Jealousy - Chapter 10 - Opal_chan (2024)

Chapter Text

"Turn it to 350 degrees. That's like a slow burn for cooking. Gives us plenty of time to chat! That way you can tell me about your grader for Anbu."

19 year old Naruto sat on top of the kitchen counter. It was a really nice counter too. Thick quartz that was sharply square cut, and snow white to go with the black kitchen wooden cabinets. It was a large kitchen, and the ovens were installed into the walls.

As a teenager, Naruto was shorter than Sasuke. Now he was a few inches taller than him. His hair still as wild as ever. More in his face now that he wasn't wearing his forehead protector.

While Sasuke liked his arms showing in his Anbu uniform, Naruto preferred wearing a spandex long sleeve black shirt. He didn't want to broadcast the fact he didn't get the Anbu tattoo like everyone else.

It was obvious Naruto moved how only he wanted to, but he also didn't want unwanted attention on him.

There were two ovens and Sasuke had stuffed their target in the top one closest to them. Sasuke leaned against the wall where the oven was and rolled his eyes as he set the temperature to 350 instead of the 500 degree boil he was thinking. 350 was going to take forever for this man to die.

Naruto just wanted to enjoy seeing this guy suffer. Prolonging their stay here.

Both Naruto and Sasuke were in their Anbu attire as they started a conversation. Part of their mission was almost complete. They had an assassination mission assigned to them by the Hokage herself. The mission was to kill this target, there was no specifics on HOW to kill him. So, why not have a little bit of fun with it.

Sasuke looked at Naruto in a nonchalant manner as he crossed his arms over his chest. The 19 year old Uchiha had his traditional Anbu armor fitted on his chest. His bangs that was framing his face as a teenager stayed in place, however he grew the back out and kept it in a high loose bun.

Sasuke looked annoyed to bring up the subject. Simply because it was done and handled. "Hn. My grader carried on that he didn't want to cut me loose yet to be solo."

Naruto looked at Sasuke confused and furrowed his brows together as he leaned forward. Resting his hands on the counter he sat on. Sasuke just got cut loose from field training, when Naruto was already cut loose about a month ago. "Why was he being such a dick?"

'Please! PLEASE! Let me OUT! I have money! I have LOTS of money! PLEASE!'

Both boys were ignoring the screams of their target begging to be let out. Kicking the oven to free himself. Sasuke going as far as holding the handle to the oven and leaning his body weight on it, to stop the oven from opening. "Something about me being too emotionally damaged from the Uchiha massacre, and me being too detached already."

Naruto scuffed at this and rolled his eyes. "What a puss*." Sasuke arched his eyebrow and grinned in return. "That's what I said, and he wrote me up to the supervisor. He kept extending me until the supervisor reviewed my file and deemed there was no reason to hold me over and he ended up cutting me loose."

Naruto opened one of the drawers and smiled when he saw fancy silverware. Hinata loved nice silverware, and he could tell by the engraved numbers that these were legit. He started taking a few and continued their conversation. "Anbu is too short staff to be picky like that. That's why we can do stuff like this. Who's gonna fire us? That guy was a prick. What an asshole. Who was the guy?"

"That weird guy Shin." The kicks and hysteria started to increase now that the oven was heating up to an actual 350 degrees. Both Naruto and Sasuke found it difficult to contain their grins at watching the feet kick against the oven in desperation.

Naruto was getting that adrenaline high from the moment again. These last few moments of a person's life was his favorite. "Hey my guy! If I let you out. Would you suck me off? Let me gloat, and tell the world you suck dick for fun."


Naruto thought this was hilarious. He cackled and kicked his feet in delight as he held his stomach to control himself. "Aww man! This is rich. What a f*cking weirdo! Naw man, I'll pass."

Going back to his conversation with Sasuke. A curious look took over Naruto's face and he looked at Sasuke. "Shin? Didn't he go on a mission last week and ended up getting his leg cut off by an enemy? He's out of Anbu now. Right? Say…weren't you on that mission?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto and the look told Naruto everything he needed to know. "What do you expect? I refuse to work with someone that doesn't trust me off the bat. He'd be on my ass even though he's not my grader anymore."

Naruto grinned and he'd his hands up. Signaling he had no objections to Sasuke's actions. He put his hands down, and hopped off the counter, and took a broom. He stuck the broom stick between the oven handle and the bottom oven handle. Locking the target in so his kicking wouldn't open the oven anymore. Freeing Sasuke up. "Sorry my guy. I was just messing with ya. I wasn't really interested."

Sasuke nodded his head in gratitude of Naruto finally helping him out. The two crossed their arms over their chests as they watched the scene of a human roast. The screams of a man burning alive, and crying in his dying moments didn't bother them. In the beginning, it did seem to affect Sasuke. Just because of his past memories that had been inflicted on him by his brother, Itachi.

However, it quickly faded away. Especially since Sasuke has been on speaking terms with his brother lately.

"So. How's Itachi? Why hasn't he come back to Konoha again?"

Naruto still kept his eyes on the cooking human in the burning oven when he asked this question, and Sasuke merely shrugged his shoulders. "Sick. Dying. Too stubborn to go to a doctor. I keep telling him, that for him to get better, he'd probably have to come to Konoha. Since the new Hokage came in, Konoha has been number one in the medical field. He's too stubborn. To set on this illness being his, 'punishment' for his sins. Just a crock of bull sh*t."

Naruto smirked at Sasuke. His friend sounded completely annoyed. "Yeah, well it doesn't help that he won't clear his name either. So he could come back and not be labeled a f*cking mass murderer. Coming to Konoha with that title over his head wouldn't get him free medical care. Lucky you have me in your corner! I know how to cut 'em. All your brother has to do is say the word. I'll handle his threats in the village."

Sasuke looked at Naruto and smiled. Naruto was always looking out for him. He never went back on his word. He said he'd introduce him to Obito, and get him in contact with Itachi to hash things out. Naruto did just that, and the two brothers did.

The first encounter wasn't a conversation at all. It was just Sasuke aiming to completely demolish Itachi, and his brother proving time and time again why he was favored by their father. Itachi knocking Sasuke on his ass multiple times and not showing his illness in the slightest.

After about the third altercation between the two of them, Obito grew tired of Sasuke not listening and them getting nowhere. Obito was the one to supervise their visits, and tell Itachi to not get Sasuke or himself killed. Obito was the one to make the two talk. He made Sasuke listen and Itachi actually explain instead of playing bad guy in all of this.

This is where Obito had more similarities to Naruto. Obito, just like Naruto, would have just been honest with everything. They'd entertain the Itachi method of taking on all the burden for about a day or two, but after a while Obito would have to be blunt. He'd have to tell Sasuke, 'Yeah. I killed our family and entire clan. Did I have to kill EVERYONE? No, but I did it.'

That's it. That's the conversation. Take it or leave it. That is the Naruto and Obito approach.

Itachi did not have that mindset. He wasn't ready to admit such a thing, and he wanted too much to spare Sasuke's feelings.

While it all wasn't okay, and Sasuke still found some things unforgiveable. There was an understanding and a new common enemy between the Uchiha brothers. Konoha's council, along with their favorite former shinobi, Danzo. Just the old school mindset of Konoha. It ruined the youth. It ruined Itachi. Ruined Kakashi, and was ruining their generation.

In Naruto's eyes, it made them soft.

Since Naruto came back with Tsunade about four years ago. Him and Sasuke had went back to their main goal. They both made Chunin, and so did Hinata. Afterwards, they turned their sights to Jonin. Getting into Anbu. Getting their side gigs done through Anbu. Akatsuki was falling apart during this time frame, and Naruto was there silently consoling Obito. Also, silently leaping for joy.

Akatsuki being successful would mean Naruto would have to resort to something he didn't want to do. His grand plan was never to be a sacrifice for Akatsuki. His grand plan was what he's been saying from the beginning. To be the Hokage of Konoha.

Being in Anbu helped Naruto move freely how he wanted. It also allowed him to make side quest trips and see how Akatsuki was fairing over the years. That's how they ended up here tonight. The man in the oven was a Mist diplomat. One that knew a little too much about Konoha for the Hokage's liking, and had to be dealt with as silently as possible. This also so happened to be a wealthy man, someone that could finance Akatsuki as well.

A win-win situation. Boss man is going to greatly appreciate the extra funds for his dwindling organization. "Sasuke. Heard you finally gave in to the curiosity and bagged you our former team seven teammate."

If Sasuke could scowl any more than he was now, he would. Naruto could only smirk and let the mischief on his face speak for him. "Who told you that?"

"What did you think? You f*ck Sakura and you thought it was going to be a SECRET?! Congrats man, you stepped out and gave her a chance after all."

Rolling his eyes for the hundredth time. Sasuke glared holes at Naruto. "What annoys me is I've had countless of relations with Hyuga's. As often as I want. They do not kiss and tell. No one knows. I step out of routine once, and the whole world finds out. Hn, first and last time that will happen. Sakura offered, we had sex, I moved on. That was about a week ago. I actually have plans with someone else tonight. A Hyuga. Been with her before, and decided to see where it takes me now."

Naruto's mouth dropped open from such detail coming from Sasuke. How he went out his way to disclaim the relationship allegation. Plus, Naruto just loved some good gossip. He was the male version of Ino. "Does Sakura know this was a one and done situation? That's kind of bonkers. Sakura doesn't strike me as that type of chick. Ya know?"

Sasuke just looked at Naruto with a face that screamed he didn't care. "You're getting soft on me."

Naruto stuck his tongue out playfully and pointed to his crotch. "Unlike you, I'M a romantic. MY prized jewels are reserved for someone. When I stick this in a vagin*, it'll be my one and only. You're just a man whor*."

"Yes. The person you reserved it for, I don't even think she knows what a 'jewel' is. She's either a ninja, a leader, or dancing in the meadows of her fantasy world. Never once has Hinata showed interest in courting her suitors or you. You'd do better hitting up that Shion woman that keeps contacting you. Until Hinata comes to her senses."

Naruto huffed at Sasuke and turned his attention back to their target. Sasuke winning this round. "Tsk. Whatever. I was only interested in the Sakura thing because it's convenient now. You can settle down with a Hyuga all you want, as long as you keep Sakura close that's all that matters. She's who Tsunade is passing the torch to. Sakura doesn't trust me. That is very clear, and she's smart for that. Yet, she's blind to every red flag you throw around Sasuke. So, you f*cking her is perfect. You'll be able to get close to her if it's needed."

Sasuke nodded his head in agreeance. In case everything went south with Tsunade, and if things had to get ugly. Certain people it would be needed to take out first. The two top healers of the village would be Naruto's first targets.

"What's going on with this Obito situation anyways? Are you going to really follow through with that bull sh*t idea of sacrificing yourself for this 'dream' Obito has? It's been years and the Akatsuki minions are only dropping. I think the only ones left are Pain, Konan and Obito right? Kisame left. Something about this being annoying. Itachi is half assed there, and everyone else got knocked off. Don't get me wrong. The ones that are left are more than enough to cause serious damage."

The diplomat made Sasuke jump for a moment when his face hit the front of the oven. Naruto laughed at Sasuke's reflex and oddly enough so did Sasuke. They both looked at the boils forming on the man's face and acknowledged the smell of him cooking. This only proved to make Naruto hungry. He didn't want to eat heavy right now, so he scrummaged through the refrigerator for something light. Finding yogurt in his search.

He felt so fancy. With his real silver spoon, eating some non-fat cinnamon swirl yogurt. A giddy smile graced his face as he ate.


Naruto started talking louder over the man screaming. "I'm kind of like binding time. Ya know? Obito isn't a bad guy. He could have axed me years ago, before I got the muscle to fight him off, but he didn't. I'm hoping we could all come to an agreement or something. So far, Obito has made it final that once he gets Gaara and Killer B. Then he wants me to 'sacrifice' myself. I obviously don't want to kill myself, and I feel like Obito is turning a new leaf. So, I'm trying to wait him out."

Sasuke looked at Naruto and a dark grin started to form on his lips. "Bull. sh*t." Naruto looked at Sasuke and arched his eyebrow. Over the years, Sasuke's favorite phrase was, 'bull sh*t'. He used it almost all the time for almost all scenarios. "You're binding time to figure out how you're going to go about killing Hinata's, 'first', best friend. The fact that Obito has that title makes your ears turn red every damn day. It's hilarious really."

Naruto mocked glared at Sasuke and huffed as he went to the oven and maxed out the temperature. He was ready to rummage the house now. Needed this to speed up. Plus he got his fill from the noise effect now. "I've been behaving Sasuke. Don't get me riled up."

Don't get him riled up? That's what Sasuke loved to do. He ignored Naruto's threat while looking at his own fingernails. "Hn. When are you going to make the moves on her anyways? You two kiss all the time. Those stupid little pecks have to be annoying at your big age. Just slip your tongue in, and tell her to call you daddy. She'd love that considering she's been lacking one for a while."

Naruto clenched his jaw as he held in a laugh. He shook his head as he looked at Sasuke and shrugged his shoulders. "You're a dick. Anyone ever tell you that?"

Sasuke smirked as he looked up from his nails to Naruto. "All the time. Hinata has never called me that though. Maybe she likes me. Maybe since you're dragging your feet. I'll make the moves on her."

Naruto whined at this and looked up at the ceiling. "Stop joking around Sasuke! I'm in a crisis here!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and leaned against the kitchen counter bored. Why was this so complicated to a psychotic murderer? "So, seriously. What is the hold up? You're the one that put yourself in this stupid position of 'teaching' her how to kiss, because you were so damn jealous she was going to run around like some harlot and learn it elsewhere. Now you two kiss. Won't go beyond basic kissing. You keep her lost as hell on what you two are-"

"No, she does that! She keeps calling me her best friend."

Sasuke now gave Naruto a pointed look. "Yes, and you let her. Me and you both know she doesn't KNOW any better Naruto. Hinata is f*cking nuts. Since Orochimaru bit her she's only gone further down the rabbit hole of being looney. It's all odd, because she only does it on the emotional scale. Everything else, she functions normally in. I don't get it."

Sasuke has come from a messed up background, and he still knew that kissing and the type of intimacy that Naruto laid on Hinata. Obviously meant Naruto wanted to have relations with her. Sasuke was a little off the scale like Hinata, but in the commitment category. That being said, Sasuke was a man and knew he had urges. It was like Hinata blocked all of that out.

He didn't know. Sasuke wasn't up under Hinata like Naruto was 24/7. So, maybe Naruto saw signs that keeps him coming back to Hinata. Hoping the gears would start turning or something. It was kind of sad honestly. Sasuke could see Naruto was just as damaged as him, and Hinata. That he craved heavily more from Hinata, and that it tore at Naruto's mental every day when Hinata just couldn't figure it out.

Naruto said he wanted Hinata to come to him, but at this point. Sasuke would say f*ck it and just tell her already. Go from there after that.

Naruto folded his arms over his chest and pouted. "So what? I tell her I f*cking love her, and I'm getting blue balls just sitting here peck kissin' all day. That I'd do anything for her, and want to date her and marry her. Then what's going to happen if I have to kill Obito? She's going to f*cking HATE me."

Naruto would hate to give Hinata his declaration of love, and then down the line she'd turn on him. For OBITO. No, Naruto couldn't take it. His jealousy would get the best of him. He'd demolish everything, and he meant that.

Sasuke chuckled at this and shook his head. "Can't believe you think that."

Naruto grumbled at him and pulled the broom out the ovens handle and opened the oven. The smell of cooking, dead human flesh hit Sasuke's nostrils and he immediately covered his nose. Facing the sight of cooked, fall off the bone, human cuisine.

"Naruto! You're such a f*cking prick!"

When Naruto and Sasuke came back to the Hyuga compound, they went their separate ways. Sasuke had grown a liking to the compound and had found a home there. It was comforting for him to be around another family. The Hyuga clan, while not exactly like his own, was still a comfort to be around.

Plus, like Sasuke said. He did enjoy the women in the Hyuga compound. Finding a strong interest in a certain one now.

Obviously Hyuga's kept things inhouse, because no one outside of Sasuke and Neji knew about these 'kissing lessons' Naruto and Hinata had going on. Neji couldn't even wrap his mind around it. It was so absurd. If it was anyone other than Naruto doing this with Hinata, Neji would ensure that person didn't live to see the next day.

However, Neji knew about Naruto. His true feelings for Hinata. How he was just as crazed as Hinata, and just didn't know how to go about his feelings for her. How Naruto would lose it if Hinata denied his advancements. So, Neji just sat back and watched the Naruto and Hinata show.

Naruto walked into the living room area and saw Hinata sitting on the couch. Curled into herself as she laughed reading a letter. This immediately made Naruto frown, because he knew who it was from. "Letter from Boss man." Hinata giggled as she looked at Naruto. Pure innocence in her eyes. "Welcome back Naruto-kun!"

Naruto fought the urge to roll his eyes. "What's he talking about?" Hinata didn't even notice Naruto was in a sour mood now, but Neji did. He was sitting on the same couch as Hinata and leaned over to see what she was laughing at. "Obito sent her a picture, by a summons, of his homemade cinnamon rolls he made. He told her it was for her, but they look terrible."

This just made Hinata giggle harder. "It was the thought that counts nii-san! Obito-sama is so funny. He knew I was having a bad day and sent me this to cheer me up."

Naruto gave the two Hyuga's a bland look, and Neji just smirked as he stood up to leave. "If you'll excuse me. I have a date. Something you are lacking at having Uzumaki." He whispered this last part for Naruto to hear, and the blonde gave Neji a menacing look at his retreating form.

Everyone was pushing for him to make a move. Everyone was finding humor in his lack of getting anywhere further with Hinata other than major friendzone title. All of that didn't bother Naruto, until he saw her with that letter. Something in him just snapped.

He didn't want to wait anymore. All it took was that jealous green eyed beast crawling up his back.

With Neji's departure, Naruto sluggishly made his way over to Hinata. Eyeing her as he removed some of his Anbu gear. "So. Why were you having a bad day?"

Hinata still smiled at the picture from Obito. Like it was so precious. It infuriated him. "Oh. Just that mean Danzo. He has been nothing but rude to me since I joined the council. He questions almost all of my thoughts and suggestions. Deems me too young to have a valid opinion. He's just…so evil."

Naruto scuffed at this. "Well yeah. Duh. He was behind a lot of Konoha's past corruptness Hinata." He sat on the couch beside her and watched with annoyance as she took the letter and put it under the couch pillow.

She bit her bottom lip before pouting. "Yes well. I was talking with Obito-sama, and perhaps it is time to eliminate Danzo. He does more harm than good for the grand scheme of things." Danzo wasn't a good person, and from what Hinata was taught from Obito, bad people didn't belong in this world.

Naruto laid on the couch and this made Hinata lay on her back, as he laid his head on her chest. "For you and Obito? Or you and me?" The age old question that Naruto reminds Hinata to focus on. Her mind scatters so easily sometimes.

Hinata let out a calm, happy breath. This was one of her favorite moments. Being curled up with her best friend. Playing in Naruto's hair as he relaxed in their tranquil moment. In their own world. "Naruto-"

"Throw the picture away Hinata." He lifted his head up to look at her.

His bright blue eyes, darkening as he frowned at her. Hinata sulked at this, someone precious to her gave her this picture. "I-I don't want to."

"Hinata." Sometimes, Naruto could be just so unreasonable.

"I want to kill Danzo f-for you Naruto. To help you achieve your dream." Naruto still frowned at her and his arms wrapped around her body as he held her close to him. "Not our dream anymore?" Hinata's bottom lip trembled at his hardened gaze and she continued to pout. "I know we share the same dreams Naruto. Why are you so upset?"

Why couldn't she see the reason? Why did she have to make him like this? So jealous. She knew what she was doing. Naruto refused to believe Hinata didn't know by now that her acting like this did nothing but bring out the worst in him. He was starting to think she liked him like this.

"Obito wants me dead. Why do you keep forgetting that?" He watched confusion cross Hinata's face as she shook her head. "Oh. Do you think I'm going to survive the way Akatsuki rips the tailed beasts from their hosts? So far, how many have lived Hinata? You must want me dead."

Her mouth dropped open and she gasped. "No! How could you say that Naruto! H-How…Why are you saying this now?!"

Why? He was angry that's why.

She worked him up. That's why.

Oh how much of a mental downfall did Naruto take when Hinata woke up that jealous beast within him. He wanted to hit a nerve within her when she made him like this. He wanted her to feel how he felt. Crazed. Possessive. In love.

"You want me dead so Obito can be your only best friend. Do you want to kiss Obito? Is that why you wanted me to teach you?" That had to be why, because no way in hell were they doing this for four years, and not going anywhere with it. She didn't lust after him, like he did her. It was all falling into place with Naruto, and he was feeling REJECTED. That was NOT an option between them. He wouldn't allow it.

Hinata had enough of Naruto's accusations. She didn't like this. She didn't like when he was mean like this. He always ended up making her mean when he did this, and Hinata didn't like it! "I-I…I'm leaving for my room. Until you get ahold of yourself Nar-"

Naruto held Hinata around her waist as she tried to get up from the couch, and he urgently pulled her to his chest. "Don't leave. Please." He hugged her tightly against his body and breathed in her heavenly scent. "Why? Why Nata? I can be better than him."

He moved her hair to the side to expose her neck. Littering her neck with butterfly kisses. Drinking in the sounds of Hinata gasping. He's never done this before. He was running out of patience. At 19, Naruto didn't understand why Hinata hasn't accepted him as more than being her best friend.

All he was asking for was a chance. That's all he asked for in life in general.

"N-Naruto. This is inappropriate." He shook his head and his hands gripped her lavender kimono. Near her thigh he gripped her urgently, because she wasn't being fair. "Why is it inappropriate? Cause it's with me?"

Was she saying she didn't want this because she genuinely didn't want him? After all they've been through. All the mixed signals. Naruto was going to burn the f*cking world at this point. His hands shook so violently right now.

"It is inappropriate because we are in the living room. This is something that should be done…privately. Yes?" Hinata turned her body and curled into Naruto. Her eyes no longer holding the innocence they held earlier. They were black and empty now. They were just as vicious as his.

Hinata was letting the curse mark, and the dark chakra control this situation because she genuinely didn't know how to. "You come back from a mission. Dirty and mean. Demanding things from me. I do not like that Naruto Uzumaki."

He loved when she did this. When she was herself around him. Hinata didn't have to control her demons with him, she could be cold and abrasive. She didn't have to be a councilwoman, a clan leader, or a jonin. She could be herself with Naruto. Hinata thought this wasn't the real her, that it was a bad side of herself. Naruto knew better though, he knew what he was seeing now was the real Hinata. She was just in denial.

"I'm sorry." His voice sounded so excited and yet desperate. His eyes dilated as he looked at her, just to have Hinata stop his advancements with her palm pressing to his forehead. Further fueling him on.

"Shower with me." Naruto looked at her with yearning eyes. His mood of playing games were gone now. That picture was the final straw for him. He wanted Hinata to himself and the very thought of sharing her, even the slightest with another drove him to the brink. He leaned in to kiss her lips, but Hinata roughly gripped his jaw this time.

Her black bottomless eyes just looked so beautiful to him. Especially as black curse markings started to consume her face. "I'll behave now Nata. You know how I get when I get jealous."

His thumb pressed against her bottom lip and gently tugged on it. He bared his snow white fangs to her, and his whiskered birth marks darkened in lustful excitement. His little chakra spike, and show of dominance was always enough to make that curse mark retreat, and bring Hinata back to him. "Just like how you get when I make you jealous Nata. Want me to do that again? Who's the latest you've been jealous of Hinata? Like I don't notice. Oh yeah, that priestess."

He watched her eyes light up back to her silver-white orbs, and felt her let go of his face. "I know you get jealous Nata. I know…I know you feel how I feel. Just tell me."

Hinata frowned at him. Naruto said he was going to behave now, but he was so bad earlier. "Obito-sama, he's the one that told me to be brave and to ask you to be my friend. We turned into best friends Naruto. I don't understand when our circle disconnected."

Naruto closed his eyes and got his wits together. She wanted to talk first. He could calm down enough for that, but by the end of the conversation. He was going to get what he wanted. "Hinata. You can't change Obito's mind. This was his plan from the beginning. We've just been finding ways to delay it. He wants me dead."

Her bottom lip quivered and Naruto kissed it. Pushing away her sadness. "No. I can change his mind. Just keep giving me time. We can be a family again Naruto."

He kissed her chin before pulling away to look at her. To have conversations like this with Hinata, it paved the way to many things in their future. "So, what if that doesn't work. Then what?" She didn't have an answer back. Those lost and confused eyes came back. Her confidence lost now that he's brought her back to reality. "I…I can't lose you Naruto. I need you."

He looked into those innocent eyes and his fingers trailed up her kimono until he gripped her collar and pulled her closer to him. "You need me? For your family's protection? For the jobs I do for you and Obito?"

He kissed her, and this time his tongue came out, just a little as he kissed her trembling lips. "I need you for more than that Naruto." Hinata whispered this, but in reality, Hinata didn't know how to give Naruto what he wanted. The home she lived in all her life was built on respect and power, not warmth and love. What did Naruto want from her?

"Tell me Hinata. Tell me you love me." He was so gentle with her now. He touched her with so much affection.

Oh, he wanted love. What was that to Hinata? She's never really seen such intimacy. "I do love you Naruto. I always have." It was a hollow answer. An answer she popped out her mouth because she knew that was what Naruto wanted to hear. She wanted to make Naruto happy, so he'd stay, and keep touching her the way that he was.

"As more than a friend. As more than a best friend. Tell me, you love me as a lover." He watched her eyes widen, just a little, before her brows knitted together. "I…I never done this before Naruto. I don't know how to love like that. I-I'm scared that I won't be good enough for you."

She was scared that her empty words would make him seek out real love. Surely someone as amazing as Naruto wouldn't wait for Hinata to figure it out. To figure out what true love was. She's ignored it for so long. People in her life that was supposed to love her, ended up hurting her. She never even seen her own parents appropriately show love and affection to one another. So, Hinata blocked love out her mind a long time ago. Especially from an intimate standpoint.

Naruto hushed her because she wasn't going to get out of this that easily. "It's okay. I have no clue how to do it either. I'll teach you. We'll learn how to love like that together…just…just tell me you love me that way Hinata." Her words would be hollow now, but he'd take it.

"I do. I do love you as a lover Naruto." Such meaningless words. Just Hinata leaving her fantasy world for Naruto's fantasy world.

He smiled brightly at her, and licked her lips before giving her a sloppy kiss. "Do you want me Hinata? My body. Everything. I can give that to you."

Again her eyes widened, and Hinata blushed heavily as she clung to her clothing. "Naruto! Not here. I told you that. This is not appropriate." She whispered this urgently as she saw Naruto's eyes start to scan her body. This was so different, she's never seen Naruto so undone. Taking in his disheveled appearance. Hinata was beginning to like it.

"I want you Hinata. I want your body, and everything else about you. Tell me you want the same. So we can leave and go have some privacy." Being alone with Naruto, in a room, right now. It made her cheeks burn, and her body shake with excitement. This was all new to Hinata. She was nervous, yet eager.

Contrary to popular belief. Hinata did understand human anatomy. Male and female organs. She knew about sex. She was a grown woman after all. She just never thought she'd be led into that situation. Knowing and indulging were two different things.

"I want you Naruto. I want your body. I want everything you have and more." She said this and felt winded. She let Naruto lift her up. She wrapped her legs around his torso as he held her by her bum.

Hinata buried her face in the crook of his neck, and littered him with kisses. Mirroring what he did to her earlier. Sensing such affection would please him. The whole time she missed him grabbing the letter that held her precious photo in it. Naruto placing it in his back pocket.

Hinata was his, and now he was going to solidify it.

Jealousy - Chapter 10 - Opal_chan (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.