while 57 percent said that they didn't have a financial representative. The share of Americans approaching a financial advisor decreased slightly compared to the previous year.

What are some disadvantages of using a financial advisor? ›

While it's easy to see the many advantages a financial advisor has, we want to also bring up the potential disadvantages so you can make informed decisions:
  • They may have a conflict of interest.
  • They could charge high fees.
  • You could feel left in the dark.

Do financial advisors have a bad reputation? ›

Financial advisors and insurance agents may have a certain reputation in many circles. While I believe the majority are honest, some advisors may give the rest a bad name by focusing on the commission instead of the client. And, even if you meet an honest advisor, how can you know they will do the job suited for you?

Is 2% fee high for a financial advisor? ›

Most of my research has shown people saying about 1% is normal. Answer: From a regulatory perspective, it's usually prohibited to ever charge more than 2%, so it's common to see fees range from as low as 0.25% all the way up to 2%, says certified financial planner Taylor Jessee at Impact Financial.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.