Yield Farming vs. DeFi Staking (2024)

Regarding decentralized finance (DeFi), two concepts cross minds. Both terms are similar but not the same. After reading Defi staking vs. yield farming, you can tell the difference between them, and You also can choose which one suits your goals more.

What Is Staking Crypto?

Staking crypto is a way of investing tokens in DeFi platforms. It is also known as a way of earning passive income, which means that an investor should only put tokens into a staking app, sign a smart contract and then sit back and watch earned benefits transferred into their wallets. Staking crypto is considered a low-risk investment based on decentralized systems. It has been one of the popular ways of investment during bearish markets.

Read more: What is staking crypto?

What is Yield Farming crypto?

Yield farming is a process to boost returns in decentralized exchange (DeX).users can use a DeFi platform to earn high rewards (yields) from investing tokens. Yield farmers can lend, borrow, and stake tokens or coins to earn positive rewards. Here we are going to discuss each way of yield farming relatively.


One way to farm yields is to participate in liquidity projects. Through liquidity mining, the investor can receive rewards from a liquidity pool by acting as the liquidity provider. In such platforms, smart contracts and pools are prepared for investors to sign and start earning. This way, the investors supply a liquidity pool with the significantly earned tokens from the same pool they have already invested in.

What Is The Difference Between Defying Stake vs. yield farming?

Yield farming and staking are different ways to earn passive income in the crypto market, with different trade-offs and benefits.

Yield farming is lending crypto assets to generate high returns or rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency. Yield farming protocols incentivize liquidity providers to stake or lock their crypto assets in a smart contract-based liquidity pool. Yield farming is the most significant growth driver of the still-nascent DeFi sector.

Staking, however, involves locking your crypto assets in the protocol in return for privileges to validate transactions on the protocol. Staking is a way to secure a proof-of-stake blockchain and earn a fixed percentage of the block rewards.

The differences between yield farming and staking are in the potential profits and risks that an investor undertakes. Yield farming usually offers higher potential profits but involves risks such as price fluctuations, collateral liquidation, protocol glitches, and impermanent loss. Staking usually offers lower but more stable profits and involves risks such as slashing penalties, lock-up periods, and network congestion.

Another difference between yield farming and staking is their utility for the protocol. Yield farming provides liquidity to decentralized exchanges and lending platforms, which enables users to trade and borrow crypto assets more efficiently and conveniently. Staking provides security and consensus to proof-of-stake blockchains, which allows transactions to be validated and confirmed more quickly and cheaply.

Crypto Loans: Lend and Borrow Cryptos

In this type of investment, users can lend coins or tokens through DeFi platforms and become a lender. The benefit of this method is that the holder can yield farm from the interest of the loaned amount. They lend to borrowers via smart contracts in a DeX.

On the other hand, crypto borrowers can also have a good opportunity in yield farming. Simultaneously, when they hold the loan, they will also earn benefits from the interest rate of tokens. In addition, when a holder using DeFi protocols lends tokens, they exchange tokens with borrowers. Crypto loans can be a reward for both lenders and borrowers. So, do the math—easy benefit for all.

Yield Farming Safety and Risks:

Risks in the cryptocurrency world are inevitable. But can the risks of yield farming be calculated? It is better to divide risks into two parts to answer this question. The crystal-clear part depends on the market and regulations in no one’s control, such as volatility and impermanent loss. The second risk section is what the DeFi platform is responsible for like rug pulls and smart contract hacks.


Not only DeFi platforms but also all assets experience volatility. Volatility means that a price can rise or fall rapidly and unpredictably. In a given period, volatility in the crypto market is so high (at least at this time) that it may also affect yield farming. It is not something an investor should be scared of, but they should be alert and consider it.

Impermanent Loss

Impermanent loss occurs when you provide liquidity to a liquidity pool and the price of your deposited assets changes from what you have deposited them. As mentioned before, holders deposit tokens in liquidity pools. It happens when the price of a token in the pool changes. As a result, the value of assets is affected. During volatility, LPs and investors may experience impermanent loss. The greater the change, the greater the exposure to impermanent loss.

Read more: What is Impermanent Loss?

Rug Pull

Imagine you have bought a rug for investment and are promised to gain interest after some time. After some time, someone pulls that rug out from under you. Frustrating, right? This is precisely what happens with rug pulls. In this type of fraud, scammers launch a scam project and try to attract investors to participate in it. But before the project is launched, the scammers shut it down and take all the money.

Yield Farming vs. DeFi Staking (1)

There are instances of such projects in the crypto world, like SQUID. This token was launched during the time of popularity of the Squid Game TV series. It soured by % 110,000 at the peak of its popularity. One day, suddenly, the crypto dropped from $2,861.80 to $0.0007926 in a matter of seconds, leaving investors with a handful of worthless assets.

Smart Contract Hacks

Since DeFi staking and yield farming are available via smart contracts, they can be critical to holders. Hackers can also take advantage of loopholes in the smart contract to their own benefit. Because coding cannot be bugless, the bugs can harm holders’ wallets and be spotted by hackers. This can also happen with big projects, which investors need to consider.

How to Invest in Staking or Yield Farming:

Now that both DeFi staking and yield farming are clarified, it is time to compare them briefly. These two terms are close but not equivalent in the decentralized finance world. They provide opportunities for investors to benefit from their investments. Also, at some levels, they may have similar approaches, such as using DeFi-based platforms, available via smart contracts, and earning passive income. Still, they indeed have radical differences in substance. Staking provides a less risky protocol for investors, while yield farming is a riskier way of earning interest.

On the other hand, yield farmers can receive more benefits than those who stake their assets. But the point is that staking crypto has a long-term approach, while yield farming is short-term. To put a quick picture in your mind, take a glimpse at the table below.

DeFi StakingYield Farming
Long-term benefitShort-term benefit
Low-riskAlmost risky
Less benefitBoosted benefit

CrowdSwap yield farming and staking platform.

Regarding DeFi, CrowdSwap is an excellent place to be considered safe, secure, and profitable for investors who stake CROWD and participate in yield farming options. These programs are offered on different chains with multiple opportunities. To consult the list of these possibilities, visit the CrowdSwap App.

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Is Yield Farming Still Profitable?

Yield farming has been one of the most popular topics in the cryptocurrency space in recent times. It has been touted as a way for investors to earn passive income from their crypto holdings. But is yield farming still a profitable investment strategy?

The short answer is yes. Yield farming can still be a worthwhile investment strategy. However, it is crucial to understand the risks involved and research before investing.

Yield farming involves staking your crypto assets to earn rewards, but this also means you are exposed to the volatility of the crypto markets.

Also, Yield farming can be a great way to earn income from your crypto holdings passively. The rewards gained from yield farming can be pretty lucrative, but it is essential to remember that the rewards are not guaranteed. You may make more or less depending on the underlying asset’s performance.

In addition, yield farming requires a certain level of technical knowledge and understanding. You need to be able to understand how to stake your assets properly and how to manage your rewards. Knowing the different DeFi protocols and platforms that offer yield farming opportunities is essential.

Overall, yield farming can still be a profitable investment strategy for those who are comfortable with the risks involved. But it is important to do your own research and to understand the risks before investing.

Defi staking vs. yield farming: Which Is the Better Short-Term Investment?”

Yield farming and staking are two ways to earn passive income in the crypto market by locking up your assets in different protocols. However, they have different advantages and disadvantages for short-term investments.

Staking allows investors to generate rewards instantly during transaction validation. As a result, it can be an excellent short-term investment that generates consistent profits. However, staking often requires you to lock your tokens for a minimum period of time, which may limit your liquidity and flexibility.

On the other hand, yield farming does not require a freeze of assets. You can withdraw your tokens at any time from the liquidity pools. This means you can have more liquidity and adaptability for a short-term strategy. However, yield farming can also involve higher risks and lower returns than staking, depending on the market conditions and the platform fees.

Therefore, the better short-term investment depends on your liquidity needs, risk tolerance, and return expectations. Some factors to consider are:

  • The lock-up period and withdrawal fees of each protocol
  • The volatility and liquidity of the underlying assets
  • The security and reputation of the protocol
  • The availability and cost of borrowing or lending options
  • The tax implications of your income

In general, yield farming may be more suitable for investors who need more liquidity and flexibility for a short-term strategy. Staking may be more suitable for investors who can afford to lock their tokens for a short period and seek more stable returns.

Defi staking vs. yield farming: Which Is the Better long-term Investment?

Yield farming rewards investors who commit their assets to liquidity pools on decentralized lending or exchange protocols. They receive interest and fees for providing liquidity to the market. Yield farming can offer higher returns than staking but involves higher risks, such as price fluctuations, collateral liquidation, protocol glitches, and impermanent loss.

On the other hand, Staking rewards investors for locking up their crypto assets on validator nodes or staking pools that secure a proof-of-stake blockchain. They receive a fixed percentage of the block rewards for validating transactions and maintaining network security. Staking can offer lower but more stable returns than yield farming, but it also involves risks such as slashing penalties, lock-up periods, and network congestion.

Therefore, a better long-term investment depends on your risk appetite, time horizon, and asset preference. Some factors to consider are:

  • The expected annual percentage yield (APY) of each protocol
  • The volatility and liquidity of the underlying assets
  • The security and reputation of the protocol
  • The availability and cost of borrowing or lending options
  • The tax implications of your income

In general, yield farming may be more suitable for investors who are willing to take more risks and seek higher returns in a shorter period. Staking may be more suitable for investors who prefer lower risks and more consistent returns over a more extended period.

Is Yield Farming Better Than Staking?

In the cryptocurrency market, Yield farming and staking are two popular methods of earning passive income. Both offer rewards for holding and providing liquidity to a protocol. But which one is better? The answer depends on your individual goals and preferences. Yield farming, also known as liquidity mining, is a relatively new concept in the cryptocurrency world. It involves providing liquidity to a protocol in exchange for rewards such as tokens or yield. Yield farming rewards are typically higher than those from staking, but the risk is also higher because the protocols are often new and untested.

Staking, on the other hand, is a more established concept. It involves holding a certain amount of assets in a wallet to receive rewards. The rewards are typically lower than those from yield farming, but the risk is also lower as the protocols are usually more established and have been tested over time.

Read more: What is yield farming?

Are Crypto Staking and Yield Farming Different From Liquidity Mining

Cryptocurrency staking and yield farming have become two of the most popular methods of earning passive income from digital assets. While These two methods of earning income from cryptocurrency have similarities but there are differences between them.

This article will discuss the differences between crypto staking, yield farming, and liquidity mining.

Crypto staking holds coins or tokens in a cryptocurrency wallet to support a network and earn rewards. Staking is similar to earning interest on a savings account in a traditional bank. When you stake a cryptocurrency, you lock up your coins and receive rewards through additional coins or tokens. The rewards you earn depend on the number of coins you stake and the network’s staking rewards rate.

Yield farming, on the other hand, is a more complex form of earning passive income from cryptocurrency. Yield farming involves providing liquidity to a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol and earning rewards through fees or additional tokens. Yield farming is often riskier than staking, as it requires liquidity providers to deposit funds into a smart contract, which could be vulnerable to hacks or other malicious activities. Finally, liquidity mining is a relatively new form of earning passive income from cryptocurrency.

Liquidity mining involves providing liquidity to a cryptocurrency exchange or decentralized exchange (DEX) and making rewards through additional coins or tokens. Liquidity mining is similar to yield farming, but instead of providing liquidity to a DeFi protocol, liquidity miners provide liquidity to an exchange or DEX.

In conclusion, crypto staking, yield farming, and liquidity mining can earn passive income from cryptocurrency. While these methods are similar, they are not the same. Staking involves locking up your coins to support a network and earn rewards, while yield farming and liquidity mining involve providing liquidity to a DeFi protocol or exchange and making rewards through fees or additional tokens.

Read more: What is DeFi?

In the world of cryptocurrency, it is essential to understand the difference between staking and providing liquidity. Staking is holding a certain amount of coins in a wallet and receiving rewards. This is done to secure the network and validate transactions.

On the other hand, providing liquidity is adding funds to a trading platform to increase the number of trades that can be made.

Staking is a great way to earn passive income with minimal effort. All you have to do is hold coins in your wallet, and you will receive rewards for doing so. The rewards can range from interest payments to block rewards, depending on the network you are staking on.

The downside to staking is that you are locked in for a certain period and can only access your funds once the staking period is over. Providing liquidity is a great way to earn money through trading. By adding funds to a trading platform, you are increasing the number of trades that can be made and thus expanding the platform’s liquidity. This can lead to higher profits as the number of trades increases. The downside to providing liquidity is that it is a more active process and requires more effort than staking.

In conclusion, it really depends on your goals and risk tolerance as to which option is better for you. If you are looking for passive income with minimal effort, then staking is the way to go. However, providing liquidity may be the better option if you are looking for more active trading and higher profits.

Benefits of staking

Staking is a process of holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. It supports the network, validates transactions, and earns rewards. Staking is a popular way to earn passive income in the cryptocurrency space. Here are some of the benefits of staking:

Increased Security:

Staking provides an additional layer of security to a blockchain network. By staking funds, users are incentivized to act honestly and not try to manipulate the network. This helps to ensure the integrity of the network and makes it less vulnerable to attack.

Potential for High Returns:

Staking can be a great way to earn passive income. Depending on the cryptocurrency, stakers can earn rewards of up to 20% per year. This makes staking an attractive option for long-term investors. Low Risk: Staking is generally a low-risk investment. Unlike other investments, stakers are not exposed to market volatility. As long as the network remains secure, stakers can expect to earn consistent returns.


Staking can be done with a variety of cryptocurrencies. This allows users to diversify their investments and spread out their risk. Accessibility: Staking requires minimal technical knowledge and can be done with just a few clicks. This makes it an attractive option for novice investors.

Staking is a great way to earn passive income and support the security of a blockchain network. With its potential for high returns, low risk, and accessibility, staking is becoming increasingly popular in the cryptocurrency space.

The benefit of yield farming

Yield farming has become a major component of the cryptocurrency landscape in recent years, especially in the burgeoning DeFi space. Yield farming offers crypto holders the ability to earn both passive and active incomes based on their token holdings. Yield farming is a process that enables users to stake specific tokens to a “liquidity pool” to earn rewards in the form of higher-yield tokens. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of yield farming.

The most attractive benefit of yield farming is, of course, its potential for high returns. Yield farming allows users to earn generous rewards for staking various tokens in a decentralized liquidity pool. Yield farming encompasses multiple strategies, each with a different risk-reward profile. As a result, there are a variety of assets users can stake that offer other potential returns. Depending on the type of tokens staked, a user can earn rewards up to several hundred percent.

Yield farming also offers users convenience and flexibility. All yield farming activities occur on the blockchain and can be done directly from the user’s wallet.

Users do not have to rely on third parties, such as exchanges, to facilitate yield farming activities. This makes it much easier and more convenient to engage in yield farming.

Yield farming also offers users more control over the assets they hold. For example, farmers can choose to deposit and lock away specific assets for a certain amount of time to gain higher yields. This gives users much more control over the type of assets they are staking and how much time they are willing to commit to the process.

Finally, yield farming activity is transparent and trustless. All yield farming activities occur on the Ethereum blockchain, which is an open and secure environment. This means that users can be confident that they are safe and that their rewards will be paid in full.

In summary, yield farming provides users with various attractive benefits, including the potential for high returns, convenience, flexibility, and more control over their assets. In addition, all yield farming activities occur in a transparent and trustless environment, making it a secure and reliable way to earn passive income.

Who is Yield Farming Suitable For?

Yield farming suits investors looking to generate higher returns than traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. Yield farming involves utilizing DeFi tools and services (lending platforms and stabilization protocols) to earn higher returns through various strategies. These strategies include liquidity providing, farming rewards, providing liquidity mining rewards, and staking. Ultimately, yield farming requires investors to understand the different DeFi products, markets, and strategies available and the associated risks.

Who is Staking Suitable For?

Staking in cryptocurrency networks suits investors who want to earn rewards while supporting the blockchain network. The amount of rewards a staker receives depends on the type of network they are staking on and how much they are staking. For instance, those staking on a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) network will earn a portion of the block reward each time a new block is added to the blockchain.

Generally, the greater the stake, the larger the rewards. Likewise, users who stake on a Proof-of-Stake (PoS ) network will earn rewards based on their total staked amount and time spent staking. The longer the time, the more rewards they can get.


To sum up, DeFi staking and yield farming have pros and cons. To choose one for investing, consider the amount you want to invest and what details of ways you prefer more. There is no definite answer to which one you opt for because it depends on your investment policies. Different aspects such as risk-taking, time, and the amount you put in are also important things to consider when choosing your preferred way of investment.


Is yield farming profitable yet?

The short answer is yes. Yield farming can still be a profitable investment strategy.

Which one is suitable For generating higher returns, yield farming or staking?

Yield farming suits investors looking to generate higher returns than traditional investments such as stocks and bonds.

Why can staking be a safe option?

Staking provides an additional layer of security to a blockchain network. This can help ensure the network’s integrity and make it less vulnerable to attack.

Yield Farming vs. DeFi Staking (2024)
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